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Strategic Thinking(ST) by Geremy Sandy

ST is about taking the initiative to ask the right and crucial questions that align with your
goals and reach what you want to achieve
1. Embrace ST mindset
2. Take to time to think strategically by eliminating noise around you
3. Make a balance between your strategy, your time and the difference in your
Strategic Thinking: is making long-term goals and drawing them into short and how you are
going to accomplish them. In other words, It’s being clean and proactive about what you are
going to do and what you won’t do.
1. Have your big-picture vision
2. Write down your Goals for each of your vision
3. Write what you are going to do(concrete activities) to achieve each of them
4. Write how are you going to do each activity, when, how long, and where.

II- Developing your ST

1. Consider the future and learn from my past:
- Identify what opportunities, obstacles or challenges that may arise
- Evaluate what happen in the past, what strengths and weaknesses, what or
how to leverage or change
2. Create an informed strategic
- Think differently about what you want to achieve and bring in new
perspectives from others

3. Make your strategy practical

- Map yoyr assets and Allies(Know what skills or strength you have to
implement your strategy)
- Find key relationships
- Think about what constraints you may face now and in the future(it could be
people, environment,,,,,
- Put your strategy in specific and realistic steps

4. Implementing ST
1. Strategic Thinking with your team
- Have a premeetings with your team
- Identify objections from your team
- Prepare to face objections
2. Measure your success
- Clarify your goals and metrics
- Evaluate your progress in a regular process
- Set when and how to measure your progress
- Document your processes
3. ST is a continuous process
1. Regularly audit your strategy: Questions to audit( Are you failing to meet initial
expectations? Has there been a major change in circumstance? Is there a promising
2. Your strategy must provide probably for growth
3. The limits of your strategy
- Accept the present moment and move on despite what changes arise( .
- Respond decisively instead of being stuck to what happen unexpectedly

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