4 Hold On To Nothing Booklet

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The Nibiruan


Hold on to
Nothing and You’ll Have

The 4th Key of Compassion

By Jelaila Starr

Hold on to Nothing and You’ll Have Everything, the 4th Key of Compassion

$6.50 US

The 7 Keys of Compassion Booklets

The Formula of Compassion
Soul Contracts and Promises
The Divine Partnership
Hold on to Nothing and You’ll Have Everything
Dancing with the Dark

Keys of Compassion Companion CDs

CD41 The Formula of Compassion, the 1st Key of Compassion
CD42 Contracts and Promises, the 2nd Key of Compassion
CD43 The Divine Partnership, the 3rd Key of Compassion
CD44 Hold on to Nothing and You'll Have Everything, the 4th Key of Compassion
CD45 Dancing with the Dark, the 5th Key of Compassion
CD46 Agreements, the 6th Key of Compassion
CD47 Apologies, the 7th Key of Compassion

Other Booklets by Jelaila Starr

The Liver and Colon Cleanse Booklet

Books by Jelaila Starr

We are the Nibiruans, Return of the 12th Planet
The Mission Remembered
Bridge of Reunion

Revised September 12, 2008

© Copyright 1999-2020 by Jelaila Starr
The Nibiruan Council
All rights reserved. No part of this booklet may be reproduced by any means whatsoever
without written permission from the author, except for brief quotations embodied in articles or

Since late 1993, I have been receiving higher guidance from a spirit guide named Devin. In the
years that followed he shared with me the God-Conscious concepts now contained in the previ-
ous three Keys of Compassion booklets. I had used the tools they contained to heal the pain of
my past, which included two failed marriages and a recently ended love relationship. I was busy
recreating my life the way I wanted it to be, when in late 1997 I met Jonathan.
Six weeks later, on a warm and breezy afternoon in a lovely little Las Vegas chapel among our
dearest friends, I walked down the aisle to pledge my love till death do us part…for the third

Interestingly enough, instead of having second thoughts, as I had with both of my previous mar-
riages, I was absolutely certain that marrying this man was the right thing to do. I felt as though
our connection was older than time, which is something I had not felt with my previous two hus-

As I walked out of the chapel on the arm of my handsome new husband, I never suspected the
enormous number of challenges I’d have to face and overcome to keep that promise. With two
failed marriages, an assortment of long-term relationships, and four kids between us, we had
enough emotional baggage to sink the Titanic.
As you will read, the first year of our marriage proved to be anything but a honeymoon. Fortu-
nately we had assistance in the form of another Key, Hold on to Nothing and You’ll Have Every-

Jelaila Starr

Hold on to Nothing and You’ll Have Everything, the 4th Key of Compassion

God Consciousness
In order to make Hold on to Nothing and You’ll Have Everything work for you, a firm grasp of God
Consciousness and its beliefs and principles is necessary. God Consciousness is a level of spir-
itual awareness that is far beyond human consciousness. Learning it is a journey into the mind of
God where we transcend polarity to arrive at unconditional love and acceptance.

As I wrote in The Formula of Compassion, I had always wanted to learn how God could be uncon-
ditionally loving and accepting, even in the face of all the pain and sadness in the world. I thought
if I knew how to do that, I could change anything, endure anything, and heal anything. Now I know
and now you are about to learn the secret, too. The funny thing about God consciousness is that
it has been available to mankind for thousands of years. The only problem was that it was only
available in pieces. It was as though someone cut the consciousness into pieces, like a jigsaw
puzzle, handing different ones to various individuals like Jesus and Buddha to deliver. Scattered
in pieces, it was difficult for anyone to put them all together. This was compounded by the fact
that religion, to some degree, ensured that we didn’t find them all, much less put them together.
Being able to recognize a piece and work through the obstacles to actually using it requires great
courage and fortitude. Those who have it, who endure, are rewarded. Below are the principles of
God Consciousness that underpin the Formula of Compassion.

We are Creator god/goddesses in our own right

If you are like me, you were taught that there is good and evil, up and down, right and wrong, all
forms of the two polarities, Light and Dark. Light is good and what we are to strive to be in all
parts of our lives and Dark was bad, to be avoided, prevented and, if possible, totally eliminated
and obliterated from our consciousness. In my quest to heal, my spirit guide showed me that
there is another way, and it is the way of God. That way is to blend and merge the Light and Dark
within me rather than obliterate one in favor of the other.

Even though it felt good and balanced to think this way, nevertheless it was challenging. I came
face to face with just how much I had judged the Dark in myself and in others. It was a shocker.
Here we are told not to judge lest we be judged and it seemed that all I was doing was judging. In
any case, my spirit guide explained that God, in order to be unconditionally loving and accepting
even of the worst manifestations of the Dark, must know something that we don’t know, or at least
don’t act on if we do know. That something was that all polarity is just expressions of creation,
neither inherently good nor bad. They just perform different functions. But what functions and for
what purpose? As my spirit guide explained, Light and Dark exist as forms of expression in order
for us to learn about ourselves. Dark is the polarity of growth and Light is the recognition of ac-
complishment. For example, you learn just how much courage you have, how much tenacity and
fortitude once you have worked through a difficult and challenging situation. The Dark, in this
case, was the challenging situation. The Light is the awareness that you are more than you may
have previously known. So you could say that Dark is the teacher, and Light is the reward for
learning. We don’t learn through the Light. We learn through the Dark and experience the reward
as the Light. Once I understood this, I understood how God could be so unconditionally accepting
and loving. He knew that we as souls needed some way in which to experience ourselves. As we
did, we grew and He grew along with us. It was why He created us; to learn more about Himself.

So God created a game out of his desire to grow and learn. since games are the most creative
way to learn. You could call it a game of the highest order. In this game, we would learn and
grow by learning how to value the Dark as much as the Light. By learning how to use the Dark
as a tool instead of being used by it, we would regain the power we had lost. In this game, we
would initially know how to use the Dark polarity, but in order to become more than what we
were initially, we would have to forget that and then, through many lifetimes, remember it.
Through our struggles, we would grow and become even more powerful Creator beings than we
were initially.

We are souls having a physical experience

It never occurred to me to think that I associated my beingness with my body rather than my
soul, so when I was first introduced to this concept by my spirit guide it was a great surprise. I
remember thinking, “How limited my life has been because I thought I was only my body.” I can
only imagine how much other people’s lives will be expanded once they are set free from the
limiting belief that they are only their bodies.

We are immortal and live numerous lives

As aspects of God, we are immortal. Now I was taught this as a child, so this concept was not
new. What was new was the concept of reincarnation. Like so many others being raised in
Christian-based religions, I was taught there was only one life. Once it was over, that was it. I
secretly wondered why God would only give us one life to get it right. What happened to good
’ol trial and error? It just seemed that giving us only a scant 70+ years to become perfect was
not enough, especially with temptation beckoning at every turn. Needless to say, I was relived
to find that wasn’t the case.

When my spirit guide introduced reincarnation, it answered another question that had been with
me since childhood: what did God do with all the souls? Did he warehouse them somewhere?
With all the people who have lived their one life and then died, he must have whole galaxies
devoted to soul warehouses.

We create our own realities

I was flying high, knowing that I had more lives ahead of me to get things right, when my spirit
guide pulled the rug out from under me. “As an immortal soul and Creator being, you create
your own reality in each lifetime, but you are responsible for all you create.” Darn, there he goes
with that old responsibility talk. Why can’t we just create and let someone else take the blame if
the results don’t turn out right? Why do I have to take responsibility? And, more importantly
how can I? I just don’t get it. My spirit guide patiently explained that in order to play this game
of soul evolution, we create a blueprint for the reality we wish to create in the upcoming life be-
fore we incarnate. Once we have incarnated, we create that reality through making choices
based on our thoughts and feelings. Our blueprint, which I refer to as the Life Blueprint, is de-
signed with the intent of achieving soul growth. Once we incarnate, we play out that blueprint,
creating our reality based on it but without remembering what we had planned. Each blueprint
contains the lessons we want to learn about integrating the Light and Dark, along with the
events through which they will be experienced and the people with whom we will interact. The
choices made in each lifetime would either move us forward or set us back in our quest for inte-

Hold on to Nothing and You’ll Have Everything, the 4th Key of Compassion

Back to the idea of being responsible. Since we are the ones who designed our own blueprints for
our own personal benefit, it is only fair that we take responsibility for them. To expect someone
else to do it would be really unfair. Besides, once we get to Earth if we don’t like what we de-
signed we have the power to change it with our thoughts and feelings. Thanks to quantum sci-
ence, we understand the mechanics behind how we create. Movies such as “What the Bleep?”
and “The Secret” are excellent for understanding this concept. Learning this principle of God Con-
sciousness, though freeing, nevertheless meant that I had to give up the whole victim attitude.
Though I was happy to do so, it wasn’t so easy in practice as it was in theory. Realizing that I had
to be responsible for everything in my reality got to be a real bummer at times, especially when
those things really hurt.

We are souls playing roles to assist each other in attaining soul growth.

Giving up victimhood became a little easier once I learned this principle. As men-
tioned previously, we have other people involved in our personal realities. The rea-
son for this is that we cannot learn lessons alone; it takes others playing out various
roles, personifying aspects of the Dark that enable us to learn. They become our
teachers, helping us to learn how to integrate some aspect of the Dark that has been
a stumbling block for us. As my spirit guide once said, the souls who love us the
most are the ones who agree to play the most painful roles. It takes great love to be willing to en-
dure the rejection and blame that we will heap on them. This led me to realize that my belief in sin
and forgiveness was no longer needed, since all that occurs happens as a result of souls playing
roles for each other. I chuckled when I realized just how much the belief in sin and the need for
forgiveness had controlled my life. It was good to let it go.

Life is our mirror

This concept ties in with the previous ones. Our life is the reality that we had
planned before we incarnated. The events we experience and the people with
whom we experience them are there in order to enable us to remember and learn
what we wanted to learn. And what we wanted to learn was how to integrate the
Light and Dark. Going further, the more painful experiences are those needed in
order to get beyond a limiting belief carried over from previous lives. The degree of pain we expe-
rience is in exact proportion to how stuck we have become in some dysfunctional belief.

Everything has a value

By the time I got to this concept, I was able to easily grasp it. Based on what I had learned with
the previous teachings, it made sense that everything I experienced had a value, that of being an-
other opportunity for soul evolution. When my spirit guide said those words to me, I recall think-
ing, “I already know this, but only intellectually.” Many were the times throughout my life that I had
heard the saying, “Every cloud has a silver lining.” It sounded good, but each time I would wonder
how it could be that every bad thing or situation was a blessing. Now I understood, and it released
me from having to go through life judging everything and everyone as good or bad, right or wrong.
I felt a huge weight of fear lifted from my heart once I understood this.

The Life Blueprint

The Life Blueprint is a roadmap of sorts. Created in the time we call the Interlife, the time between
lifetimes, the blueprint contains all the events and contracts for the lessons you wanted to learn.

Soul growth is why you came to Earth. Earth can be likened to a school. I call it “Earth school.”
The contracts and lessons on your Life Blueprint are the curriculum.

Your Soul oversees the contracts as well as all other aspects of your blueprint. In fact, the Soul is
the only one who see the blueprint. These contracts are the agreements you made with other
souls to learn lessons. Contracts are agreed to in the Interlife and make up a good portion of your
Life Blueprint. Your Soul works with your angels/spirit guides and the angels/spirit guides of oth-
ers, to bring about the contracts and lessons supporting events on your blueprint.

Your Life Blueprint defines the timing for meeting all the people that you are supposed to meet in
this lifetime. Many of these individuals will be part of your lessons and may have matching les-
sons and contracts. Some of the people will be those that you meet in a crowd or pass on the
street, but they are all on your Life Blueprint. This could be millions of people over the course of a

Soul/Higher Self

The Soul can be likened to a loving and caring grandmother or grandfather. In

some modalities it is called the Higher Self or Super Conscious. We call it simply
the Soul. The Soul contains all the wisdom, experience and memories of every
lifetime you have lived from the moment of your creation as a Soul. Even though
the Soul resides in the higher realms, it connects to the physical body in the heart
chakra. Some people call the heart the seat or house of the Soul.
It is your Soul that answers you when you ask for guidance and you feel that answer in your heart.
When the Soul speaks, there is a perceptible feeling or sensation of knowing that you feel. When
the Inner Child/Ego answers, that feeling is not there.

The Self
You, the conscious part of you that is reading this booklet, is what we call the Self.
You, the Self, are the aspect of your Soul that he/she created for your present
incarnation. In other words, when a Soul decides to incarnate in order to experi-
ence another lifetime, it fragments a part of itself to place in the physical body.
That aspect, some call it the Spirit; we call it the Self, animates the body. You,
the Self are in charge of the body and your purpose is to follow the heeding (that small quiet voice
within) of your Soul through the journey we call life. The goal, of course, is to grow and growing in
this context means integrating the Light and Dark.
The Inner Child

Traditionally speaking, the Inner Child is the child-like part of each of us. It is the fun, crea-
tive part that keeps us feeling young. It is also the passionate part of us that gives us a
zest for life. However, as I have learned there is a higher perspective, the God-conscious
perspective. In the mind of God, the Inner Child is the Soul’s library come to life.

When the Soul decides to incarnate, not only does he/she install a part of him/herself in the physi-
cal body to animate it, he/she also installs the history of every lifetime and every experience he/
she has ever had at the cellular level. This history is what we call the Soul’s library. That library
has its own form of consciousness. We call this consciousness the Inner Child.
The Inner Child sees itself as the body. This makes sense because it the library is in every cell of

Hold on to Nothing and You’ll Have Everything, the 4th Key of Compassion

the body. The Inner Child lives in the moment because it is the library constantly logging new
experiences. But with that said, it makes its decisions based on those from the library. This
means that each time it encounters a situation, it makes its response based on past experiences
and will act on it unless otherwise guided by the Self.

The Ego

Traditionally speaking, the Ego is the part of us that seeks to undermine us at every turn.
Associated with selfishness, greed, fear, and all those other unpleasant things, we are
taught from childhood to eliminate or at least subdue it. But as with the Inner Child, there
is the God-Conscious perspective. In the mind of God, the Ego is the side of the Inner
Child that is born of the need for protection because the Self for what ever reason, has
stopped doing that job. So you could say the Ego is the Dark or protective side of the avatar
while the Inner child is the Light side. The Inner Child is free, loving, happy, creative and totally
oblivious of danger. The Ego is on constant guard for danger. It isn’t free and happy.

The Ego exists to protect the Self from pain, both physical and emotional. It gets its information
about what and how to protect from the library. In other words, it bases its responses to current
perceived threats on what occurred in past situations, in your current life and beyond. In some
situations this is good because it would steer you away from danger. For example, if you move
your hand too close to a hot burner your body would automatically feel fear. This is your Ego
using a fear-based response to protect you. At other times it is not so good. For example, say
you died in a terrible drowning accident in a past life. In this life you have a fear of water so you
avoid situations that would bring you close to water. If by chance you found yourself near water
your body would respond. Your heart would begin to race and you’d begin to sweat. Once
again, these are your Ego’s attempts to alert you to danger. Unfortunately, you’d miss out on a
lot of fun.

Just as with its Light half, the Ego lives in the moment and cannot perceive of the future. This
means that it cannot envision that a situation for which it has a history of negative experiences
could turn out good. That’s a real problem when it comes to following your Soul since the Soul
does not fear pain and knows that pain can and will be a part of learning lessons. I believe this
even without knowing this God level information about the Ego and it is why we have been
taught to eliminate the Ego. However, that is not the answer. In fact, trying to eliminate the Ego
is why we can’t feel self-love because self love comes from loving all parts of ourselves and that
includes the Ego.

The Inner Child and the Ego both seek a connection with the Self, whom they see as the parent.
Just as a child looks to a parent, the Inner Child/Ego looks to the Self for love, nurturing, protec-
tion and guidance. There once existed a relationship between you, your Soul and your Inner
Child. A divine partnership, if you will. Your Soul was like your parent, and you were the parent
to your Inner Child. You felt secure in the love of your Soul and your Inner Child knew it was
loved by you. Your Inner Child viewed your Soul as a beloved grandparent and didn’t hesitate
to follow along because it knew that no matter what, it would be loved and protected. It’s much
the same as how you may have felt about your parents when you were very young. It was the
time when you were young and free and knew nothing about fear and bad memories.

For most people their divine partnership becomes fragmented shortly after starting grade
school. This is due to the overemphasis on rote thinking combined with admonitions to not be
too emotional or imaginative. Emotions and imagination are not only required to maintain the
Divine Partnership, they are part of the communication system between the three. When that

connection is broken, the Inner Child/Ego will act to gain the Self’s attention doing things that in
the long run net only more abandonment and pain.

The way that others treat us is a reflection of how we treat ourselves our Inner Child/Ego

It is often stated that we only see about 10% of our reality, the other 90% is the portion from
which our reality is created. In that latter portion are our beliefs, our feelings, our thoughts and
our Inner Child/Ego. From the God-Conscious perspective, the reason that we incarnate is to
learn more of how we, as Creator god/goddesses, create from that 90%. Of great interest is
learning how we treat our Inner Child/Ego. This we learn by observing the way others treat us,
for how they treat is a direct reflection of our Inner Child relationship.

In the midst of learning all the other principles and concepts of God Conscious-
ness, Devin began teaching me about the elements, expressed through five be-
haviors that make up the thing that we call “love”, presenting them one at a time.
As we went along, it became clear to me that my concept of love was way off. In fact, it was
neediness in disguise. The five elements of love are: acceptance, allowing, trust, kindness and

Acceptance: To accept others as they are and who they are, even if you don’t understand or
Allowing: The ability to allow others to be who they are, what they are, and walk their life path,
even though you may not understand or agree.
Trust: Trusting that your loved one is being well guided and is following his/her path, even
though you may not understand or agree.
Kindness: Being kind to your loved one, even though you don’t understand his/her choices and
life path.
Faith: Having faith in the ability of others to change, even when it appears they cannot.


I had always thought that compassion was similar to having mercy or taking pity on
someone. When my spirit guide began talking to me about compassion, asking me
to examine my understanding of it, I had to look it up. Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary
(1) defines compassion as “sorrow or pity for the sufferings of another person.”. “Okay, I thought
to myself, I was on the right track, so where is he going with this?” God-Conscious compassion
is much different than what you have been taught.” Devin had responded during one of our
training sessions. “It is being able to feel the pain of another and not seek to change it because
you understand that it has value. It is empathy without judgment.”

The compassion I had displayed previously was based on seeing a person in pain, taking pity
on him/her and seeking to eliminate the pain. And when I took pity on someone, I saw them as
“less than.” People don’t like to be seen as “less than” others. Furthermore, they don’t really
like the message that another person trying to rescue them from their pain sends. They don’t
like being made to feel that they are not strong enough, good enough or adequate enough for
whatever reason to rescue themselves. I know this for a fact because I did it a lot and the re-
sults were almost always the same…the person whom I was rescuing didn’t appreciate it. At
times, I was accused of trying to control their life. Imagine that?!

Hold on to Nothing and You’ll Have Everything, the 4th Key of Compassion

Learning a whole new level of compassion felt really good and was, in a way, a relief because I
was tired of the backlash that I experienced when trying to be compassionate. Knowing that
now, when I see someone in pain all I have to do is feel along with them, but not have to change
it or make it better because the pain is going to somehow help them. This was a weight lifted
from my shoulders. With God-Conscious compassion there is no judgment on what the person
is going through or on the person themselves. There is no devaluing of the individual due to his/
her circumstances.

God-Conscious compassion elevates the person in pain as a soul in the process of learning a
valuable lesson that will only serve to make them a more loving individual.

Since first being introduced to God Consciousness by Devin, my spirit guide, I had learned to
use the Formula of Compassion to transmute the pain in any conflict while at the same time re-
claiming the power I had lost. I had learned how to reclaim my power from authority figures
through the knowledge given in Contracts and Promises, and discovered the heady feeling of
self-love by reuniting with my Inner Child, Ego and Soul as outlined in The Divine Partnership. I
had come a long way but there was more to go. I needed to learn how to walk through fear in-
stead of run from it, how to let go of anyone and anything that I am holding on to when faced
with the fear of losing it or them. In short, I still needed to learn how to hold on to nothing. If I
could do that, I would be able to have anything that I wanted because I know that the only thing
between me and the things I want is fear. As if on cue, Jonathan entered my life to help me
learn this lesson and develop this most valuable God-conscious skill. The following is the story
of how I learned to hold on to nothing so that I cold have everything. It begins with a little ruby-
red rash.

1. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/compassion

The Dilemma of the Ruby-red Wedding Ring
Three months after my marriage the Nibiruan Council, the business I had started in late 1996 to
promote the Formula of Compassion, took a sudden turn for the worse. To say I was surprised
is an understatement. After attempting several tried and true marketing strategies, all of which
failed, Jonathan and I, along with my two partners Terry and Dermot could only conclude that it
was because it was time for a major transition. Terry and Dermot would move on to their next
steps, and Jonathan and I would continue the Council’s work on our own. Jonathan, having just
sold his former company, saw the Nibiruan Council as his next step and so purchased the com-
pany, buying out Terry and Dermot. Though I was sad to see our partnership end, I was happy
for Terry and Dermot and the new opportunities that were sure to come their way.

With the dissolution of our partnership, I decided to take some time off before getting back to
work. There had been a lot of change in my life in just a few short months and I needed time to
adjust. My then ten year old daughter Danielle also needed time and attention. After all, she
now had a new step-father. She had been living with her father for the last few years which had
made it difficult for us to spend a lot of quality time together, and me having a new husband
meant even less time.

In June we decided to move from my hometown, Kansas City, to Jonathan’s hometown, Los
Angeles. This was the next logical step for us but Los Angeles held fear of untold proportions
for me. Never had I wished to visit it much less live there. Still, the doors of opportunity had
opened in that direction so with great trepidation and sadness, I sold my furniture, packed my
crystals and kissed my child goodbye. With my beloved cat Biijai, my new husband and I left
Kansas City on the 4th of July and headed west towards sunny LA..


Several days later the remainder of my belongings arrived by truck from Kansas City. Though
the majority of the boxes arrived intact there was one that was a problem. Inside it was a small
plastic bin in which I had packed my cosmetics. When I opened the bin I nearly flipped out. A
jar of honey that I use for waxing had spilled all over the other contents coating just about every-
thing in the bin. I immediately flew into a rage. My anger turned to tears as I slid to the floor,
slumped against the bathroom vanity. At the time I couldn’t say why this minor incident had so
triggered me but it had. I felt I just couldn’t take it anymore. Perhaps it was the stress of travel-
ing, moving to a new town, leaving my child and feeling totally homesick…I don’t know.

I eventually calmed down enough to begin cleaning up the mess. As I did I remember thinking
to myself that I should take off my wedding ring before starting the job but the thought didn’t
stick. I find it interesting that, of all the sad and angry thoughts going through my mind at that
time, this should be the one that I remembered.

A few days later I awoke with an angry red rash under my wedding ring. I instantly at-
tributed it to the cleaner that I had used, and silently berated myself for not taking off
my ring before I started cleaning up the wax. I got up and applied an anti-itch cream.

Hold on to Nothing and You’ll Have Everything, the 4th Key of Compassion

Even though I had never experienced anything like it before, I wasn’t really concerned. I’m not
one who is prone to skin irritations as a rule, therefore I didn't take my ring off thinking that the
rash would go away but it didn't.

Jonathan was good-natured and understanding about it, but I could see the pain in his eyes be-
cause even though he might not know the exact cause, he knew it had something to do with our
marriage or some fear of mine regarding marriage.

Two weeks later the rash was still there. I had tried having the ring professionally cleaned,
soaking it in alcohol, hydrogen peroxide and boiling it in hot water but nothing had helped. I fi-
nally took my wedding ring off because the rash had developed into a mass of tiny little blisters
covering the area under my ring. The pain and itching had become more than I could take and
the anti-itch creams were not effective. The only thing that made a difference was not wearing
the ring. As soon as I slipped it from my finger, the pain would subside. The next day, it would
be much better. Discovering this was devastating to me on many levels. Not only did I feel out
of control, I felt totally controlled by my Inner Child/Ego. It was as though she was telling me
that though I might want to be married, she had no intention of being so and was letting me
know. We were at war and the battleground was the top of my ring finger! I, like Jonathan,
knew it had something to do with her/my fears about being married, but I had no clue as to what
the fear could be.

It was now late July and though things had gotten a little better, I could only wear my ring for a
couple of hours—the rash and my Inner Child/Ego was still a problem. It was embarrassing to
go out in public with my finger red and swollen, wearing my wedding ring on my right hand. I felt
like I had a sign over my head saying, "Marital Failure, Can't Commit!" Having been through a
“Dark Night of the Soul” lesson before, (that’s a very, very difficult life lesson), I recognized that I
was in one again.


Summer ended but in LA seasonal changes are not really noticed. What I did notice was the
serious trouble in my marriage. The realization that the problems were my husband’s, not mine,
and my rage over his behavior was the cause of my ring rash. The sale of Jonathan’s business
had gone awry and instead of walking away with a large sum of money he had lost almost eve-
rything. Overnight he lost his money, his rental properties and other assets he had worked so
hard to acquire. But the most devastating loss was his self-confidence and his passion for life. It
was as though someone had come along and snuffed it out. For the first few days he was so
depressed he couldn’t get off the sofa. Though I didn’t consciously know it, seeing him fall apart
triggered all my abandonment issues from childhood. I suppose my Inner Child thought he was
going to die and in a way that was true. As the weeks went by I watched the strong, handsome,
self-assured man I had married disappear, replaced by a sickly, weak and depressed man who
no longer had any direction or desire to go on. Nothing I did seemed to cheer him up or help
him see the value in this situation. But being unaware of how his behavior was triggering my
childhood fears, I remained unconscious of the fear, anger and resentment I felt. Instead, what I
did notice was that the passion I had felt for Jonathan had died. I was no longer attracted to my
once sexy husband and I felt that loss on a very deep level as one more failure.

Cruising the Cliffs
Even though I still loved Jonathan I found myself entertaining thoughts of
leaving him because I thought it was the only way to get away from the pain that was now a dai-
ly part of our lives. To give myself a break, I began leaving the house several times a week.
Jumping in the little red corvette, one of only two assets Jonathan had been able to keep, I
drove down the mountain to the cliffs. As I walked, I talked to my Soul, Maebel Lee or my Inner
Child/Ego, Jessie, asking for help in trying to understand the source of my pain. At other times,
I’d stand as close to the edge as I could, watching the waves crashing against the rocks far be-
low, sometimes thinking to myself, “Death would be quick if I found the right spot and landed the
right way.”

After one exceptionally bad day I sought the solace of the cliffs. Walking to the edge, I took my
wedding ring from my pocket and almost tossed it over with the intent to follow it. That’s when I
realized how difficult this particular “Dark Night of the Soul” was. I knew that I could not get
through it alone. I knew I needed to allow my soul to lead me, but that frightened me and my
Inner Child/Ego because I didn’t know how I was going to take any more pain. At the same
time, I knew that to avoid following Maebel Lee and trying to figure it out on my own would sure-
ly lead to more pain than ever. Resigned, I talked to my Inner Child/Ego and said, “Hold my
hand Jessie, I’ll be right here with you no matter what happens, no matter how painful it may
get. Maebel Lee will help us. She knows how to get through this. I’m scared, too. We’ll be
scared together. Let’s just stay willing and take it a moment at a time. If we can hold on to
nothing, no worries, no fears, no people and no things, we’ll get through this.” Afterward, I felt a
sense of peace as well as the feeling that I could go on. I walked back to the car and drove
home, prepared to take it a day at a time.


In the days and weeks that followed, I had that same conversation with my Inner Child/Ego
again and again. Each time a feeling of peace would momentarily descend upon me but would
only last a short time. But that was okay because got me through until the next time the fear
and pain would well up and I would go into a panic and race to the cliffs to contemplate ending it
all again.

By early September, despite my attempts to hold on to nothing, our lives had not gotten better.
Of course, I believed that Jonathan was the problem not me. And even though I knew that I was
projecting and blaming I could not seem to get beyond it. With all the training that I had re-
ceived from Devin and the Council about finding the value, I could not see the higher perspec-
tive on this. Needless to say I was beyond frustrated. Using what Devin had taught me to do, I
did the one thing that I could: ask my Soul again for help and then stay open and willing to follow
her guidance. I was acutely aware that it was harder this time, this “Dark Night of the Soul” was
much darker than any one that had come before. There was no familiar support system; gone
was my child, my home, my security, and my tried and true friends. I was really alone this time
and boy, did I feel it. But alone with no one to cling to and no where to run was just exactly
where my Soul wanted me to be. She wanted me to learn to hold on to nothing as I worked
through these fears. So I continued to stay open and shake in my boots with fear. To point out
how frightening it was, I used to have mild panic attacks just driving around town. I was terrified

Hold on to Nothing and You’ll Have Everything, the 4th Key of Compassion

of LA, of marriage, of just about everything. I was truly in unknown territory and as much as I
shook with fear, I knew that if I didn’t stay and work through it, the pain would increase. Several
years of God-Conscious training with Devin had taught me that.

Connecting the Dots

It was now late October. I had continued to stay open to working through my fears, holding on
to nothing as I did. I knew that I was in a “Dark Night of the Soul” lesson about my marital fears,
but I had not yet understood how to integrate them. I had not yet figured out how to connect the
dots between my fears, their behaviors and the beliefs that fostered both. I wanted to though.
My body was aching from the stress and I felt like a bloated cow. My only relief was the daily
fantasies of the life I had before Jonathan and LA, which was the life with my daughter when we
were happy and I was blissfully single. The wedding ring rash was still present and I had pretty
much learned to live with the shame and embarrassment. Hell, I was in so much physical and
emotional pain that that little reminder of my fears seemed insignificant now.

I seem to get the most amazing insights or make life-changing decisions just as I am waking up
in the mornings. I was scheduled to be in Sedona, Arizona to present at a conference at the
end of the week. Pulling my exhausted body from bed, four days before the conference, I had
the sudden realization that a lot of my pain was due to the anger and resentment I felt towards
Jonathan. At that moment I made the conscious choice to stop caretaking Jonathan. I no long-
er needed to make him feel better by helping him to find the value in a situation when he was
being negative, or humor him when he was depressed. Letting him have his pain and sit in it if
he wanted did not make me a bad or uncaring partner, in fact, I was just the opposite. Walking
around our king size bed, I recall thinking, “Why didn’t I see that before? Why did it take so
long?” In any case, it was a huge relief!

Having made the decision to stop my caretaking behavior, the universe or my Soul decided to
see if I really meant it. The first test manifested as a lost credit card. Two days before we were
to leave, I lost the card. Though we really needed it because it was just about all the money we
had at the time and business was very slow, I didn’t panic and call to replace the card like Jona-
than wanted me to do. I didn’t cancel the trip either. Instead, I decided to talk to my Soul and
ask for help. Going within, I called to her as I had been taught to do. “What do I do?” I asked
her. “Should I do as Jonathan asks and get a replacement card or just go without it, thereby
holding on to nothing? My feeling is that this is a test to see if I can really stop caretaking, so
that means I should just let go and see what happens. Is that right?” Maebel Lee immediately
responded as if she had been waiting and, as usual, she didn’t tell me what to do and simply
repeated the words that had been coming up over and over during the last several months.
“Hold on to nothing and you’ll have everything,” she said. “Of course,” I thought to myself. “It’s
the lesson of my “Dark Night of the Soul”.

I thanked Maebel Lee and then called in Jessie, my Inner Child. Using the techniques Devin
had taught me for working with her I said, “I know you are scared. We hate seeing Jonathan in
pain, especially when it is our fault, but we need to learn to allow him to have his pain and not fix
it. I know you are afraid that I will capitulate at some point and blame you if we let him be. What
can I do to make it worth your while to give me that chance?” “Just hold me.” I heard her say.
Picking her up in my arms, physically feeling the weight of her body, I held her close. Stroking
her hair, I said, “I’ve got you, little one.” Immediately the fear that had gripped my gut subsided
and that sense of peace I had often felt when at the cliffs descended on me. Taking a deep
breath, I opened my eyes. Holding my arms around my Inner Child even closer I verbally stated
to the Universe and my Soul, “Okay, I know what I need to do here. I need to let go regardless

of the consequences. I’m holding on to nothing so that I can have everything, so bring it on!”

That evening I told Jonathan of my decision to not get another card. I had braced myself for the
fit of rage and shouting that I felt sure would come but it never did. Instead he was okay with my
decision! That experience helped me begin to see just how much I had been controlled not by
Jonathan, but by my fear. That was the first time I was able to see how to connect the dots be-
tween my marital fears and their cause.
Two days later we left for Sedona. Jonathan was not feeling well and in a sad mood but staying
true to my decision and the fact that I had asked my Inner Child for another chance, I let him be.
I saw it as another opportunity to hold on to nothing and let him be. I went through the morning
in a happy mood, singing to the songs on the radio as we drove.

During the night I had a dream that for the second time helped me to connect the dots
between my marital fears and their cause. The dream involved my mother, and with-
out going into detail it left me with the realization that Jonathan and I were repeating
the behavior patterns that had fueled the problems in my parents’ marriage. I’ll ex-

The War
As I wrote in the 1st Key, I used to say that my parents were fighting a war that
neither could win. They both had some very dysfunctional behavior patterns
that, in my estimation, doomed them to a marriage rife with conflict. Let’s start
with my mom.
Mom, bless her heart, started her marriage as a young, and somewhat naïve 18 year old. I be-
lieve she went into her marriage with the best intentions, but she entered that union afflicted with
what I call the “Perfect Woman” syndrome. The “Perfect Woman” syndrome is a set of behav-
iors that include, but are not limited to, enabling others, rescuing them from crisis, fixing their
pain and making them feel better…all with a smile on the face and not a thought to one’s own
needs. Having to ask for what you want is strictly forbidden. The Perfect Woman gets her
needs met by those she has rescued. These needs include, but are not limited to, emotional
needs such as love, acceptance and approval, physical needs and material needs. Because
they are so grateful for being taken out of their pain, they read her mind and eagerly seek to ful-
fill her every want.

My father was also well intentioned, but he entered their union with the “Be for
Mother” syndrome. The “Be for Mother” syndrome manifests as a pattern of putting
the mother figure ahead of yourself and everyone else. At the core of it is the belief
that one must be (live) to please the mother in order to survive. From birth the in-
fant unconsciously knows that the mother expects him/her to fill an emptiness inside
of her. The infant has a job to do for the mother. The inherent threat is that if the
baby doesn’t fill that role, the nurturing he/she needs, which includes milk, will be cut off and the
baby will die. The mother may not be aware that she is doing this but it happens all the same
and the reason behind it is that she is looking for the masculine side of herself, her male power.
The masculine energies include the powers to protect, to set boundaries, to speak up and to
manifest. Because the woman has been taught that those behaviors would mark her as a self-
ish bitch, she has unconsciously chosen not to use them. Instead, her new son will do it for her.
He will protect her, stand up for her, fight her battles, give her what she wants and do so before
taking care of his own needs.

Hold on to Nothing and You’ll Have Everything, the 4th Key of Compassion

In my dad’s case, my mom was his mother figure because his own mother had died when he
was young. I believe that served to intensify his behavior. If he could please my mom, she
wouldn’t abandon him.

In addition to the “Be for Mother” syndrome, my father was a perfectionist. That meant that not
only did he have to be for my mom, he had to do it perfectly. Perfection, in this case, meant that
he had to read her mind correctly and give her exactly what she wanted. Consequently my dad
lived to please my mom and literally twisted himself into knots trying to read her mind and give
her what she wanted.

So there you have it, a wife who enables, rescues and over-nurtures to get her needs met, and
a man who lives to please her for the same reason. Sounds perfect doesn’t it? There’s only
one problem: my dad can’t read my mom’s mind. In fact, with the exception of perhaps a hand-
ful of people on the planet, none of us can.

My mom would want something and expect my dad to read her mind and give it to her. My dad
would try and fail only to be accused of not loving her enough or not caring. My dad would feel
guilty, his abandonment fears would trigger, and he would yell at her in a frustrated tone, “Just
tell me what you want; I can’t read your mind!” Picking up on his frustration and anger, my mom
would react with, “I shouldn’t have to tell you. If you really cared you would know.” Now feeling
even more inadequate my dad would yell, “I don’t know how to please you. Nothing I do is ever
right or good enough for you!” To which my mom would respond, “Ed, calm down, you’re scar-
ing the kids!” Now thoroughly shamed, my dad would get even angrier and again my mother
would shame him and then he would explode into a full blown tantrum. At that point my mother
would start crying in order to shut him down. Her tears always stopped him. Then, beside him-
self with rage, he’d tear down the stairs to the basement, jump in the car and race away. Hours
later he’d return and go to straight to his office where he’d stay until bedtime.

It was very quiet in our house during those hours that dad was gone, sort of like the calm after
the storm. But within us, my brothers, my mom and I all felt the churning waves of fear. You
could see it in our eyes. I sincerely believe my parents wanted to forgive each other but be-
cause each felt justified in their behavior, always pointing the finger at the other, it never oc-
curred. Instead, the pain built a wall between them, one fight at a time.

My mother didn’t know how to hold on to nothing, for that matter neither did my father. If she
did, she could have held on to nothing and let go of the fear of going against the status quo and
risking rejection to ask and negotiate for what she wanted. She would have let my dad have his
feelings without making him wrong, fixing him or shutting him down. If my dad could have done
the same, he would have been able to hold on to nothing and let go of the fear of being labeled
as a bad husband, and my mother’s attempts to shame and guilt him would have had no real
effect. He would have let my mom be unhappy when she refused to stand up and ask for what
she wanted.

My “Dark Night of the Soul” lesson was about learning to let go of needing to exist for Jonathan.
In that respect I was repeating my father’s pattern. My need to rescue Jonathan from his pain
and getting angry at him when I couldn’t, was a repeat of my mother’s behavior. But that was
not all. Like her I didn’t ask for what I wanted. Instead, I expected my needs to get met without
me having to say a word. It was the least he could do in return for all my efforts. I also stuffed
my anger and resentment towards Jonathan when my efforts to stop his anger and expressions
of pain failed. As I saw it, it was enough having to live with him through these difficult times.
The last thing I needed or wanted was to have to deal with his anger and pain. That was just
way too much!

I believe that my mother came to me in that dream to remind me that I didn’t have to end up like
her and dad, in a marriage that had become empty and meaningless. But to do that I had to see
what I was doing, that I was repeating their patterns and why. The dream helped me see that
with such clarity that I couldn’t possibly misunderstand. I knew that I could break the patterns I
had inherited. I just had to hold on to nothing to do it.


Jonathan and I had a good talk that morning. I explained what I had learned in the dream and
apologized to him for the judgment, anger and resentment I had carried. I also thanked him for
being willing to play such a painful role in order to give me a perfect mirror of my behavior. I put
my wedding ring back on that morning and found that it didn’t begin to itch. That told me that my
“Dark Night of the Soul” was over or nearly so. Over the next year, the rash got better with each
cycle of clearing. The thing I learned about that was that patterns clear in layers, with each lay-
er coming off as the result of a cycle of conflict and healing. By the time we left California, in
early 2001, the rash was completely gone.

Hold on to Nothing and You’ll Have Everything, the 4th Key of Compassion

How to use Hold On to Nothing

Being able to hold on to nothing when faced with the possibility of losing some-
thing you hold dear, though challenging, is possible. The trick is knowing how to do it. Below
are the steps for holding on to nothing. They involve utilizing the other two members of your
Divine Partnership, Your Soul and your Inner Child/Ego (for brevity’s sake I’ll call the Inner
Child/Ego the Inner Child in this section).

Step one: Ask yourself, “What is it that I am afraid of losing in this situation?” If you need help
figuring it out, call in your Inner Child. Ask him/her to tell you what the fear is about.

Step Two: The fear is always connected to the possibility of losing something dear to you, and
once you know what the fear is, ask your Inner Child to take you back to the lifetime when he/
she first developed this fear. You will be given a flashback that usually lasts only a second or
two, but the feelings will most likely stay with you.

Step Three: Let your Inner Child know that you understand his/her feelings. Validate the fear;
don’t judge it. Let him/her know that your goal is not to eliminate the fear but to dissolve that
fear’s hold on you. Your Inner Child has accumulated his/her fears through many lifetimes of
painful experiences. Remind your Inner Child that the way to integrate a fear is to get comforta-
ble with it. Allow it to be and resist the urge to avoid it or change it by repeating the old behav-
iors that enable you and your Inner Child to avoid the fear. If after talking with him/her you still
feel resistance, which you’ll feel it as a clinching or tightness in your gut, use the “What’s the
Worst Thing That Can Happen?” technique. You can begin by asking, “What will it take to make
your comfortable with this?” Sometimes your Inner Child just needs to be held. When my Inner
Child needs this, I pick her up in my arms and hold her. Interestingly enough, I can feel her in
my arms when I do this, just as if she were flesh and blood.

Step Four: Once you have gotten your Inner Child to be willing to let go of whatever it is you fear
losing, turn your attention to your Soul. Let him/her know that you are willing to let go and hold
on to nothing even though you are afraid. Here’s a secret: anything you hold on to out of fear
will be lost anyway. Once you have talked to your Soul and feel comfortable with decision to
hold on to nothing, verbally state that to the universe. I usually say something like, “Okay, I’m
letting go and holding on to nothing. So be it, let it be done.”

That’s it. Now get on with your life and let the universe and your Soul create magic. Remem-
ber, the goal is to reach the point where you feel okay letting go of whatever you fear losing.
You’ll know you are there when you feel relaxed, especially in your gut.
Below are tips for working with the Soul. I’ve included them because I feel that the more you
know about how your Soul works, the better you will be at interacting with him/her.

Working with the Soul

Your Soul is your higher guidance system that works to assist you in moving
along the path of your Life Blueprint. Your Soul communicates with you through
feelings and intuition. He/she also uses vivid dreams that you can easily remem-
ber, and by urgings that make you want to take action.

Working with your Soul is easier when you let go of any expectation that you may have about its
guidance being convenient. Your Soul is more interested in your spiritual growth than your con-
venience. In fact, he/she understands that the most significant growth comes through great in-
convenience. For example, your Soul will urge you to take your canoe out of the water and walk
along the river bank for 500 yards. It is only when you are passing the waterfall just beyond the
bend that you wouldn’t have seen until it was too late that you understand why. Your Soul is the
one Being upon whom you can truly depend. For more on the Soul, read The Divine Partner-
ship, the 3rd Key of Compassion.

Working with the Inner Child/Ego

Your Inner Child is your 3D guidance system that enables you to maintain your
physical body and continue your present incarnation. His/her primary tool to ac-
complish this is fear. Your Inner Child also uses pain and illness to communicate
and show you that a fear exists, as well as where it is located. Your Inner Child also uses
the lower chakra emotions of depression, anger, sadness and guilt to show you how he/
she feels about the fear.

Spending five minutes a day interacting with your Inner Child will help you head off the more
difficult situations where you have to let go and hold on to nothing. The reason for this that your
Inner Child will feel more loved and will have more trust in the fact that you really want to have a
relationship. Your Inner Child will follow you through hell and back as long as he/she knows that
no matter what happens you will be there. Being there just 5 minutes a day, will quickly estab-
lish that trust. For more on the Inner Child and the Ego read The Divine Partnership, the 3rd Key
of Compassion.

Hold on to Nothing and You’ll Have Everything, the 4th Key of Compassion

Tips for Using the 4th Key

When fear comes up, express it! Talk to someone who can be empathetic without trying to fix
you. If there is no one you can talk to, then talk to your Guides or God. The important thing is
to verbalize the fear. By getting it out in the open you dissolve its energy, and you become
more comfortable with it. Remember, don’t try to change the fear, just express your feelings
about it.
When you are being torn apart by having to choose between two things that you dearly love, let
go and verbally say, “I ask that my highest good be served in this situation.” Then get on with
your life. Don’t dwell on it. It’s in your Soul’s hands now. The Soul always knows what is best
and making this request allows your Soul to give to you that which will provide spiritual growth,
peace and happiness.
Each time that you find that your Soul has provided you with another opportunity to change your
behavior by setting up another situation that triggers fear, consciously make the decision to use
the new behavior. The new behavior would be to allow others to find the solution themselves,
even if they get angry at you for not caretaking them. It takes courage to make that first change,
but the ones that come after will get easier and easier.

The 24 Hr. Confirmation Technique

This technique is perfect for getting confirmation of information you have received from either
your guides or another person. Actually, it can be used to get confirmation on any situation. Be
sure to direct this request to one particular guide instead of to all your guides in general. It
makes the answers much clearer and the signs easier to see. Here’s the wording for the re-

“____________ (Name of guide), please give me confirmation of this information (verbally state
information) in 24 hours or less and in a way that I can’t possibly misinterpret. And if for some
reason I miss the answer, please continue to give it to me in as many ways as possible until I
get the answer or no longer want it.”

Here’s an example. Say I want to know whether it would be good for me to book a particular
workshop. I say to one of my guides, “____________ (Name of guide), please give me confir-
mation that I am to book this workshop in 24 hours or less and in a way that I can’t possibly mis-
interpret. And if by chance I don’t get it the first time, keep giving me the answer in as many
ways as you can until I get it or no longer want it.” Then I end my request with, “So be it. Let it
be so!”

What’s the Worse Thing that Can Happen Technique

In this technique you dialogue with your Inner Child/Ego to get him/her to let go. I’ll use the situ-
ation where I had to work with my Inner Child/Ego in order to get her to allow my husband to

experience his own pain when he became enraged over forgetting an appointment.

I began by calling Jessie to a meeting with me. Once she arrived I hugged her and then we sat
down on a bench outside the little house in the woods that I created for her to live in. Holding
her hand I said, “Jessie, what’s the worst thing that can happen if we allow him to feel his pain
and get enraged? Jessie replied, “He will blame us.” So I responded with, “And what’s the
worst thing that can happen if he feels his pain, gets enraged and blames us?” Jessie respond-
ed, “I will die because you will reject me.” I countered with, “Don’t we have an agreement that
no matter what others try to project onto us, I won’t accept it and thus won’t reject you?” “Yes,”
she replied. “So, Jessie,” I asked, “What’s the worst thing that can happen if Jonathan blames
us?” She answered, “We’ll feel his blame but won’t die from it.” I replied, “That’s right, we won’t
die. We’ll feel the pain of his blame but we won’t die from it. And even if we did, we will live
again just as we have lived before, won’t we Jessie? Haven’t we lived before?” Jessie an-
swered, “Yep, we sure have.”

Hold on to Nothing and You’ll Have Everything, the 4th Key of Compassion

Using the Keys of Compassion with Hold on to

Though the 4th Key was the primary key or tool that I used to let go of my marital fears, there
were others that helped me as well. Below are some ways that you can use the remaining Keys
to help you hold on to nothing.

Use The Divine Partnership to understand how your Inner Child/Ego and your Soul work to as-
sist or block you in holding on to nothing to clear your fears. In addition, it will provide you with
the basic agreements needed to establish your Divine Partnership.
Use Dancing with the Dark to help you recognize when you are dealing with the Dark side of
your Inner Child/Ego and how to show him/her that you value this part of yourself and are only
seeking to balance your use of your dark/masculine/lower chakra powers.

Use Agreements to make new agreements with your Soul and Inner Child/Ego to insure that
they know you are willing to experience any pain that may come up as you hold on to nothing.
Your Inner Child/Ego especially needs this agreement.

Use Apologies to help your Inner Child/Ego through the period of time it will take for you to inte-
grate the fear. In this case, the apologies are used to validate the pain he/she is feeling, not to
indicate that anyone is wrong or to blame. By validating the Inner Child’s feeling, he/she is able
to temporarily release the pain. It’s a temporary break sort of like taking a deep breath and ex-
haling it before jumping back into the fray.

The 4th Key moved me through a very intense Dark Night of the Soul. It gave me the tools I
needed to begin to free myself from a prison of fears. I hope you find within this key the tools
and information that you need to do the same.

Jelaila Starr

Suggested Reading Material
Journey of Souls by Michael Newton, PhD
Reflections on Life between Lives by Raymond A. Moody, Jr. M.D.
The Sacred Self by Wayne Dyer
Dancing in the Dark by Douglas & Naomi Moseley

Companion CD
CD44: Hold on to Nothing and You’ll Have Everything, the 4th Key of Compassion
Jonathan, Jelaila and friend, Nancy Joy Hefron, author of The Wounded Heart, share addi-
tional tips and additional information on how to use this amazing God-conscious, higher di-
mensional tool. Learn more about how to get confirmation about questions you have asked
your guides using the “24-hour Confirmation Technique. Discover the secret to dissolving
terrifying fears by using the “What’s the Worst Thing That Can Happen Technique in con-
junction with your Inner Child/Ego. We think you will agree that this CD is worth its weight in
gold! $9.95

Counseling Sessions
If you would like assistance in learning to use any of the Multidimensional Keys of
Compassion, please call me for a private session at (913) 599-6222. I would be honored to
help. You can e-mail me at: jelaila@nibiruancouncil.com.

Hold on to Nothing and You’ll Have Everything, the 4th Key of Compassion

Jelaila Starr
Mother, researcher, teacher, counselor, and vision-
ary entrepreneur.

In 1996, amidst a successful marketing career, Jelaila Starr felt a calling to change her career
focus to a new spiritual and humanitarian field. In January 1997 The Nibiruan Council was
founded. The company was named after the 12th planet of our solar system, Nibiru.

The Nibiruan Council was created to be a vehicle through which Jelaila could publish her writ-
ings as a spiritual visionary and messenger of the higher knowledge of our origins as a race, as
well as the bigger picture of our galactic and universal history. This knowledge, coupled with
Jelaila’s simple, uncomplicated down-to-earth approach, enables her to reach across the bound-
aries of belief systems that separate our world to provide insight, understanding and hope and,
more importantly, a concrete formula for self-empowerment.

Jelaila’s direct and open manner is refreshing and welcome in this time of complex and often
complicated approaches to understanding our world. She shows how to bridge the gap be-
tween the spiritual and business worlds so that people can experience the benefits of both with-
out losing sight of either.
Using higher dimensional knowledge she calls God-Consciousness, Jelaila shows us how to
realize our greatest potential as spiritual beings in human form and how to take advantage of all
the good things this world offers us.

As author of the 7 Keys of Compassion, Bridge of Reunion, We are the Nibiruans and The Mis-
sion Remembered, Jelaila continues to look to the stars for understanding while keeping her
feet firmly planted.

The Keys of Compassion
The Keys of Compassion are seven booklets based on God Consciousness.
God Consciousness is a higher level of spiritual knowledge that enables us to
fully integrate the Light and Dark within us. When we are God-Conscious, we
are compassionate beings.

Applying the higher concepts and beliefs contained in the Keys lifts us out of
victimhood, enabling us to reclaim our God-given power. Our lives become
more peaceful, more
satisfying and much richer. Applying their processes and techniques enables us
to clear our emotional blocks, releasing their negative energy, and transmuting
them into compassion. Current conflicts are quickly resolved while health is-
sues and other challenges are overcome.

The Keys of Compassion are also the tools that can be used to clear and reo-
pen our psychic glands thus re-establishing our connection with the higher
realms. They also enable us to move through the 9 levels of DNA Recoding
and ascend.

Hold on to Nothing reveals the secrets of how to integrate your fears thereby
enabling you to let go of the dysfunctional relationship patterns that create so
much pain in our lives. This key gives you the steps for integrating fears and
holding your personal boundaries. A must for those who are ready to take back
their power!

Create happier relationships, restore your health, and change your life through
daily application of the Keys of Compassion!

The Nibiruan Council

Website- www.NibiruanCouncil.com


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