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Evaporator Control

Chapter 31
31.1 Operational Issues
31.2 The Vacuum System
31.3 Reboiler and Separator
31.4 Condenser with Barometric Leg
31.5 Control Scheme
31.7 Nomenclature

This chapter concerns the control of a ther- of liquor. However, the tubes of the reboiler and its
mosyphon type of evaporator. The issues are much outlet pipework contain a mixture of vapour and
the same for calandria and other single effect types liquor. This density difference provides the driving
of evaporator. force for the circulation of the liquor, known as a
Figure 31.1 depicts the evaporator in which an thermosyphon.It is essential that the head of liquor
aqueous stream containing suspended particulates in the separator be maintained constant because, if
(or dissolved salts) is concentrated by evaporat- circulation were to cease, the reboiler tubes could
ing off water. The dilute feed stream mixes with become blocked with aggregated particulates (or
concentrated liquor circulating at its boiling point. crystallised salts). However, the head must remain
This is partially evaporated on the tube-side of below the level of the separator inlet as otherwise
the reboiler by condensing steam on its shell-side. the liquor would impede the vapour flow.
The tube-side exit stream consists of water vapour The reboiler is operated under vacuum to re-
with entrained droplets of liquor. The separator duce the boiling point of the liquor.This increases
provides the space for the droplets to disengage the temperature difference between the steam and
from the vapour. The droplets fall into the liquor liquor which is the driving force for heat transfer.
which is recirculated, a fraction being drawn off as It is essential that a steady vacuum is maintained.
concentrated product. The reboiler is operated un- Any sudden increase in pressure,and hence in boil-
der vacuum provided by a pump which sucks the ing point, would cause the liquor to go off the boil
vapour out of the separator. The vapour condenses and circulation would cease. Any sudden decrease
on the shell side of a water cooled condenser, the in pressure would cause the liquor to flash off. The
condensate being discharged via a barometric leg surge in vapour flow may be beyond the capacity
and pumped away by a centrifugal pump. of the condenser, resulting in carry over of con-
densate into the vacuum pump. Depending on the
type of pump, this could cause damage.
The condensate formed in the condenser can-
31.1 Operational Issues not be discharged using a steam trap because the
The separator, reboiler and interconnecting condenser is operated under vacuum. A baromet-
pipework form a manometer. Between the separa- ric leg is used, the principle of operation of which
tor and the inlet of the reboiler, the pipework is full is depicted in Figure 31.2. A head of condensate is
218 31 Evaporator Control

Separator P0
Vacuum pump

Cooling water
Reboiler Condenser
Barometric leg

F0,X0P,T0 FV
Dilute feed
Centrifugal pump

Concentrated product
Fig. 31.1 Thermosyphon type of evaporator

Vacuum h be broken and air sucked up the leg into the con-
Shell For the purpose of determining control strat-
egy, the evaporator is considered to consist of three
sub systems: the vacuum system, the reboiler and
separator, and the condenser with the baromet-
ric leg.

31.2 The Vacuum System

The pressure in the evaporator system is funda-
mental to its operation so consideration of the
vacuum system is a convenient starting point for
applying the process of determination. The vac-
uum system consists of the vacuum pump to-
Fig. 31.2 Principle of barometric leg gether with the vapour space upon which the vac-
uum pump operates. That space includes the shell
side of the condenser, the disengagement space
established within the leg which balances the vac- within the separator and the overhead pipework.
uum in the condenser.Any condensate entering the In essence, that space is the system’s capacity for
top of the leg displaces an equivalent amount into vapour holdup.
the reservoir at the bottom. It is essential that the It is evident that the pressure P0 in the sys-
level in the reservoir be maintained above the bot- tem depends upon four factors: the rate at which
tom of the leg, otherwise the vacuum seal would vapour is produced in the reboiler FV , the rate at
31.3 Reboiler and Separator 219

Table 31.1 Analysis of degrees of freedom for vacuum system

One equation and five strategic variables
Variables First view Second view Third view Fourth view

Wild – FV , QV FV , QV FV , QV
Controlled – – – P0
Floating FA , FD , FV , P0 , QV F A , F D , P0 F A , P0 –
Determined – – FD FA , FD

which vapour is condensed which is determined 31.3 Reboiler and Separator

by the rate at which heat is removed in the con-
denser QV , the rate at which air leaks (or is bled) An overall steady state mass balance for the con-
into the system FA and the rate at which air/vapour tents of the thermosyphon gives:
is discharged by the vacuum pump FD . F1 = F0 + FV (31.2)
Thus, at equilibrium:
and a steady state mass balance for the solids con-
P0 = f(FV , QV , FA , FD ) (31.1) tent gives:
F1 .X1P = F0 .X0P (31.3)
There is thus one equation involving five strategic where X denotes weight fraction and subscripts 1,
variables with four degrees of freedom. This view 0 and V refer to the inlet,outlet and vapour streams
is represented by the first column of Table 31.1. respectively. As pointed out in Chapter 30, there is
The rates at which the vapour is produced and no need to use every possible equation. By defini-
condensed are determined by the design and oper- tion:
ation of the reboiler and condenser so, as far as the X1P + X1W = 1
vacuum system is concerned, these rates must be X0P + X0W = 1
considered to be wild variables.Thus two of the de-
where subscripts P and W refer to particulates and
grees of freedom have been taken up leaving three
water content respectively. These two extra con-
floating variables as depicted in the second column
straints introduce another two variables, X1W and
of Table 31.1.
X0W , but have no net effect on the number of de-
It is common practice in the design of evapo-
grees of freedom. There is no obvious benefit from
rator systems to specify a vacuum pump that oper-
including them and, since they potentially confuse
ates at a constant speed: the efficiency of a vacuum
the issue, are best discarded. Likewise a mass bal-
pump is relatively high only over a narrow range
ance for the water content yields:
of operating conditions. Thus the discharge rate
is determined by plant design considerations, as F1 .X1W = F0.X0W + FV
depicted in the third column of Table 31.1.
Given the constant speed vacuum pump, the However, this equation is not independent: it can
pressure in an evaporator system is typically con- be formed by subtraction of Equation 31.3 from
trolled by manipulating the air bleed rate. If the Equation 31.2 and substitution of the constraints,
pressure is controlled then the remaining degree so it too is discarded.
of freedom is spoken for. There is thus one equa- The heat input through the reboiler goes partly
tion with one unknown and the air flow rate is into raising the temperature of the feed stream to
determined as depicted by the fourth column of that of the circulating liquor but mostly into par-
Table 31.1. tially evaporating the liquor. A steady state heat
220 31 Evaporator Control

Table 31.2 Analysis of degrees of freedom for reboiler and separator

Six equations and 11 strategic variables
Variables First view Second view Third view

Wild – X1P , T1 , P0 X1P, T1 , P0

Controlled – – PS , X0P
Floating F0 , F1 , FV , QS , T0 , T1 , TS , P0 , PS , X0P , X1P F0 , F1 , FV , QS , T0 , TS , PS , X0P –
Determined – – F0 , F1 , FV , QS , T0 , TS

balance for the contents on the tube side of the is deemed to be wild. Thus three of the degrees of
reboiler thus gives: freedom have been taken up leaving eight floating
variables: the view depicted by the second column
QS = F1.cP .(T0 − T1 ) + FV . V (31.4) of Table 31.2.
There are two remaining degrees of freedom
where QS is the heat duty of the reboiler, T de- which can be used for controlling any two of the
notes temperature and cP and V denote specific floating variables although, in this case, it is fairly
and latent heats respectively. However the rate of obvious which two to choose.Noting that P0 is con-
heat transfer is itself determined by the tempera- trolled by the vacuum system,assigning one degree
ture difference between the shell and tube side of of freedom to the shell side pressure PS enables
the reboiler: the temperature difference across the reboiler and
hence the rate of evaporation to be controlled. It is
QS = USAS .(TS − T0) (31.5) sensible to assign the other degree of freedom to
the control of product quality XP0. This results in
Because the circulation through the reboiler is
six equations in six unknowns: thus all the remain-
roughly constant, its overall heat transfer coeffi-
ing strategic variables are determined. This view is
cient US may be presumed to be constant too. Note
represented by the third column of Table 31.2.
that the steam on both sides of the reboiler is satu-
rated, so both temperatures are uniquely related to
their pressures. Thus, assuming that any elevation
of the boiling point on the tube side is negligible, 31.4 Condenser with
two further equations must be introduced:
Barometric Leg
T0 = g(P0) (31.6) The latent heat of condensation is removed by the
TS = g(PS ) (31.7) cooling water.A steady state heat balance yields the
duty of the condenser:
Equations 31.2–30.7 are the minimum set of six
QV = FW .cP .(TW0 − TW1 ) (31.8)
equations necessary for determining the control
strategy for the reboiler and separator sub-system. Noting that the temperature difference between
They involve eleven strategic variables giving five the shell and tube sides is not uniform, a steady
degrees of freedom. This view is represented by the state heat balance across the tubes of the condenser
first column of Table 31.2. yields:
Assume that the composition X1P and temper-
ature T1 of the feed stream are both wild. The pres- (TW0 − TW1 )
QV = UV .AV . (31.9)
sure P0 is controlled by the vacuum system so, as (T0 − TW1 )
far as the reboiler and separator are concerned, it ln
(T0 − TW0 )
31.5 Control Scheme 221

Table 31.3 Analysis of degrees of freedom for condenser and barometric leg
Three equations and six strategic variables
Variables First view Second view Third view

Wild – T0 , TW1 T0 , TW1

Controlled – TW0
Floating FW , UV , QV , T0 , TW0 , TW1 FW , UV , QV , TW0
Determined – – FW , UV , QV

The overall heat transfer coefficient cannot be pre- 31.5 Control Scheme
sumed to be constant since the cooling water flow
A scheme for the control of the evaporator system
rate is a variable. Thus:
is depicted in Figure 31.3.
UV = h(FW ) (31.10) The evaporator is operated under vacuum. Its
pressure P0 is controlled by the controller PAC
Note that this particular relationship is explained which manipulates the flowrate of an air bleed
in more detail in Chapter 32. into the inlet of the vacuum pump. It doesn’t
Note also that there are another two equations, particularly matter whether the pressure is mea-
for the condensation of steam, that could be con- sured in the separator, overhead pipework or con-
sidered as follows: denser shell because the vacuum system has a rel-
T0 = g(P0 ) (31.6) atively open structure. Manipulating a bleed valve
is preferable to varying the pump speed because
QV = FV . V
vacuum pumps are designed to run over a nar-
However, these simply introduce another two row range of speeds and their efficiency decreases
strategic variables: they do not affect the no of de- rapidly outside this range.
grees of freedom and can be discarded. The concentration of the circulating liquor X0P
Equations 31.8–31.10 are the minimum set of is controlled by the controller CC which manip-
three equations necessary for determining the con- ulates the product flow rate F0 . The set point for
trol strategy for the condenser sub-system. They this control loop is the concentration specified for
involve six strategic variables giving three degrees the product. The solids content would almost cer-
of freedom. This view is represented by the first tainly be measured indirectly, perhaps optically or
column of Table 31.3. by means of density depending on the nature of the
The cooling water inlet temperature TW1 is particulates (or conductivity for dissolved salts).
wild.As far as the condenser is concerned,the oper- It is important that the measurement is made in
ating temperature T0 must also be considered wild the circulating liquor. It should not be made in
since it is determined by the pressure P0 which is the product line because, in the event of the valve
controlled independently. These take up two of the being shut by the controller, its content would be
degrees of freedom as depicted in the second col- stagnant and independent of the concentration in
umn of Table 31.3. the evaporator.
To make effective use of the cooling water it is The level in the separator is controlled by the
common practice to control the condenser’s out- controller LC which manipulates the dilute feed
let temperature TW0 . That uses up the remaining flowrate F1 . It can be seen that these two control
degree of freedom, so the other three variables are loops are highly interactive. If the concentration
determined. This view is represented by the third X0P rises above its set point, the concentration con-
column of Table 31.3. troller would increase the product flow F0. This
222 31 Evaporator Control






Fig. 31.3 Control strategy for evaporator that is determined

would cause the level in the separator to fall and combination of the two pressure controllers en-
force the level controller to increase the feed flow sures that the temperature difference across the
F1 . This would dilute the circulating liquor result- tubes of the reboiler is regulated. The rate of cir-
ing in X0P returning to its setpoint. culation, and hence the overall heat transfer coef-
Note that both the inlet and outlet flows are be- ficient, is roughly constant because the level con-
ing manipulated, but not controlled, which is con- troller LC controls the head of liquor in the separa-
sistent with the flows F0 and F1 being determined tor.Given that the reboiler’s temperature difference
by the mass balances. F0 is being manipulated to is controlled and that the overall coefficient is con-
control the strategic variable X0P and F1 is being stant, the rate of heat transfer QS , and hence the
manipulated to control an inventory variable, the rate of evaporation FV , is determined.
level in the separator. The controller TC controls the condenser out-
Note also that these two loops can be inter- let temperature TW0 by manipulating the cooling
changed, i.e. CC to manipulate F1 and LC to ma- water flow rate FW . If the temperature increases
nipulate F0 . It is often the case in process con- then the flow rate is increased, and vice versa. The
trol that loops can be interchanged like this. The control valve would require a bias on its opening to
question arises as to what are the most appropri- guarantee a minimum flow for start-up purposes.
ate couplings of controlled and manipulated vari- This is an inventory control and ensures that ef-
ables. There is a technique, known as relative gain fective use is made of the cooling water. The alter-
analysis, which enables the best arrangement to be native, which is to have a flow control loop on the
identified. This is discussed in Chapter 111. cooling water flowrate, would need a set point high
The steam pressure PS on the shell side of the enough to cope with all eventualities and would be
reboiler is controlled by the controller PC which wasteful of cooling water.
manipulates the flow of steam to the shell. The
31.6 Comments 223

Condensate is discharged into the barometric leg’s • For the purpose of controlling these four strate-
reservoir, the controller LC controlling the head gic variables, another three strategic variables
in the leg by manipulating the product flowrate. and one utility are manipulated: F0 , F1 , FA and
If the level rises the rate at which the product is FS .
pumped away is increased. This is an inventory • For inventory purposes, level loops manipulate
control which maintains the vacuum seal on the a further two strategic variables: FV and FW .
leg.It is important in situations such as this that the • None of the strategic variables deemed to be de-
pump is of the centrifugal type. In the event of the termined are controlled (as opposed to manip-
valve being shut by the controller, a constant head ulated).
is developed and the pump is not damaged. The • All strategic variables controlled in, or deter-
impeller simply rotates the trapped liquor, which mined by, one unit are deemed to be wild vari-
warms up due to the energy being dissipated. Clos- ables in other units.
ing the exit valve on the alternative positive dis- • No attempt is made to control any of the wild
placement types of pump would result in a sudden variables: X1P , T1 and TW1 .
and massive increase in pressure leading to dam-
age to the pump and/or rupture of the pipework.
The totaliser FQR provides a record of the
amount of dilute feed processed and is included
31.7 Nomenclature
for management purposes. The remaining pres- A is the surface area m2
sure and temperature indicators are included for cP specific heat kJ kg−1 K−1
commissioning and diagnostic purposes. F flow rate kg s−1
P pressure bar
Q rate of heat transfer kW
T temperature K
31.6 Comments U overall heat transfer kW m−2 K−1
The sub-systems of this evaporator plant are typ- coefficient
ical of the scope of the unit referred to in the X weight fraction –
methodology of Chapter 30. A careful review of latent heat kJ kg−1
the methodology will reveal that each of the issues
raised has been explicitly addressed in the control Subscripts
scheme proposed. In particular: 0 outlet
1 inlet
• The only strategic variables that are controlled P particulates
are those four which were deemed to be con- S steam/reboiler
trolled by the process of determination: P0 , PS , V vapour/condenser
XOP and TW0 . W cooling water

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