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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Santa Cruz, Laguna
College of Business Administration and Accountancy
Master of Public Administration
First Semester, SY 2022-2023

EDUC/PA 502- Advanced Statistics in Public Administration

Name: Lat, Erwin Paolo Fallurin

Course/Major: Master in Public Administration
Date: October 03, 2022
A. Direction: This is a TRUE-FALSE test. Write T if the statement is true and F if false. Write your
answer on the space provided before the numbered question.
___F___ 1. Mean is the most sensitive measure of central tendency.
___F___ 2. Median is best to measure the centrality of the data when there are outliers.
___T___ 3. If the mean is less than the median the data distribution is skewed to the left.
___T___ 4. The number of your hair strands is categorized as discrete quantitative data/variable.
___F___ 5. The decision of rejecting the null hypothesis happens, when the critical value is less than
the computed value.
___T___ 6. Parametric test is best for data approaching normality.
___T___ 7. The greater the value of standard deviation the more scattered or dispersed the data is.
___T___ 8. The decision of committing a type I error or alpha error happens when the null
hypothesis is rejected when in fact the null hypothesis is true.
___T___ 9. A one-tailed test is directional.
___F___ 10. A correlation value of more than 1 occurs for big sample size.
___F___ 11. Religious preference, political affiliation, behavior (extrovert, introvert) are examples of
nominal/categorical data.
___T___ 12. In the interval data, zero (0) is not absolute.
___T___ 13. Lotto draw is a good example of simple random sampling.
___T___ 14. In a probability sampling, every member of the population has an equal chance to be
selected as part of the sample.
___T___ 15. A two-way ANOVA has 2 main effects and 1 interaction effect.
___T___ 16. A type II error is committed when we accept the null hypothesis when in fact it is false.
___F___ 17. An alpha error is also known as type II error.
___T___ 18. A positive z score means that the score obtained is greater than the mean.
___T___ 19. Tukey method (Posteriori test) determine where significant differences lie.
___F___ 20. If the tabular value happens to be greater than the computed value the null hypothesis
is rejected.
B. Direction: Read every problem at least twice and determine the given parameter/s. Write your
answer legibly, as much as possible avoid too many erasures.

1. A student-researcher is interested to find out if gender is independent of education level. Hence,

he was able to come up with a research question stated as: Is gender independent of education
level? A random sample of 395 people were surveyed and each person was asked to report the
highest education level they obtained. The data that resulted from the survey is summarized in
the table below showing the Observed Counts.
Gender/Education High Bachelor
Masters Ph.D. Total
Level School s
Female 60 54 46 41 201
Male 40 44 53 57 194
Total 100 98 99 98 395

a. What is the size of the contingency table? 395

b. Name the variables in the problem and its level of measurement.
Variables: Gender & Education Level; Level of Measurement: Nominal
c. What is the most appropriate statistical tool for this problem? Chi-Square test
d. State the null hypothesis. Education Level is not significantly dependent with gender.
e. State the alternative hypothesis. Education Level is significantly dependent with gender.
f. What is the degrees of freedom? 3
g. The computed value for this problem is 8.03 tested against the critical value of 7.81@ 0.05
level. What is your statistical decision? Pls. check. ____Accept Ho _____Reject
 Ho
h. Based from your decision, make a conclusion and interpretation. Reject Ho. The obtained
chi-square value of 8.03 is less than the chi square tabular value @ 0.05 with 3 degrees of
freedom of 0.46. This implies that education level is significantly dependent with gender.

2. A teacher in the elementary level tried to use four (4) kinds of reading interventions to enhance
the reading ability of her Grade 2 pupils for a month. What she did was, she divided her class
into four groups with equal number of pupils. When done, she subjected her data using software
and where able to come up with the following results which she could not interpret. You are
then asked to help her interpret the generated data. See the Analysis of Variance and table 1.

Analysis of Variance

Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value

C1 3 255.4 85.133 30.47 0.000
Error 36 100.6 2.794
Total 39 356.0

Table 1. Comparisons of Means from Four Reading Intervention A, B, C, D.

Statistics/Source Reading Intervention F-Value p-value


Means 6.80b 3.30c 9.00a 2.90c 30.47 0.000

N 10 10 10 10

Note: Means sharing the same letter are not statistically different.

Answer the following:

1. Make a research title. The Effectiveness of Reading Interventions for Grade 2 Pupils
2. Formulate the Null Hypothesis. There is no significant difference among the groups.
3. Formulate the alternative hypothesis. At least one is different.
4. Based from the p-value in the analysis of variance, what will be your decision?
Accept Ho Reject Ho
5. Which interventions show no significant difference? Groups B and D
6. What statistical treatment did the teacher used? One way ANOVA
7. Where do significant differences lie? Between A and B, B and C, C and D, A and C, D and A
8. Interpret, by comparing the 4 interventions. Result of the Analysis of Variance showed that
there is a significant difference among the four groups as manifested by the computed value
of F Value of 30.47 which greater than the F tabular value of 2.87 at 5% significance level.
Further, the difference lies between Group A and B, as well as B and C, C and D, A and C, and
D and A. However, no significant difference is seen between groups B and D.
9. Statistically, Is intervention B the same only as intervention D?
Yes No
3. Given the following scores: 5, 2, 10, 11, 12, 12, 3, 1, compute the following.
1. Modal score: 12
2. Median score: 7.5
3. Mean score: 7
4. Standard deviation: 4.72
5. In the given data, what is the z score of 10: 0.63559

Prepared by:




Dean/Associate Dean

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