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Research: Science and Education

Particle Model for Work, Heat, W

and the Energy of a Thermodynamic System
Howard DeVoe
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742;

Classical thermodynamics makes a distinction between The Energy of the System

heat and work, which are two different modes of energy trans-
fer between a thermodynamic system and its surroundings. The mathematical formulation of the first law of ther-
Heat can be generally described as an energy transfer owing modynamics equates the change ∆E of the energy of a ther-
to a temperature difference or temperature gradient and work modynamic system during a given process to the sum of heat
as an energy transfer owing to displacement of macroscopic and work occurring during the process:
matter on which a force is exerted. The distinction is impor- ∆E = q + w (1)
tant in thermodynamic derivations because only the heat, and
not the work, is used to define the entropy changes of re- The equation applies to a closed system. In the equation q
versible processes needed to develop concepts of equilibrium. and w represent energy transferred as heat and as thermody-
This article shows how a simple particle model provides namic work, respectively, between the system and its sur-
insights into how heat and work are related to the behavior roundings. The value of q or w is positive if the energy transfer
of atoms and molecules. Classical thermodynamics ignores is from the surroundings into the system and negative for
the existence of these microscopic particles and instead treats transfer from the system to the surroundings.
matter as a continuous material medium. The model de- To apply eq 1 to a particular process, it is essential to
scribed here treats a thermodynamic system as a collection know what is being taken as the system. The system as a physi-
of interacting material particles behaving according to the cal entity is defined by a boundary—that is, by an imaginary
principles of classical mechanics. There have been similar ear- three-dimensional closed surface that separates the system
lier treatments (1–6). from the surroundings. The size, shape, and position of the
The particle model allows details of several topics of in- boundary may change during the process, but only the mat-
terest to chemists to be examined in a rigorous fashion: the ter within the boundary belongs to the system.
dependence of energy changes and work on a frame of refer- Once the boundary has been established, the question
ence; the effect of gravitational forces on the system’s energy arises: what is meant by the energy of the system at any given
change; the quantitative difference between the energy change instant? Certainly the energy represented by E should include
and the internal energy change; problems associated with slid- all contributions that can be assigned entirely to matter within
ing friction at the system boundary; and the issue of whether the boundary. These contributions include the translational,
the magnitudes of heat and work are the same from the view- rotational, vibrational, and electronic energies of the atoms
points of the system and the surroundings. and molecules in the system, and the potential energy of in-
The particle model leads to an expression for the energy teractions among these particles.
of the system in an inertial lab frame as a function of the We should also consider whether to include contribu-
speeds and elevations of the constituent particles and of in- tions to E from potential energies associated with forces act-
terparticle distances. The change of this energy during a pro- ing across the boundary. These forces are of two types: (i)
cess is found to be given by a sum of integrals in which forces short-range contact forces between parts of the system and
exerted by the surroundings on particles in the system are surroundings that are in direct contact with one another at
integrated over the displacements of these particles. The work the boundary and (ii) long-range field forces acting over a
can be defined as a similar sum of integrals in which forces distance, such as forces derivable from external electric, mag-
exerted by the surroundings on macroscopic matter in the netic, and gravitational fields.
system are integrated over displacements of this matter. A The potential energy Epcnt of contact forces acting across
comparison of the expressions for the energy change and the the boundary is shared by the system and the surroundings
work allows a new expression for heat to be derived, taking and logically should not be assigned to just the system. Thus
the form of another sum of integrals involving displacements this potential energy is not a contribution to E. The magni-
of particles in the system relative to the system boundary. It tude of Epcnt is usually negligible compared to values of q or
is found that for a given process heat, unlike work, has the w in typical laboratory experiments.1 According to Reid (7),
same value in any non-rotating reference frame. There is a this energy is negligible because the interactions fall off dras-
discussion of the special case of frictional work at the bound- tically within a few nanometers. A better explanation is that
ary. The particle model is used to justify the need for a cen- the minima of noncovalent potential functions are shallow,
ter-of-mass reference frame for internal energy and to find and also only a small fraction of the atoms and molecules
the difference in the values of an energy change and an in- are next to the boundary in the usual systems. Although we
ternal energy change. Finally, the expression for work is ap- will be able to treat the potential energy of the contact forces
plied to the example of a reversible or irreversible expansion as negligible, the forces themselves will turn out to be the
of a gas against a piston in a cylinder. crucial ones for evaluating thermodynamic work.

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Research: Science and Education

It is less obvious how the assignment of the potential and let the system be the water. Because E is supposed to be
energy of a field force should be assigned. The particle model a state function, its value for this system should depend only
described in the next section assumes the earth creates a con- on the variables needed to describe the macroscopic state of
servative time-independent gravitational field that acts on the the water. Usually the values of the temperature T and pres-
matter in the system, and in what follows we shall be con- sure p suffice to specify the state of a fixed quantity of ho-
cerned with the gravitational potential energy of this inter- mogeneous fluid such as this. However, if we slide the beaker
action. Strictly speaking, the gravitational potential energy along the bench the water’s kinetic energy increases; and if
is shared by the earth and the particles on which it acts (8, we lift the beaker above the bench the water’s gravitational
9) and resides in the gravitational field (10, 11). We can con- potential energy increases. These energy changes, measured
sider the earth to be part of either the system or the surround- in the lab frame, are positive even though T and p are un-
ings (8, 9, 12). If we consider the earth to be part of the changed. Thus in the lab frame two additional variables, such
system, E will include the gravitational potential energy; how- as the velocity and elevation of the system’s center of mass,
ever, the system’s center of mass is then practically at the cen- are needed to define the macroscopic state. In order for this
ter of the earth and cannot be used to define a useful internal system to have only two independent state variables, we can
energy by the method to be described presently. If however change to a center-of-mass reference frame, which is a non-
the earth is part of the surroundings and we assign the gravi- rotating frame whose origin moves with the system’s center
tational potential energy to the field, we lose the convenient of mass. Measured in this frame, the water’s energy at con-
concept of a system gravitational potential energy. Instead of stant T and p remains constant as the beaker is slid or lifted.
either of these choices, this article will use a mixed approach: The internal energy of the system, denoted by the sym-
the earth is part of the surroundings and the system consists bol U, refers to a function of only internal thermodynamic
of the matter within the boundary plus the gravitational field, variables such as temperature, pressure, volume, and the
so that the gravitational potential energy is included in E (11). amount of each substance; and not of external variables such
This leaves Epcnt as the only energy that is shared by the sys- as the system’s overall velocity and position relative to a lab
tem and surroundings. frame. A later section will show these requirements are satis-
The first law states that a change of E occurs by means fied if the internal energy is defined as the energy of the sys-
of either thermodynamic work or heat. The thermodynamic tem relative to a center-of-mass frame (1–4).
work described by the particle model is confined to mechani- In this article E will denote the energy of the system
cal work; that is, work that occurs when there is displace- measured in a lab frame, and w will be the thermodynamic
ment of a macroscopic portion of the system on which the work in this frame. The internal energy U will be the energy
surroundings exert a force. Some examples of processes with of the system measured in a center-of-mass (cm) frame, and
this kind of work are expansion or compression of a gas; wcm will be the thermodynamic work in the cm frame. Thus
stretching or compression of a spring; the pulling of a string eq 1 expresses the first law with quantities measured in a lab
under tension that passes through the boundary; and rota- frame, and the equation
tion of a rod that passes through the boundary and on which
a torque is exerted. ∆U = q + wcm (2)
To use eq 1 and understand its significance, we must
expresses the first law with quantities measured in a cm frame.
keep in mind that E is specified to be a state function—that
If it happens that the system’s center of mass remains sta-
is, a function only of the macroscopic state of the system.
tionary in the laboratory during a process, then of course the
The chief significance of the first law is its assertion that when
lab frame is also a cm frame and ∆U is the same as ∆E.
the macroscopic state of a closed system undergoes a given
change, the sum of heat and thermodynamic work always
The Particle Model
has the same value although the individual values of q and w
may vary depending on the path by which the change oc- In the model described in this section, the thermody-
curs. namic system consists of uncharged point particles without
There is another consideration that is easily overlooked: internal structure that interact with one another and the sur-
values of work and kinetic energy depend on a frame of refer- roundings through short-range central forces and with the
ence, which is a system of coordinate axes used to define po- earth through gravitational forces. The particles represent at-
sitions, displacements, and velocities. Values of w and ∆E are oms, and the short-range forces crudely represent bonding
in general different when measured in different reference forces between the atoms of molecules and van der Waals and
frames. The value of an energy change is meaningless unless repulsion forces between atoms and molecules. The model
the reference frame is known. However, as will be shown in can be applied to systems of any degree of complexity and to
a later section, the energy transferred as heat during a pro- a variety of processes including gas expansions, phase changes,
cess has the same value in all non-rotating reference frames. and chemical reactions. There will be no need to stipulate
When a thermodynamic derivation involving work or whether or not the process is carried out in a reversible limit
energy does not explicitly specify a reference frame, it is natu- of infinite slowness, as the model is suitable for a process oc-
ral to assume that a “lab frame” is intended, that is, one fixed curring at any rate. Some aspects of real systems that the
with respect to the earth’s surface. A lab frame may not al- model does not treat are quantum properties, interactions of
ways be the most appropriate choice. Consider for example particles with radiation, electrical work, and changes of elec-
a sample of liquid water in a beaker resting on the lab bench, tronic energy. The model is the simplest that will allow us to • Vol. 84 No. 3 March 2007 • Journal of Chemical Education 505

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derive formulas for mechanical thermodynamic work and below, and they will be distinguished by appropriate sub-
heat in terms of microscopic behavior. scripts.
In this section the model is used to derive an expression By substituting the expression for Fitot from eq 4 into
for the energy change ∆E of a system of particles in an earth- the integrand of eq 5 and replacing dri by vidt, we obtain
fixed lab frame as a function of the interaction forces and d vi
microscopic displacements of the particles. The derivation is W tot = ∑ mi
· vi dt = ∑ mi vi · d vi
similar to others that have appeared in the physics education i i
literature (1–4, 6) but differs from them by including gravi- (6)
tational potential energy as part of the energy of the system. = ∑ d ( 12 mi vi2) = ∆ ∑ 12 mi vi2
We assume the system has a well-defined boundary and i i
is closed: no particles cross the boundary. The indices i and j
where vi is the magnitude of the velocity of particle i in the
will refer only to the particles belonging to the system and
lab frame. The sum Σi(1/2)mivi2 is the total kinetic energy of
not to any particles in the surroundings.
the system particles in this frame. Thus, the total work dur-
Classical mechanics is based on the idea that particles
ing the interaction time period is equal to the change in the
act upon one another by means of forces that are indepen-
total kinetic energy. This result is known in classical mechan-
dent of the reference frame. The total force Fitot acting on
ics as the “work-energy relation” (3) or “work-energy prin-
particle i (a system particle) is a vector quantity, as indicated
ciple” (13).
by the boldface symbol, and is equal to the vector sum of
By substituting the expression for Fitot given by eq 3 into
three kinds of individual forces:
eq 5, we obtain a second expression for Wtot:
Fi tot = ∑ Fi j + Fi grav + Fi cnt W tot = W int + W grav + W cnt (7)
j ≠i
The terms on the right side are defined by W int =
Here Fij is the force exerted on particle i by particle j (also a
ΣiΣj≠i兰Fij⭈dri, the internal work from interactions between the
system particle), Fi grav is the force exerted on particle i by
system particles; Wgrav = Σi兰Fi grav⭈dri, the work done by gravi-
the earth’s gravitational field, and Ficnt is the net contact force
tational forces acting on these particles; and W cnt =
exerted on the particle by nearby particles in the surround-
Σi兰Ficnt⭈dri, the work done by contact forces from the sur-
ings. The value of Ficnt is nonnegligible only when particle i
is close to the boundary.
Next we look in detail at the internal work. We assume
We assume the lab frame is inertial2 and the motion of
the force Fij exerted on particle i by particle j is a central force
particle i obeys Newton’s second law of motion:
directed along the line between i and j; its magnitude de-
d vi pends only on the interparticle separation rij, as is true of
Fi tot = mi (4) interatomic and intermolecular forces in general. We expect
the force to be repulsive when rij is small and to approach
In this equation mi is the mass of the particle, vi is its veloc- zero as rij becomes large; however, the exact dependence of
ity in the lab frame, and t is time. If Fitot is nonzero at a par- Fij on rij does not concern us. We can define a potential func-
ticular instant, the particle is accelerating and changing its tion Φij for this force such that its change for an infinitesi-
velocity. We will not attempt to trace the motion of the par- mal change of rij is given by dΦij = ᎑(Fij⭈eij)drij, where eij is a
ticle over time; that would be the goal of a molecular dy- unit vector pointing from particle j to particle i. The value
namics study. of Φij at any separation distance rij is defined by this equa-
In classical mechanics, the work done by the force Fitot tion and the choice of a zero of energy.
acting on particle i during a given period of time (the “inter- The expression for the internal work, W int =
action time period”) is evaluated by the line integral 兰Fitot⭈dri, ΣiΣj≠i兰Fij⭈dri, is a double sum that can be written as a sum
where ri is a position vector pointing from the origin of the over pairs of system particles, the term for the pair i and j
reference frame to particle i. That is, the work is the scalar being
product of the total force exerted on the particle and the
particle’s displacement, integrated over the interaction time
period. For our purposes the interaction time period is the Fi j · dr i + F ji · dr j = Fi j · d ( r i − r j )
duration of a process in which the system changes from an (8)
initial state through intermediate states to a final state.
= ( Fi j · ei j )dri j = − dΦi j
The total work Wtot done by the forces acting on all the
system particles during the interaction time period is the sum Here we have used the relations Fij = ᎑Fji (from Newton’s third
of the work done on each particle: law) and (ri − rj) = eijrij. The internal work is then given by

W tot = ∑ Fi tot · dr i (5) W int = −∑ ∑ dΦi j = −∆ ∑ ∑ Φi j (9)

i j >i i j >i
(Note that Wtot is not the thermodynamic work appearing in
the first law.) Several other kinds of work equal to sums of The sum ΣiΣj>iΦij is the internal potential energy of the sys-
integrals as in eq 5 but involving different forces will appear tem owing to interactions between the system particles. Un-

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It might seem that work done on the system particles

by gravitational forces should appear in the expression for
∆E. The reason this work does not appear in eq 13 is that we
have assumed the gravitational potential energy belongs only
to the system and is thus irrelevant to energy transfer from
or to the surroundings. It is instructive to look at some simple
examples of the role of the gravitational potential energy when
it is included like this as a contribution to E. Suppose the
system is a solid body. If the only force exerted on the body
is the downward force of gravity, the body is in free fall and
Figure 1. Position vectors within the system: open circle–origin of according to eq 13 ∆E is zero; the loss of gravitational po-
a lab frame; triangle–a point in the boundary at segment τ of the tential energy as the body falls equals the gain of kinetic en-
interaction layer; and filled circle–particle i within segment τ. ergy. On the other hand, if we pull the body upwards at
constant speed with a string, work is being done on the sys-
tem by a contact force, and eq 13 shows ∆E is positive. In
like the kinetic energy, the internal potential energy is inde- this case the body’s gravitational potential energy increases
pendent of the reference frame since it is a function only of while its kinetic energy remains constant.
interparticle distances. If we had omitted the gravitational potential energy from
The gravitational force acting on particle i is Fi grav = our definition of E, then ∆E would have been the work done
᎑mi gez where g is the acceleration of free fall and ez is a unit on the system by both contact and gravitational forces. In
vector pointing in the vertical (upward) direction. The work this case ∆E would have been positive for the body in free
done by the gravitational forces acting on the system par- fall and zero for the body pulled upwards at constant speed
ticles during the interaction time period is with a string.
Equation 13 shows that ∆E is zero in a system without
W grav = ∑ Fi · dr i = −∑ mi g ez · dr i external interactions—one for which Ficnt is zero for each i.
i i This can be interpreted as a statement of the conservation of
(10) the energy of the universe.
= −∑ mi g d zi = −∆ ∑ mi g zi
i i
Macroscopic Work and Heat
(The system’s vertical extent is assumed to be small compared In classical thermodynamics we are interested in work
to the earth’s radius, so that we may approximate g by a single involving displacements of macroscopic parts of the system
value throughout the system.) The sum Σimi gzi is the gravi- during a process; that is, the thermodynamic work w appear-
tational potential energy of the system, and is a function of ing in eq 1.
the elevations zi of the system particles in the lab frame. We can define an “interaction layer” as a thin outer layer
By eliminating Wtot from eqs 6 and 7, making substitu- of the system lying next to the boundary surface. This shell-
tions from eqs 9 and 10, and rearranging, we obtain the im- like layer must be sufficiently thick to include at each in-
portant relation stant all the system particles that are close enough to the
boundary to interact with the surroundings by short-range
W cnt = ∆ ∑ 12 mi vi2 + ∑ ∑ Φ i j + ∑ mi g zi (11) contact forces, that is, all the particles with nonnegligible val-
i i j >i i ues of Ficnt. We imagine the interaction layer to be divided
into segments in such a way that all parts of each segment
The expression within the parentheses on the right side of are either stationary or move essentially in one direction dur-
this equation is the sum of the system’s total kinetic energy, ing the process. For example, the interaction layer of a fluid
internal potential energy, and gravitational potential energy. next to a piston with linear motion needs only a single flat
In accord with the discussion in the preceding section, we segment, whereas the interaction layer of a system that ex-
shall use this expression to define E, the energy of the sys- pands in all directions must be divided into many segments
tem relative to the lab frame: each moving in a different direction.
Let Rτ be a position vector from the origin of the lab
E = ∑ 12 mi vi2 + ∑ ∑ Φ i j + ∑ mi g zi (12) frame to a point fixed in the outer face of segment τ at the
i i j >i i
boundary, and let ri τ be a vector from this point to particle i
Note that E is a function only of the speed and elevation of within segment τ, as shown in Figure 1. Then the position
each system particle and of the interparticle distances within vector for particle i can be written as the vector sum
the system.
Equations 11 and 12 show that the system’s energy r i = R τ + ri τ
change during the interaction time period equals the work The work done on the system particles by contact forces
done by the short-range contact forces acting across the exerted by the surroundings is given by the sum of integrals
boundary: in eq 13. Consider the work done on just the particles in a
Fi cnt · d ri particular segment τ. Since the particles may move in and
∆E = Wcnt = ∑ (13) out of the segment during the interaction time period, the
i • Vol. 84 No. 3 March 2007 • Journal of Chemical Education 507

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work is found by limiting the integration for each particle to ticle is in segment τ. At each instant the particles in this seg-
the periods of time that the particle is located within this ment are moving in various directions relative to the point
segment. Define δi τ to be like a Kronecker delta: δi τ is equal at the boundary; even the atoms of a solid have vibrational
to 1 when particle i is in segment τ and is zero otherwise. motion. The energy transferred as heat across the boundary,
Then we can write the sum of integrals for segment τ as as expressed by eq 18, is the net result of these contact forces
and chaotic motions. For example, during a period that par-
∑ δi τ Ficnt · dr i ticle i is moving away from the boundary at segment τ and
i is experiencing a repulsive contact force from the surround-
= ∑ δi τ Fi cnt · d R τ + ∑ δi τ Fi cnt · d ri τ (14) ings, the value of 兰Ficnt⭈driτ is positive and will make a posi-
i i tive contribution to q during this period.
An expression for heat similar to eq 18 was derived by
The delta function δi τ in the integrands of these integrals Besson (14). Instead of displacements of particles relative to
ensures that the integrations are carried out only while par- points at the boundary, his expression uses displacements rela-
ticle i is in segment τ during the interaction time period. tive to the centers of mass of “mesoscopic elements” that are
The sum Σiδi τFicnt is the total contact force, Fτcnt, ex- like the segments of the interaction layer described here.
erted by the surroundings on segment τ at any instant, so Are work and heat transferred quantitatively across the
the first sum on the right side of eq 14 can be written system boundary? That is, if a certain quantity of energy en-
ters the system in the form of work as defined by eq 17, does
∑ δi τ Fi cnt · d R τ = Fτcnt · d R τ (15)
the application of the equation to an interaction layer of the
i surroundings show that an equal quantity of energy leaves
the surroundings as work, and does a similar equality apply
In the integral on the right side of this equation, the scalar to heat? Let wsys and qsys be the quantities of energy trans-
product of the contact force exerted on segment τ and the ferred into the system as work and heat during a given pro-
displacement of the boundary at this segment is being inte- cess (the same as w and q above), and let wsurr and qsurr be
grated over the displacement during the interaction time pe- the energies transferred as work and heat into the surround-
riod. We recognize this integral as the macroscopic work done ings during this process. A derivation in the Supplemental
on segment τ. MaterialW for this article shows that wsurr is equal to ᎑wsys and
Substituting from eq 15 into eq 14 and summing over that qsurr is equal to ᎑(qsys + ∆Epcnt), where Epcnt is the poten-
all segments of the interaction layer, we obtain the total work tial energy of the contact forces acting across the boundary.
done on the system particles by contact forces: As mentioned in an earlier section, Epcnt is usually negligible
so that qsurr is practically equal to ᎑qsys. We can therefore say
W cnt = ∑ Fτcnt · dR τ + ∑∑ δi τ Fi cnt · d ri τ (16) that both work and heat are transferred quantitatively.
τ τ i
The Problem of Friction at the Boundary
The first sum on the right side is the total macroscopic work,
so this sum is the thermodynamic work for the whole sys- Difficulties arise if we attempt to use eq 17 to evaluate
tem: energy transferred as work across a boundary where there is
a discontinuity of macroscopic motion. This situation occurs
w = ∑ Fτcnt · d R τ (17) in a system with sliding friction at the boundary.
Consider what happens when we slide a solid lead block
Only the segments at moving portions of the boundary need across a lab bench. The block exerts a frictional drag force (a
be included in this sum, because an integral with dRτ = 0 is form of contact force) in the direction of its motion on the
zero. bench, and the bench exerts a force of equal magnitude on
Since Wcnt is equal to ∆E (eq 13), which is the sum of q the block in the opposite direction. According to eq 17, if we
and w (eq 1), the second sum of integrals on the right side consider the block to be the system and the bench to be in
of eq 16 must be the heat: the surroundings then there is negative work at the interface;
but if we let the bench be the system then the work at the
δi τ Fi cnt · dr i τ interface is zero because the bench is stationary. This result
q = ∑∑ (18) makes no sense, since we expect w to have the same magni-
τ i
tude and the opposite sign when the system and surround-
It is important to note that because the vector riτ gives the ings switch roles.
position of particle i relative to a point at the nearby bound- The source of the paradox is an incorrect assumption
ary, rather than relative to the origin of the reference frame, that the surfaces at the sliding interface are completely rigid
the integral 兰δiτFicnt⭈driτ has the same value in any non-ro- as they move past one another. A more realistic picture of
tating reference frame. Thus q for a given process has the same dry (unlubricated) friction on a mesoscopic or nanometer
value in any lab frame and in a center-of-mass frame.3 In con- scale recognizes that when two solid surfaces touch, the only
trast, the value of w depends on the choice of reference frame. places the two solids are in direct contact and can exert forces
In the integral 兰δiτFicnt⭈driτ in eq 18, the scalar product on one another is at small areas where one or both of the
of the contact force exerted on particle i and its displacement surfaces has a bump or “asperity” (15, 16). The tip of an as-
relative to a point at the nearby boundary is being integrated perity on one surface can temporarily adhere to the opposite
over the displacement during the period or periods the par- surface and become bent and distorted as the solids slide past

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system’s energy measured in a cm frame, ∆U, and in a lab

frame, ∆E.
In the lab frame, the system’s center of mass is defined
by the position vector

∑ mi r i
R cm = (19)
∑ mi

As shown in Figure 2, the vector ri from the origin of the lab

frame to particle i is equal to the vector sum of the vector
Rcm from this origin to the center of mass and the vector r⬘i
Figure 2. Position vectors in a lab frame (lower right) and a cm from the center of mass to particle i:
frame (upper left): open circle–center of mass and filled circle–par-
ticle i. r i = R cm + r ′i (20)

The particle’s velocity in the cm frame is

one another. An asperity on the surface of one solid may plow v ′i =

dr ′i
d r i − R cm ) = vi − v cm
a furrow in the other solid. Heat may be transferred through dt dt
these direct contacts. At each small area of direct contact,
the forces the two solids exert on one another are equal in where vi is the velocity of particle i in the lab frame and vcm
magnitude and opposite in direction and the local displace- is the velocity of the center of mass in this frame. From eq
ments are the same for both solids. Thus the work due to 19 we have the relation Σimiri = ΣimiRcm, and from eq 20 we
friction is not simply equal to the product of the total fric- have Σimiri = ΣimiRcm + Σimir⬘i. Comparing these two rela-
tional force and the macroscopic displacement. If we could tions, we deduce that the sum Σimir⬘i is zero. Taking the de-
use eq 17 to calculate the work on a small mesoscopic scale, rivative of this sum with respect to time, we find that the
we would find that the magnitude of the work does not de- sum Σimiv⬘i is also zero.
pend on which solid we consider to be in the system, but its The internal energy U is the energy of the system mea-
sign does (12). Unfortunately, it is not practical to evaluate sured in the cm frame. We find the contributions to U as
this work because we have no way of knowing the forces and follows. The total kinetic energy of the particles measured in
displacements on this scale. Another difficulty with dry fric- the cm frame is Σi(1/2)mi(v⬘i )2. The internal potential energy
tion at the boundary is that if abrasion occurs here, we can- in this frame is the same as in the lab frame, because this
not treat the system as a closed system whose parts remain energy depends only on interparticle distances. The work
contiguous. done by gravitational forces acting on the system particles,
These problems were recognized by Bridgman, who of- measured in the cm frame, is given by
fered the sage advice that “we would do well not to attempt
to apply the conventional statement of the first law to a re- grav
gion whose bounding surface is a surface of mathematical
∑ Fi · dr ′i = ∑ (−mi g ez ) · dr′i
i i
discontinuity where mechanical energy is converted at a fi-
= −∑ mi g d z ′i = −∆ ∑ mi g z ′i
nite rate into thermal energy” (17). Bridgman pointed out
i i
that the difficulty of evaluating w for a system with dry fric-
tion can be avoided by redefining the boundary surface so where z⬘i is the vertical position of particle i in the cm frame.
that it is displaced slightly away from the sliding interface, Taking the vertical component of the relation Σimir⬘i = 0,
leaving both surfaces of the sliding interface either entirely we obtain Σimiz⬘i = 0. Thus the gravitational work in the cm
in the system or entirely in the surroundings. frame is zero, and U does not include gravitational potential
If two solid sliding surfaces are separated by a film of energy. Accordingly, the only contributions to the internal
liquid lubricant, there is no discontinuity of macroscopic energy are the kinetic energy in the cm frame and the inter-
motion as there is with dry friction. With lubricated friction nal potential energy:
present at the boundary, eq 17 can be used to evaluate the
energy transferred as macroscopic mechanical work. The work
depends on the exact location of the boundary surface rela-
U = ∑ 12 mi (v′i )2 + ∑ ∑ Φ i j (21)
i i j >i
tive to the solid surfaces (15).
Note that the internal energy at any given instant de-
Center-of-Mass Frame and Internal Energy pends only on the speeds of the system particles in the cm
frame and on the interparticle distances. Since thermody-
A center-of-mass frame (or cm frame) is a non-rotating namic variables such as temperature and pressure are the mac-
frame whose origin moves with the system’s center of mass. roscopic manifestations of these and other microscopic
This section derives the relation between the change of the variables, we can consider the function on the right side of • Vol. 84 No. 3 March 2007 • Journal of Chemical Education 509

Research: Science and Education

eq 21 to be a state function.4 Equation 21 shows U does not

depend on the system’s overall velocity and position relative
to a lab frame, thus satisfying the requirement that the in-
ternal energy should be a function only of internal thermo-
dynamic variables.
In order to relate the kinetic energies of the system par-
ticles in the lab and cm frames, we expand the expression for Figure 3. Cylinder with gas confined by a piston.
the kinetic energy in the lab frame as follows:

∑ 12 mi vi2 = ∑ 12 mi ( vcm + v ′i ) · ( v cm + v ′i )
i i
2 Expansion Work
= 1
m vcm2 + vcm · ∑ mi v i′ + ∑ 12 mi ( v′i )
i i As an example of the use of eq 17 to evaluate thermo-
dynamic work, consider the cylinder-and-piston apparatus
Here m is the total system mass: m = Σimi. Since the sum shown in Figure 3. Let the system be the gas confined by the
Σimiv⬘i is zero, the expression becomes5 piston in the cylinder. The cylinder remains stationary in the
lab frame. By using the piston rod to apply a variable exter-
∑ 12 mi vi2 = 1
mv cm2 + ∑ 12 mi ( v′i ) (22) nal force to the piston, we can make the piston move in the
i i +x or ᎑x direction with an accompanying expansion or com-
pression of the gas.
This is a well-known result in classical mechanics, where it Because the only moving portion of the boundary in this
is described by saying that the kinetic energy of a system of apparatus is at the inner face of the piston, we can evaluate
particles in an inertial frame is equal to the sum of the ki- w using a thin disk-shaped segment of the interaction layer
netic energy that the system would have if all the mass were of the gas at the piston. We shall designate this segment at
concentrated at the center of mass, and the kinetic energy of the moving boundary by the subscript b. At each instant the
motion of the particles about the center of mass (18). The gas particles in this segment exert a force on the piston in
quantity 1/2mvcm2 is called the bulk kinetic energy. the +x direction of magnitude pb A, where pb is the average
The gravitational potential energy Σimi gzi, which is in- gas pressure at the piston and A is the cross-section area of
cluded in E but not in U, is related to the elevation zcm of the cylinder. We know from Newton’s third law that the pis-
the center of mass in the lab frame. By rearranging eq 19 to ton exerts a force Fbcnt on the segment in the ᎑x direction,
Σimiri = mRcm and taking the z component of both sides, we equal in magnitude to pb A. According to eq 17, the work
obtain the relation Σi mi zi = mzcm. From this we find the gravi- during this process is
tational potential energy is given by
w = F bcnt · d R b
∑ mi g zi = m g z cm (23)
i where Rb is a vector from the origin of the lab frame to a
By making substitutions from eqs 21–23 in eq 12, we point on the moving boundary (the inner face of the pis-
obtain E = U + 1/2mvcm2 + mgzcm, or ton). The change in Rb during the expansion or compres-
sion process is related to the piston displacement dx by dRb
= exdx, where ex is a unit vector in the +x direction. By set-
∆U = ∆E − 1 m ∆(vcm2 ) − m g ∆ z cm (24)
2 ting Fbcnt equal to ᎑pb Aex, we can express the work as an in-
tegration over the volume:
From eqs 1 and 2 we have the relation wcm = w + ∆U − ∆E,
which when combined with eq 24 yields w = − p b dV (26)

w cm = w − 1
m ∆(v cm2 ) − m g ∆ zcm (25) Equation 26 is similar to the familiar formula w = ᎑兰pdV
for reversible expansion work. The difference between the two
Equations 24 and 25 allow us to convert values of the sys- formulas is that pb is the pressure at the piston, whereas p is
tem energy change and the thermodynamic work measured the uniform pressure of the gas in the reversible limit of an
in a lab frame to the values in the cm frame. The correction infinitely slow volume change. In the reversible limit pb is
terms are the changes in the bulk kinetic energy and the gravi- the same as p and the two formulas are equivalent.
tational potential energy. The initial and final states of a process are usually cho-
Suppose we had omitted the gravitational potential en- sen to be equilibrium states in which the center of mass is
ergy from our definition of E. Then instead of eqs 24 and stationary. In this case, the quantity ∆(vcm2) appearing in eqs
25 we would have the relations ∆U = ∆E − 1/2m∆(vcm2) and 24 and 25 is zero. If in addition there is no change in the
wcm = w − 1/2m∆(vcm2).6 However, the values of ∆U and wcm elevation zcm of the system’s center of mass, as is the case for
for a given process would not be affected by this change in the gas in the horizontal cylinder shown in Figure 3, then
definition, because the values of ∆E and w would change so according to eqs 24 and 25 w and wcm are equal and ∆E and
as to keep ∆U and wcm the same. ∆U are the same.

510 Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 84 No. 3 March 2007 •

Research: Science and Education

For a process in which there is a change in the elevation and gravitational potential energy from ∆E, one obtains the
of the system’s center of mass, the values of w and wcm are no change ∆U (eq 24). In ordinary chemical processes in which
longer equal. However, for most processes of interest to chem- the initial and final states are equilibrium states, ∆U and ∆E
ists the difference between these two values is negligible. For are usually nearly equal and in some situations are exactly
example, suppose we tilt up the cylinder of Figure 3 to a ver- equal.
tical position with the piston situated above the gas and al- In the case of expansion or compression of a gas con-
low the gas to expand to twice its initial volume. If the gas is fined by a piston in a stationary cylinder (Figure 3), the ther-
ideal and the expansion is carried out reversibly and isother- modynamic work according to eq 17 is w = ᎑兰pbdV where pb
mally, the work measured in the lab frame is w = ᎑nRT ln 2 is the pressure at the moving boundary (the inner face of the
and the work measured in the cm frame is wcm = ᎑nRT ln 2 piston). This expression is a general one for both reversible
− mg∆l兾2 where l is the vertical length of the gas column. and irreversible expansions and compressions. Equivalent ex-
For nitrogen gas at 300 K and an initial column length of pressions for expansion work have been given by other au-
one meter, the difference between w and wcm is only 0.008 thors (20–24). Kinetic-molecular theory shows that if the
percent of w. piston has a finite velocity, pb is not the same as the pressure
These considerations show that as a practical matter it p in the bulk of the gas; pb is less than p during expansion
is usually unnecessary to make a distinction between the ther- and greater than p during compression (25). Gislason and
modynamic work measured in a lab frame and in a cm frame, Craig have questioned the practicality of evaluating w from
and between the energy change ∆E in the lab frame and the the integral 兰pbdV because the value of pb for a finite piston
internal energy change ∆U. In fact, most physical chemistry velocity is unknown (26). A possible way around this prob-
textbooks ignore these distinctions.7 The only processes for lem is the suggestion of Bauman and Cockerham (25) that
which it is important not to neglect the correction term pb could be measured with transducers on the piston face.
mg∆zcm are those in which relatively massive parts of the sys- Furthermore, formulas are available for estimates of pb when
tem undergo substantial changes in elevation. the piston speed is small compared to the average speed of
the gas molecules (24, 25).
Discussion Some authors, including Planck (27), Zemansky (28),
and Castellan (29), state that thermodynamic work should
In this article the energy E of the system relative to an be defined by changes in the surroundings of the system rather
earth-fixed lab frame is defined to be the sum of the kinetic than by energy transfers at the boundary. Gislason and Craig
energies of the individual system particles, the internal po- (26) give recipes for evaluating the work and heat during a
tential energy from forces between these particles, and the process from measurements in the surroundings and use the
gravitational potential energy of the particles. The mathemati- term “surroundings-based” for these quantities (30). If the
cal expression of the first law of thermodynamics for changes process is carried out in the slow reversible limit, the sur-
measured in the lab frame is written ∆E = q + w, where q is roundings-based values are the same as the values of the w
heat and w is thermodynamic work. and q defined in the present article (which they call “system-
The general expressions for w and q obtained from the based”). However, if the process is irreversible for the system
particle model are given by eqs 17 and 18, respectively. The plus surroundings taken together the values can be different.
expression for work was derived with the assumption that For example, the surroundings-based value of work for an
mechanical thermodynamic work is an energy transfer across irreversible expansion is not necessarily equal to ᎑兰pbdV (30).
the boundary surface owing to concerted motion of system Regardless of whether or not the process is reversible, the value
particles on which the surroundings exert contact forces; heat of ∆E (the sum of the work and heat) is the same using ei-
is then found to be an energy transfer involving the same ther set of definitions (30).
contact forces and chaotic motions of the system particles. The particle model described in the present article sup-
By applying the expression for w to the particles in the sur- ports the validity of definitions of mechanical work and heat
roundings instead of the system, it is found that the energy as quantitative transfers of energy at the boundary. If one takes
transfer is quantitative; that is, the work from the viewpoint the view that mechanical work is a quantity of energy trans-
of the system corresponds to an equal quantity of work, with ferred across the boundary owing to displacements of mac-
sign reversed, from the viewpoint of the surroundings. A simi- roscopic portions of the system on which the surroundings
lar statement applies to the energy transferred as heat. exert contact forces, then for a reversible or irreversible pro-
The model supports the concept of work and heat be- cess of a closed system one should use an expression for w
ing quantities of energy transferred locally at the boundary. consistent with eq 17.
This interpretation of w and q is entirely consistent with
Bridgman’s imagery of using imaginary “sentries” posted at Acknowledgment
every infinitesimal element of the boundary surface to evalu-
ate the quantities of work and of heat that pass across the I wish to thank Eric A. Gislason for helpful comments
boundary at these surface elements (19). As is well known, on a draft of this article.
work and heat are modes of energy transfer and not forms of
energy; once a quantity of energy is transferred across the W
Supplementary Material
boundary, it can no longer be identified as work or heat.
The internal energy U of the system is a state function A derivation showing that work and heat are transferred
that depends only on internal thermodynamic variables. By quantitatively across the system boundary is available in this
subtracting the sum of changes in the bulk kinetic energy issue of JCE Online. • Vol. 84 No. 3 March 2007 • Journal of Chemical Education 511

Research: Science and Education

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1. Rough calculations based on heats of vaporization suggest 8. Sherwood, B. A. Am. J. Phys. 1983, 51, 597–602.
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phases, per unit area of the interface, is typically between ᎑0.05 J兾m2 10. Marion, J. B. Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems, 2nd
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2. An inertial frame of reference is one in which Newton’s 13. Sears, F. W.; Zemansky, M. W. University Physics, 4th ed.; Addi-
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not absolutely inertial because the earth spins about its axis and 14. Besson, U. Eur. J. Phys. 2003, 24, 245–252.
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obeyed in this frame to a high degree of accuracy. 1007.
3. Since the change of the entropy S of a closed system dur- 16. Dickinson, J. T. J. Chem. Educ. 2005, 82, 734–742.
ing a reversible process is defined by dS = dq兾T, we can conclude 17. Bridgman, P. W. The Nature of Thermodynamics; Harvard Uni-
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reference frames. 18. Goldstein, H. Classical Mechanics, 2nd ed.; Addison–Wesley:
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because the energy fluctuates slightly in time. For a system of par- versity Press: Cambridge, MA, 1941; pp 26, 30.
ticles whose macroscopic state is not changing, the internal energy 20. Bauman, R. P. J. Chem. Educ. 1964, 41, 102–104.
that is a state function is actually the time-averaged value of the 21. Bauman, R. P. J. Chem. Educ. 1964, 41, 675, 676–677.
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tions as shown in this equation. It is this separability property that 24. Bertrand, G. L. J. Chem. Educ. 2005, 82, 874–877.
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7. The text by Levine (31) is an exception. 668.
27. Planck, M. Treatise on Thermodynamics, 3rd ed.; Dover Publi-
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1. Erlichson, H. Am. J. Phys. 1984, 52, 623–625. 28. Zemansky, M. W. Heat and Thermodynamics, 4th ed.;
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512 Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 84 No. 3 March 2007 •

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