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Making awareness present protects actively and passively.

The consciousness of the elements of reality keeps them attached to free will, keeps
everything in their place and essentially prevents these object elements from being causally
manipulated by dark forces, negative forces.
Causal manipulation can be avoided in this way by accumulating knowledge, only having
knowledge makes one's kingdom stay in place and secured and this conforms to a function,
in particular this does not need to be applied but only learned and maintained, whenever an
attack is expected, free will takes hold, in this condition and your energy is protected. Forces
very much like to operate from the shadows, in areas where free will is not in focus and
therefore does not need to be confronted since when one expects a particular method of
attack, the use of such a method would mean a direct confrontation. with free will.

Predictability is a necessary condition for the success of attacks, this is because their plans
are intellectually conceived based on their position and the predictable nature of one's
In this way if they attack from the blind spot of one's field of perception, they have a higher
chance of success.
The "Passive Consciousness" form is simply a method of maintaining and guarding the
territory so that free will covers all areas of one's reality.
This works particularly well in the case of causal manipulation, because it keeps reality in
The "Active Consciousness" protection, arises when free will is directly confronted, some
use methods of psychic self-defense, such as declaring that they will stay firmly away or the
different forms of prayer or visualizations and creation of defensive thought forms in In the
case of entities, when their presence in one's environment becomes evident, which responds
to a form of interaction, they have already obtained the "Permission" to enter and cross the
limit into one's own realm.
Here it is not only good to declare the intention or to use methods of psychic self-defense
although it can help because they are very tangible and interact causally with their victim.

A "Passive Defense" is to find a way to close the doors on them, but in this case the enemy
is already inside.

"Active Defense" of consciousness involves taking action to counter its attacks, by noticing
its warning signs and not letting its cunning attempts to penetrate our realm further and steal
energy and especially avoid believing in its misinformation, In short, making consciousness
present is necessary to be able to fully access or use one's own “Free Will” (FW), either
actively or passively.

The power of being increases in proportion to your increased awareness. When the FW not
manifested offers little protection and is therefore conspicuous by its absence, due to
Spiritual amnesia and forced hypnosis that has suppressed our consciousness leaving much
of our FW unused.
An ideal goal would be to acquire knowledge in order to use our LA latently. That is why
knowledge and the presence of consciousness are so important since they are catalysts that
help us to better use our latent FW.
It is easier to defend ourselves against the manipulation of reality and the attacks of AS with
the help of knowledge, which protects itself passively and actively when it is used.

In one of Laura Knight Jadczyk's conversations with the Cassiopaeans, the following
questions are asked:


“What about the force that prevents one from being kidnapped forever, what is it that is
inside one that stops them, I mean, is there something that was like a fundamental
characteristic of some kind of human being?
Is there anything that prevents them from being victims of manipulation? "

"The force resides in the pattern of the Spirit."

"In other words, there is something within us that creates a kind of inherent barrier, but isn't it
something that being at this level of density we can use as a weapon?"

They can! But it is extremely difficult to do it consciously, the response of the Spiritual pattern
is very significant, since the Containing Spirits in Essence, obey a pattern of group
Essences, until they become independent and take the reins.
This occurs when Consciousness makes an appearance, having then more LA and since in
this virtual reality our energy is harvested, it is essential to know the operation of the
so-called Organic Portals (OP)

What is an OP?

In Boris Mouravieff book 3, he discusses what he calls Pre-Adamic Humanity,
( )
and Adamic Humanity.
The basic idea is that the Pre-Adamites are Spiritless people with no possibility of one being
born, this is certainly shocking but it seems that there are individuals who are just
mechanical, empty with nothing inside, or being internal at all.

Boris Mouravieff spoke of this just as Castañeda did.

But we going back to the conversations with the Cassiopaeans, Laura Knight Jadczyk says
the following:

“Most of them are very efficient machines, the ones you identify as Psychopaths are
mistakes, and the best of them could hardly be discerned except by long and careful
One of the longtime members of the group wanted to know if he had ever come across one
of those OPs and if so could we be able to identify one by his description?


If you consider that the population is equally disturbed, then you will understand that in
ordinary life with Spirit, that person will encounter less OP than individuals with Spirit. But
when someone is in the process of growing and strengthening the Spirit, the control system
or the Matrix, he will seek to insert more of his unity in that person's life. Now think of all the
people you have met and particularly those you have or have known and particularly those
that you have or have been intimate with. Who would you designate as OP or AS? It is
difficult to say.

Now don't start labeling without due consideration, remember that often the individual who
displays contradictory behavior can be a Spirit-battling being. "

"How can I know if I have a Spirit?"

"Have you ever felt pain for another?"

"I think you are talking about Empathy?”

“These beings are never interested in what happens to others, if they are in pain or misery
and they do not know how to make it matter to them. The only pain is the withdrawal of food,
comfort, or anything they own or want. They are also masters at twisting the perception of
others in ways that appear to be "Empathic", but in general such actions are only to retain
control "

“What does lineage have to do with having or not having a Spirit?

“Genetics marries the Spirit, if it is present.

What source of energy is in charge to charge the body and the Spirit?

"The question needs to be separated, what happens to an individual with Spirit is different
from an OP unit."

At this point we stop and talk about the possibility that the life force energy that is
incorporated in the OPs must be something like a pool of Spirits. "

(Own note: OPs absorb energy from the critical mass or cluster of hive-like energies,
manufactured or stolen from Spirit beings by AS, since they cannot access "The Source")

Where does the energy that charges the OPs come from, are they recharged from the pond
that you have said or is it perhaps from a human pond?

"Do not! It recharges from the so-called sexual center. "

"The centers as described by Boris Mouravieff, do you fully refer to the idea of ​the Chakras?"

“Very close ... In an individual of the Organic variety, the so-called Superior Chakras are
effect, energy producers, stealing that energy from beings with Spirit. This is what gives
them the ability to emulate beings with Spirit.
The being with Spirit is perceiving a mirror of his own Spirit when they attribute qualities of
Spirit to such beings. "

"Could we say that psychopaths are a more extreme kind of OP?

They are OP with interference in their Software. The psychopath appears to have one or
more of the characteristics of OP in an exaggerated or distorted manifestation. The
Cassiopaeans have pointed out that OPs cannot be distinguished except by great and
exhaustive observation or through great experience, but they are so adept at this that They
can "Fake a Spirit" because they are intelligent, observant and analytical and include some
of the most famous scientists. They are able to describe how they see the world and their
inner life, very accurately and in great detail.
Because there is so much conflict in the world, perhaps we are getting very close to the
answer, because the truth seems to be that there would never have been a homogeneous
us, or human race on the planet, we are not all the same or similar, we do not see the world
in the same way, we are not a divided race, we are several different races. This becomes
even clearer when we wonder why most scientists do not consider Spiritual Densities and
quickly write any unconventional theories.
The OP scientist has no notion of Spirit or the existence of something superior, being unable
to experience it and that is why his descriptions reflect the world in which they live, denying
all of the above said to the entire population, including denying what the OP they are not
able to see, since being in a materialistic world they are in their natural environment.
The OPs are already programmed to keep the "cattle" inside the berry.
In fact one of the key strategies is that the key positions of science are occupied by the OPs,
allowing the Controllers a more relaxed control. They know in this way that they perpetuate
Darwinian thought.

Boris Mouravieff tells us:

"The Pre-Adamites, are not subject to these adjustments of anguish and these permanent
internal conflicts, in most cases they have their conflicts in the inner place of the personality
between the different" I "that produce these conflicts.
The internal conflicts of the OP are not about the relationship with the world, in the sense of
its fundamental being, in this world. He cannot worry about such questions, because they
arise from the influence of the true "Higher I".
There can be no contradiction between the OP and his being, in this world, because he is
entirely of this world, he is the expression of it as a material kingdom. The individual with
Spirit however is different, having fallen into this world, retaining a memory of the higher
worlds, which come to him through his true "Higher I". The attention of his, his reminder of
your true "Higher I" nature and the fallen nature of his personality, is what creates the
potential for esoteric work. It is what creates the ground for warming that is crucial to conflict.
In all cases, if he triumphs over himself, which is what inhabits the Adamic man to resolve
the internal conflict of the moment, it inevitably implies a construction of his attitude towards
external life, generally the result will be the conflict with those closest to him. him, unless the
latter follow them in their esoteric evolution, which is very rare.

This does not mean that those who are close to him want some evil, on the contrary, it is
almost always the good that he has in view. The conflict always arises from what is real. If
those around the individual in question were Pre-Adamic, they would never have agreed with
him. Being unable to understand the reasons for his change in attitude and unable to grasp
the nature of the end he is pursuing. They immediately become instruments of general law,
which ensures that those who step out of line are brought back into the Matrix.

The Cassiopaeans explain the following: The control system will seek to insert even more
units into the life of the Spiritual individual.

In the Pre-Adamic man the sex is merely supreme, thus being in his environment that it is
not in the Adamic being. The essenceless being is not uncomfortable with it unless they
have been caught up in the brainwashing of religion, intended to control the essence less,
worshiping the physical Universe, because it is all that matters to them. ..The matter."

Let us now look at a number of points to highlight from this interview with Cassiopeans,
which I find interesting.

1.- Adamisca breeds act as OPs between different density levels and he means Star Seeds!
2.- The pre-Adamites are AS and these are very efficient machines, the best can not be
distinguished from the crowd without an excauctive study, insight and information on them.
3.- AS make up 80% or more of those living on this planet.
4.- The two species (Pre-Adamic and Adamic) have crossed thousands of years (12,500 I
would think) and DNA is very mixed and this pollution of the same and can therefore be
found in the same families, your mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, etc..etc, who
are Pre-Adamites, but not you.

It could be someone you live with every day of your life and in that case they only have a
reason to be there ... Lose your energy, distract yourself from the meaning, purpose or
mission of your life!

These spiritually loose beings come from the fourth low density, lower beings, called
Arkonts. They live on the energy that humans secrete at certain times, which is why they
follow people who vibrate low and think negatively, those who feel depressed, those who are
lonely, especially the elderly in old age homes that no one visits. Those buildings are a real
factory of very good quality of "Loss", the energy Arkonter likes to eat and which is so difficult
to get in countries where individuals are in the family, a very important element.

Jörgen Hofh

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