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5.4 INTERPRETATION IN FINE-GRAINED SOILS Cone penetration in fine-grained soils, such as clays and silts, is generally undrained.

When carrying out cone penetration tests under undrained conditions pore pressures will

Figure 5.10 Soil classification chart based on normalized cone resistance and small strain shear modulus. be generated and the measurement of pore pressures is extremely useful. As discussed in Chapters 2 and 3 the pore pressures generated affect measurements of both cone resistance and sleeve friction. Cone resistance and (if relevant) sleeve friction should be corrected using the measured pore pressures. The measured pore pressures can also be used directly for interpretation in terms of soil design parameters as outlined in the following sections. 5.4.1 State characteristics The following sections detail interpretations related to parameters that describe state and stress history. Soil unit weight Larsson and Mulabdic (1991), based on their own tests in Swedish clays as well as tests in Norway (Rad and Lunne, 1988; Sandven, 1990) and the UK (Powell, 1990), proposed the chart shown in Figure 5.11 for obtaining a rough estimate of soil density for clays. An iteration is necessary since soil density is also needed for computation of net cone resistance (qt) and Bq. Soil unit weight can also be estimated using the soil classification chart shown in Figure 5.7 and the unit weights for each soil zone given in Table 5.2. If no other information, such as adjacent boreholes or

Figure 5.11 Soil unit weight from CPTU results (after Larsson and Mulabdic, 1991). local experience, is available, these charts can be used as a preliminary approximate estimate of soil unit weight. Overconsolidation ratio Overconsolidation ratio (OCR) is typically defined as the ratio of the maximum past effective consolidation stress and the present effective overburden stress. For mechanically overconsolidated soils where the only changes have been the removal of overburden stress, this definition of OCR is appropriate. However, for cemented or aged soils the OCR may represent the ratio of the yield stress and the present effective overburden stress. The yield stress will depend on the direction and type of loading. Hence caution should be taken when applying OCR to soils that are cemented or aged. Since about 1978 the geotechnical literature has been rich with different approaches to obtain OCR from CPT and CPTU data. Table 5.2 Estimate of unit weights based on soil description of Figure 5.7 Zone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Approximate unit weight (kN/m3) 17.5 12.5 17.5 18 18 18 18.5 19 19.5 20 20.5 19

The methods to derive OCR from CPT/CPTU data fall into three main categories: 1. Methods based on the undrained shear strength (su) The following procedure, adapted from Schmertmann (1974, 1975) can be used: i. Estimate su from CPT/CPTU data as outlined in section ii. Estimate effective vertical stress, , from soil profile (using laboratory density data if possible) and compute

(for example, Ladd et al., 1977) using measured or iii. Estimate the corresponding normally consolidated (NC) value of estimated plasticity index (Ip). Estimate OCR from the correlation shown in Figure 5.12 (from Andresen et al., 1979) or similar correlations (for example, iv. Ladd et al., 1977). If the plasticity index, Ip, is not known, use an average value of for NC value. Note that this value of su corresponds to that obtained from a CAUC triaxial test (anisotropically consolidated undrained triaxial compression test).

Figure 5.12 OCR and K from

and Ip (after Andresen et al., 1979 and Brooker and Ireland, 1965).

2. Methods based on the shape of the CPTU profile. The shape of the cone resistance profile can give an approximate estimate of preconsolidation pressure, and hence OCR. For normally consolidated clay the following range of normalized cone resistances can be expected:

depending on Ip (5.8) Hence, if a deposit has a normalized cone resistance larger than this range the deposit is likely to be overconsolidated. This value is incorporated into the normalized soil behaviour type classification chart proposed by Robertson (1990) and shown in Figure 5.8.

As an approximation, a simple evaluation of OCR may be obtained by plotting a line on a qt versus depth diagram that represents the above relationship. If the qt profile is close to the theoretical band, the clay is likely to be normally consolidated. If qt is significantly larger, the clay is likely to be overconsolidated. If the qt profile is below the theoretical line, the soil may be underconsolidated. Figure 5.13 includes an example from an overconsolidated North Sea clay. In the clay from a depth of 4 m to 18 m the measured cone resistance profile is greater than the approximate normally consolidated line given by (5.8), indicating an overconsolidated clay. 3. Methods based directly on CPTU data. It was pointed out by Baligh et al. (1980) that the pore pressure measured during undrained cone penetration may reflect the stress history of a cohesive soil deposit. Since then a number of relationships between OCR and various forms of normalized pore pressure and normalized cone resistance values have been proposed. The most significant ones are shown in Table 5.3. None of the above theories/correlations appears to be valid for all soils. Campanella and Robertson (1988) stated that a review of published correlations shows that no unique relationship exists between pore pressure ratios and OCR, because the pore pressures measured at any location are also influenced by clay sensitivity, preconsolidation mechanism, soil type and local heterogeneity. Based on data with high-quality undisturbed samples, Lunne et al. (1989) presented the correlations shown in Figure 5.14. At an area where local correlations do not exist, OCR can be assessed from the correlations given in Figure 5.14. As local experience is obtained, the correlations should be updated. The difference between the OCR values determined from the various piezocone parameters can be taken

Figure 5.13 Rough indication of OCR from qt vs depth.

as a measure of the uncertainty in the OCR estimate (Sugawara, 1988). Larsson and Mulabdic (1991) have modified these correlations based mainly on Swedish experience. For piezocone tests where pore pressures are measured both on the cone face or tip and just behind the cone, Sully et al. (1988) proposed that the normalized pore pressure difference, PPD, could be related to OCR. The pore pressure difference is defined as:

(5.9) For OCR<10, the correlation shown in Figure 5.15 applies: OCR=0.66+1.43 (PPD) (5.10) Figure 5.15 from Sully et al. (1988) shows that the above correlation cannot be extended to clays with very high overconsolidation ratios. Sully et al. indicated that a better correlation can be obtained if the pore pressure is measured behind the friction sleeve instead of immediately behind the cone. Table 5.3 List of piezocone parameters for estimating OCR (modified from Mayne, 1991) Parameter 1. um/qc 2. u/qc 3. Bq=u/(qc) 4. Bq=u/(qt) 5. u/(qcu) 6. 7. Nu=u/su 8. qt 9. qtum 10. u 11. qtu 12. 13. (u1/u)(u2/u) 14. qt, u1, fs 15. 16. ft/(qt) Basis empirical empirical empirical empirical empirical empirical theory Reference Baligh et al., 1980 Campanella & Robertson, 1981 Senneset, Janbu, & Svan, 1982 Wroth, 1984 Smits, 1982 Azzouz et al., 1983 Mayne & Bachus, 1988 Tavenas & Leroueil, 1987 Tavenas & Leroueil, 1987* Konrad & Law, 1987* Mayne & Holtz, 1988* Sandven, Senneset & Janbu, 1988* Wroth, 1988 Sully et al., 1988 Rad & Lunne, 1988 Houlsby, 1988 and Mayne 1991 Wroth 1984

empirical empirical theory empirical theory theory empirical empirical theory empirical

Notes: qt=corrected cone resistance=qc+(1a)u2 qc=measured cone resistance (unconnected) um=measured penetration pore water pressure u1=pore water pre assure on the cone u2=pore water pressure behind the cone u=umu=excess pore water pressure u=hydrostatic pore water pressure a=net area ratio of cone geometry =effective overburden stress =total overburden stress su=undrained shear strength fs=sleeve friction (uncorrected) * Stress history in terms of preconsolidation stress ** As referenced by Battaglio et al. (1986).

. All others related to overconsolidation ratio

Mayne (1991) presented a review of methods and suggested an approach based on a combination of cavity expansion and critical state theory. The resulting correlation was of the form:

(5.11) where M=slope of the critical state line


Figure 5.14 Empirical correlations of OCR vs normalized CPTU parameters (after Lunne et al., 1989). The above correlation is applicable to piezocone data where the pore pressure is measured behind the cone (u2). Figure 5.16a shows a summary of measured and predicted relationships for OCR in terms of the normalized parameter for clays with 1<OCR<6. Figure 5.16b shows similar data for 6<OCR<60. The predicted values for ranging from 20 to 43 bound the data quite well, although the results are quite sensitive to variations in . Mayne (1991) compared predicted with measured profiles of OCR for many different sites with many different soils with generally good results. Figure 5.17 presents data from Mayne (1993) illustrating the comparison between measured and estimated OCR using the above correlation. Different values of the effective stress friction angle, , have been assumed to provide the best fit.

Figure 5.15 Effect of overconsolidation ratio on normalized pore pressure difference (after Sully et al., 1988). In soft, lightly overconsolidated clays the qt values are often small whereas, the u2 values can be quite large. Hence, the difference between cone resistance and pore pressure (qtu2) is small and may not be reliable.

Based on the above methods and comments, it is recommended to estimate OCR in cohesive soils from CPT/CPTU data as follows: For deposits where little experience is available, estimate OCR based on the shape of the normalized cone resistance profile (Qt) using (5.8) and shown in Figure 5.13. This relationship can be expressed by the following simple formula 1.


Figure 5.16a and b Summary of measured and predicted relationships for OCR vs

(from Mayne, 1991).

an average value of k=0.3 with a range of 0.2 to 0.5. Higher values of k are recommended in aged heavily overconsolidated clays (Powell et al. 1988). For projects where CPTU data are available, it is recommended to also apply the other correlations given in Figure 5.14. Then 2. estimate OCR based on a conservative average of consistent data. If previous experience is available in the same deposit, the values suggested above should be adjusted to reflect this 3. experience and to provide a more reliable profile of OCR.


For larger projects, where additional high-quality field and laboratory data may be available, site-specific correlations should be developed based on consistent and relevant values of OCR.

Note that the estimated OCR is influenced by sensitivity,

Figure 5.17 Measured and estimated OCR for u2 piezocones; Sites: (a) Sweden, (b) Ontario, (c) Beaufort Sea and (d) Quebec (after Mayne, 1993). preconsolidation mechanism, soil type and local heterogeneity. If pore pressures have been measured both on the cone and behind the cone, the correlation shown in Figure 5.15 can also be applied. Whenever possible, it is recommended to update the correlations with local experience. Table 5.4 shows a few examples from offshore Norway of the OCR assessment using the correlations in Figure 5.14. It can be seen that the obtained OCR values are reasonably close to the OCR values determined from oedometer tests on high-quality 75 mm diameter piston samples.

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