Heathrow Report - Best Placed For Britain Exec Summary

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June 2013

best placed for Britain
Britain's global hub.
Let's build on strength.
The UK Government has set up the Airports
Main airports
Luton (80%) Commission to make recommendations on
Stansted (55%) serving London1
Britain’s future hub airport capacity.

This capacity is constrained at the UK's only

global hub, Heathrow, which has been
London City (59%)
Heathrow (98%) virtually full since 2003. Heathrow provides
long‑haul services to direct and transferring
Gatwick (78%*) passengers. Other UK airports operate a
'point‑to‑point' model, providing a wide
range of direct short‑haul flights but few
long‑haul services.

Other international hub airports, such as

Frankfurt, Paris and Amsterdam, have spare
Percentage of capacity utilised shown in brackets (ATM capacity)
* Taking an average of winter and summer months capacity and have been able to provide more
services to an increasing range of growth
markets. The UK therefore urgently needs
additional capacity at its hub airport to

The question of whether this additional

capacity should be added at Heathrow, or
London Heathrow (98%) Major international whether Heathrow should be replaced by
British Airways/oneworld hub airports a new hub airport is becoming ever more
(Western Europe)2 pressing. This document considers some of
Amsterdam Schiphol (62%)
the issues in this debate.
This document does not cover the
Frankfurt-Main (66%)
Lufthansa/Star Alliance environmental and sustainability issues
associated with building an additional
Paris Charles de Gaulle (71%) runway. We recently published a separate
document, ‘A Quieter Heathrow’, outlining
Madrid Barajas (54%) Heathrow’s approach to noise mitigation. In
Iberia/oneworld July, we will submit options to the Airports
Commission for how additional runway
capacity could be added at Heathrow and
Percentage of capacity utilised shown in brackets (ATM capacity) what the environmental impact would be of
doing so.
best placed for Britain

Executive summary 02
Why a hub airport is different 06
The global race 12
The choice 16
Heathrow — best placed … 17
for passengers 18
for business and the economy 28
for helping the UK compete in the global race 38
for local jobs 40
for the taxpayer 44
Build from scratch or build on strength … 46

Heathrow — best placed for Britain 1

Executive summary

The UK is in a global race But Heathrow is full, operating two

runways at 98% capacity. This lack of hub UK growth depends
for trade, jobs and economic
growth. The international
capacity is costing trade and jobs in the UK.
The Government has set up an Airports
on our ability to
economy is changing with Commission chaired by Sir Howard Davies to
recommend where and how the UK should
connect with global
the rise of emerging markets expand its aviation hub capacity. markets through a
like Brazil, Russia, India and
China. It is projected that
This report contends that Heathrow is the
best location for additional runway capacity.
hub airport.
by the year 2050, Growth It compares Heathrow to other options for a
single major international hub in the UK that
Markets will represent nearly
have been proposed at Stansted or in the The fastest and most
half (46%) of global GDP . Thames Estuary.

Gatwick has not been included as a potential

cost-effective hub
Heathrow is the UK’s only international hub
airport, and the only airport with the size and location for the UK’s hub because it is only option is expansion
scale to connect the UK to these long‑haul proposing a two‑runway solution that would
destinations. Heathrow competes with other not be any bigger than Heathrow is today. at Heathrow.
long‑haul hub airports at Frankfurt‑Main,
Amsterdam Schiphol and Paris Charles de

2 Heathrow — best placed for Britain

Heathrow is best placed for
For most UK passengers, a hub airport to Heathrow
the east of London would be in the wrong
place. Travel times would increase for almost
90% of hub passengers, with the average
journey time increasing by 30 minutes4.
The additional travel time cost would be Add capacity Government
at Heathrow options
equivalent to cancelling out all the benefits
of reduced journey time delivered by
High Speed 2 (HS2). Even with major new
transport infrastructure for Stansted and
the Thames Estuary, Heathrow would still
be more convenient for passengers, with
over 4.5 million more people living within
a 60‑minute travel time than the other
options5. Do

Heathrow — best placed for Britain 3

Executive summary

A Thames Estuary Heathrow is best placed for Heathrow is best placed to

business and the economy. help the UK compete in the
airport has an global race.
A hub airport to the west of London is the
estimated cost to best location for the UK’s hub. This report Additional capacity at Heathrow could be
illustrates how the current centre of UK
the taxpayer of economic gravity is to the west of London
delivered at least seven years earlier than
any new hub airport could be built. Any
where highly productive clusters in industries
£25 billion+ and a like IT and pharmaceuticals have grown
delay is critical as the UK is already losing
some £14 billion a year in trade and export
completion date around Heathrow over the last 50 years. 202
of the UK’s top 300 company HQs are within
earnings due to constraints in aviation hub
capacity9. The UK is in a global race with our
of 2034. a 25‑mile radius of Heathrow. This compares
to only seven around Stansted and two
competitors for growth and jobs. Every year
of delay risks the UK falling behind.
around the Thames Estuary6. The Thames
Valley has 60% more international businesses
than the national UK average, 100% more
US businesses and 260% more Japanese
businesses7. Foreign owners of firms with
HQs in the Thames Valley also employ up to
75,000 workers elsewhere in the UK8.

4 Heathrow — best placed for Britain

Why build from scratch when
we can build on strength?

Heathrow is best placed for Heathrow is best placed for Conversely, any new hub would need to
build vast new infrastructure from scratch
local jobs. the UK taxpayer. using public money, with Mayor Boris
This report also highlights the risk to local How new hub capacity can be financed is Johnson estimating that a new hub airport
jobs that moving the UK’s hub airport would going to be a significant issue for the Airports would cost in the region of £70–80 billion of
represent. More than 100,000 jobs in the Commission to consider. Adding capacity which £25 billion would have to come from
area depend on Heathrow10, and the new at Heathrow will cost the taxpayer less than public finance14.
analysis shows that moving the hub airport any other option. This report calculates for Britain already has one of the world’s most
East would risk doubling unemployment the first time that since the 1970s, around successful international hub airports in
in some of Heathrow’s local boroughs. £20–25 billion of rail infrastructure with a Heathrow. Expanding Heathrow will connect
The 76,600 people directly employed at connection to Heathrow has been invested or the UK to growth more quickly and at less
Heathrow would have to be re‑located or committed12. On top of that, the motorways cost to the taxpayer than any other option.
made redundant. This compares to the that serve the airport, including the M3, M4, Heathrow is better located for passengers,
loss of 6,500 jobs when Shotton Steel M40 and M25, which provide critical road business and jobs. Let’s build on strength.
closed in 1985 — Britain’s biggest previous access to the airport and the surrounding
redundancy announcement on a single day11. businesses, would cost around £26 million
per mile in today's prices13.

Heathrow — best placed for Britain 5

Why a hub airport is

Today Britain does not have a shortage of

overall airport capacity — it has a shortage of
by time of day, day of the week and month.
Airlines cannot adjust aircraft size each day so
Our hub airport
hub airport capacity. they fill aircraft with as many direct passengers
as possible and then fill the rest of the aircraft
creates economic
The UK's air passengers have a wide choice
of airports and airlines and are well‑served by
with transfer passengers. This enables airlines
to fly to more destinations more frequently
opportunities for
point‑to‑point airports like Gatwick, Stansted,
London City, Luton and Southend for short‑
than could be supported by demand from the the UK.
South‑East alone. It is this ability to serve long‑
haul and leisure destinations. haul business destinations that makes a hub
like Heathrow different from a point‑to‑point
Heathrow is different. It is the UK’s only
international hub airport — the only airport airport like Gatwick. Hub airports
with the size and scale to deliver many flights
to long‑haul destinations across the globe.
Having a major international hub means that support more
the UK is better connected to the rest of the
There are just a handful of hub airports in
Europe and Heathrow competes with hubs
world than it would be otherwise. Passengers transfer passengers,
can fly direct to 75 destinations world‑wide
like Frankfurt‑Main, Amsterdam Schiphol and from Heathrow that aren’t served by any direct routes, and
Paris Charles de Gaulle.

At these long‑haul hubs local passengers

other UK airport15. Keeping a successful hub
in the UK means British passengers will have
destinations than
combine with transfer passengers to fill large a greater choice of air links — particularly to
long‑haul emerging market destinations that
other airports.
long‑haul aircraft. The number of passengers
who want to fly direct varies on each route are important for economic growth.

6 Heathrow — best placed for Britain

Pooling demand – At a hub airport transfer passengers
the average flight
from Heathrow to provide the critical mass that can make
Mexico City in 2012
– an example of a long haul route viable. Without these
passenger origins
on a key long haul transfers a hub airport would not be able to
offer as many services to key destinations.

Direct passengers … made possible by

from London to transfer passengers
Mexico City …

48% direct 2 % connecting from UK regions

(163 seats) (8 seats)

32% from Europe

(108 seats)

4% from Middle East

(14 seats)
10% Spare capacity 3 % from rest of the world
33 empty seats (11 seats)

Heathrow — best placed for Britain 7

Why a hub airport
is different

Some people argue that in future London where they can operate profitably instead. Three competing two‑runway airports in
would be best served by three competing More than half of scheduled airlines say they London would not solve the problem that
two‑runway airports. are locating flights in other countries that Government has correctly identified — how
would have come to the UK if there was to maintain the UK’s aviation hub status.
Heathrow is not opposed to growth at spare capacity at Heathrow17. Gatwick’s proposal would not deliver a UK
‘point‑to‑point’ airports like Gatwick or hub with the size and scale to compete
those in other UK regions. Each of these There is a long list of airlines waiting for internationally or provide the long‑haul
airports is valued by passengers and makes an take‑off and landing slots at Heathrow. China connectivity on which future jobs and growth
important economic contribution. Southern waited eight years before acquiring depend. The UK needs one Premier League
slots. AeroMexico waited for four years. There airport to compete, not three second‑tier
However, a hub airport is different. Having a is also a long list of airlines that have tried to
major international hub provides significant airports.
operate long‑haul routes from Gatwick and
added value for the UK by providing routes to failed including Korean Air and Hong Kong
long‑haul destinations that three two‑runway Airlines in the last year.
London airports could not.
It is not possible to have two successful hubs
Airlines would already operate more long‑ in London because splitting the hub halves
haul flights directly from point‑to‑point the pool of transfer passengers. A successful
airports if it was profitable for them to do network depends on having a central hub —
so. Instead, airlines that cannot operate from the transfer passengers on every arriving flight
Heathrow do not automatically go to another support the viability of every departing flight.
UK airport. They go to a foreign hub airport

8 Heathrow — best placed for Britain

The UK's point-to-point airports lack the transfer London and South East
airports distribution of annual
passengers to enable airlines to profitably serve passenger numbers (millions)
and % of spare Air Transport
long-haul business destinations. Stansted and Movement (ATM) capacity18

Gatwick have been unable to operate a critical

mass of profitable long-haul routes.
Spare ATM
Number of passengers capacity

36.26M 32.51M 0.3M

4.29M 24.94M 4.63M

Stansted 45%
0.17M 17.32M 0.58M

Luton 20%
9.05M 0.47M

London City 41%

0.08M 2.97M

* Taking an average of winter and summer months. Key




Heathrow — best placed for Britain 9

Any airline alliance which moved out of
Heathrow would lose access to 7.3m transfer

The Airports Commission has asked whether It is also best placed for transfer passengers. means the alliance is now more reliant on
it might be possible for one of the non‑UK These passengers are used by airlines to keep feeder traffic from BA’s short‑haul network,
based airline alliances (Star or SkyTeam) to aircraft full every day of the year. Heathrow which it would lose access to if it moved.
transfer from Heathrow to another airport, is the only airport with the infrastructure and
freeing up space at the UK’s hub. home network carrier (BA) that make this Airlines operate on an average profit margin
possible. of just 0.6% ‑ so a loss of even 1% of
The evidence is that this would not be passengers could threaten operations.
desirable for airlines or the UK. The Although passengers do transfer within an
Commission itself notes that despite the alliance, nearly a third of transfer passengers In total more than 7m passengers transfer
prospect of lower charges at other airports, at Heathrow last year transferred between between alliances or non‑aligned airlines
and the possibility of selling their lucrative alliances or non‑aligned airlines. Among Star and would potentially be lost to any alliance
Heathrow slots, neither the Star Alliance nor Alliance airlines, more passengers transfer that moved out of Heathrow, making many
SkyTeam has chosen to relocate. onto their flights from outside the alliance of their routes unviable. That’s at least 7m
than from within it. reasons not to move.
Alliances don’t want to move because of
the unique benefits of Heathrow. It is best The Commission says 7‑8% of Star and
placed for direct passengers because of its SkyTeam’s traffic comes from outside of
convenient location for London and the UK, the alliances and suggests this could be low
and for the vital business traveller because of enough to allow them to move to another
its position in the heart of the UK’s business airport. However, the Commission’s figures
community. date from before BMI was taken over by
BA, leaving Star Alliance in the process. That

10 Heathrow — best placed for Britain

“To compete internationally the UK needs one
strong hub airport, not two. Airports do different
things and the UK needs both a world-class hub
as well as successful point-to-point airports.”
Craig Kreeger, Chief Executive,
Virgin Atlantic

7.3m transfers Network airlines all benefit from being co-

between alliances
and non-aligned Heathrow 2012: 25m transfer passengers,
airlines 7.3m of which were between alliances and
17.7m passengers non-aligned airlines.
transfer within 12% more passengers transfer onto Star
alliances Alliance from outside the alliance than
from within it.

Airlines average profit margin is 0.6%

- even a small loss of passengers could
threaten operations.

Heathrow — best placed for Britain 11

The global race
The UK will fall behind in the global race if
it cannot connect to growing economies.

The locus of the global economy is shifting International connectivity through a major The UK Government has recognised that
around us with the rise of fast growing hub airport is central to a country’s ability to these constraints on aviation capacity are
emerging markets like Brazil, Russia, India compete for growth and jobs. UK businesses, costing trade and jobs in the UK and has set
and China. It is projected that by the year for example, trade 20 times more with up the Airports Commission, chaired by Sir
2050, such Growth Markets will represent emerging markets with daily flights than Howard Davies, to recommend where and
nearly half (46%) of global GDP19. those with less frequent or no direct service20. how the UK should expand its hub capacity.

The UK is in a global race with our major Page 11 shows the top 25 cities by Gross The Commission is conducting its work
competitors, including other European hubs, Metropolitan Product (GMP) currently served against a backdrop of prolonged fiscal
for trade with these markets and the jobs by other European hubs but not Heathrow. constraint, squeezed living standards and
and economic growth that will result. As a result of not flying to such destinations weak economic growth. None of the
the UK is cutting itself off from growth and options it is considering are easy. Every
For the past 350 years Britain has benefited is missing out on £14 billion per year in lost choice — including doing nothing — has its
from having the world’s largest port or trade21. consequences.
airport on its shores. However, while
European competitor countries have added Analysis of a similar long‑haul hub airport has
new runways at their hub airports, the UK shown that every regularly scheduled long‑
has not built a new full‑length runway in the haul service generates around 3,000 jobs22.
south‑east since the second world war. Maintaining and growing international hub
capacity is critical for the UK economy.

12 Heathrow — best placed for Britain

Top intercontinental
destinations by
2011 GMP not
served currently
by Heathrow but London
by other European


Pittsburg Hartford

Chengdu* Chongqing
San Antonio
Ankara Shenzhen Manila

Monterrey Wuhan


Porto Alegre


Belo Horizonte

Cities currently served by
other European hubs but
not Heathrow
European competitor hubs

All international flight

* Heathrow will start flying Lima
to Chengdu from September
2013 Santiago
© Mario C. E. Freese

Heathrow — best placed for Britain 13

The global race

Analysis shows that European cities with the

most inter‑continental flights attract the most
The UK has a clear competitive advantage
in service industries. These service exports "Mexico, Brazil, Japan
corporate HQs24. Having an international hub
is critical for attracting inward investment
rely on air transport, with the top five service
export industries accounting for 20% of total
and Malaysia … there is
to the UK. International companies say that
the quality of transport links is an important
industry spend on air transport27. a global race out there to
factor in deciding where to locate25. The UK Global air transport provides access for our
key industries to established and emerging
win jobs for Britain and
is a popular place for international companies
to base their European headquarters new markets, which will help deliver
economic growth across the UK.
I believe in leading from
because it is one of a handful of locations
that provides direct access to long‑haul and Moving people around the globe, quickly
the front. So I make no
European markets. and efficiently, is vital to UK trade and
apology for linking Britain
Two of the top five factors international
companies give for their decision to locate to the fastest-growing
in London are, “Easy access to markets,
customers or clients” and, “Transport links parts of the world."
with other cities and internationally”26.
David Cameron
November 2012

14 Heathrow — best placed for Britain

“Heathrow is the reason we are where “BlackBerry’s location close to “FM Global is located in Windsor “25% of our companies on the Park
we are, along with the rest of the high‑ Heathrow enables it to be close to because it is only a 20 minute drive are actually international companies
tech industry in the Thames Valley. If its carriers including O2, Orange and from Heathrow airport. Our business that have come here to do business
you think about all the companies in Vodafone. If the UK’s hub airport is dependent on being able to meet because of the presence of Heathrow.
the IT industry between west London moved from its current location in with clients across the world quickly We also have a lot of Foreign Direct
and Bristol there is one reason for their the west of London this would have and efficiently to provide our services. Investment. For example, US company
location. Of the 2,000 people who are a significant impact on BlackBerry As an international hub, Heathrow Electronic Arts bought the UK computer
based in our Thames Valley HQ, only and their business travel, potentially is absolutely crucial because it is a games company Bullfrog Productions
about half of them work in the UK reducing the amount of trips employees truly international airport. If you go because it’s a good business, but also
business. The other 50% do jobs which make.” to Heathrow, you can fly anywhere because it’s accessible. When the
are not UK specific, they have roles in the world. The idea of having to executives turn up it’s easy for them to
which involve them in activities across Albert de Beer, Director of Facilities, go somewhere else would be a huge get to us.”
Europe, and sometimes globally. One EMEA, Blackberry inconvenience to us. The presence of
of the main reasons they are here is Heathrow was the defining factor in Dr Malcolm Parry, Managing
that they do need to travel more and choosing our location when we merged Director, Surrey Research Park
they are in close proximity to the hub our offices. We wanted to move away
airport.” from central London and there were
a variety of different areas we could
Chris Parker, Senior Director, Law have chosen to relocate to. In the end,
and Corporate Affairs, Microsoft we chose to relocate to the West of
London primarily because of its close
proximity to Heathrow.”

Ken Davey, Managing Director, SVP

Europe, Middle East and Africa, FM

Heathrow — best placed for Britain 15

The choice

To maintain its global aviation hub status Gatwick has not been included as a potential
the UK needs a single hub airport to provide location for the UK’s hub because it is only LHR Heathrow Airport
the long‑haul connectivity on which jobs proposing a two‑runway solution and
and growth depend. Three competing two therefore could not be any larger than
runway London airports will not deliver this Heathrow is today. For more information on
outcome. The UK needs a single hub with why having several hubs or splitting the hub
the size and scale to compete internationally, would not work see the One Hub or None
not multiple second‑tier airports. document published in 201228.
STN Stansted Airport

There are three choices for the UK The rest of this report considers which of
Government in developing a successful single three possible options is the best location
UK hub airport: for the UK’s hub airport: Heathrow, Stansted A potential Thames
 It can add additional capacity at
or the Thames Estuary. It demonstrates EST Estuary airport
that Heathrow is the most pragmatic, cost‑
Heathrow effective option for the UK and the quickest
 It can replace Heathrow with a new hub way to connect the UK to the global markets
airport likely to be either at Stansted or in upon which future growth depends.
the Thames Estuary Far from being in the wrong place as some
 Or it can do nothing and let the UK fall suggest, this reports demonstrates that
behind European competitors at the cost Heathrow is the best location for the UK’s
of lost growth and jobs hub.

16 Heathrow — best placed for Britain

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