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Cracking Moment Calculation

Rectangular Beam
M= f' c = b= h= gc = 25 4000 12 18 145 1.00 5832 474 463 307373 25.6 120 3000 60 12 24 32 5 145 1.00 10.81 units kip-ft psi in. in. pcf in 4 psi psi in-lb kip-ft kip-ft psi in. in. in. in. in. pcf in. in 4 psi psi psi in-lb = in-lb =


T Beam

I g = bh 3 /12 = f r = 7.5 l SQRT(f' c ) = flexural tensile stress under input moment = f = M cr = M cr =


f' c = b eff = bw = d= h= hf = gc =

hf h


3 2 3

I g = b w h /12 +b w h(y t -h/2) +(b-b w )h f /12+(b-b w )h f (h f /2-y t ) = 60185 f r = 7.5 l SQRT(f' c ) = 411 Tension Stress in bottom under positive moment = 507 - M cr + = f r I/(h-y t ) = 1166625 M cr = f r I/y t =

t = 2

97.22 kip-ft 190.63 kip-ft


Singly Reinforced Rectangular Beam by ASD

b= d= n= As = M= f' c = 14 24.5 9 3 120 3000 145 3,155,924 9.19 0.079 7.98 9740 1180 21979 in. in. in

d As

kip-ft psi pcf psi

gc =
Ec = n= nr = x= I cr = f c = Mx/ I = f s = nM(d-x)/ I =

Fs = Fc = kb = jb = 20000 1350 0.378 0.874

in. in 4 psi psi

k= j=

0.326 0.891

bd2bal = 6458.595

There are two ways to use this spreadsheet. If you fill in the yellow colored cells, it will calculate the stress in the concrete and in the reinforcing steel. Or, you can use "goal seek" to set the concrete stress equal to an allowable value (e.g. 0.45f' c ) and vary the moment in cell C12 to determine the moment that would cause the concrete to reach its allowable stress. Similarly, you can set the steel stress to an allowable value (e.g. 24,000) and see what moment would have caused that.

T-Beam Analysis-ASD
f'c = 4000 fy = 60000 beff = 38 bw = 10 d= 16.5 hf = 3 As = 3.16 gc = 145 allowable Fs = 24000 allowable Fc = 1800 1.5 Ec =33w sqrt(fc')= 3,644,147 n= 7.958 r= 0.00504 nr = 0.0403 psi psi in. in. in. in. in2 pcf psi psi psi 8.00 -

Input values in cells colored yellow - cells C3 through C9


clear span between parallel T



If x < hf

k = nr nr2 0.25 = 2nr

x = kd = jd = Ms = AsFsjd = Mc = Fcbd2kj/2 = 3 I=bx /3 + nAs(d-x)2 = 4.07 in. 15.14 in. 1148541 in-lb = 2106543 in-lb = 4 4760 in

x > hf so this analysis is not valid - it acts like a T-Beam

95.71 ft-k 175.55 ft-k <-- CONTROLS -

If x > hf:

x > hf so this analyse is valid - acts like a T-Beam

B= 10.928 C=


I = bx3/3-(b-bw)(x-hf)3/3+nAs(d-x)2= Ms = FsI/n(d-x)= Mc = FcI/x=

nAs nAs 2nAs d b 2 1) h 2 = 4.17 in b b f bw bw w w 4

4747 in = = 1155241 in-lb 2047434 in-lb 96.27 ft-k 170.62 ft-k


ellow - cells C3 through C9

hf d

t valid - it acts like a T-Beam

alid - acts like a T-Beam


Nominal Moment Strength Singly Reinforced Rectangular Beam

f' c = b= d= As = fy = a= Mn = 3000 18 27 6 60 7.84 8308.2 692.4 623.1 Units psi in. in. in 2 ksi in. in.-k kip-ft kip-ft

d As

f Mn =

ctangular Beam

Quadratric Solver
ax2 + bx + c = 0 x =( -b + (b2-4ac).5)/2a a 7 b 78 c -795 2 solutions x x 6.454055 -17.5969

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