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Integrated Alarm Environment

Chapter 43
43.1 Database
43.2 Display Systems
43.3 Alarm Lists
43.4 Integrated Safety Environment
43.5 Alarm Management Policy

Computer control makes an important contribu- Table 43.1 Analogue input function and data block
tion to safety. This is discussed in more detail in
Function block Datablock
Chapter 55. Of particular significance is the ca-
Slot Description Value
pacity for the systematic handling of alarms which
pervades system design. Thus, for example, alarm 1 Block no. B1005
features are built into the database for processing 2 Block type AIN
by both the DDC and OCP packages. This chap- 3 Tag no. LRC 47
ter summarises those features that are typical. It is
4 Description Buffer tank
also used as a vehicle to introduce various aspects level
of database design.
5 Block status On
For a more comprehensive treatment of the
6 Sampling frequency 5
subject the reader is referred to the guide on the de-
7 Frame/rack/card/channel no. 1/2/10/06
sign, management and procurement of alarm sys-
tems published by EEMUA (1999). 8 Characterisation LIN
9 Bias −0.1
10 Span 2.1
11 Engineering units m
43.1 Database 12 Display area 06
Function blocks are configurable and consist of 13 Alarm priority 0
a routine, i.e. a program or set of algorithms, 14 High alarm limit 1.8
which operate upon associated blocks of data in 15 Low alarm limit −0.1
the database. The function blocks exist within a 16 Deadband 0.05
DDC package and are under control of the RTOS. 17 Message code 0
Their associated blocks of data are invariably re- 18 Result
ferred to as data blocks. The use of function blocks
is elaborated upon in the following chapters and
their configuration is explained in Chapter 48. 47. The signal is processed by a function block of
Consider an analogue input signal. This may, the type AIN whose purpose is to scale analogue
for example, relate to some level control loop LRC input signals. The AIN function block handles the
318 43 Integrated Alarm Environment

scaling and associated alarm status. A typical data printed in a reserved area of the OCP display.
block for an AIN function block is as shown on the Messages are typically stored in library files,
right hand side of Table 43.1. each message having a unique code. The code
The values in slots 1–11 will be discussed in of 0 in this case implies that there is no message
Chapter 45. It is sufficient to say that the measure- attached.
ment of the level in a tank varies between 0 and
2 m, and its calculated value is stored in slot no These alarm features are established when the
18. The contents of slots 12–17 all relate to alarm database is built. All other analogue inputs would
handling as follows: have similar data blocks. Similarly, all other signal
and variable types will have alarm features built
12 This defines the area menu of the group dis- into their data blocks. Thus alarm handling crite-
play which contains the template for LRC47. ria will be dispersed throughout the database. The
Whenever the level goes into alarm, the OCP DDC package will systematically apply the appro-
will prompt/guide the operator to the relevant priate routines to these data blocks and, if neces-
area/alarm. This is typically realised by a ded- sary trigger alarms. The OCP will then systemati-
icated banner line across the top of the dis- cally display and log any alarms that are triggered.
play system which immediately identifies areas
with new alarms.
13 When an alarm occurs, it is automatically en-
tered into the alarm list and event log. The
43.2 Display Systems
alarm priority determines where it enters on The basic alarm handling functionality of most
the list, as discussed below. The value of 0 in computer control systems is broadly similar.
slot 13 implies it has no priority. Whenever an alarm occurs, the following takes
14 The value in this slot specifies the upper alarm place automatically and simultaneously:
limit. Whenever value in slot 18 goes above
1.8 m the alarm will be activated. This is obvi- • An audible alarm will be annunciated, typically
ously a warning that the tank is nearly full. a buzzer, which the operator may acknowledge
15 The value in this slot specifies the lower alarm and accept as appropriate.
limit. The fact that a value of −0.1 m is speci- • A message may appear in the reserved alarm
fied,which can never be reached because of the message area of the OCP display.
offset on the level measurement, implies that a • The alarm will be entered into the alarm list and
low level does not matter. It is common prac- thereafter its status monitored and the alarm list
tice to set alarm limits at the end of, or outside, entry kept up to date.
the measurement range when there is no need • A printout of the alarm will occur on the event
for an alarm. log.
16 A deadband of 0.05 m is specified. The pur- • The area within which the alarm has occurred
pose of the deadband is to suppress the spuri- will be highlighted on the banner line to assist
ous alarms that would occur due to noise on the operator in locating the relevant group dis-
the level measurement when it is close to the play.
alarm limit.An obvious source of such noise is • Some feature of the relevant group display face-
waves on the surface of the liquid. Thus, once plate will change. For example, the colour of a
an alarm has been triggered by the value for bar will change to red, or some text characters
the level rising above 1.8 m, the level will stay may start to flash.
in alarm until it has fallen below 1.75 m. • Similar colour changes and/or special effects
17 A message code is specified. Whenever an will occur on all relevant faceplates integrated
alarm occurs, a specified message can be into the mimic diagrams.
43.3 Alarm Lists 319

43.3 Alarm Lists and Hihi. The Lo and Hi limits trigger a warning
but not an alarm.
These are structured lists which are kept up to date • Alarm filtering. When large numbers of alarms
in real-time. The essential features are as follows: occur over a short period of time, it can be dif-
• Grouping of alarms on separate lists according ficult to interpret them. Some systems provide a
to plant areas.Whether this is necessary depends filtering function. This effectively identifies crit-
on the size of the plant, the extent of the areas ical alarms and suppresses others: suppression
and the number of alarms. being either a reduction in priority, a delay or
• Alarms within an area are grouped together ac- even deletion. Clearly the filtering criteria have
cording to priority,the highest priority grouping to be specified very carefully.
being at the top of the list. • Trips and interlocks. These are closely allied
• Within any grouping, alarms are listed in to alarms, are defined in Chapter 55 and, typi-
chronological order, the most recent being at the cally, are realised by means of configurable logic
top of the group. blocks. They take pre-defined corrective or pre-
• The list entry consists of the tag no, description, ventative action in the event of an alarm occur-
date/time of occurrence, type of alarm and cur- ring. Trips and interlocks are used extensively
rent alarm status. and, after alarms, are by far the most common
• The length of the list will be constrained by the safety function supported by any system.
no of entries or the time lapsed since occurrence, • Sequences. These can be used to carry out cross
as described for event logs in Chapter 42. checking,application diagnostics and automatic
shut-down. Sequence control was introduced in
The above alarm handling functions form an inte- Chapter 29.
grated alarm environment. They are built into the • Expert systems. These have been used in an on-
system and happen as a matter of course. Funda- line mode to provide decision support in rela-
mental to this are the alarm related values built tion to alarm handling. In essence, by analysing
into the database. the pattern of alarm occurrences, the expert sys-
tem attempts to deduce the underlying causes
and recommend appropriate actions. An intro-
43.4 Integrated Safety duction to expert systems is given in Chap-
ter 107.
An integrated alarm environment is concerned
with alarm handling only. It is not the same thing 43.5 Alarm Management Policy
as an integrated safety environment in which a va-
riety of additional functions may be supported. The purpose of an alarm management policy is to
Some of these functions may be more sophisti- ensure that the system generates alarms, warnings
cated means of alarm handling. Others will enable and/or messages in as effective a way as possible
corrective action to be taken in the event of an with regard to the operators.It is fairly obvious,but
alarm occurring: often forgotten, that:

• Warnings. The data block for LRC 47 above sup- • Alarms, warnings and messages provided to an
ported a single pair of high and low alarm limits. operator must be sufficient to enable correct
This is normal. However, some systems support analysis and /or diagnosis. Information that is
multiple limits on a single signal. For example, too sparse cannot be interpreted reliably.
there can be a warning band set within the alarm • Alarms and warnings must be provided early
band. These limits are referred to as Lolo, Lo, Hi enough to enable timely intervention, if neces-
320 43 Integrated Alarm Environment

sary. Alarms that occur too late are next to use- for slot 16.Such spurious alarms are bad practice
less. because they cause the alarm to fall into disre-
• The volume of information presented must be pute.
such that the operator is not overloaded. The • Suppress known,predictable alarms such as dur-
term “deluge” is used to describe alarms that are ing start-up and shut-down.
too many or too frequent for an operator to han- • Provide operator support by means of alarm
dle meaningfully. filtering, acknowledgement records, application
diagnostics, etc.
There are various strategies that can be used, the
most important being: The combination of strategies that is most appro-
priate for a given context depends on factors such
• Categorise alarms as being either global or lo- as the nature of the process and/or plant, the ex-
cal in relation to the architecture of the control pertise of the operators, and the functionality of
system. For example, global alarms will be dis- the control system. It is essential that the alarm
played throughout the system whenever they oc- requirements are thought through, properly speci-
cur, whereas local alarms will only be displayed, fied, and reviewed regularly.
listed, etc. on the operator station used for the
area to which the alarm relates.
• Group and prioritise alarms, according to area,
priority,chronology, etc. as described previously.
• Minimise standing alarms. These are variables Many of the major control system vendors have
that persist in an alarm state, albeit having been developed proprietary alarm management sys-
acknowledged. This is often because the alarm tem (AMS) packages, as described in Chapter 99,
limits are inappropriate. It is good management which can be installed retrospectively on DCS and
practice to review standing alarms on a regular SCADA systems. They provide much of the func-
basis, to decide if the alarm is necessary and, if tionality outlined in Section 43.4 and enable alarm
so, whether its limits are sensible. management policy as outlined in Section 43.5.
• Avoid duplication of alarms. There is much More sophisticated AMS packages are used for ab-
scope for duplication, for example: normal situation management (ASM).Whilst these
– An AIN block may generate alarms according packages can make a major contribution to safety,
to predefined limits. and it is certainly inappropriate to argue against
– Further alarms may be generated if the same usage of such,their installation is tantamount to an
input signal goes out of range or, with smart admission of failure. There is sufficient function-
devices, if the transmitter goes out of calibra- ality in any DCS or SCADA system to cope with
tion. any sensible alarm handling requirements without
– There may be alarms in associated function the need for bolt-on packages. The problem is that
blocks, such as deviation alarms attached to those requirements have to be properly thought
error signals in associated PID blocks and through at the specification stage and incorporated
range limits in analogue output (AOT) blocks, in the detailed functional specification (DFS) as
as seen in Chapter 44. appropriate. Unfortunately, that is a corner which
• Prevent spurious alarms. Use of deadband to is cut all too easily and far too commonly in the
prevent alarms due to noise, as described above interest of expediency.

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