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Name Muhammad Suleman

Roll No. 9201053

Section BBA VII

Subject Business Law

Assignment No. 3
Appropriation of payment


Appropriation of payment in business law refers to the deliberate and

systematic assignment of a payment made by a debtor to specific debts,
financial obligations, or accounts. This legal principle ensures that a
debtor's payment is applied in a designated manner, avoiding ambiguity
and disputes over the distribution of funds among various outstanding
financial commitments

Methods of Appropriation

Express Appropriation Clear and specific instructions from the debtor

Legal enforceability of express appropriation.

Implied Appropriation Allocation based on circumstances or creditor's


Consideration of industry standards in implied appropriation.

Specific allocation to a particular debt. General allocation based on

creditor's policies or legal guidelines.

Intentional Allocation

The debtor or, in some cases, the creditor makes a conscious decision
regarding how a payment should be distributed among the different debts
or obligations.
Legal Foundation:

The practice of appropriation is grounded in both common law principles

and statutory regulations, providing a framework to guide the fair and
transparent allocation of payments.

Prevention of Disputes
Appropriation serves to prevent disagreements and conflicts between
debtors and creditors by establishing a clear method for determining how
payments should be credited.

Express Appropriation

Occurs when the debtor explicitly communicates or designates how the

payment should be allocated. This can be done through written instructions
accompanying the payment

Implied Appropriation

Takes place when the debtor does not expressly specify how the payment
should be applied. In such cases, creditors may use implied methods based
on factors like the nature of the debts or established industry practices.

General Appropriation
Particular appropriation involves allocating a payment to a specific debt,
while general appropriation may apply the payment to a broader category
of debts as determined by the creditor's policies or legal guidelines
Debt Management
Essential for debtors with multiple financial commitments, such as loans,
credit accounts, or outstanding invoices, to systematically allocate funds.

Creditor-Debtor Relation
Ensures a transparent and fair relationship by providing clarity on how
payments are applied, thereby preventing misunderstandings and disputes.

Contractual Adherence
Upholds the terms of contracts and financial agreements, guaranteeing
that payments are distributed in accordance with the agreed-upon terms.


Appropriation of payment is a foundational concept in business law,

contributing to the orderly and lawful allocation of funds. By providing a
systematic approach, this principle safeguards the interests of both debtors
and creditors, fostering a transparent and cooperative financial

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