MOH Script - COVID19 2

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(Opening clip of ambulance sirens making noise in china) Not in a million years did

anyone ever anticipate a virus that would cause the entire world to come to a near
standstill. On 31st December 2019, a flue like disease was reported to have been
affecting the people of China Wuhan province. This disease was known as the Novel
Corona virus.

(A Clip of the life normal in Uganda before covid19) The world was grieved but in
Kampala life seemed to continue as normal as the virus seemed to be a myth far away
from home. The markets were full, churches and mosques were active, the roads were
busy, the night life was active and everyone was going about their business as usual.

(Clip of WHO announcing first death from Covid19) On January 11th 2020, news of
the first death from the disease hit the world causing a sense of fear and panic among
many in the world. Ugandans however remained composed because many believed to
it to be a stronger version of the common cold/flu they were accustomed to and also
because the Ministry of health Uganda has had a great experience in managing
epidemics like Ebola, cholera among others.

(Clip of announcing first case in Egypt Africa) In February 2020 Africa’s first case of
covid19 was recorded in Egypt. This was close to home causing fear among many
Ugandans as things are starting to get real!!!

(Insert Press release of Corona virus being declared a pandemic) On March 12th
2020 the WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic. Uganda had not yet recorded a case of
covid19. On 18th March 2020 Uganda had her first presidential address on corona virus
the whole nation was glued to their screens/radios/phones listening to the H.E Yoweri
Kaguta Museveni. (Insert clip of the first presidential address on Covid19 where he
states Public gatherings including places of worship, pubs, weddings, music
shows, rallies and cultural meetings were suspended for 32 days with immediate
effect. Foreigners and Ugandans arriving in the country were put under 14-day
mandatory quarantine in hotels (clip of people arriving into the country in
Everyone adopted to working from Home, prayers were online. This was hard for many
Ugandans to adopt to in the beginning but because they had seen/ heard about the
numerous deaths across the world they adhered in fear of catching the deadly disease.

(Insert clip of the deaths in Italy and across the world)

Ugandans couldn’t help keep the famous phrase of “soft parts” aka mouth, eyes and
Nose out of their mouths. Everybody was cautious not to touch their “soft parts” as this
is where the virus would pass to enter the body.(insert clip showing signs of don’t
touch Mouth, Eyes, Nose). The ministry of Health put in place several Standard
Operating Procedures and guidelines to avoid the spread of the virus.

Covid19 call centers were put in place by the ministry of health to help anyone with
symptoms related to the said disease to reach out and get all their queries answered.
(Insert Byte of DG Henry Mwebesa talking about the call centers and how helpful
they were at the time and their challenges)

Breaking news hit the nation as we had recorded our first case of Covid19. (Insert
BYTE 00:00- 00:47 folder F:\MOH\MOH\STREAM (minister talking about the
pandemic) – Uganda reported her first case of Covid19. The confirmed case was a 36-
year-old male who had travelled to Dubai on 17 March 2020 for a business trip. On
returning to Uganda on 21 March 2020 at around 2 am aboard Ethiopian Airlines, his
temperature was said to be 38.7C during the screening process at Entebbe Airport
which prompted the health team at the airport to isolate him at the airport for further
follow up. The first wave of the virus was upon us.

Boarders were closed except for cargo and goods. A directive was passed for public
transport to be suspended for the next 14days and restrictions were placed on private
vehicles movement. (Clip of the president’s directive on private vehicles and only
essential workers moving)

The situation was getting serious cases were increasing and something that we didn’t
ever imagine possible was declared. (Insert breaking news clip of president
declaring a nationwide curfew from 7pm to 6:30am for the next 14days) add (clip
of Incident commander and Chair advisory committee explaining the importance
of curfew.)

By mid-April the number of Covid19 cases in the country had increased rapidly and
majority of the positive cases were truck drivers transporting cargo. A directive on
mandatory testing of all truck drivers was passed (insert different clips at the
different boarders on testing and showing of results before entry)

The streets of Kampala remained clear and silent even the usual street children were
not seen anywhere near the roads it was quite, no traffic only essential workers were
allowed to move. During this time presidential addresses became a norm. The president
would address the country at 8pm. In two of his addresses he extended the curfew by
35days in intervals of 21 days and 14days. People adopted working from home this was
new to everyone. (Clip of the streets being clear no traffic all cars in by 7pm)

(Insert clip of people wearing masks) Wearing of masks in public was declared
mandatory in May 2020. There were 200 confirmed cases in Uganda however they
were decreased to about 145 as the foreign truck drivers were deleted from the Uganda
data and the Nation-wide lockdown was extended by yet again another 14days.

Towards the end of May some restrictions were eased: private cars with only 3 people
and general merchandise shops allowed with strict social distancing. Public transport in
non-border districts resumed, however, passengers were at half capacity.

By June Uganda’s Covid19 cases crossed the 1000 mark. However, we had a number
of recoveries. The ministry of health came up with National corona virus Preparedness
and response report plan that explain how they intend to deal with the virus (insert
Byte folder F:\MOH\MOH\STREAM 03:05 - 03:15 minister talking about handling of
the pandemic through a multi sectoral approach)

Unfortunately on 23rd July 2020 Uganda recorded her first death from the virus. (Insert
press release by DG Henry Mwebesa confirming the first fatality from the virus)
In August the world surpasses 20 million COVID-19 cases (insert world’s statistics
showing different countries positive cases, number of deaths and recoveries). In
Uganda we had 1652 active cases with about 32 deaths total.

(Insert clips on the campaigns showing no social distancing) Uganda’s electoral

campaigns for 2021 were halted in Mbarara, Kabarole, Luwero, Kasese, Masaka,
Wakiso, Jinja, Kalungu, Kazo, Kampala City and Tororo, presumably for health reasons,
on 26 December, 2020 as the confirmed cases had increased. There were 14,757 new
cases, raising the total number of confirmed cases to 35,216. The death toll rose to 251.
The number of recovered patients increased to 11,733, leaving 23,232 active cases at
the end of December.

Towards the end of the year everyone is usually excited about the festivities that end
year brings. (Insert clip of the streets of Kampala during Christmas). However, 2020
was a special the country wasn’t in its usual festive moods as majority of the places
where still locked, people stayed closed in their houses just like any other day the death
rate kept going higher and by the end of the year.

The New Year was upon us, many hoped that 2021 would be better than the previous
one. The norm in Uganda is to go watch fireworks as the New Year begins, however, it
wasn’t the case. Almost no fireworks were heard or seen as the places that showcase
the fireworks were still closed and we weren’t allowed to move. (Insert clip of 2021
New Year)

2021 was a year of elections in Uganda despite the virus still being a part of us
Ugandans were getting used to the wearing of mask, social distancing, sanitizing and
washing of hands regularly. (Insert clip of the above).

Talk of a vaccine against the virus was all over the world but no vaccine had reached
Uganda as yet. Free Vaccination in Uganda began in March, with 100,000 doses of the
AstraZeneca vaccine donated by India and 864,000 doses acquired through the
COVAX mechanism. Ministry of health set an objective is to vaccinate 21.9 million
people and to start lifting restrictions once 4.8 million have been fully vaccinated.
(Insert clip of Ministry receiving the donation of the vaccine and clip of the
minister/DG/incident commander talking about the vaccine)

There was a lot of propaganda within the country on the vaccine. Ministry of health
together with the media kept updating the citizen on the importance of the vaccine and
kept spreading the message for everyone to go get vaccine as it is the only way to
combat the deadly virus. (Insert clips of the different people interviewed advising
people to go get vaccinated and also news bytes on vaccination)

In June 2021 Uganda re-entered a partial lockdown. A presidential directive banned

travel between districts, restricted gatherings, and suspended schools and
communal/religious gatherings for 42 days, in response to an uptick in community
spread of the virus. People refusing to follow the new lockdown regulations would be
fined instead of arrested. There was an upsurge in case patients since end March 2021
following a 3-month period (January, February, March 2021) of controlling the epidemic
with an increased positivity rate of 17% (insert interview of Misaki Waiyengera
talking about positivity rate)

The second wave was upon us, and this seemed more deadly as the most affected age
group in this current wave were the young people aged, 20-39 years old with observed
increasing transmission among the 10-19yrs it also affected infants and youth. (Insert
clips of the different interviewers talking about how serious the second wave
was. Clip of DG talking about the preparation for the second wave.)

The numbers were increasing day by day, the hospitals were full to capacity. Namboole
stadium was turned into an auxiliary covid19 treatment center. (Insert interview and
cataways with Dr. Kisule Ivan)

Government had vaccinated a total of 748,676 people across the country; 712,681
people with the 1st dose and 35,995 with 2nd dose of AstraZeneca vaccine out of
964,000 doses received so far.

There was a lot of demand for oxygen in the hospitals leaving many desperate to go to
private facilities that were expensive. (Insert DG’s interview on second wave and
demand for oxygen)
Uganda recorded her highest number of deaths between June and July. With the
highest number going to about 80persons a day, nearly everyone lost someone they
knew in this wave. These were saddening moments the news was reporting increased
deaths.( insert news clips on deaths that were recorded of known people in the
country that passed on coz of covid19)

The lockdown was eased at the end of July when Uganda had received more Vaccines.
(insert the schedule of the vaccine donations and purchases that were expected
to come into the country) USA Pfizer 1,647,000 Received - 20 September 2021, USA
Moderna 647,000 Received – 6 September 2021, France AstraZeneca 501,000 22
September 2021, Belgium AstraZeneca 344,900 22 September 2021, China Sinovac
700,000 30 September,2021, USA Pfizer 3,488,940 End of October, 2021, GoU
Johnson & Johnson 1,200,000 End of October 2021, GoU Sinopharm 2,000,000 End of
September 2021, COVAX AstraZeneca 1,000,000 Mid October 2021, Ireland
AstraZeneca 350,000 Mid October 2021, Belgium Johnson & Johnson 100,000 End of
November 2021 a total of 11,978,840 vaccines.

In November 2021 Minstry of health surpassed its set target of 4.8 million Ugandans
getting vaccinated. (Insert clip of ministry of health informing the public about this)

The ministry of health continues to encourage all citizens to go get vaccinate.( insert
clips of the different interviews where citizens are being encouraged to get

(Closing remarks) The world didn’t see the virus coming and was unprepared for it but
we are all learning to live with it! To all the live that were lost during the pandemic, may
they keep resting in eternal peace as we hope that this night mare will finally be put to
rest for good!!

Keep safe. Get vaccinated.

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