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First: Physical development

Gross motor skills

1. Walks sideways

2. Walks backwards

B-Crawls and Climbs

1-Climbs up stairs (using railing, without railing, both feet on

same step, alternating feet)

2-Climbs down stairs (using railing, without railing, both feet on

same step, alternating feet)

C- Runs

1- Runs Smoothly

2- Runs to a designated location and back

E- Jumps and Hops

1- Jumps on two feet down from a step

2- Jumps on two feet forward

Fine motor skills

A- Controlling small muscles

1-Insert pompoms into a small bottle

2-Inserts one-piece puzzle in the write form

B- Beading

1. Beads four large beads

C- Self-help skills

1. Pours dry beans from cup to another

2. Feeds himself/herself with minimal spilling

3. Can drink water by own self using a cup

4. Washes hands independently, with reminders

Second: Cognitive Development

A. Classification , Sorting and Matching

1. Matches by shape/color/type

B. Mathematical skills

1. Places objects in one to one correspondence

C- Geometric skills

1. Recognizes/Names these geometric shapes ( circle,

square, triangle, star, heart)
Third: Language and Communication Development
A- Listening , Understanding and following directions

1. Points to at least four objects in a picture (where is the

cat? where is the apple?)

2. Points to 3-4 body parts

3. Responds appropriately to Yes or No questions

4. Listens with interest to stories, rhymes and songs

5. Responds to one – step requests ( Please bring the


B- Speaking and Communicating

1. Asks for food, drink or toilet when needed

2. Sings or repeats short songs or rhymes

3. Speaks using 1-2 words

C- Vocabulary, Alphabet knowledge and Phonological


1. Identifies pictures of new words introduced through

D- Book knowledge and concept of print

1. Listens with interest to picture book stories

2. Handles books and reading materials with care

3. Requests a favorite book

Fourth: Social and Emotional Development

A- Expression of feelings

1. Shows affection by hugging or kissing familiar people

2. Identifies happy and sad faces

B- Sense of Initiative

1. Separates from parents without stress

2. Moves from one activity to another with no fuss

Fifth: Creative development

A. Art

1. Paints on large, anchored paper with paint brush to fill

most of the space

2. Can recognize basic colors ( red, blue, green, yellow)

3. Can use fluid construction materials( paints, play

dough, glue)

B. Music and Movement

1. Try to Sing out loud during music

2. Can move smoothly to music

3. Can move and maintain own personal space

C. Dramatic play

1. Interacts appropriately with real objects or replicates in

pretend play

2. Uses substitute objects or gestures to represent real

Sixth: Knowledge and Understanding of the world
A- Scientific skills and Knowledge

1. Participates in simple food preparation

2. Mixes colors to create new colors( colored water,

tempera paint, play dough, shaving foam)

3. Explores different senses ( sniffing jars, texture cards,

tasting bowls)

4. Bangs two objects together to create sounds

B- Scientific knowledge

1. Moves like animals ( monkey, fish, elephant, rabbit)

2. Identifies some familiar fruits and vegetables by


3. Explores cause and effect

Teachers’ comments:

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Parents comments:

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Teachers’ signature parents signature meeting date

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