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Claims Evaluation Sheet - Explanation Of Benefits

Payer: Orient Takaful Insurance Company Policy: MAGRABi - 23/100/8001/0002023

Beneficiary Name: Mervat Sami Abdol Card #: D3DB756002AE912D

Employee #: 4291 Category: B
Product : MAGRABi B

ASOAP #: BP0000130263 Claim Date: 10-Oct-2023
Invoice #: 001 Emergency: False
Provider Name: Provider not in General Network Reception Date: 22-Oct-2023
FOB: In-Patient FOC: Maternity
Spec.Assess (ICD9) 669.71 Cesarean delivery, without mention of indication, delivered, with or without mention of antepartum condition

Batch / Payment Order

Batch ID: 753437 Claimed Amount in EGP: 5500.0
PO ID: 845335 Non-payable Amount in EGP: 2572.65
PO Date: 29-Oct-2023 Payable Amount in EGP: 2927.35

Numbers are all in EGP

Claimed Approved NonPayer
Service and Items Ded. Co-Par Benef Share Payer Share Reason
Amount Amount Share
Accommodation Rate-Royal Suite (ACC- Not per agreed
5500 2927.35 0 0 0 2927.35 2572.65
1) tariff
Total 5500 2927.35 0 0 0 2927.35 2572.65

Services : Ceasrean section (Medical Team Fees )

total Amount :5500 LE
Amount Excluded :2572.65 LE ( Reason :Up to max maternity limit )
CO-Insurance :0 LE
Payable :2927.35 LE

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