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Task 1 - The Mapping of My Learning Journey

Javier Quintero Ruiz

Group: 2

Tutor: Cristian Canon

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia – UNAD

Bachelor in Foreign Language Teaching with emphasis in English
Course 518006 Technology in Foreign Language Teaching
Sahagún – Córdoba
August 30, 2023
Task 1 - The Mapping of My Learning Journey
Pre-Task: Step 1: The virtual course.
Step 2: Duolingo Practice Test.

This test is a good strategy to put in practice the knowledge acquired through our career, it’s
interactive and make students focus on it. I feel so exciting to do the test, I like the methodology and it
looks so funny because engage students in the process. Well, in the test I figure out my best moment
was in the reading comprehension moment, because it was so interesting the text and to discover the
answer in next step. I think I could be better but it’s important the space and the time when you do the
test because exist so distracted things, people, etc… and it interrupted you in your concentration.
However, I think that, to be my first attempt was good.

During Task: Step 1: Time Management Plan
Step 2: Strengths and Weaknesses
According to the develop of the Duolingo practice test, I could identify some strengths and
weaknesses I have been passed or still stuck in a second language learning. In strengths, I feel so
comfortable with the use of new words learned when I feel lost, so my needing makes me search and
learn. In the same way, I use a lot of strategies to practice the second language as when I read I make
a list of new words to know when I’m reading; I go to an English club at my university to practice my
speaking and learn grammar structures; I try to understand songs in English, it makes me a lot
difficult in faster song, but in low song I can do it (with a specific vocabulary), I try to watch series in
the target language or do something in this way. And, to close this category, I’m an English teacher so
I do my lesson plans in English, practice to develop English material resources and write my
university activities in a notebook in English. In the other side, my weaknesses could be my schedule
usually is complex so I have lot time to practice in any case, so following my introduction, in the test I
remember that I have a short vocabulary to express my ideas, I forgot many words when I have time
without to practice with peers and I feel in a low level to be in this career. However, I do my best to
always be better.
Post-Task: Step 1: Self-Assessment

Stages Steps Evidence Completion Check

Pre-Task Step 1: The Virtual Video August 17

August 17 – Course
August 21 Step 2: Duolingo Screenshot of complete August 20
Practice Test Duolingo Practice Test 
and Reflection
During Task Step 1: Time Time management plan August 24
August 22 – Management Plan and Forum discussion 
August 28 screenshots
Step 2: Strenghts Reflection on strength August 24

and Weaknesses and weaknesses
Post-Task Step 1: Self- Chart August 29

August 29 – Assessment
August 31 Step 2: PDF File August 30
Compilation and 

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