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The interconnectedness between humans and nature and the environment is an inseparable unity.

As a unified entity, all these aspects are interconnected and have interdependent functions. This
interconnectedness can be seen in the position of humans as the microcosm and the universe or
the environment as the macrocosm where humans reside (Rusdiana, 2015). Nature can be
described as a complete unity consisting of various interconnected, interdependent, and mutually
functioning subsystems. However, humans often misuse the important role of nature and the
environment in their lives.

Often, humans perceive themselves as the only creation of God bestowed with the power to
utilize natural resources. This often leads to a misunderstanding of the role of nature and the
environment, ultimately resulting in the disregard for the existence and role of other living
beings. From the human perspective, the primary priority often lies in enhancing personal well-
being. On the other hand, humans treat nature as an object for exploitative actions (Fios, 2019).
This understanding is a major factor causing the emergence of disharmony between humans and
the environment.

The disharmony between humans and the environment is an indication of human attitudes or
behaviors (both intentional and unintentional) that have been excessive, neglectful, detrimental,
and greedy in treating the environment, thereby threatening its sustainability. The disharmony in
the relationship between humans and the environment can lead to negative consequences that are
detrimental to both humans and the natural or environmental ecosystems. According to Sugiarto
and Gabriella (2020), human errors in treating and utilizing the environment can result in
imbalances and environmental disequilibrium. Furthermore, Hamzah (2013) asserts that human
disharmony with the environment has caused pollution and environmental damage that
jeopardizes human survival. The lives of all beings on Earth, including humans, are greatly
influenced by the conditions of their surrounding environment, whether they are the smallest or
the largest creatures.

The disharmony between humans and their environment, along with its resulting impacts, has
become a major issue in human life. If this situation continues unnoticed by humans, it can
threaten the integrity of ecosystems and the survival of humans on this planet. Therefore, humans
must realize and reduce actions that can cause disharmony between humans and the
environment. One effort to instill human awareness of environmental preservation is through

The relationship between literature, humans, and the environment is constantly intertwined.
These three elements are interconnected and dependent on each other in maintaining harmony.
Humans are responsible for maintaining this balance, as literature is a product of human creation.

Literature plays an important role as a medium to promote awareness of the environment through
various genres, including novels. As stated by Zainal (2011:25), literature can provide valuable
lessons (values, morality, and ethics) to anyone who reads it. Readers can gain valuable insights
while contemplating a piece of literature they read. This is due to the current phenomenon where
many people are distant from the human aspect and forget their responsibilities in life, often
being insensitive to the issues around them. Thus, it can be concluded that literature has an
important role as a means to influence human emotions, thoughts, and behaviors to maintain
harmony with nature and the environment they inhabit.

The study of literature that addresses environmental issues can be conducted through the literary
approach of ecocriticism. Ecocriticism is a critical theory used in contemporary literary
approaches. This ecocritical approach involves a multidisciplinary perspective between ecology
and literature, requiring the presence, collaboration, and integration of various relevant theories
that are concerned with the study of literature and the environment. Some related theories
include critical theory, literary criticism, cultural theory, and environmental ethics theory

The ecocritical approach is an interdisciplinary study that investigates the relationship between
literature and the physical environment (Glotfelty, 1996:xix). Garrard (2004:4) states that
ecocriticism can help determine, explore, and even solve ecological problems in a broader sense.
As a vessel for representing society's attitudes, perspectives, and responses to the surrounding
environment, literature has the potential to express ideas about the environment, including
environmental wisdom and values. This opinion is supported by the argument that literature is
shaped, developed, and derived from human interaction with social and ecological environments.
This view aligns with Kerridge's (1998) statement that ecocriticism aims to trace ideas or
concepts about the environment and its representations.

One of the Indonesian literary works that discuss environmental issues and can be used as a
means to promote environmental awareness is the novel titled "Lelaki Harimau" (The Man
Tiger) written by Eka Kurniawan. This novel, the story revolves around the lives of people in a
village that clears forested land on the coast to use as their habitat. One aspect highlighted in this
novel is the village community's fondness or tradition of hunting wild boars and using them for
fights against wild dogs. Additionally, there is a group of villagers who enjoy entertainment by
organizing cockfights and pigeon fights with their pets. Moreover, the novel also depicts the
presence of a traveling animal circus that visits the village every year. The animal circus
performance becomes one of the eagerly anticipated entertainments for the villagers. The
villagers are entertained by various animal acts, such as a parrot riding a bicycle, a tiger being
feared and whipped by its trainer to perform on the stage, as well as the presence of lions and
other animals.

The novel "Lelaki Harimau" by Eka Kurniawan has been examined by Prasetyo and Haryadi
(2017) from the perspective of violence against female characters. Apriyanto (2015)
predominantly explores the theme of gender injustice (oppression of women) experienced by
female characters due to male dominance in the novel "Lelaki Harimau" by Eka Kurniawan.
Furthermore, Aulia (2020) examined the novel "Lelaki Harimau" by Eka Kurniawan with a focus
on the psychological trauma of the main characters based on a literary psychology approach.

This study directs its attention to the issue of disharmony between humans and the environment
portrayed in the novel "Lelaki Harimau" by Eka Kurniawan. This research aims to depict and
explain various forms of disharmony between humans and nature and the environment
represented in the novel. This study plays a role in advocating the environmental awareness
movement by encouraging people to participate in preserving the environment through simple
actions. Additionally, this research has the potential to enrich knowledge about environmental
issues, particularly in the forms of imbalance between humans and the environment reflected in
literary works.

This research is classified as a descriptive qualitative study. The descriptive qualitative research
method refers to research procedures that generate qualitative data, descriptions, expressions,
or researcher's notes in the form of words, phrases, clauses, sentences, or paragraphs (not
numerical data). Qualitative data is obtained from observational activities regarding a condition
or phenomenon in the research object. Therefore, the results of this research contain data
analysis that is narrative, explanatory, analytical, and interpretative in nature. The data source for
this research is the novel "Lelaki Harimau" (Man Tiger) by Eka Kurniawan. The data in this
research include words, phrases, clauses, and sentences that focus on the disharmony between
humans and the environment.

Furthermore, data collection is conducted using documentation study with the

technique of read-record, which involves taking notes on documents or archives related
to the research problem. Cresswell (2014) states that the purpose of recording is to
obtain information that supports the process of data analysis and interpretation. The
stages of data collection in this study are as follows:

1. Carefully read the data sources to be examined 3 to 4 times or more, until a thorough
understanding is achieved.
2. Mark or record data that is relevant to the research problem.
3. After the recording process, the data is sorted according to the needs of the research.
4. The collected data is analyzed using appropriate theories.

In this study, the researcher acts as the key instrument who carefully reads the novel
"Lelaki Harimau" by Eka Kurniawan. The reading activity aims to find research data
within the novel. The researcher then records data that is relevant to the focus of the
research problem. The recording aims to obtain information to support the analysis and
interpretation of the data. The data analysis process in this study is conducted using the
interactive qualitative analysis technique, which includes the stages of data reduction,
data presentation, and drawing conclusions.


In the novel "Lelaki Harimau" by Eka Kurniawan, there are four forms of human imbalance
towards the environment represented, namely (1) land misuse, (2) pollution, (3) excessive
exploitation of forests, and (4) excessive exploitation of animals. In this novel, these four forms
of human disharmony with the environment will be discussed as follows.

Misuse of Land Function

The inappropriate or improper use of land is a form of land misuse. This misuse can have
negative consequences for both humans and the environment. According to Lilburne et al.
(2020), each land has different characteristics and capacities in terms of its utilization. Mistakes
in land utilization can have an impact on the ecosystem. The function or role of each land is
crucial in maintaining ecological balance.

The following is a quote from the novel "Lelaki Harimau" by Eka Kurniawan, which depicts the
misuse of land functions.

“Di tengah perkebunan mengalir sungai kecil penuh dengan ikan gabus dan
belut, dikekelilingi rawa yang menampung tumpahan arus kala banjir.
Orang-orang datang, selang berapa lama selepas perkebunan dinyatakan
bangkrut tumbang, untuk memberi patok-patok dan menanam padi di rawa-
rawa itu, mengusir eceng gondok dan rimba raya kangkung Kyai Jahro
datang bersama mereka, menanam padi untuk satu musim, terlalu banyak
minta diurus dan menggerogoti waktu. Kyai Jahro yang bahkan tak
mengenal apa makna bintang waluku mengganti padi dengan kacang tanah
di musim panen tak alang membuatnya bertanya-tanya, dengan cara apa ia
mesti memamahnya. Demikianlah petak tersebut berakhir menjadi kolam,
dilemparkan ke sana benih mujair dan nila, dan kesenangannya untuk
memberi pakan setiap senja, melihat mulut mereka cuap-cuap di permukaan
air menggenang (p.1)

Residents were explained to have changed the use of swamp land in the midst of the plantation
for agricultural purposes. They also carried out the eradication of water hyacinth plants that
grew in the swamp. In the novel excerpt, it is also mentioned that the original function of the
swamp was as a reservoir for overflowing river water. On the other hand, water hyacinth plants
play an important role in maintaining the balance of the water ecosystem. Therefore, the
residents' efforts to change the use of the swamp land can be considered as actions that disrupt
the balance of the ecosystem. The utilization of swamp land for agricultural purposes should be
done by considering factors such as soil type, fertility level, and its impact on the sustainability
of the ecosystem.

The following quote from the novel also reflects the consequences that arise from the
conversion of marshland into agricultural land.

“... Hujan badai semacam itu pernah datang berbulan-bulan lalu, satu
minggu tak ada henti, seolah pipa-pipa pemadam kebakaran yang ada di
muka bumi tercurah serentak kesana. Sungai kecil yang dijejali lebih banyak
lumpur daripada arus itu meluap setinggi satu depa, melemparkan angsa-
angsa yang menghuninya ke muara, dan menenggelamkan kolam-kolam
dengan sempurna” (pp. 2-3).

The original function of wetland as an ecosystem balancer has undergone changes. In the novel, it is
depicted that one day in the village, a heavy rain occurs, causing the river to overflow. Most likely,
this event occurred due to the loss of wetlands.
The phenomenon of land use conversion that can cause environmental disharmony is also
reflected in the following quote.

“Tapi kepala stasiun masih ada di tempatnya, tak ada orang yang tahu
apakah ia pensiun atau masih menunggu kereta hantu, tinggal di samping
gedung tua yang menjadi ambruk bersama datangnya hari, dan orang-orang
masih memanggilnya sebagai Kepala Stasiun. Gedungnya sendiri tak
tertempati, perkakasnya hilang satu per satu, hanya meninggalkan gentanya
yang abadi, serta papan nama. Kotak penjualan tiket telah dipergunakan
beberapa orang pelacur menjual kekayaan badaniah mereka, beralas tikar
daun pandan, dan peronnya mulai dijejali kandang-kandang merpati serta
kurungan ayam. Itulah istana para petaruh sabung ayam dan totoan merpati,
setiap sore yang cerah bisalah dilihat iringan burung-burung itu terbang di
atas rel lebih cepat dari lokomotif yang pernah mereka miliki, dan di sudut
yang lain ayam-ayam melompat menguji taji ke tubuh sesama” (pp. 174-

The description reflects the unproductive and environmentally unfriendly use of an old station
building. The lack of attention from the railway authorities and the government towards the
condition of the station land has caused it to become neglected. However, wise individuals
should not utilize the land for activities such as cockfighting. Despite the government's lack of
attention, it is important for the community to collaborate in caring for and utilizing the land for
environmentally beneficial activities.

The behavior of ecologically conscious humans plays a crucial role in preserving the
environment. However, when official regulations aimed at protecting the environment are not
enforced with clear and strong sanctions, environmentally damaging behavior by humans will
continue to spread and develop. The absence of strong sanctions and the lack of law
enforcement supervision encourage people to engage in environmentally illegal actions, such as
using the non-operational land or station building as a venue for animal fights.

Pollutant or Contaminant

Pollutants or pollutants are chemicals or materials that can damage the environment. Pollutants
are not only harmful to one type of organism, but also have a negative impact on all types of
organisms and ecosystems. Pollutants can originate from natural activities and various activities
carried out by humans. Forms of human activities that can produce pollutants include
combustion, industrial activities, waste accumulation, motor vehicle use, and so on. Mudhofir et
al. (2018) stated that various types of pollutants have the potential to damage the quality of
water, soil, and air. In relation to this, pollutants can have negative effects on human health. The
data below represent various types of pollutants generated by everyday human activities.

“... Ia mengeluarkan Honda 70 itu. Motor tersebut diperolehnya bertahun-

tahun lampau dari polisi, tanpa surat-surat dan plat nomor namun percayalah
tak sekalipun memperoleh surat tilang. Kepala polisi barangkali menyitanya
dari tangan pencuri, dan berbulan-bulan tak seorang pun mengakuinya,
hingga beralih ke tangan Mayor Sadrah bertahan dengan bebek tuanya.
Barangkali kesan kunonya yang ia sukai, meskipun mesinnya sering ngadat
dan suaranya lebih pekak dari mesin penggiling padi” (p. 11).

The quote describes the air pollution and noise generated by the main character's motor vehicle,
owned by Mayor Sadrah, in the narrative. Mayor Sadrah uses a very old Honda 70 motorcycle,
so its engine frequently experiences problems. Older motor vehicles produce loud noise and
more pollutants. The phenomenon described in the novel excerpt is similar to what was
expressed by Ismiyati et al. (2014), who stated that the type, age, characteristics of motor
vehicles, driving style, road conditions, and type of fuel used are the main factors causing air
pollution in urban areas in Indonesia.

The phenomenon of pollution is also depicted in the following quotation.

“Dua puluh menit setelah itu barulah Agung Yudamenyesal telah membiarkannya pergi, serasa
ia ditahan tangan nasib bahwa peristiwa itu memang harus terjadi dan tak seorangpun boleh
menghalanginya. Ia masih terbenam di bangkunya, berpikir dirinya tak punya urusan dengan
Anwar Sadat sehingga tak ada nafsu untuk mengikuti Margio. Birnya masih separuh gelas, telah
menjadi kebiasaan mereka unutk minum sececap demi cecap, hingga segelas bir bisa mengawani
perbincangan lama berjam-jam, namun dengan kepergian Margio bersegera ia menghabiskannya
tanpa sisa. Beberepa butir melelehdi bibirnya, dan ia mengelap dengan ujung kemejanya, serta
melemparkan punutng rokok ke tanah, menggerusnya dengan alas sandal.(Kurniawan, 2014:29)

Pollution not only occurs in the form of dark smoke emitted by vehicles floating in the air and
the visible discoloration of water due to factory or household waste. Pollution can also arise
from actions that are often unnoticed by humans, such as the careless behavior of a figure
named Margio who throws away cigarette butts. Cigarette butts are a type of non-
biodegradable waste and contain hazardous chemicals that can pollute the environment. If
every smoker worldwide lacks awareness and continues to discard cigarette butts
indiscriminately, over time it will have a negative impact on the environment. This statement is
reinforced by the opinion of Aji et al. (2015) stating that cigarette waste or cigarette butts
contain harmful substances. Nicotine, specifically found in cigarette butts, is dangerous for the
environment as it can contaminate the soil and groundwater.

Exploitation of forests

Forest exploitation is the practice of excessive or unsustainable extraction of forest resources,

which has the potential to damage the environment and have negative impacts on the lives of
organisms that depend on forests. Some objectives behind this activity include economic
interests, development, and land clearing for construction. The effects of forest exploitation
include the imbalance of natural ecosystems. Forests are not only composed of trees and plants
but also involve other organisms such as animals, soil, water, and rocks. According to Guan et al.
(2018), forest exploitation or illegal logging has become a global issue that threatens
biodiversity and causes climate change. The novel quote below represents the phenomenon of
forest exploitation.

”Jauh bertahun-tahun sebelumnya, kala tempat itu masihlah belukar raya kecuali
sepanjang pantai yang ditinggali para nelayan, tanah-tanah itu barangkali tak
bertuan sama sekali, sebab para perompak pun enggan menjadikannya sarang,
hingga datang segerombolan pendatang dari Timur yang membuat patok-patok dan
membagikannya di antara mereka. Orang-orang inilah, konon dua belas lelaki yang
datang menunggang keledai , gajah berani mengusir babi-babi dan ajak menjauh,
yang pertama membikin rumah-rumah dan ladang-ladang, tuan atas tanah yang
menghampar dengan batas tak terjangkau pandangan, memukau para nelayan dan
penghuni sebelumnya yang lebih banyak berkerumun sepanjang sungai-sungai.
Mereka membabat belukar, menanam padi, dan dikenang sebagai leluhur kota”

The depiction of forest exploitation in the quote is the action of clearing forest land for
residential and agricultural purposes. Not only does it harm the animals residing in it,
but it can also have negative effects on coastal areas. Forests play a crucial role as
protectors of ecosystems along the coastline.

According to Tokan (2020), forest exploitation activities such as clearing forest land for
transmigration, forest burning for agriculture, encroachment on forest areas, logging,
and illegal mining can cause forest ecosystem damage or deforestation.

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