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were appointed as

Wazir and Mirabakshi

captured and murdered

Banda Bahadur
de-facto ruler

with the help of became emperor without paying any taxes

Abdullah Khan Sayyid Brothers

issuence of Farman East India Company to trade in Bengal

Hussain Ali Khan
Farrukhsiyar(1713-19) in 1717

killed Farrukhsiyar in 1719

Kafi Khan called him because he lavishly
SHAH-i-Bekhabar granted Jagirs and promotions
to Nizam-ul-mulk
Chin Kilich Khan gave title peace Jat Churaman
Towards other rulers settlement
chief of Chhatrasal

appointed him Mirza Raja Sawai to Chief
Governor of Malwa Jai Singh of Amber Gave title policy of conciliation
towards Rajput

diplomacy Also known as

LATER MUGHALS - I Bahadur Shah I (1707-12) Shah Alam 1
Ajit Singh
Governor of Gujarat appointed
towards Hindus
tolerant attituide
to to collection of Chauth
Marathas granted the right
son of
Chhatrapati Shambhaji
Bahadur Shah son of Released the Shahu
Sardeshmukhi not the Chauth
to Marathas
Became emperor Granted the right
with help of Zulfiqar Khan
with the Guru Govind Singh
was awarded with Friendly relation
post of Wazir Zulfiqar
the finance of the empire Jahandar Shah(1712-13)
managed to improve

lied with him real authority supplication and acceptance of overloadship

followed strict policy : gifts in the form of

Toward Sikhs
Nazrs abolished Lord Hestings Akbar II (1806-37)

Jizyah Abolished Religious policies for the purpose to England as an ambassador

pension Raja Ram Moham Roy sent
Towards friendly policy
to raise
Farruk siyar defeated by
Rajputs and Marathasa Hindu-Muslim Unification Festival
Adopted was founded by Akbar II Phool Walon Ki Sair
practice of Ijarah introduced

dominated the courts

was favourite of Jahandar
Lal Kanwar (a dancing girl)
deposed by the Maraths
Shah Jahan 3 (1759-60) who captured Delhi in 1760

deposed by his new Wazir

Ghazi-ud-din Imad-ul-mulk

Invasion of
Ahmad Shah (1748-54) Ahmad Shah Abdali in 1749 and 1752
to the
Punjab and Multan Abdali
he ceded

supplication and acceptance of overloadship

again invaded
gifts in the form of Alamgir 2 (1754-1759) Ahmad Shah Abdali Delhi in 1757
Nazrs abolished Lord Hestings Akbar II (1806-37)
for the purpose to England as an ambassador click to edit Imad-ul-mulk
pension Raja Ram Moham Roy sent was killed by
to raise
Hindu-Muslim Unification Festival
was founded by Akbar II Phool Walon Ki Sair
declared himself as the emperor
Shah Alam 2 (1759-1806) in 1759

outside Delhi due to Marathas supporting

the defeat of Marathas by Ahmed Shah Abdali Shah Alam 2
Mughal Dynasty thus died in 1962
came to an end
spent 12 years
declared himself a dictator of Delhi
Najib Khan Rohilla who died in 1770
and exile him capured by 1764- Battle of Buxar
to Rangoon William Hudson he came be known
as Fugitive Mughal Emperor
participated in because of this

Revolt of 1857 with the help of

1772- he became ruler
last Mughal Emperor Bahadur Shah 2 (1837-57)

1788- Gulam Qadir captiured Delhi

defeated Ghulam Qadir at Meerat against reinstated Shah Alam II as a pensioner of

1789- Mahadji Sinndhia Sindhia's

Shah Alam became

1803- English captured Delhi the British Pensioner

Blind Mughal
also known as

wrote his own

Diwan of poem and was known
by pen-name Aftab
if every one of
them is capable, Of Mughal
he was not loyal
to the empire Empire

Most of
the nobles
have been
Lack of stability
incapable after Aurangzeb
often ran
Most of the administration on
Corruption of emperors became their behalf
the Nobility puppets in the hands who
of powerful Nobles

DECLINE OF The Attacks of
the Marathas in
the north

His religious
policies too Orthodox policy Weal military and
alienated the of Aurangzeb political
administration as and
exposed by Nadir
Emergence of Shah
autonomous states
His attitude towards
Marathas, Rajputs
and Jats made them
his enemy The invasion of Nadir
hence shah and Ahmad shah
weakening of Abdali resulted in
central power
futher drainage of
(1674-1720) assumed the title
Maharaja Chhatrapati
in 1674 at Raigad fort

Signed between Raja
Jai Singh (under He was
crowned Shivaji died in
Aurangzeb) and
1680 at the age
of 52

Shivaji defeated
Mother of Shivaji ?
Mughals in Battle of
Shivaji ceded some forts Jija Bai
to Mughals & visited
Salher (1672)
Treaty of
Agra to meet Aurangzeb
Purander (1665)

Born at Born Year- 19th Feb,

Shivneri fort 1630

Later Shivaji made a Shivaji was defeated by SHIVAJI

bold attack on Shaista Shaista Khan (sent by Shivaji's Father Shahaji Bhosle
Khan?s military camp Aurangzeb)
(1630-1680) initially served Nizam ruler of Later Shivaji joined the
Ahmednagar Bijapur

Poona in 1663 He inherited the jagir of

Battle of Pavankhind
& wounded him Poona from his father in At the age of 16 he captured
1637 the Torna fort followed by
many more forts
smaller Maratha force He captured Javali
led by Baji Prabhu from Chandrarao
Deshpande More in 1656

held back
At the Battle of He created an
the larger enemy to Pratapgarh (1659) independent Maratha
buy time for Shivaji Shivaji killed Afzal Khan kingdom with Raigad
to escape (Adil shah?s general) as its capital
restored the Maratha Empire with the help of
Rajputs, Jats successfully subdued Peshwa Madhav Rao (1761-72) Nana Phadnavis

known as
Mysore, Hyderabad Maratha Resurrection

was reinstalled at Delhi Shah Alam 2

Mughal Emperor
greatest exponent of guerrilla tactics
Reign known as after Shivaji

Maratha Empire
transformed the All India Empire
installation of Mughal Emperor Marathas succeeded in By 1753
their choice Political influence
in Mughal Politics preached the ideal of Hindu Pad Padshahi
influence of Marathas
of Hindu Kings
known as against the Mughals
Nana Sahib Peshwa Balaji Bajirao(1740-61) Peshwa Bajirao I ( 1720-1740) Administration and policies to garner the support

formulated new policy of imperialism

prepared by
Raja Ram of Maratha Empire
towards North.
known as aimed at expansion
constitutional revolution of 1750
came under
Sangola Agreement influence of Marathas
parts of Bundelkhand
Poona Headquarter Bengal and Punjab province
Marathas won
from Chhatrapati to Peshwa Malwa

transferred the power


chief ruler of Maratha

Peshwa became marched towards the Delhi defeating the
Military achievement mighty Mughal army
supreme authority Expansionist policy all India Empire
Nana Sahib became Marathas Empire rose to Portuguese and captured
Salsette and Bassein.
Cuttack to Attock campaign against

accepted the sovereignty

Bengal, Rajputs and Mysore

kingdoms like
extending from

captured the whole Rohilkhand

Nizam-ul-Mulk of Hyderabad
defeated the Rohillas to grant the right of
Chauth and Sardeshmukhi
compelled the Nizam www.UpscBlogsResIndica.Com
Sidis of Janjira Island
Reign as Peshwa 1713-1720 Known as 2nd Founder of Maratha Empire

Led Foundation of Maratha Confederacy

to Remove Mughal King supported the Sayyid Brothers
Farrukhsiyar, 1719 Diplomatic Manoeuvers
Known as Magna Carta of Maratha Dominion

Marathas extracted received Mughal Sanad of 1719

Chauth and Sardeshmukhi
Over deccan
Mughals lost control introduced system
led by Sahoo of Satara emerged victorious of Peshwa (Prime Minister

Hyderabad, Mysore, Punjab

Balaji Vishwanath was appointed
from extracted Chauth Two Rival Camps
Delhi, Oudh Chauth and Sardeshmukhi Balaji Vishwanath (1662-1720) Division in Marathas
Bengal, Bihar, Odisha
led by Tarabai of Kolhapur
Uttar Pradesh and
Rajputana Kingdoms

the Sultanate of Mysore

under Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan
helped in Maratha Expansion
the Nawab of Oudh
to Maratha Sardars assigned separate areas to collect Chauth & Sardeshmukhi
Administrative Reforms Military Achievements defeated the Nawab of Bengal,

known as watans
and Saranjams the Nizam of Hyderabad

the Nawab of Arcot

the Polygar kingdoms of South India. www.ResIndica.Com

and conflict
among the Maratha camp Mutual discontent

Maratha forces
Peshwa entered into agreement with
Abdali forces Why Marathas lost In 1752 Mughal Empire
and prepared
were better organised from internal and external threat
ex: fought with muskets protect the Mughal Empire
Northwest province
due to collect Chauth
policy of plunder and raid
Third Battle of Panipat (1761)
fought almost alone In return Agra and Ajmer
Raghunath Rao expelled the Prince Timur Son of Ahmed Shah Abdali
Reasons in1758 from Lahore

to the British provided an opportunity immediate cause for the Battle

to expand and consolidate
removal of Prince
marked the declining
Shuja-ud-Daula of Awadh

nor the Afghans Neither the Marathas

benefitted from the war Significance supported the Abdali Najib-ud-Daula of Rohilkhand

British didn’t received

real beneficiaries any strong military support
Supporters of Marathas
policy of indiscriminate plunder
due to

remained neutral

Viswas Rao (Son of Balaji) forces of Marathas and Ahmed Shah Abdali
nominal head The day of war met at Panipat

European style infantry and artillery commanded by

real authority Sadashiv Rao Ibrahim Khan Gardi
Marathas had
were defeated

by Abdali
Marathas Balaji Bajirao died due to shock
covers the area of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa

Murshid Quli Khan Son in law of Shuja-ud-Din Muhammad Khan (1727-39)

First independent
Nawab of Bengal

Founder Murshid Quli Khan (1717-27)

BENGAL (1717)
guarantor of
Dhaka to Murshidabad large Zamindars
shifted the Capital
son of ruthless in collection Therefore
Shuja-ud-Din Muhammad Khan Sarfaraz Khan (1739-40) House of the Jagat Seths came into force

directly under
revenue collection khalisa Lands the government
with the Mughals
virtual break

to the Mughal emperor abolished the Jagirdari system

not visible
annual tribute Alivardi Khan (1740-56)
Ijara/ malzamini system
replaced with
given to contractor
defeated Sarfaraz Khan Battle of Gheria (1740)
contracts of the collection

Nawab of Bengal Siraj-ud-Daulah (1756-57) Battle of Plassey East India Company

signed a peace treaty

with the Marathas in 1751 Invasion of Marathas (1742-1756)

annual Chauth
agreed to pay
situated between
north bank of Ganges and Himalayas
of Aurangzeb
After the death
old Mughal provinces
Saadat Khan (1722) Founder
founded the Independent Kingdom
the states

rebellion of Zamindars Sovereignty of Mughal Empire

subdued within
title of conferred
Burhan-ul-Mulk AWADH (1722)
Muhammad Shah lying between
Mughal Emperor Muhammed Shah Eastern Ghats and Bay of Bengal
gave him title Safdar Jung
came to known as Safdar Jung (1739-54) CARNATIC Founder Nawab Saadatullah Khan
Nawab Wazirs
his successors (1710)
Ahmed Shah Abdali supported and joined came under
authority Nizam of Hyderabad
in the battle of Panipat(1761)

Shuja-ud-Daula (1754-1775)

lost to
East India Company Battle of Buxar (1764)
HQ / Capital – Arcot

Mir Ghulam Hasan

patronised the poets
Mirza Rafi Sauda
as a successor without the prior approval
Nizam of Hyderabad
shifted the capital appointment of Dost Ali
Faizabad to Lucknow Asaf-ud-Daula (1775-97
HYDERABAD Nizam advised
Marathas to invade

Bara Imambara
built (1724) 1740, Marathas invaded
defeated and killed Dost Ali

area of Telangana located in

parts of Andhra, Maharashtra and Karnataka. Carnatic war (1744 – 1763) between
French and English

original name
to the East India Company
Chin Qilich Khan
to interfere
founded provided an opportunity
Asaf Jah dynasty Founder – Nizam-ul-Mulk Asaf Jah (1724)

Wazir of Muhammad shah

Nizam of Hyderabad.
known as

from Cochin to Goa head office transferred Nino Da Cunha(1529-38)

Muslim Naval Force the joint defeated Portuguese Naval

at Chaul and Dabul Battle of Die(1508)

in Kannur, Kerela Fort St. Angelo built

in 1505

First Portuguese viceroy Francisco De Almeida(1505-09) Portuguese Governors

supremacy over to established

The Indian Ocean Blue Water Policy Spices trade Pepper and Cinnamon
Adopted Portuguese(1498)
the construction of
Fort Anjediva Feitorias Portuguese trading point
credited for
Important tradin centres Calicut, Cochin, Cannanore, Kollam
established Portuguese
first factory of at Calicut in 1500
Portuguese Empire Real founder of
in India Alfonzo De Albuquerque
to reach India
HQ- Cochin became first European via sea route
set up
Conquered the Diu
with the help he reached
from the Vasco Da Gama( 1498) Abdul Majid Calicut(Kozhikode) in 1498
Sultan of Bijapur Annexed Goa
1510 was a ruler
of Calict
over the the Portuguese domination Zamorin
entire Indian coast
established Background fist one to arrive in India

the policy of war, piracy and plunder

adopted obsessed with idead of finding new sea route
to marry Indian women Prince Hentry to India
and propagate Christianity
encouraged his countrymen
to reach
Bartholomew Diaz(1487) firts European southern tio of Africa

1503- Portuguese established factory at Cochin(kochi)

1505 2nd factory at Cannanore(Kannur) www.ResIndica.Com

last to leave first to came
Goa, Diu and Daman till 1961 diverted their imperial interest
Portuguese discovered Brazil in India

potato, sweet potato, tobacco, black pepper, cashew crops, fruits, vegetables various type of Introduced
with Spain in 1580 dragged Portugal into Spain's war
Merger of Portugal
navy in sea trade significance with England

Impact aroused the resentment

The policy of piracy and Cartaze system
Reason for Decline
amongst the natives
significant role played Propagated Christianity after
St. Francis Xavier, Father Rudolf, Monserette
weak successors Albuquerque

Portuguese society dominated by Aristocracy

in native language imparted education schools and colleges Established

neglected Portuguese officials

click to edit Home government in India

on IVC conducted deep study Father Hears of Indian History and cultutre undertook the study

religious policy
first to brought intolerant like forceful conversions
Printing Press in India

to develop inability of Mughals

strong navy click to edit stiff competition with other European power

Foothold in India

to establish their control

allowing Portuguese of Mughals outside the influence

South India
English defeated Dutch
Pagodas minted gold coins Pulicat established Headquarter Battle of Bedara - Bengal (1759)
Pulicat to Nagapattinam ANGLO-DUTCH RIVALRY
ending the Dutch power
1690- transferred Amboyna Massacre (1623)
king of Chandragiri with 1610 – signed a treaty
Dutch killed
Malay Straits in Indonesia Englishmen and Japanese
pushed out the Portuguese\ Thus

Cornelius de Houtman (1596) first Dutch
main interest Dutch East India Company (1602
Sumatra Indonesian Spice Islands traveller to India
not India
Indonesia came to India
for trade

Indian cloth
to the Dutch
Dutch Background fluitship (fluyt) superior to
Portuguese ships\
export designed

Bihar Patna
shipping techniques
UP Agra best known
Masulipatnam in Andhr (1st)\ Masulipatam
in India Andhra
Pettopoli (Nizampatam).
Karikal Kerala Cochin
Dutch Factories
Balasore Broach
Baranagore Other Trading Depots Ahmedabad
based on
Cartel or Cooperative system Surat
Dutch model of trade

Madras Nagapatam (Nagapattinam)

Bengal Chinsura (Gustavus fort) and Peepli

Malabar Coast Male
eastern India
first factory in Orissa

first factory in South

Masulipatnam (Machilipatnam)
exclusive privilege to trade with East
1611 established
first factory at Surat FACTORIES 1600-granted a royal charter
by Queen Elizabeth
defeated the Portuguese
at Surat in 1613 permanent factory Jahangir allowed battle of Swally Hole 1612 – The East India Company 1599- formed by
Formation of East India Company group of merchants Merchants adventurers

establish factories allowed to trade to the court of Jahangir

all parts of Mughal Empire John Company
1615- Sir Thomas Roe nickname

obtained from Marathas 1690- Fort St. David

arrived at Surat
ship named Hector
allowed to use issued a Golden Farman
port of Golconda Sultan of Golconda Madras ENGLISH(1608)
Captain Hawkin first Englishmen came in India

1639 by Francis Day Raja of Chandragiri permission to open

on lease from in court of Jahangir(1609) factory at Surat

to open factories
in 1644 in india first fort constructed Fort St. George on the west coast
given a permission
Company was not satisfied entire India
as they wanted permission
1700 – The Factories in Bengal Hugli 1651- first factory
under Fort William

received Bombay as a Dowry

under in Bengal, Bihar, Orissa and Coromandel Coast All the Establishment Bombay 1662 – King Charles II from Portuguese
Fort St. George. 1658 Bengal
to company
1668- transferred the Bombay
Fort William built up a factory 1690 – Job Charnok
as chief Depot
on the West Coast
replaced Surat
villages Sutanuti, Kalikata and Gobindapur
from Azim-us-Shan Zamindari rights
Company received
occupied the control
Islands of Mauritius and Reunion granted the right
issue passes or dastaks for the movement of goods

allowed to use
own currency

to set foot in India. last European FRENCH (1667)

described as
Farrukhsiyar Magna Carta of the Company
1717 - Royal Farman
formed by Colbert French Trading Company (1664)
in Bengal
Duty free trade
King Louis IV
license isued dues at Surat
trade with India exemption of all
and the East Indies dues at Hyderabad
formed to
were permitted to trade but not under
Company’s servants

Kasimbazar, Balasore
1688 – The East India Company captured Hugli declared war on
Mahe, Karikal, Aurangzeb Emperor Aurangzeb

thrown out
at Surat 1667 – The first French factory French Factories in India from the Bengal
defeated by the Mughal
Director General Fancis Caron later he pardoned
1669 – Masulipatam

replaced Caron 1672- Francois Martin

emerged as a
French Capital of India Pondicherry :
later restored
Denmark ceded Serampore 1845 1683 – The Company received a power
under the treaty of Reswick
to Britain declare wars and make peace
1693 – Dutch captured

1625 – The Board of Directors

Internal Development given Judicial Powers
Serampore was transferred went bankrupt 1777
Danish Crown
Danish East India Company 1616
empowered to send ships of war
was established
to overseaa
1661 – The English Company
belonged to Denmark DANES (1620)

trading outposts
Tranquebar, near Tanjore (Tamil Nadu)

founded colony

Fredricknagore near Serampore in Bengal
Shuja-ud-Daulah (Nawab of
Awadh) and Shah Alam II (the
Fugitive Mughal Emperor) and Mir
Between Period- 1757- Qasim VS British
Siraj-ud-Daulah 1771
and English
Battle of
Victory ? (1757) Battle of Victory- British
British Buxar (1764)

Governor- Robert
Robert Clive
War-Bengal Clive

Between English and Awadh was

First Treaty of made a Buffer
Siraj supported Allahabad (1765) Between Nawab of
Battle of Important State
by Dutch against Awadh
Chinsura Treaty
the English
(1759) Dual System
Introduced by ?
Victory ? Second Treaty of Company and Mughal
Robert Clive Between
British Allahabad (1765) Emperor Shah Alam II

Governor ? granted the Diwani

Robert Clive Governance Issued a Farman which Rights (Right to Collect
followed by of Bengal on 12th August revenue) to the
Vansittart 1765 Company of Bengal,
Bihar and Orissa

Nizamat Diwani
Functions Functions

Defense & Revenue
Foreign Collection
(1765-72) DUAL SYSTEM

of Bengal

Nizamat Diwani
Functions Functions

Defense & Civil Revenue

Foreign Affairs Administration Collection
DUAL SYSTEM OF Nizamat Administration
was given to Nawab
Diwani was in Hands of
How system
In this
DUAL SYSTEM OF Company had acquired all
the powers ? Nizamat and
It initiated Drain of
Wealth from Bengal

British had the

Main advantage
Why Robert Clive
Power without introduced the Dual
(to Britishers) of
Responsibility System of Governance
this system

Robert Clive
a puppet understood that
otherwise to run
government it was necessary
English The English The Directors of
Company Company was the Company
directed doubtful The Company did
Indian Princes might
not have adequate
have united against Company personnel to run
the Company wanted to avoid
whether the administration of more interested in
any interference Mohammad Reza Bengal
of British Khan,Raja Sitab
Parliament Roy and other other European
into commercial
officials to collect powers would and financial
The revenue as much acknowledge the rule gains
Company?s Company of Company in the
as possible
Affairs in appointed two Bengal
Bengal Naib Diwans
rather than
This had
pay duties that territorial
Mohammad Raja Sitab acquisitions
Roy they paid to
Reza Khan Nawabs of Bengal
farmers and fertility of
for for land and production
Hence, the Dual
of foodgrains
system was more
All these led to the favourable to
Bengal occurrence of famines
Bihar them
especially terrible
famine of 1770 in Bengal
disruption of
trade and
IMPACT OF private servants affected the
DUAL administration commerce in
GOVERNANCE income source of Indian
SYSTEM and law & order Bengal
Merchants and traders
in Bengal
led to
It led to the The Dual
complete Government
The Monopoly of the
breakdown Company over Trade
and commerce

It ruined the
The economic and
political policies of and
the company

skill of Indian
led to

This had led to

the emergence of
moral India?s Drain of
degradation of
Bengal Society

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