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Task two on page 49 b- It’s high/ about time the elected

president made poor people a priority.

Respond to each of the situations below by writing a
sentence starting with the verb « wish ». pay attention Task 1 on page 49
to the tenses.
Rewrite sentences (A-D) below using It’s
A- I wish I hadn’t stolen public funds. (high/about) time to express your impatience with
B- I wish I were home and not in prison. bureaucratic malpractices.
C- I wish I were out of the affair.
D- I wish the judge would give me a second A- It’s high time the government take measures
chance. to stop tax evasion.
- I wish I could be given a second chance B- It’s about time something was done to
by the judge. (passive voice). eradicate the underground economy in our
E- I wish I could be capable of eradicating country.
nepotism. C- It’s about time speculators of all sorts were
F- I wish I could live in a corruption-free society jailed.
someday. D- It’s about time public authorities made anti-
smuggling laws more stringent.
Grammar explorer II
Grammar explorer III
Expressing Adice
Giving a Piece of Advice
Let’s consider there examples:
Let’s consider there examples:
- It’s time the corrupt officials got arrested.
(it’s too late for arresting corrupt officials) - You had better take responsibility for your
- It’s about/high time the authorities actions.
imposed corruption fighting laws. (it’s - Employees had better not be late for their
too late for imposing anti-corruption work.
laws). - Should citizens be involved in the fight
against corruption?
We use the semi modal verb “had better” and the
The expressions “it’s high time, it’s about time, it’s modals “should” and “ought to” to express a piece of
time are used to talk about time delay and the call for advice.
hurrying up.
In the interrogative form, we use the modal “should”
The form of the sentence should be as follows: It’s instead of “had better”→should (not) + subject+
high/about time+ subject+ main verb (past simple stem+ …?
Remark: In your baccalaureate exam the examiners
It’s high time/ it’s about time are stronger than “it’s will give you two sentences “a” and “b”, with the
time” in criticizing and showing dissatisfaction. And first containing expressions like “It’s advisable that,
the three of them (it’s time/it’s high time/it’s about it’s highly recommended that and should; while the
time) are used in the same way. second will start with the subject and they will ask
you to complete the sentence.
Remark: in your baccalaureate exam, they are going
to give you a sentence containing either “should” or e.g. a- It’s highly recommended that the workers
“must” (or their negatives), and they ask you to respect the rules.
rewrite sentence b so that it means the same as
sentence a. in that case, you just need to omit the b- The workers had better respect the rules.
modals and conjugate the main verbs in the past
Task one on page 50
simple tense, starting your sentence by “it’s high
time/it’s about time). Rewrite the statements 1-5 below using “had better/
had better not” to convey the same meaning as that
e.g. a- The elected president should make
conveyed by the given sentence.
poor people a priority.
1- I have to meet our manager in 20 minutes, I
had better go now or I will be late.
2- You had better keep these files in a safety into………………….(5) of false companies he has
deposit box, because they contain top secret ‘created’ is an……………..(6).
information about the company.
3- You had better not go to work today, as you C
don’t look very well.
money- cash deposit- money laundering- tax
4- You had better pay your electricity bill within
inspectors- criminal organizations.
a fortnight; otherwise, you will owe a late fee.
5- We had better not go out tonight since we ………………..(1) consists in hiding the illegal
have a lot of work to do. origin of ………………….(2). For instance,
…………………..(3)may buy property with money
Vocabulary explorer
from drugs in order to disguise its origin
Task one on page 50: from……………….(4). When they sell the property,
the money becomes “legal”. Most banks now help
There is a logical connection among three of the four stop……………………..(5) by telling the police and
items in each of the groups. Which is the odd one tax inspectors when someone makes a
out? Get help from your dictionary. large………………………….(6).
A- Fraud- corruption- business- money D
B- False accounting- creative accounting- wrong- right- ethical behaviour-unethically-
auditing- tax evasion. ethical issues- code ethics
C- To smuggle- to bribe- to trade- to counterfeit.
to have an……………………(1)consists in doing
D- Auditor- accountant- economist- customs
things that are morally right. Areas where choices
have to be made about what is ……………………(2)
E- Probity- honesty- loyalty- abuse.
and what is…………………(3) are
Task two on page 50 called………………(4). Some organizations have a
…………………….(5) where they say what their
Complete the blanks A-D with the words in the box managers’ and employees’ behavior should be in
that precede each of them. Some words can be used order to prevent them from behaving……………….
more than once. (6).
A Pronunciation and Spelling
Corrupt (v)- bribery (n) –corruption (n)- bribe Classifying words according to the pronunciation
(n)- bribe (v)- corrupt (adj) of their final “es”
A…………………(1) is the illegal payment made to /s/ /z/ /Iz/
a person in order to persuade him/her to do you a /p/, /f/, /k/, The remaining /s/, /z/, /t∫/ /∫/,
favor. Informally, it is called a backhander, a /t/, /Ө/ sounds /ᴣ/ /dᴣ/,
kickback, or a sweetener. To…………………(2) a including
civil servant is to………………………….(3) vowels
her/him. Anyone who Task one:
accepts……………………………..(4) is
…………………(5) and is involved Classify the following words according to the
in………………………………(6). In informal pronunciation of their final “es”
English, this is called a sleaze.
Victims- arrests- helps- coughs- cliffs- guides-
advantages- paragraphs- phrases- assiduous-
Embezzler- accountant- embezzlement- false
dangerous- ideas- benefits-words- problems-
invoices- fraud- bank accounts
workmates- integrations- abuses- ethics- punishes-
……………………(1) is a type of…………………..
(2) where someone illegally gets money from their sustains-imitates- likes- economics- practices.
employer. For example, an …………………………
(3) who sends………..….(4) to the company he
works for, and pays money from his company

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