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It was Cretaceous period. An era which was recorded as the most wild and
expandable period. Literally, a dinosaur themed death valley for every single
creature living there. The sea waves were moving off the shore calmly and the
beach sand was soothingly warm. It was a perfect climate to enjoy under the ray
of sun. Between the incredible connect of nature, a large lizard-like dinosaur
was lying dead in the vast shore. A group of dinosaurs which looked exactly like
crocodiles in shape and size was feasting on it fiercely. They were tearing the
flesh of the half-eaten dead dinosaur with their razor-sharp teeth making it easy
for them to gobble up. Blood dripped from their mouth in the purest form as
they were tasting their meal. In the midst of battle, the whole space shuddered.
The predators were stunned for a moment. The gateway to jungle was vibrated
by something which is tremendously large. The large lizards weren’t able to
predict what it could be. But they did know one thing for sure. It is something
that doesn’t want to be disturbed.
All of sudden, a huge, ferocious tyrannosaurus-rex popped out from
nowhere of jungle with a raging roar. The vibration of the apex predator foot
stomp was huge. It didn’t hesitate for a moment to hunt down those tiny reptiles
under its feet. As it nears, those dinosaurs ran as fast as it could away from the
demon with those tiny, slender legs that was perfectly designed for an escape in
a life and death moment. They headed towards the blue and dived in the sea
water; swimming their way up to a safe zone. As the T-rex stomped in the water,
the waves started to go wild. The sea corals and water level started to rise up.
Sea creatures started take off in the midst of hustle bustle. Luckily, the dinosaurs
escaped from the clutches of T-rex. Except one of it. This time it didn’t had a
chance to slip from the chops of the predator. Water was injected by blood
stench that was spreading all over the space no sooner than ever. The T-rex burst
into a magnificent roar. As the whole place shooked, the demon was munched
by the bloody jaws in a blink of eye; king of seas, a blood oozing greatest
hunters of all time. A 70-foot aquatic creature inside the depth of the trench.
The old chum is back…........

It was dark all over surround. Sunlight was barely even seen. Pinwheel
blades was swirling not allowing sunlight in. The environment wasn’t able to
predict the climate. Jason’s eyes blinked and his ear twitched by hearing the
sound of sea water surrounding him. Floating water made him aware of the
things happening around him. He did few pull-ups along some ab crunches ad
there he was starting his day with a very warming welcome of animal shit
spread all over the place. Then, he took a saw-like machinery thing that looked
kind of real-gig stuff. Jason spread it over the surface facing towards him. As
soon as he finishes pasting that stuff, Jason lighted up it using a lighter. It goes
bursting like fireworks as he was enjoying his morning coffee. In a moment, a
man sized was in front of him and it was clear that Jason was actually standing a
compartment that was travelling in a ship. It was blue ocean around him that is
filled many dangers. Jason took his bag pack as soon as he changed his attire.
He jumped in a huff and sprinted over leaping from one and another
compartment without getting caught by any of the workers in the compartment.
He was just a form of pure adrenaline.

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