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Hazard Analysis

Chapter 54
54.1 HAZOP Studies
54.2 Limitations of HAZOP
54.3 CHAZOP Studies
54.4 The Need for COOP Studies
54.5 Control and Operability Studies
54.6 Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA)
54.7 Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)
54.8 Minimum Cut Sets
54.9 Fault Tree Evaluation
54.10 Evaluation of Demand Rate

There are many types of hazard. Some, such as (FMEA). Those hazards that are deemed to be sig-
those due to moving parts and rotating machinery, nificant, and which cannot be addressed by means
are no different to what are encountered in general of changes to the design of the process, the plant
manufacturing. Others, such as flammability and or its operation, normally result in the provision of
toxicity, are more specific to the process industries. one or more protection systems.
Legislation in the UK covering hazardous installa- Having identified the need for a protection sys-
tions is provided by the Control of Substances Haz- tem, the quantitative method of fault tree analysis
ardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations (1988) and (FTA) may be used to understand the cause and
the Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) effect relationships more thoroughly. In particular,
Regulations (1999). FTA provides a basis for establishing the probabil-
Suppose that a plant is being designed to carry ity of a hazardous occurrence. This is the unmiti-
out some process that is inherently hazardous and gated demand rate (DR) which is required for use
for which some protection system is likely to be in Equation 53.23 for the design of protection sys-
required. Clearly, as a basis for design of the pro- tems. The other factor to be quantified is the con-
tection system, the cause of any potential hazard sequence of a hazardous event, if it occurs. This
must be identified and, if significant, quantified. is essentially a process engineering consideration.
That is the essence of hazard analysis for which The consequence of the event C(E) is related to
various techniques are available. the hazard rate (HR) by Equation 53.24 for design
The qualitative technique of a hazard and op- purposes.
erability (HAZOP) study is used extensively to This chapter outlines some of the above-
identify potential hazards that are of significance. mentioned techniques: there are others such as
The techniques of computer hazard and operabil- event tree analysis and Markov modelling which
ity (CHAZOP) study and control and operability are not covered here. For a more comprehensive
(COOP) study focus respectively on the hardware coverage, the reader is referred to the texts by Kletz
and software of the plant’s control system.An alter- (1999), Wells (1996) and Andrews (1993): the latter
native approach is failure mode and effect analysis includes a useful glossary of terms.
408 54 Hazard Analysis

Table 54.1 Interpretation of basic guidewords for HAZOP

Guideword Meaning Comments

NO or NOT The complete negation of the inten- No part of the intention is achieved and nothing else
tion happens
MORE and LESS Quantitative increase or decrease Refers to quantities and properties (such as flow rates
and temperatures) as well as to operations (such as
charge, heat, react and transfer) related to the inten-
AS WELL Qualitative increase, something extra All the design and operating intentions are achieved,
together with some additional activity
PART OF Qualitative decrease, the intention is Only some of the intentions are completed, others
not completed aren’t
REVERSE The logical opposite of the intention The reverse of the intended action or the opposite of
some effect occurs
OTHER THAN Complete substitution No part of the original intention is achieved. Some-
thing quite different happens
WHERE ELSE may be more useful in relation to po-

54.1 HAZOP Studies by vessel, pipe by pipe, to ensure that all poten-
tially hazardous situations have been taken into
An authoritative introduction to hazard and op- account. In essence, using a framework of guide-
erability (HAZOP) studies is provided by the CIA words, the causes and consequences of all possible
Guide (1992) and guidelines to best practice have significant deviations in process operations are ex-
been published by the IChemE (1999). The stan- amined against the intention of the plant design to
dard IEC 61882 is an application guide to HAZOP. reveal potential hazards.The basic guidewords and
HAZOP is a systematic and critical examina- their interpretation are listed in Table 54.1.
tion, based upon the design of a process and/or The methodology for carrying out a HAZOP
plant, of the potential hazards due to malfunc- study is depicted in Figure 54.1.
tions and/or mal-operations of individual items of An important variation on HAZOP, which is
equipment and the consequential effects of such. used extensively for continuous plant, is the pa-
Whilst normally carried out at the design stage, rameter based approach as described by Kletz
when the cost of making changes is relatively small, (1999). In essence this focuses on deviations of
there is no reason why a HAZOP study cannot be process parameters such as flow and temperature,
carried out retrospectively on the design of an ex- some examples of which are given in Table 54.2.
isting plant. Note that the cost of carrying out a HAZOP studies are normally carried out by
HAZOP study is not insignificant but,if done prop- small multi-disciplinary teams with understand-
erly, should be recouped through having identi- ing of the plant design and operational intent,
fied problems in advance that would otherwise be supplemented with specialist knowledge as appro-
costly to address at the commissioning stage. priate. Membership of a team typically includes
HAZOP studies involve systematic appraisal of project, process, mechanical and instrument en-
conceivable departures from design intent, involv- gineers, supplemented with chemists, control and
ing searches backwards for possible causes and for- safety specialists.
wards for possible consequences. The design, nor- It is very important that the study sessions are
mally in P&I diagram form, is scrutinised vessel accurately recorded, particularly with respect to
54.2 Limitations of HAZOP 409

Start the hazards identified, the solutions proposed and

those responsible for follow up actions. This is nor-
Select a vessel 1
mally realised by means of tables.Typically,the first
Explain intent of vessel & its lines 2 column contains a guideword and the second col-
umn an abbreviated description of the deviation.
Select a line 3 Three other columns are used for possible causes,
possible consequences and the action required to
Explain intent of line 4
prevent the occurrence of the hazardous situations
Apply a guide word 5 identified. There are computer packages available
for aiding this task. A commonly used technique
Develop a meaningful deviation 6 for visualising and keeping track of progress is to
Examine possible causes 7
colour in the vessels and pipes as they are dealt
with on hard-copy of the P&I diagrams.
Examine consequences 8

Detect hazards or operating problems 9

54.2 Limitations of HAZOP
Make suitable record 10
It should be evident that the HAZOP study is pro-
Repeat 6-10 for all meaningful 11 cess and/or plant oriented and does not focus on
deviations from the guide word
the functionality of the control systems per se.
Repeat 5-11 for all guide words 12
Common practices for handling control systems
are to treat them:
Mark line as having been examined 13
• As if they don’t exist.This is simply unacceptable
Repeat 3-13 for each line 14 because the effects of failure have the potential
to cause hazardous situations.
Select an auxiliary eg steam jacket 15 • As though they were realised simply by means
of hardwired elements, whether they be DCS,
Explain intent of auxiliary 16
SCADA or PLC based or otherwise. This is po-
Repeat 5-12 for auxiliary 17 tentially unsafe because it overlooks the poten-
tial for common mode failures of both the hard-
Mark auxiliary as having been examined 18 ware and software: see Chapter 53.
Repeat 15-18 for all auxiliaries 19
• As black boxes, i.e. perfection in the control sys-
tems and their operations is assumed. This is
Explain intent of vessel 20 ridiculous: the reality is that control systems’
hardware is subject to failure and there is much
Repeat 5-12 for vessel 21
scope for making mistakes in the design and de-
Mark vessel as completed 22 velopment of the application software.
• Separately from the plant. This is a pragmatic
Repeat 1-22 for all vessels on P&I diagram 23 and valid approach because the issues to be ad-
dressed, whilst still related to the process/plant,
Mark P&I diagram as completed 24
are nevertheless different and in many respects
Repeat 1-24 for a ll P&I diagrams 25 far more complex. Also, the expertise required
and the time scales involved are different.
When a control system fails, or partially fails, there
Fig. 54.1 Methodology for carrying out a HAZOP study is a whole spectrum of potential failure modes,
410 54 Hazard Analysis

Table 54.2 Interpretation of deviation approach guidewords for HAZOP

Guideword Type of deviation Typical problems

None of No flow Blockage. Pump failure. Valve closed or failed shut. Leak. Suction vessel
No pressure empty. Delivery pressure too high. Vapour lock.
Reverse of Reverse flow Pump failure. Pump reversed. Non-return valve failed. Non-return valve
reversed. Wrong routing. Back siphoning.
More of More flow Reduced delivery head. Surging. Supply pressure too high. Controller sat-
urated. Valve stuck open. Faulty flow measurement.
High temperature Blockage. Hot spots. Cooling water valve stuck. Loss of level in heater.
Fouling of tubes. Blanketing by inerts.
Less of Lower flow Pump failure. Leak. Partial blockage. Cavitation. Poor suction head.
Low vacuum Ejector supply low. Leakage. Barometric leg level low.
Part of Change in High or low concentration. Side reactions. Feed composition change.
As well as Impurities Ingress of air, water, etc. Corrosion products. Internal leakage. Wrong feed.
Extra phase
Other than Abnormal opera- Start-up and shut-down. Testing and inspection. Sampling. Maintenance.
tions Removal of blockage. Failure of power, air, water, steam, inert gas, etc.

many of which may be unexpected. A good ex- control system’s hardware design, its I/O organisa-
ample is the failure of an analogue output card. In tion and the system software. Consideration of the
general, segregation policy should be such that all application software is deferred to a later control
the output channels from one card are associated and operability (COOP) study.
with a particular item of plant or processing func-
tion. Thus, if the card fails, or is removed for iso-
lation purposes, that item of plant only is directly 54.3 CHAZOP Studies
affected. However, if one of the outputs goes to a It is appropriate for CHAZOP to be carried out in
valve on another item of plant in a different area, two stages:
perhaps because it was wired in at a later stage,
that will fail too. Such failures would appear to be
1. A preliminary CHAZOP which may well be in-
tegrated with the full HAZOP study.
It is evident that there are various aspects of
The thinking behind the preliminary CHAZOP
the control system that need to be subject to some
is that strategic decisions about segregation
form of HAZOP study. Ideally, these should be con-
policy, system layout and the handling of gross
sidered as part of the HAZOP study of the process
failures ought to be addressed early in the de-
and/or plant but, in practice, the design of the con-
sign cycle. Making changes later is expensive
trol system is seldom sufficiently complete at that
and causes delays to the project.
stage of the design cycle for an integrated HAZOP
The results of the preliminary CHAZOP should
study.Therefore it is necessary to carry out a seper-
be incorporated in the user requirements spec-
ate computer hazard and operability (CHAZOP)
ification (URS) for the control system, which is
study on the control system. Recognising that the
described in detail in Chapter 60.
design of the application software always lags be-
2. A full CHAZOP study carried out at a later stage
hind the design of the rest of the system,it is appro-
when the relevant detailed information is avail-
priate that the CHAZOP study concentrates on the
54.3 CHAZOP Studies 411

Table 54.3 Interpretation of guidewords for CHAZOP

Guideword Meaning Comments

LOSS The complete or partial absence The impact on the design intent of the loss of a function. May
of a function apply to either power supply, processor capability, memory,
communications channels or to I/O signals.
RANGE The distortion of an I/O signal The impact on the design intent of a signal either being dis-
torted (such as non-linearity or hysteresis) or going out of
MIXTURE The combination of I/O channels The failure pattern of inappropriate combinations of I/O chan-
nels in relation to the hardware organisation of the system.
VERSION Incompatibility of and/or chan- The potential consequences of either changes to the hardware
ges to functionality of the system platform or upgrades (new versions of or changes) to the sys-
software. tem software on the integrity of the application software, either
in relation to its development or to its subsequent support and
SECURITY The integrity of the system The potential consequences of unauthorised access to the sys-
tem, malicious or otherwise.

Results of the full CHAZOP should be incor- • Actions are reports of errors identified in the
porated in the hardware aspects of the de- design upon which action is to be taken.
tailed functional specification (DFS) described
in Chapter 62. The basic methodology for CHAZOP is similar to
that outlined in Figure 54.1, except that rather than
When applying CHAZOP the same terms are used being based on the vessels and pipes, the focus is
as in conventional HAZOP but they take on more on the hardware design of the control system, DCS
specific meanings. Thus: or otherwise. In turn, consider each I/O signal to
establish whether it is used for any safety related
• Intention relates to the transfer of information function. Clearly any signal identified in the HA-
(signals, commands, actions) between external ZOP study for the process and/or plant as being
elements of the control system and its internal safety related is a candidate for CHAZOP (these
software functions (both application and sys- signals are normally identified as consequences
tem) via either the system’s I/O and/or commu- in the HAZOP). Then identify all the communica-
nications channels or by means of operator in- tions channels used by any such signal. For every
teraction. such channel:
• Guidewords that are more appropriate for CHA-
ZOP are listed in Table 54.3. • Review the functionality of the channel.
• Deviations are partial or total failures of either • Follow the physical route of the channel in terms
communications channels or processing func- of cabling, termination and marshalling cabi-
tions. nets, I/O cards, racks, etc.
• Causes are those combinations of events that re- • Note the arrangements for segregation (see
sult in deviations, the consequences being out- Chapter 51) of the channel and the provision
comes that could lead to operability difficulties for redundancy, if any.
and/or hazardous situations. • Apply the guidewords as appropriate. In doing
• Recommendations are additional requirements so, particular attention should be paid to the
for inclusion in either the URS and/or DFS. segregation and redundancy requirements.
412 54 Hazard Analysis

Table 54.4 Examples of the use of CHAZOP guidewords

Guideword Type of deviation Typical problems

Loss of No/frozen signal I/O signal failed low/high. I/O channel disconnected (off scan).
Polarity reversed.Wrong channel used. Component failure on I/O
board.Board removed.Poor contact with back plane.Intermittent
No power Local 24V d.c. supply failed. Mains 110V a.c. supply failed. Watch-
dog timed out.
OCS dead. Operating system crashed.
No communication Highway disconnected or damaged. Highway overloaded.
PORT and/or GATE cards disabled.
Memory corrupted Can’t access data. Disc scratched. Read/write heads damaged.
RAM chip failed.
Range of Distortion of signal Signal ranged incorrectly. Signal in wrong direction. Non-
linearity. Sluggish dynamics. Damping effects. Noise and inter-
ference suppression. Drifting signals. Hysteresis.
Signal out of range Device disconnected for calibration or repair. Signal detected as
bad. Impact of automatic ranging.
Mixture of Channel segregation Sporadic I/O failures. Segregation not on plant item/ function
basis. Insufficient redundancy. Signals routed through two chan-
nels/cards. Schemes spread across cards/racks.
Failure modes Isolation and shut down. Manual operation. Local/remote power
supply. Different failure modes across cards/racks.
Version of Operating system May require more processor power and/or memory than existing
hardware platform with implications for timings and loadings.
System software packages Application software functions (such as alarm handling) may not
be fully supported by new version of operating system. Different
versions of system packages may not be fully compatible with
each other.
Security of Abnormal behaviour and/or Operating system and/or system software vulnerable to hacking
loss of functionality and/or viruses over the internet or intranet.
Breach of confidentiality Commercial information in application software unlawfully ab-
Breach of trust Application software deliberately changed without authorisation.

It is worth emphasising that it is not the intent that ious states of completeness according to the stage
the above methodology be applied to every I/O in the design cycle at which the HAZOP is done:
channel but only to those used for safety related the more detailed the better:
signals. It clearly makes for effective use of time if
generic channel types can be identified and con- • All of the documentation for the HAZOP of the
sidered on a type basis. Some typical examples of process and/or plant.
the use of these CHAZOP guidewords are given in • Copies of the URS and DFS (see Chapters 60 and
Table 54.4. 62).
The design upon which the CHAZOP is based • P&I diagrams.
is articulated by various documents, the key ones • Architecture of control system depicting net-
being as listed below.In practice,they will be in var- works, highways, links, bridges, gates, etc.
54.4 The Need for COOP Studies 413

• Configuration of control system hardware: op- Central to the argument is the design of the ap-
erator stations, cards/racks/cabinets, etc. plication software and human factors. Quite sim-
• Physical layout and siting of system cabinets,I/O ply, people interact with control systems to op-
racks, terminals, etc. erate plant. It is very easy for operators to make
• Organisation of infrastructure: marshalling cab- mistakes: by making wrong decisions, by making
inets, field termination racks, etc. changes at the wrong time, by not making deci-
• Power and wiring arrangements: types of mul- sions, and so on. Thus the application software
ticore cables, connectors, colour coding, etc. needs to permit access by the operator to certain
• Channel/loop diagrams. functions necessary for carrying out the operator’s
• Details of system malfunctions: failure modes, role but, at the same time, it needs to override in-
fail-safe states, etc. appropriate decisions and not permit certain in-
• Description of functionality of any non- terventions.
standard equipment. It follows that, to prevent the protection sys-
tems being exercised unnecessarily, there should
It is likely that the CHAZOP team will be more spe-
be some systematic check on the design and func-
cialist, comprising instrument, control and elec-
tionality of the application software. This is best
trical engineers, but there should always be some
deferred to a separate control and operability
cross membership of the HAZOP and CHAZOP
(COOP) study since, as stated, the design of the ap-
teams to provide continuity of thought.
plication software lags behind the design of the rest
It should be stated there is little published in-
of the system, usually to a considerable extent. In
formation about CHAZOP in the public domain,
essence, a COOP study is used to check that the de-
although the technique is carried out within many
sign of the application software has properly taken
of the larger and more responsible companies on
into account all conceivable and relevant human
an in-house basis. A survey of industrial prac-
factors. It should also check that the logic is sound
tice was commissioned by HSE and published by
for the decisions being made by the system. Unless
HMSO (1991) and an overview is provided by Kletz
this is done systematically, by means of COOP or
(1995). The text by Redmill (1999) provides a thor-
otherwise, it is not possible to argue that the con-
ough overview of CHAZOP but advocates a differ-
trol system is not contributing to the demand on
ent approach.
the protection system.

54.4 The Need for COOP 54.5 Control and Operability

Studies Studies
Whilst all modern control systems support a wide
Given that a COOP study is based upon the design
variety of safety functions and clearly contribute
of the application software for a particular system,
to safe operations, their purpose is to control plant.
it is obvious that the study cannot take place until
Control systems are not protection systems. They
its design is available. Referring to Figure 63.1, it
do, nevertheless, contribute to plant safety to the
can be seen that this is later in the design cycle than
extent that effective control reduces the demand on
agreement on the DFS. As with CHAZOP studies,
the protection systems. The converse is also true.
it makes sense to think in terms of carrying out
If a control system leads to an increase in demand
COOP studies in two stages:
rate on a protection system, that contribution must
be taken into account in the design of the protec- 1. A preliminary COOP study. This is most ap-
tion system. This is recognised by the IEC 61508 propriate at the software design stage, as de-
standard on safety systems. scribed in Chapter 63, when strategic design
414 54 Hazard Analysis

Table 54.5 Interpretation of guidewords for COOP

Guideword Meaning Comments

ACCESS The scope for operator inter- The impact on the design intent of an operator making inappro-
vention priate interventions.Applies to interaction of any nature, planned
or otherwise.
TIMING Frequency of recurrent events The potential consequences of actions (by the operator or oth-
and/or order of logical events erwise) being (or not being) carried out before, during or after
specific events, or being done in the wrong order.
SOONER/LATER may be more useful in relation to absolute time
or logical events and LONGER/SHORTER may be more useful in
relation to elapsed time.
STRUCTURE The parallelism and/or se- The potential consequences of components (such as function
quential nature of control blocks and phases) not being selected and/or configured cor-
schemes and procedures rectly. Also concerns the impact on progression of the interfaces
between components being disjointed.
CONFLICT The scope for high level inter- The potential for conflicting decisions that are not addressed by
actions of an adverse nature the previous guidewords. Applies in particular to outcomes from
one application package being overriden by another.

decisions are being made. That is particularly systematic (sample updates, time ordered, logic
so when there is any complex sequencing as, based, etc.) or operator initiated.
for example, with automatic start-up or shut- • Guidewords that are more appropriate for COOP
down, or when there is batch processing involv- are listed in Table 54.5.
ing recipes and procedures. For simple designs, • Deviations are outcomes of the execution that
the preliminary COOP could be combined with are inconsistent with (or inappropriate to) the
the full COOP study. Any changes required to requirements of the DFS and/or good practice.
the DFS as a result of the preliminary COOP • Causes are those combinations of events and/or
must be subject to formal change control pro- actions that result in deviations, the conse-
cedures. quences being outcomes that could lead to oper-
2. A full COOP study based upon the detailed ability difficulties and/or hazardous situations.
module designs and prior to software devel- • Recommendations are changes to the design of
opment. For hazardous plant it is appropriate the application software and/or operating pro-
that this be done instead of the module design cedures upon which actions are to be taken.
walkthrough as advocated in Chapter 63. Any
changes required at this stage should feed back The basic methodology for COOP is similar to that
into software and/or module design and be sub- outlined in Figure 54.1, except that rather than be-
ject to formal change control procedures. ing based on the vessels and pipes, the focus is
on the design of the application software. In turn,
When applying COOP the same terms are used as consider each control scheme and procedure to es-
in CHAZOP but they take on different meanings. tablish whether it uses and/or generates any safety
Thus: related signal. Clearly any signal identified in the
CHAZOP study for the system hardware as being
• Intention relates to the execution of some func- safety related is a candidate for COOP. Then:
tion (configurable or procedural) on relevant
signals (input, output, internal, status, etc.) in • Review the functionality of every such control
response to events and/or actions that are either scheme and procedure.
54.5 Control and Operability Studies 415

Table 54.6 Examples of the use of COOP guidewords

Keyword Type of deviation Typical problems

Access to Change of mode Function put in wrong mode of operation: DISABLED, START-UP,
STAND-BY, OFF-LINE, OFF-SCAN, etc. Applies to system as whole as
well as to components such as function blocks and phases.
Loop status Loop’s AUTO/MAN status changed by mistake. Output in MAN too
high/low. No limits on set point in AUTO. Functions not disabled.
Sequence status Can change status anywhere in sequence: START, STOP, READY,
HOLD, etc. Operator access not inhibited.
Declaration level Variables declared globally that only need local access, and vice versa.
Decision logic No constraints on operator overrides on sequence logic. Need to over-
ride operator decisions.
Application software Authorisation mechanisms for access and/or change control not in
Timing of Events (before/after) Loops not initialised before switched into AUTO. No bumpless trans-
fer or set point tracking. Wrong status/output on power-up and/or
Actions (during) Loop settings, constraints and status not same throughout sequence.
Operator interventions not safe at all stages. Alarm settings fixed.
Structure of Function type Components used having the wrong functionality for the applica-
tion. Embraces both wrong choice of functions as well as incorrect
Control schemes Function blocks configured incorrectly. Switching between configu-
rations not bumpless. Criteria ambiguous. Loop status not consistent
with sequence logic.
Procedures (sequences) Phases in wrong order. Phases don’t end in safe hold-states. Sequence
restart not operable. Branching by-passes safety functions. Parallel
phases not synchronised. Recipe parameters in sequence rather than
Commentary Lack of comment. Difficult to follow. Intent not clear.
Conflict Interactions Different packages simultaneously changing the same variable. Op-
timiser relaxing constraints. Predictive controllers changing outputs.
Statistics packages adjusting input values. High level programs over-
riding operator interventions.

• Identify what software components (e.g. func- iii. How will the operator know?
tion blocks, phases, etc.) operate upon which iv. What is the operator expected to do?
safety related signals. v. Can the failure propagate?
• Note the order in which the components are ar- vi. What is the operator not permitted to do?
ranged, especially the criteria for initiating and vii. Are any changes needed?
ending parallel activities.
• Apply the guidewords as appropriate. Particular Some typical examples of the use of these COOP
attention should be paid to the role of the opera- guidewords are given in Table 54.6. Further inspi-
tor and the scope for inappropriate intervention. ration can be sought from Lists 64.1 and 64.2 at the
Searching questions should be asked, such as: end of Chapter 64 on commissioning.
i. What should happen? It is the design of the application software that
ii. Does it matter? is subject to COOP rather than the software itself.
416 54 Hazard Analysis

Design of application software, both configurable Many companies simply don’t bother with any
and procedural,is discussed in detail in Chapter 63. form of COOP or equivalent study. However, given
The design upon which the COOP is based is artic- the contribution to safety through the reduction in
ulated by various documents, the key ones being as demand rate (DR), there is growing acceptance of
listed below. As with CHAZOP they will be in var- the need for COOP studies. Much work needs to
ious states of completeness according to the stage be done here, both in developing the methodology
in the design cycle at which the COOP is done: the and the framework of keywords.
more detailed the better: There is virtually nothing in the public domain
about COOP studies. MOD 00-58 is a defence stan-
• All of the documentation from the HAZOP and
dard on the use of HAZOP studies for systems
CHAZOP studies
which include programmable electronics,although
• Copies of the URS and DFS (see Chapters 60 and
the emphasis here is on information systems rather
than control systems.
• P&I diagrams
• Description of configurable software design, e.g.
configuration charts, function block diagrams 54.6 Failure Mode and Effect
(FBD), database listings, etc.
• Description of procedural software design, e.g. Analysis (FMEA)
sequential function charts (SFC) and sequence FMEA is a bottom up search.It has an inductive ap-
flow diagrams (SFD), recipe parameter lists, etc. proach,the objective being to determine the effects
The COOP team is likely to be comprised of pro- of each failure mode of each component on the rest
cess and control engineers, with support from spe- of the system. The methodology for performing an
cialists such as software engineers as appropriate. FMEA is depicted in Figure 54.2.
Again, it is important that there be some cross The starting point in FMEA is the system de-
membership with the HAZOP and CHAZOP teams scription. Block diagrams of the system configu-
to provide continuity of thought. For turnkey con- ration are one such representation. Analysis of the
tracts, the COOP team members must be drawn system enables preparation of a table of compo-
from both the end-user and supplier. nents, their modes of failure, and the effects of
The approach to COOP is much the same as each component’s modes of failure. To assure a
for HAZOP, but the methodology of Figure 54.1 systematic and thorough coverage of all failure
needs to be adapted. An obvious adaptation for modes, the information is usually arranged in a
visualising and keeping track of progress, in the tabular format. The table consists of at least three
absence of packages and tools for the task, is to columns, one for the component name and its ref-
colour in the signals, function blocks, logic, etc. erence number, a second for the failure modes and
on hard copy of the FBDs, SFCs and SFDs as each the third for the effects. Other columns might in-
function is dealt with. clude failure detection method, corrective action
Conventional wisdom is that operability issues and criticality.
related to application software are best handled The effects of each failure mode are usually cat-
by means of walkthroughs at the design stage and egorised according to the following classification:
by subsequent testing procedures. However, this is 1. Safe: no major degradation of performance, no
critically dependent on the quality of the detailed equipment damage or personnel injury.
functional specifications (DFS) and, in any case, 2. Marginal: degradation of performance which
is not structured. The place for COOP studies is can be countered or controlled without major
as an integral part of the development of the DFS, damage or injury to personnel.
the outcomes of the COOP study being formally 3. Critical: degradation of performance, damage
incorporated in the DFS itself. to equipment, or hazard requiring immediate
54.6 Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) 417


1 Decompose system into its components

2 Select a component

3 Identify its failure modes

4 Select a failure mode

5 Identify its effects on the control system,

plant and/or process and/or personnel

6 Describe the failure detection mode

7 Describe the recommended corrective action

8 Classify the failure mode according to its criticality

9 Repeat 4-8 for all failure modes

10 Repeat 2-9 for all components

11 Establish a critical item list

12 Document the results


Fig. 54.2 Methodology for failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA)

corrective action for personnel or equipment ysis of a solenoid actuated pilot valve would con-
survival. sider the effects of the valve being stuck in the open
4. Catastrophic: severe degradation of perfor- and closed states.
mance with subsequent equipment loss and/or By way of contrast, the functional approach
death or multiple injuries to personnel. considers the failure modes of sub-systems such
as a control loop, trip or interlock. For example, if
The penultimate step in the performance of FMEA
the function of a trip is to close an isolating valve
is the preparation of the critical item list. This gen-
when the temperature exceeds a certain value, then
erally includes those failure modes categorised as
some of its failure modes are:
being either critical or catastrophic.
FMEA can be performed using either a hard- • Trip operates at a higher than specified temper-
ware or functionally orientated approach. The ature.
hardware approach considers the failure modes of • Trip operates at a lower than specified tempera-
identifiable items of hardware such as sensors, ac- ture.
tuators,interface devices,I/O cards,serial links, etc. • Pilot valve sticks permanently open.
As an example of the hardware approach, the anal- • Pilot valve sticks permanently shut.
418 54 Hazard Analysis

• Isolating valve fails open. cles are characterised by failure rates. Standard
• Isolating valve fails shut. symbols are used for the AND and OR gates. There
are seven gates and twelve events numbered from
E1 to E12.
54.7 Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) There is a certain amount of skill involved in
developing a fault tree. An understanding of the
Fault tree analysis is a top down approach.Various cause and effect relationships is fundamental to
failure modes will have been identified by HAZOP, establishing its structure. Pragmatism is required
or otherwise, as being critical and a fault tree is in determining the size of the tree: for example,
generated for each. Thus one of the failure modes in deciding upon external boundaries such as fail-
is deemed to be the “top event” under which the ure of power, air and water supplies. Judgement
branches of the tree are developed. By a process of about what events to include and when to stop de-
deduction, the possible causes of the top event are composing is essential in developing the branches.
identified.Each of these causes is then decomposed Note that in Figure 54.4:
into lower level causes and so the tree is developed
• Both events E3 (d.c. power supply failure) and
until a set of “basic events”is established. The com-
E9 (control valve fails shut) are included twice.
bination of causes is handled by means of AND and
• The manual actions of switching the controller
OR gates.
between AUTO and MAN are undeveloped.
Figure 54.3 depicts a tank with level control and
• All failures are worst case scenarios, e.g. there is
trip systems. The control system consists of a level
no distinction between the control valve failing
transmitter, controller and an air to open valve.
stuck or closed.
The trip system consists of a normally closed level
• Loss of mains supply is not included as an event
switch, a trip amplifier and a heavy duty relay. The
because the pump would stop and no overflow
corresponding fault tree is depicted in Figure 54.4,
can occur.
the top event being an overflow from the tank.
It is worth noting that, for analysis purposes, it
is the basic events for which probability data is re-
quired. There is no point in decomposing branches
beyond the level for which there is data available.

54.8 Minimum Cut Sets

A cut set is a combination of basic events which,
if they all occur simultaneously, will cause the top
event to occur. The minimum cut set (MCS) are
those cut sets that are sufficient to account for every
possible cause of the top event occurring. The ba-
sic approach is to establish all the possible cut sets:
Fig. 54.3 Tank with level control and trip systems OR gates give rise to additional cut sets,AND gates
make the cut sets more complex. Then the num-
The structure of the tree is self explanatory. The ber of cut sets is reduced to the minimum by using
failure mode and intermediate conditions are de- the absorption and idempotence rules of Boolean
picted by rectangles and basic events by diamonds algebra. Once the MCS are evaluated the fault tree
and circles. Events depicted by diamonds are char- may be quantified. This is best illustrated by means
acterised by probabilities. Events depicted by cir- of an example such as the fault tree of Figure 54.5.
54.8 Minimum Cut Sets 419



High level Failure of

Pump trip system

Air supply dc power dc power trip fails LS fails relay fails

AND4 fails fails AND5 fails closed closed closed
E2 E3 E3 E4 E5 E6

Loop OR6 Loop OR7

in in
E7 E10
LC o/p CV fails LT fails LC fails CV fails
set low shut low low shut
E8 E9 E11 E12 E9
Fig. 54.4 Fault tree analysis for top event of tank overflow

The analysis begins with the OR1 gate immedi- OR2

ately below the top event whose three inputs may AND2
be listed as separate rows:
Substituting for AND3=E2 and E3 gives
OR2 E1, E2, E3
AND2 E2, E2, E3
Since the gate AND1=OR3 and AND3, the first row AND2
may be expanded:
Continuing in this fashion produces a table of five
cut sets:
AND2 E1, E2, E3
E2, E2, E3
Expansion of OR3=E1 or E2 leads to
E1, E3
E1, AND3 E2, E4, E5
E2, AND3 E1, E2, E4, E5, E5
420 54 Hazard Analysis

Top event




E1 E2 E2 E3


E1 E3 E2 E4 E5

Fig. 54.5 Fault tree for minimum cut set (MCS) analysis

The second cut set may be reduced to E2, E3 by Next the first cut set may be eliminated by the so-
deleting the redundant E2 by means of the so- called absorption rule. That is because the first set
called idempotence rule. It is sufficient that these contains the second set and, provided events E2
two basic events occur to cause an occurrence of and E3 occur, the top event will occur irrespective
the top event. Similarly an E5 is redundant in the of event E1. By the same argument the fifth cut set
fifth cut set: contains the fourth and may also be eliminated.
E1, E2, E3
The remaining three cut sets cannot be reduced
E2, E3
further so the minimum cut set is
E1, E3 List 54.1 Minimum cut set for fault tree
E1, E2, E4, E5 E2, E3
E1, E3
E2, E4, E5
54.9 Fault Tree Evaluation 421

Thus the MCS consists of three combinations of vided for analysis which automatically generate the
basic events. Note that this approach is restricted cut sets, handle the truncation, identify redundant
to trees consisting of AND and OR gates only.There events and eliminate cut sets as appropriate. These
is no guarantee that the approach will produce the tools also enable quantitative evaluation of fault
MCS for trees which contain the NOT operator, or trees.
in which NOT is implied by the exclusive OR oper-
ator. However, it is usually possible to structure the
design of a fault tree to avoid the use of NOT gates.
The same MCS as List 54.1 could have been estab-
54.9 Fault Tree Evaluation
lished by a bottom up approach. Thus basic events Of particular interest in the analysis of fault trees
are combined by lower level gates whose outputs is the probability of some hazardous top event oc-
are combined by intermediate level gates, and so curring based upon the probabilitiesof the bottom
on. events. Because fault trees of real systems invari-
The system of Figure 54.5 was relatively simple ably contain repeated basic events, fault tree evalu-
to analyse, as indeed is that of Figure 54.4 whose ation is always based upon the MCS. Consider the
MCS has the nineteen cut sets listed in List 54.2: MCS of List 54.1. The top event can be articulated
as a Boolean expression, the + signs corresponding
List 54.2 Minimum cut set for fault tree for tank overflow to OR gates and the multiplications to AND gates:
E1, E2, E4, E1, E5, E7, E9,
Top = E1.E3 + E2.E3 + E2.E4.E5 (54.1)
E1, E2, E5, E1, E5, E9, E10,
E1, E2, E6, E1, E5, E10, E11, the probability (P) of which may be articulated
E1, E3, E1, E5, E10, E12, thus:
E1, E4, E7, E8, E1, E6, E7, E8,
E1, E4, E7, E9, E1, E6, E7, E9, P(Top) = P(E1.E3 + E2.E3 + E2.E4.E5) (54.2)
E1, E4, E9, E10, E1, E6, E9, E10,
E1, E4, E10, E11, E1, E6, E10, E11, The underlying logic is straightforward. The cut
E1, E4, E10, E12, E1, E6, E10, E12. sets are each capable of causing the top event, so
E1, E5, E7, E8, their contribution to the probability of the top
event occurring is cumulative. However, for each
However, systems are often more complex and/or cut set to cause the top event, all of its basic events
extensive resulting in much larger fault trees: it is must occur simultaneously.The probability of each
not uncommon to have several thousand cut sets combination thus relates to the product of the
with individual sets containing dozens of basic probability of the individual basic events occur-
events. Truncation is used to keep the task man- ring:
ageable. This involves eliminating cut sets that are
believed to contribute negligibly to the top event. P(Top) ≈ P(E1.E3)+P(E2.E3)+P(E2.E4.E5) (54.3)
Truncation may be based on size: cut sets whose
length exceeds a specified value are discarded. Al- Each cut set contributes a term to the value of
ternatively, it may be on the basis of probability: P(Top) which can be thought of as first term com-
cut sets with a probability of occurrence less than binations. However, they are not mutually exclu-
some specified cut-off value are discarded. sive. For example, E1, E2 and E3 could occur si-
There are packages available for handling fault multaneously which would satisfy both of the first
tree synthesis and analysis. In essence, an envi- cut sets. This is referred to as a second term com-
ronment of constructs and entities with attributes bination. In fact there are three second term com-
enables synthesis of the fault tree. Whereas syn- binations and, strictly speaking, their contribution
thesis is essentially a manual process,tools are pro- to P(Top) must be taken into account. Similarly, a
422 54 Hazard Analysis

third term combination of all five basic events ex- mand (PFD). In the design of protection systems it
ists. For accuracy, Equation 54.3 is modified thus: is common practice to use a fault tree to establish
the unmitigated demand rate (DR) for use in Equa-
P(Top) = P(E1.E3) + P(E2.E3) + P(E2.E4.E5) tion 53.23. Thus the top event is a demand on the
− P(E1.E2.E3) + P(E2.E3.E4.E5) protection system and is articulated as a frequency
+ P(E1.E2.E3.E4.E5) (events/year).
Consider again the tank with level control and
+ P(E1.E2.E3.E4.E5) (54.4) trip systems of Figure 54.3. Since it is the unmit-
igated demand rate that is required, the fault tree
Note that in Equation 54.4, by chance, the last of
must be based upon the plant and its control sys-
the second terms cancels out with the third term.
tem only.Thus the right hand branch of Figure 54.4,
The length and complexity of the expansion esca-
corresponding to the trip system,must be excluded
lates exponentially with the number of cut sets. If,
from the fault tree as indicated by the broken line.
for example, there had been four first terms, then
Fault tree analysis of the remainder of the tree
there would have been six second terms, fifteen
yields the following MCS (List 54.3):
third terms and one fourth term.
Inspection of Equation 54.4 reveals that the
List 54.3 Fault tree analysis for tank overflow excluding trip sys-
contribution of the first terms to the top event oc- tem
curring are numerically more significant than the
second, and the second are more significant than E1, E2
the third. Not only do the terms become less signif- E1, E3
icant as the expansion increases in length,they also E1, E7, E8
alternate in sign. For long expansions, evaluation E1, E7, E9
of the series adds the contribution of successive E1, E9, E10
odd numbered terms and subtracts that of even E1, E10, E11
numbered terms.Thus,the series always converges. E1, E10, E12
Truncating the series after an odd numbered term Assuming the rare event approximation, the prob-
will give an upper bound on the exact value of ability of the top event occurring is given by
P(Top), truncation after an even numbered term
gives a lower bound. P(Top) ≈ P(E1.E2) + P(E1.E3) + P(E1.E7.E8)
It is evident that if the probability of the basic + P(E1.E7.E9) + P(E1.E9.E10)
events is small, the first terms will dominate the + P(E1.E10.E11) + P(E1.E10.E12) (54.5)
value of P(Top) and the approximation of Equa-
Remember that the + signs correspond to OR gates:
tion 54.3 will be good enough. This is known as the
the contributions of the cut sets on the right hand
“rare event approximation” and is always a conser-
side of Equation 54.5 to the top event is cumulative.
vative estimate of the full expansion.
In effect, the cut sets are in series. Thus, in terms
of failure rates, the number of top events per year
relates to the sum of the failure rates of the cut sets,
54.10 Evaluation of Demand as per Equation 53.14.
Inspection of the fault tree reveals that events
Rate E1, E7 and E10 may all be articulated as proba-
The probability of the top event occurring may be bilities: they are dimensionless with values in the
articulated in different ways depending upon how range 0 ≤ P ≤ 1.0. They are established, typically,
the basic events are quantified. For example, for re- by analysis of historical data: some, such as E1 and
pairable systems, basic events may be in terms of E10,may have values close to 1.0 and others,such as
unavailability (U) or probability of failure on de- E7, will be close to zero. All the other basic events
54.10 Evaluation of Demand Rate 423

may be quantified as failure rates (failures/year). tion resulting in the top event frequency with units
Thus: of events/year. The fact that each of these terms
results from the product of one or more probabili-
Top ≈ P(E1). E2 + P(E1). E3
ties and a failure rate is dimensionally consistent. It
+ P(E1).P(E7). E8 also provides confidence in the correctness of the
+ P(E1).P(E7). E9 (54.6) fault tree:
+ P(E1).P(E10). E9
+ P(E1).P(E10). E11 • A cut set resulting in the product of probabilities
only suggests that an AND gate is missing.
+ P(E1).P(E10). E12
• A cut set resulting in the product of two or more
All of the terms on the right hand side of Equa- failure rates suggests that one or more OR gates
tion 54.6 have units of failures/year, their combina- are missing.

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