SS5 EssentialsGuide

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Welcome to Symbol Set 5 - Cities of

Schley (SS5) an add-on to ProFantasy’s
Campaign Cartographer 3 Plus software
(CC3+). The artwork of SS5 was created
by renowned fantasy cartographer
Mike Schley.

License Agreement
Use of this software is
determined by a license
agreement you can view
Content during installation of SS5
and in the CC3+ Documen-
tation folder.
Introduction..................................................... 2
Technical Support
Drawing a Cities of Schley Map ............ 2 Support is available from
the registered users area
of the ProFantasy website
Creating a City Index.................................. 8

Applying Alternative Styles.................... 9

SS5 Symbols and Textures: Mike Schley
Compilation and CC3+ Integration: Ralf Schemmann
Programming: Mark Fulford, Simon Rogers, Peter Olssen, Joe Slayton
Thanks To: Mike Riddle, Beta Testers, Profantasy User Community,
The Colonel and Nigel
The Essentials: Ralf Schemmann

ProFantasy Software Ltd · Spectrum House · Bromell’s Road ·

London · SW4 0BN · UK ·

©2019 ProFantasy Software Ltd.

Welcome to Symbol Set 5 - Cities of Schley (SS5), a
new set of artwork for Campaign Cartographer 3 Plus
(CC3+). It contains a full colour city drawing style based
on the work of fantasy cartographer Mike Schley.
Getting started SS5 can be used with or without City Designer 3
The information and (CD3), but having that add-on will give you additional
tutorials contained in
this mapping guide assumes functions that will make drawing city layouts a lot
a basic knowledge of CC3+. easier. While this guide generally assumes you have
If you have not familiarized
yourself with CC3+, CD3 installed, any differences in usage without CD3
we recommend doing so will be pointed out in the appropriate places.
before you start with SS5.
Using this Guide
Mike Schley
Mike Schley is a renowned We recommend you follow this guide step-by-step. It is
game cartographer with not a full reference to all symbols and tools of SS5, but
clients such as Wizards of
the Coast, Paizo and Scho- will give you insight on how to approach creating a city
lastic and besides creating map using this style. For a more complete overview of
this city style he designed
an overland style (included
the commands useful for SS5, see the documentation
in CC3+) and a dungeon for City Designer 3.
style (Symbol Set 4) for
Drawing a Cities of Schley Map
Start a new map in the
Cities of Schley style
by clicking the New

Choose the map type

City, Decide your own
settings, and click Next.

Then choose the map

style SS5 Cities of Schley
and click Next again.

For this example we’ll

create a small village map, so set the map size at 500’
by 400’. Then click Finish and save the map.

The Physical Terrain Toolbars
The Symbol Set 5
Start out by adding toolbar icons are
usually found on the
any major bodies
left of the interface
of water (if any) to screen. If you can’t see
your drawing. Click them, select Tools
and ensure that
the All Drawing Left toolbar 1 and 2
Tools button are ticked.
on the left toolbar
Clicking the SS5 button on
and look for the the file toolbar will reload
Water, Default the Symbol Set 5 toolbar
drawing tool.
For our example
village we’ll draw
a small river running into the sea or a lake as shown on
the right.

For the little islands in the river mouth, use the Terrain,
Background Grass tool, but make sure to set the current
sheet to BACKGROUND ISLANDS first.

You can use the dark and light versions of the water
drawing tool to add depth contours to the water.

For the terrain

relief, use the
Terrain, Hill
drawing tool to
outline any slopes
and elevations on
the map.

Note that this

drawing tool does
not limit itself to
the map border.
This is so you can draw slopes that rise all the way to
the map edge by extending your hill beyond the shown
map area.

Walls and Dikes

I often use a settlement’s walls to define the overall
City Walls shape and extent of a settlement, but a proper city
The CIties of Schley style wall seems a but much for a small vilage like this.
contains both drawing tools
and symbols for creating Instead let’s add a dike to the map, which can serve
city walls. as protection versus both flooding and the occasional
To load the city symbols
click the Walls catalog but-
ton. For this map you could
use the palisade symbols to Click the All
create a wooden fence on Drawing Tools
top of the dike.
button again
and select the
City Wall Dike 10’

Define the
boundaries of
the village by
drawing the dike
around it.

Note that I don’t completely encircle the village.

Instead I use the hillside as part of the boundary and
leave gaps for the gates.

Streets and Backgrounds

Next up are the streets and roads of the settlement.
Right-click the Roads button to see all the drawing
tools for that purpose.

For our little

fishing village, I’ll
stick to dirt and
mud roads, but for
larger settlements
you can use the
paved versions.

I also use the

opportunity to
add a little more
textures to the map. Packed earth for the interior of the
village and sand along the beaches.
Generic Houses

It’s time to add the majority of buildings to the map. A

substantial town can have a lot of houses and adding
them all individually can take a lot of time. But we
have the Random Street command at our disposal,
which makes the process much less painful.
Random Street
Right-click the Random Street button, select a street The Random Street com-
mand is only available if
setting (e.g. SS5 Small Village Houses for this map). The you have City Designer 3
left-click the same button to start the Random Street installed. If you are using
SS5 without CD3, use the
command. method outlined below for
important buildings to fill
Select a road, the village with buildings.
pick a side and
move the cursor
to display house
The same applies for the
outlines along House command.
the street. Move
the cursor back
and forth to
randomize the
house shapes
until you have
something that
you like, then left-click to place the houses and finish.

Move through the village to place houses in this way

where possible, and then add individual houses with
the House command to fill in any gaps.

Important Buildings and Features

Now go ahead and add significant and/or special
buildings to the map.

For these I choose symbols from the various symbol

catalogs accessible through the catalog toolbar.

For example the Default/Miscellaneous catalog

contains buildings matching the tiled roof look of
the street tool we used, and the Vehicles catalog
contains ships and boats appropriate for our seaside

These symbol buildings are a little more elaborately

drawn than the ones you can create with the House or
Random Street commands.

The buildings are

smart symbols,
meaning you can
align and offset
them to and
from the existing
streets. If the
smart behavior
interferes with
symbol placement
at any time –
which can happen
if you are trying to place a symbol near several roads –
simply right-click and check the Disable smart symbols
box in the parameters dialog.

If you find that the town is a little too crowded to place

more buildings, you can always delete a few of the
randomly placed houses.

We are getting
close to finishing
the actual
map. Use the
Terrain drawing
tools to add
fields, gardens,
meadows and
similar features
in and around the
village. Load up
the Vegetation
catalog to add trees to the map.

Text Labels, Compass Rose and Scale Bar
Finally we need to label the village. Use the Text
command to add labels where appropriate.

I usually label at least the most important buildings,

some important terrain features like the lake, wood and
stream in this map. Also add a title and a scale bar to
the map at this point. You can load these by clicking
the Catalog Settings button and choosing the SS5
Cartouches setting.

Creating a City Index
Create Index One neat feature of the city commands is creating
This is a City Designer 3 an index over all the labeled buildings in a map,
command. It is only avail-
able if you have that add-on referencing them via a grid.
To do this we first
need to add a
square grid to our
map. Use the Add
Grid button to
do that. For this
example map I used
a 25’ grid. Also
make sure that the
grid is labeled, and I
generally use letters
for one side and
numbers for the other.

Now use Create Index and select all text labels

(easiest if you put them on their own layer). Right-click
to accept the one column default and place the index
on the map or off to the side where you want it to be.

The entries are automatically hyperlinked, ie you can

click on them to jump to the listed location on the map.

Applying Alternative Styles
Instead of including an black & white version of its
style, Cities of Schley comes with with alternative
effect presets that turn a full colour map into a black
& white version with just a few clicks, as well as a few
other alternative versions.

To choose different
sheet effects for your
drawing click the
Sheets & Effects

From the Effect Presets

dropdown box choose
the setting SS5 Cities of
Schley BW and click No
if it asks you whether
you want to add any
Redraw on OK
sheets. Sometimes the screen cache
interferes with a proper
Check the Redraw on OK box and click OK. The map redraw of the map when
should appear in a black & white version now which is closing the Sheets & Effect
very good for printing while saving ink/toner. If that happens to you, sim-
ply open the dialog again
deactivate and reactivate
the sheet effects and close
the dialog again. It should
display properly now.

There are more effects presets to choose from:

• SS5 Cities of Schley Greyscale is a pure greyscale

conversion of the color style.
• SS5 Cities of Schley Sepia is a sepia-toned coloring,
approximating an old paper look.
• Try SS5 Cities of Schley Contrast if you like richer
colors with a stronge contrast.
• SS5 Cities of Schley is the normal color effect preset.


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