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Bond 03.04 Upgrade DOC.

TB SI 049
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Product Bond and X and Bond maX S2000 WD-Code n/a

Author A. Salamone Source Vision Biosystems
Date 25/09/2006 Mandatory Next program service

Serial n° affected All instrument with sw. ver. up Standard task hours 2
to 3.3.16.

Subject Bond 03.04 Upgrade Procedure

This document explains how to install the new Bond sw ver. 3.4.
Please, note that this sw version is applicable just on Bond with sw ver. 3.3.16 installed, in case of a different
version, the instrument must be updated to 3.3.16, following the instructions as per our previous
technical bulletins, and then to 3.4..

Attachment B21.5036.680.A01 Upgrading of Bond SW to 3.4

Prepared by S.I.
Verified by S.I.
Approved by Resp. S.I.
Status Function Issue date
MD AQ 003/3 REV. 3
Department: Customer Support


Author: Software Engineer Date:

Vedran Arnautovic
Reviewer: Global Product Specialist Date:

George Goris
Reviewer: Product Manger – Bond Date:

David White

Bond TSB No: B21.5036.680.A01

Product: CR/CO: 0507

Type: Configuration Change X

Implementation: Immediately
Next Programmed Service X
Estimated time to complete: 2 hours for 1 PC and one PM (plus up to extra ½
hour for each additional PM)

Bond 03.04 Upgrade Procedure

1. Summary
Upgrade of Bond Software to version 03.04.05

2. Distribution
All regions.
Note: This version of Bond software only supports English and German
languages. In all other countries, the software will automatically run in

3. Applicability
All instruments world wide which satisfy the conditions below
The following conditions MUST be satisfied before completing this TSB:
1. Bond version 03.03.16 software MUST be installed on the PC
2. The Bond Instrument (Processing Module and the Slide Staining
Assemblies) MUST be upgraded to 03.03.16
If the above conditions are not satisfied, please complete B21.5035.680.A01
Bond 03.03.B Upgrade Procedure

B21.5036.680.A01 Upgrading of Bond System Software to Version 03.04.doc Page 1 of 40

4. Workflow
Please follow the workflow in the diagram below in order to determine the steps
you will need to carry out to upgrade the Bond system to software version 03.04

Upgrade Bond System to 03.04

Is 03.03.16 NO

Outside of
Upgrade Bond System to 03.03.16 software
USA only YES TSB Name: Bond 03.03.B Upgrade Procedure
TSB No: B21.5035.680 .A01

Is there a mixture
of instruments
readers at this

This TSB

Replace all BARCODE scanners with OCR imagers

TSB Name: Bond OCR (Optical Character Recognition) Kit NO
TSB No: B21.5021.680.B01

Upgrade Bond System to 03.04 software

TSB Name: Upgrading of Bond System Software to Version 03.04
TSB No: B21.5036.680.A01

Outside of
Do ALL the USA only
in this lab

Configure Bond System to operate with BARCODES

NO TSB Name: Bond Slide ID Configuration
TSB No: B21.5037.680.A01

Bond System configured with

03.04.05 software

B21.5036.680.A01 Upgrading of Bond System Software to Version 03.04.doc Page 2 of 40

5. Documentation
The following documentation should be distributed as outlined below:

Document Number Distribution

Bond 3.4 Customer Release 21.7558.A01 Distribute to customers during upgrade
Bond 3.4 Service Release 21.7559.A01 Do not distribute to customers. For VBS
Notes Service personnel only
Service Verification Form 21.7518.B01 To be completed and returned to regional
office for filing with instrument file

6. Change Implementation

1. Familiarise yourself with the software installation instructions

a. Before arriving to the customer site, print out the Installation

Instructions (Appendix A of this TSB) and familiarise yourself with all
aspects of it.

2. Verify that Bond version 03.03.16 software is already installed

a. Verify that correct version of Bond software is installed

i. Appendix A – Part A – Pre-Installation Tasks
b. If the correct version is not installed, execute the following procedure
i. B21.5035.680.A01 Bond 03.03.B Upgrade Procedure
c. Backup the current database and send to VBS head office

3. Upgrade the Bond PC Software and Bond Instrument Firmware

a. Perform pre-installation tasks and install the Bond Software

i. Appendix A – Part A – Pre-Installation Tasks
b. Install the Bond Software
i. Appendix A – Part B – Software Installation

4. Verify That the Bond Software has been installed successfully

a. Appendix A – Part C – Verify that the installation was successful

5. Perform the post-installation tasks

a. Appendix A – Part D – Post-installation tasks

6. Verify Instrument Calibration

a. Installation of Bond 03.04 software does not require any new

calibration to be performed,
b. You should verify the instrument calibration and recalibrate if
necessary by following the instructions in the Bond Service Manual:
Chapter 6 Configuration, Calibration and Verification.

B21.5036.680.A01 Upgrading of Bond System Software to Version 03.04.doc Page 3 of 40

7. Configure the Bond Software for one of the supported European Languages

i. This version of software only supports English and German.
ii. This section should only be completed if you are setting up
Bond Software for German.
iii. If you have your PCs “Regional Options” configured to any
language other than English, this version of Bond software
will run in English. There is no need for you to modify your
regional settings

a. Configure the regional settings

i. Appendix B – Part 1 – Configuring the “Regional Options”
b. Configure the input language
i. Appendix B – Part 2 – Configuring the “Input Language”
c. Activate the translations for the Bond Software
i. Appendix B – Part 3 – Activating language support for Bond
8. Customer education

a. Introduce the Bond users to the new features available in v03.04 Bond
Software. The new features are described in the 21.7558.A01 Bond 3.4
Customer Release Notes.
b. Print off 21.7558.A01 Bond 3.4 Customer Release Notes and give it
ONLY to the Laboratory Supervisor / Manager.

7. Testing Required

1. Set up and run a test batch using the Bond Software.

a. Use the Bond Software to set up a case with a small number of slides
(2 or 3)
b. Print out the slide labels and place on slides. Ensure the labels are
printed correctly (i.e. no text is cut off)
c. Start the batch
d. The batch should complete without any errors

2. Complete the Service Verification form (document number 21.7518.B01)

8. Contact for More Information

Please contact the following for further support:


Toll-free numbers:
Australia 1800 246 797
New Zealand 0800 400 589
United Kingdom 0800 298 2344
United States 1800 753 7264
B21.5036.680.A01 Upgrading of Bond System Software to Version 03.04.doc Page 4 of 40
Confirmation Sheet

A copy to be returned to the Product Support Coordinator at Head office for every
Instrument Upgraded.

Date: Product:
To: From:

The Product Support Coordinator

Vision BioSystems,
Melbourne, Australia

(Regional Office/Company/Distributor)
Fax No. +61 3 9211 7401 Fax No.
Email: Email:

TSB Number:
Serial Number:
Successfully Completed? Yes/No (Please circle)




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Appendix A – Bond Version 03.04.05 Installation Instructions

Appendix A
Bond Version 03.04.05 installation Instructions

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Appendix A – Bond Version 03.04.05 Installation Instructions

Part A – Pre-installation Tasks

Part A – Pre-Installation Tasks

1 Verify that 03.03.16 Bond Software is installed
a) Log into the PC
 User Name: BondService
 Password: The weekly password provided by VBS
b) Start the Bond Software (double click the desktop icon below)

c) Open the “Help  About Bond” menu

d) Check the version of the Bond Software



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Appendix A – Bond Version 03.04.05 Installation Instructions

Part A – Pre-installation Tasks

Backup Bond Database (for archiving purposes)

In this section, you will back up the Bond Database and send it to Vision
BioSystems head office.

a) Navigate to the “Maintenance” menu and click “backup database”

b) Wait for the backup to complete and close this dialog once you
get the “Maintenance is complete” message

c) Save the content of the backup folder to a CD/external hard drive

Navigate to this Copy the _not_defined_Backup folder to an external
folder memory device

The _not_defined part of the folder name is the name of

facility (lab) if the facility name has been defined in the Bond
software, it will appear here instead of _not_defined

d) Send the database backup folder to Vision BioSystems head

office, addressed to George Goris – Global Product Specialist.
Include a note with the name of the customer site
 Alternatively, place the database backup folder on one of
the FTP sites and inform George Goris

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Appendix A – Bond Version 03.04.05 Installation Instructions

Part B – Software Installation

Part B – Software Installation

1. Ensure that all instruments (PMs) are on, connected to the PC, and
e) Open the Bond Application (double-click the desktop icon

f) Ensure that all instruments (PMs) are CONNECTED,

connected instruments (PMs) the following tab should appear,
indicating that the instrument (PM) is ready for the upgrade

 This will ensure that the

firmware on all the instruments
(PMs) is upgraded during the
software upgrade. If there are
any instruments (PMs) for
which the above tab does not
appear in the GUI, their
firmware will not be upgraded
during the software
installation; however, they can
be manually upgraded after
the software installation.
g) Remove all reagent trays from all Bond instruments which you
are upgrading
h) Close the Bond Application

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Appendix A – Bond Version 03.04.05 Installation Instructions

Part B – Software Installation

2. Install the Bond Software

NOTE: Ensure that no other applications are running.

a) Insert the Bond Instrument Install Package CD into the PC –

the Bond System Setup should appear (see below)
 Software is performing a system component check. Once
completed the “Install” button is activated.
 If the screen below does not appear see Part D –
Troubleshooting: Manually Starting the Bond System

Click “Install”

NOTE: You may proceed to Part C – Verify that the Installation was
Successful if no errors were generated during the installation, i.e. if all
steps are shown in green.

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Appendix A – Bond Version 03.04.05 Installation Instructions

Part B – Software Installation

If the following dialog box appears Click “OK” then wait until installation
is complete. After installation has completed see Part E: Troubleshooting - 6.
Resolving data import conflicts.

If the following dialog box appears:

Click the

 Do NOT click the Retry button

Load the firmware manually after installation is complete – see Part E:

Troubleshooting - 4. Upgrading the firmware manually.

If the following dialog box appears:

Click “Yes”
and allow the
installation to
 If any of the steps do not complete successfully, the
following dialog box will appear once the installation is

Click “OK”

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Appendix A – Bond Version 03.04.05 Installation Instructions

Part B – Software Installation

b) At the end of the installation, you will see the following:

Step 1.
Scroll up and down to
verify that all steps
RED = failed have completed
GREEN = completed successfully

Step 3.
Click “Exit”

Step 2.
If any steps of the installation
have failed (i.e. they are
RED), click the “View Log”
button and save the log to
the desktop
c) Check which steps did not complete successfully – they will be
RED – in case of errors consult the table below for the relevant
troubleshooting section

Troubleshooting section
Error in step…
1 MSDE Already installed in 03.03.16
2. DOTNET Already installed in 03.03.16
3. Label Printer Already installed in 03.03.16
4. PDF PRINTER Already installed in 03.03.16
5. PDF Reader Already installed in 03.03.16
6. Java Run Time Already installed in 03.03.16
7. BondApp Part E – Section 2
8. BondConfig Part E – Section 2
9. Bond ServiceApp Part E – Section 2
10. Bond ServiceConfig Part E – Section 2
11. BondDB Contact VBS Service Support
12. VBS Data Part E – Section 6
13. Bond Firmware Part E – Section 3 & 4
14. FinalConfig No Action Required

d) The instrument(s) should initialise automatically

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Appendix A – Bond Version 03.04.05 Installation Instructions

Part C – Verify the installation

Part C – Verify the Installation

a) Start the Bond Application

b) Verify that all the instruments (PMs) have initialised successfully


 The presence of
the tab shown
here, on the left of
the Bond GUI
indicates that the
instrument (PM)
has initialised
c) Check the version of the Bond PC Software

Click on

The version number

here should be

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Appendix A – Bond Version 03.04.05 Installation Instructions

Part C – Verify the installation

d) Check the version of the PM and SSA firmware for each of the
Bond instruments (PMs) connected

should be

When finished, click Scroll down to see the information

“OK” for all the instruments

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Appendix A – Bond Version 03.04.05 Installation Instructions

Part D – Post Installation Tasks

Part D – Post-Installation Tasks

1. Configuring the Slide Label Layout

NOTE: Refer to User Manual for more information if required.

This new version of the software does not remember the configuration of the
customer’s slide label layout from the pervious version. This slide label editor
enables the user to choose what is displayed on the label according to
customer needs.
Navigate here
on the Bond
screen and
click on “Bond
slide labels…”

a) Once clicked, the following screen will pop up.

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Appendix A – Bond Version 03.04.05 Installation Instructions

Part D – Post Installation Tasks

b) Perform a printer test by following the steps below

Step 1.
Click the “Page
layout” tab.

Step 2.
Change the
“Printer Name”
according to the
printer used.

Step 3.
Click “Print”

 Check to make sure that the slide characters are aligned

in the centre of the printed label and that all fields
specified are present and not cut off vertically or
horizontally. Printed label should look similar to figure

c) If the fields are cut off, see Part E: Troubleshooting – 7. Re-

alignment of slide label.

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Appendix A – Bond Version 03.04.05 Installation Instructions

Part E – Troubleshooting

Part E – Troubleshooting

1. Manually starting the Bond System Setup

If the Bond Software Setup does not start automatically when the CD is
inserted, do the following:
Step 2.
Click “Explore”

Step 1.
Right click the
“Start” button

Step 3.
Select the CD

Step 4.

You should now see the following screen. Continue with the rest of the
instructions from Appendix A – Part B – Software Installation

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Appendix A – Bond Version 03.04.05 Installation Instructions

Part E – Troubleshooting

2. A component of Bond Software did not install successfully

Follow these instructions if any of the following components did not install
• BondApp
• BondConfig
• Bond ServiceApp
• Bond ServiceConfig

1. Save the current installation log file

Click the “View

Log” button.

Save the
Setup.log to
the desktop

2. Restart the PC
3. Manually start the Bond System Setup as per Part E - 1. Manually
starting the Bond System Setup. If problems persist, contact VBS

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Appendix A – Bond Version 03.04.05 Installation Instructions

Part E – Troubleshooting

3. Problems encountered during Firmware Upgrade

1. If either of the dialog boxes below appear during the firmware


 Turn off the instrument (PM), wait for 30 seconds, then

turn it back on
 Wait for 1 minute, after the front LED turns green click
“Retry” as many times as necessary to make the dialog
box disappear

If the dialog box does not disappear after about 20 clicks, click “Cancel” and
load the firmware manually after installation is complete – see Part E:
Troubleshooting - 4. Upgrading the firmware manually for details

2. If the following dialog box appears:

Click the
button and wait
for installation
to complete
 Do NOT click the Retry button

Load the firmware manually after installation is complete – see Part E:

Troubleshooting - 4. Upgrading the firmware manually for details

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Appendix A – Bond Version 03.04.05 Installation Instructions

Part E – Troubleshooting

4. Upgrading the firmware manually

NOTE: The PM has to be turned on and the front LED has to be green
before you can start the firmware upgrade.

a) Start the Bond Upgrade Utility

to the


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Appendix A – Bond Version 03.04.05 Installation Instructions

Part E – Troubleshooting

Click on

b) Upgrade the PM Firmware

Step 1.
Select the PM
The PM version
that needs to
be upgraded should be 03.04.05

The instrument serial

Step2. number MUST be
Click the shown BEFORE you
“Upgrade PM” click the “Upgrade
button PM” button

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Appendix A – Bond Version 03.04.05 Installation Instructions

Part E – Troubleshooting

Step 3.
Navigate to the
Firmware Data

Step 4.
Select the
9” file and click

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Appendix A – Bond Version 03.04.05 Installation Instructions

Part E – Troubleshooting

Step 5.
Wait until the
PM firmware
upgrade is
c) Upgrade the CM firmware completed

Step 1.
Select the
PM that
needs to be

Select the
CM that
needs to be

Step 3.
Click the
“Upgrade CM”

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Appendix A – Bond Version 03.04.05 Installation Instructions

Part E – Troubleshooting
Step 4.
Navigate to
the Firmware
Data folder

Step 5.
Select the
“CM.Hex” file and
click “Open”

Step 6.
Wait until the CM
firmware upgrade is

d) Repeat the CM upgrade (Step 3 above) for CM2 and CM3

e) Turn the instrument (PM) off, wait for 30 seconds, then turn it on again
f) Repeat the procedure in this section (4. Upgrading the firmware
manually) for any other instruments (PMs) which did not upgrade
successfully during the automated Bond System Setup

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Appendix A – Bond Version 03.04.05 Installation Instructions

Part E – Troubleshooting

5. Logging in using a localised keyboard

If you have modified the Windows default input language (see the European
Language Configuration for Bond document) you may have trouble entering
the Windows User name (i.e. Bond Service) and password.

1. Ensure you that the keyboard you have configured Windows to use
corresponds to the keyboard you are using (if you are using the keyboard
supplied with the Bond instrument, do not change the default keyboard)
a) See the European Language Configuration for Bond document for
2. If required, change the input language used on the Windows Login screen.

Press the Left Alt key and Shift

(Left Alt + Shift) to toggle through
different input languages.

If you are having trouble logging in toggle

the input language to “EN” and use the
keyboard originally supplied with the
Bond instrument

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Appendix A – Bond Version 03.04.05 Installation Instructions

Part E – Troubleshooting

6. Resolving Data Import Conflicts

Note: you may have more than one data conflict to resolve

1. Start the Bond Software by clicking on the icon below on your


2. Navigate to the Service Log History on the History Screen

Step 1:
Click on
Screen” icon

Step 2:
Click on
“Service Log”

3. There are 3 types of conflicts that may occur

• Discontinued kit used in a protocol
• Discontinued reagent used in a protocol
• Discontinued reagent used in a panel

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Appendix A – Bond Version 03.04.05 Installation Instructions

Part E – Troubleshooting

a) Discontinued kit used in a protocol

Select the
kit used in a
protocol” Name of
protocol in
which the
conflict occurs

Name of the kit

that has been

b) Discontinued reagent used in a protocol

Select the
“Discontinued Name of
reagent used protocol in
in a protocol” which the
conflict occurs

Name of the
reagent that
has been

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Appendix A – Bond Version 03.04.05 Installation Instructions

Part E – Troubleshooting

• If either ‘Discontinued reagent used in a protocol’ or ‘Discontinued

kit used in a protocol’ occurs, locate the Protocol Name where
conflict occurs, from the Protocol Screen and make modifications to
the reagent used or kit used accordingly
Step 1: •
Click on the Step 3:
“Protocol Click “Open”
Screen” icon

Step 2:
Select the
Protocol Name
as shown in the
Service Log

Protocol Name
should be the If ‘discontinued kit
same as the used in a protocol’
one in Service occurs, select from
Log the drop down
menu a new kit to

Reagent Name
as shown in
the Service If ‘discontinued
Log screen reagent used in a
protocol’ occurs,
After changes select from the drop
have been down menu a new
made, click reagent to use

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Appendix A – Bond Version 03.04.05 Installation Instructions

Part E – Troubleshooting

c) Discontinued reagent used in a panel

Select the
“Discontinued Name of panel
reagent used in in which the
a panel” conflict occurs

Name of the
reagent that
has been

• If ‘Discontinued reagent used in a panel’ occurs, locate the Panel

Name where conflict occurs, from the Reagent Panels Screen and
make modifications to the reagent used
Step 1:
Click on
Screen’ icon

Step 4:
Click “Panel
Step 2:
Click on the
“Panels” tab
Step 3:
Select the
Reagent Name as
shown in the
Service Log

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Appendix A – Bond Version 03.04.05 Installation Instructions

Part E – Troubleshooting
Panel Name
should be the
same as the
one in Service

Step 2:
Select new
reagents to
use from the
list and click

Step 3:
Once changes Step 1:
have been Remove any of the
made, click reagents having the
“OK” same Reagent
Name as that in the
Service Log

4. Once the conflicts have been resolved, the data has to be re-

Navigate to the
folder below

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Appendix A – Bond Version 03.04.05 Installation Instructions

Part E – Troubleshooting


5. The import should finish without any errors and you should see the
following dialog (this may take a few minutes).

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Appendix A – Bond Version 03.04.05 Installation Instructions

Part E – Troubleshooting

7. Re-alignment of Slide Label


11. To edit the page layout, click on the “Page layout” tab.

22. Do NOT make any changes to the properties here except for the
“Printer name” according to the printer used.

33. Do NOT make changes to “Height” and “Width”. Please note units are
in inches.
Top: To move the page up, increase in negative direction. To move the
page down, increase in positive direction.
Left: To move the page right, increase the value of this property. To
move the page left, decrease the value of this property.
It is necessary to change these values when the label does not print out
in the centre of the label.

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Appendix A – Bond Version 03.04.05 Installation Instructions

Part E – Troubleshooting

If you want to view the limits of all the fields, click “View” then tick “Show field
limits”. Conversely, untick the “Show field limits” if you want to remove the limits.

If you want to print with the all field limits shown, click “File” then “Print (with
field limits)”. It is useful to do this when centering text on the label.

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Appendix B – Configuring the Bond System for European

Appendix – B
Configuring the Bond System for European Languages

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Appendix B – Configuring the Bond System for European

The instructions in this section should only be performed if you intend

to configure the Bond Software for German.

If your PC/ Bond Software is currently configured for a language other

than German, Bond Software will revert to English. You do not need to
perform any actions in this document.

The following European language is supported:

1. German (Germany)*

* The help system and the Bond User Manual are not translated for German.

This document contains the following sections:

1. Configuring the “Regional Options”

a. This section describes how to configure the regional settings in
order for things such as the date and time format to match those
used in your region (country)

2. Configuring the “Input Language”

a. This section describes how to configure the Microsoft Windows
input language.
b. If you are using a localised keyboard (not provided or supported by
VBS) you will need to configure the settings for the Input keyboard.
c. NOTE: changing the input language to a character without a
keyboard capable of entering Western (Latin) characters may result
in difficulties when logging on with any user name/password
combination which uses the Latin character set (i.e BondService,
bu). See page 6 of this document for instructions on how to
overcome this problem.

3. Activating language support for Bond Software

a. This section describes all that is needed to turn on the translations
of the Bond Software for a particular language.
b. Following these instructions will result in the Bond Software being
translated to the selected language but will not result in the rest of
the Microsoft Windows interface being translated.

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Appendix B – Configuring the Bond System for European

You must be logged in as BondService, using the weekly service

password provided by the VBS Service Department.

1. Configure the “Regional Options”

This section describes how to configure the regional settings in order for
things such as the date and time format to match those used in your region
a) Enter the “Regional and Language Options”

Step 2. Click the

“Control Panel”
Step 1. Click the
“Start” button

Step 3. Double click

the “Regional and
Language Options”

b) Configure the “Regional Options”

Step 4.
Select the
country and
the language

Step 5. Step 6. Click

Select the OK

B21.5036.680.A01 Upgrading of Bond System Software to Version 03.04.doc Page 36 of 40

Appendix B – Configuring the Bond System for European

2. Configure the “Input Language”

Step 1. Click Step 2. Click

on the on the
“Languages” “Details”
tab button

a) The following dialog will appear


(you may not be able to log Step 3. Click
in if you do this) on the “Add”

B21.5036.680.A01 Upgrading of Bond System Software to Version 03.04.doc Page 37 of 40

Appendix B – Configuring the Bond System for European

Step 4. Select
the correct input

Step 6. Click
“OK” Option 2
Option 1

Step 5. Configure the “Keyboard layout/IME” to correspond to the keyboard

which you are using.

You should only change this setting if you are using a localised keyboard (not
provided or supported by VBS) – Option 1

If you are using the keyboard provided with the Bond instrument, you should
leave the “Keyboard layout/IME” set to “US” – Option 2


(you may not be able to log
in if you do this)

Option 2

Step 7. Select the input language. You will be able to select

either Option 1 or Option 2, depending on which one you added
in the step above.

Step 8. Click the “OK”


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Appendix B – Configuring the Bond System for European

3. Activating the Language Support for Bond Software

Following these instructions will result in the Bond Software being displayed in
the selected language.
Note: German is being used as an example in these instructions. You can set
up the Bond Software for any of the supported languages (See page 1)
Step 1. Click on
the “Advanced”
tab Step 2. Select the following

1. German (Germany)

Only German is available in this

version. You must choose the
above option in order for the
language support to work with
Bond. Otherwise Bond software
will use English.

Step 3. Select

Step 4. Click OK

Step 5. Click OK

a) The following dialog will appear

Step 6. Click “Yes”

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Appendix B – Configuring the Bond System for European

b) The following dialog will appear

Step 7. Click “Yes”

c) The PC will restart. Please wait

d) Log in

Press the left Alt key and Shift

(left Alt + Shift) to toggle through
different input languages.
If you are having trouble logging in
toggle the input language to “EN”
and use the keyboard originally
supplied with the Bond instrument

e) Start the Bond Software. The Bond Software should now display
your selected language


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