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Hey, I really like your profile and your posts, and if you let me, I would make such

an amazing
mural out of it! If you don’t mind one of your post could be my inspiring muse for an art project i’m
working on for a client. You will totally get paid for it as well as a bonus also get credits.

Sounds good! Here’s some sample of my works.

How old are you & where are you from ? I was thinking about using your picture for an art piece if
that’s fine by you ?

Great! I was really looking forward to working with you.

For the painting, I would be doing an oil on canvas, 50cmx 50cm portrait painting, my client
intends to make payments as soon as possible. So the piece can be completed before next week
and i can also send you a copy of it when its done.

My client will be paying through check and it will be written in your name and sent to you since
we're in collaboration.

Okay your pay will be from the full paycheck for painting and My client would have it sent to you, to
cash into your account. It will serve as reference that you were paid incase of future references if
you end up trying to file a lawsuit for using your pictures without your permission.

The check is for $3000 while your cut from that would be $500, I will use the remaining to get the
painting materials and also take the remaining profit for my service. Hopefully, that should be
encouraging enough, though it might seem on the low side

But I would need to trust that you would send back my cut, you know I would have to purchase
materials to start up the Art supplies for the piece inorder to have the artwork completed by my
deadline because I kind of have a chargeback dispute on my account so it's not wise putting it on
the account which might affect your payment, I also felt this was better in order to erase any form
of doubt, or thoughts of me ripping you off your pay because I take art very serious and so does
my client.

What’s your first, last name and email address for the paycheck payment to be address to you

Most importantly which bank are you depositing through and I don’t need your bank information

Your bank info is not needed, just your bank name to be able to endorse the back of the check for

Can I get the screenshot of your check deposit limit, to know the amount you can take in per

Optional understanding

It’s just to compensate you that’s all and we don’t need any of your personal information

It’s a private owner and it’s for a private decoration, it’s just going to be an inspiring muse for an art
project and you’ll be paid for it.

That’s not a problem but right now my client is currently duty in Austin Texas for business
seminars which makes him so busy at the moment

But I’ll inform him

I was surfing through instagram then i saw your profile picture which I was currently drawn to that’s
the reason i came in contact with you

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