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Inglês Aplicado à Contabilidade

1º Semestre

Page 5
 How much are you worth?
worth value, merit, importance, cost
to be worth
to be worthless
worthy valuable, admirable, precious
to be worthy
salary a fixed payment at regular intervals,
especially for administrative or professional
wages money that is paid or received for work or
services, as by the hour, day, or week
unskilled ≠ skilled having no special skill or training
unskilled labour
earn to receive (salary, wages, etc.) for one's
labour or service
rewarded remunerated, paid, salaried, compensated,
regardless not considering, in spite of
improve to raise to a better quality or condition; make
boring uninteresting, tedious, dull
carry get, bring

Page 6 – Speaking/writing about vocational vs. monotonous work

 Up to you

Expressing ideas
I think that … Contrasting ideas
I believe that … On the one hand, …
In my opinion, … On the other hand, …
From my point of view, … In spite of
My opinion is that … Although

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