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ENGLISH 10 with Mae Surat

priam ransoms the body of hector

In the epic poem "The Iliad" by Homer, Priam's act of ransoming the body of Hector is a pivotal and
poignant moment in the story. Hector, a Trojan prince and warrior, is killed by Achilles, the greatest
Greek hero, during the Trojan War. Priam, Hector's father and the King of Troy, decides to approach
Achilles and request the return of his son's body for proper burial.

Priam's journey to the Greek camp is filled with emotional turmoil and risk, as he ventures into enemy
territory alone and unarmed. However, his act of humility and vulnerability moves Achilles, who has been
consumed by anger and grief over the death of his close friend Patroclus. Priam and Achilles share a
heartfelt conversation about the shared pain of losing loved ones, and Achilles ultimately agrees to return
Hector's body to Priam.

This act of compassion and empathy on both sides highlights the humanizing elements of the characters
in "The Iliad" and provides a moment of respite in the midst of the brutal and unrelenting war. Priam's
courage and Achilles' willingness to set aside his rage for a moment of shared humanity demonstrate the
complexities of human emotions and the power of empathy in times of conflict.

Who is Hector in "The Iliad"?
a. The Greek leader
b. The Trojan king
c. The greatest Greek hero
d. A Trojan prince and warrior

Why does Priam approach Achilles in the story?

a. To challenge him to a duel
b. To request the return of Hector's body
c. To offer a peace treaty
d. To seek revenge for Hector's death

What does Priam risk when he goes to the Greek camp to meet Achilles?
a. Losing his kingdom
b. His own life
c. His reputation among the Trojans
d. His wealth and treasures

What emotion is Achilles primarily consumed by when Priam approaches him?

a. Joy
b. Anger
c. Indifference
d. Fear

What is the outcome of Priam's meeting with Achilles?

a. Achilles refuses to return Hector's body
b. Achilles and Priam engage in a battle
c. Achilles agrees to return Hector's body
d. Priam is captured by the Greeks


1. d. A Trojan prince and warrior

2. b. To request the return of Hector's body
3. b. His own life
4. b. Anger
5. c. Achilles agrees to return Hector's body
Greek drama and lyric poetry are two important literary forms in ancient
Greek literature, both of which played a significant role in the cultural and artistic development
of ancient Greece. Here's an overview of each:

1. Greek Drama:

Greek drama refers to the theatrical plays and performances that originated in ancient Greece.
It can be further divided into two main categories: tragedy and comedy.

Tragedy: Tragedy was a dramatic form that dealt with serious and often somber themes. It
typically focused on the downfall of a heroic character due to their own flaws or fate. The most
famous playwright of Greek tragedy was Sophocles, known for works like "Oedipus Rex" and
"Antigone." Other notable playwrights in this genre include Aeschylus and Euripides.

-Comedy: Comedy, on the other hand, was a lighter and humorous form of drama. It often
satirized social and political issues of the time. Aristophanes is one of the most famous Greek
playwrights associated with comedy, and his works like "Lysistrata" and "The Clouds" are still
studied and performed today.

Greek drama was performed in outdoor theaters and involved actors wearing masks to portray
various characters. It had a significant impact on the development of Western theater and
2. Lyric Poetry:

Lyric poetry is a genre of poetry that is characterized by its emotional and personal expression.
It gets its name from the lyre, a musical instrument, because these poems were often meant to be
accompanied by music. Greek lyric poetry is known for its rich language and exploration of a
wide range of themes.

Pindaric Odes: Pindar, one of the most famous lyric poets of ancient Greece, composed
Pindaric odes. These odes were written to celebrate the victories of athletes in the ancient
Olympic Games and other competitions. They were characterized by their complex structure and
elaborate language.

-Elegiac Poetry: Elegiac poetry, which includes works like those of Solon and Theognis,
explored themes of love, loss, and personal reflection. The elegiac couplet, a specific form of
verse, was commonly used in this type of poetry.
-Melic Poetry: Melic poetry, as seen in the works of Sappho and Alcaeus, focused on personal
feelings, relationships, and the celebration of beauty. Sappho, in particular, is renowned for her
expressing love and desire.

Greek lyric poetry was highly influential and contributed to the development of later Western
poetry. It provided a platform for poets to express their emotions and thoughts in a more personal
and individualistic manner compared to epic poetry, which was more narrative and focused on
heroic deeds.

Both Greek drama and lyric poetry were integral parts of ancient Greek culture, reflecting the
society's values, beliefs, and artistic achievements. They continue to be studied and admired for
their enduring literary and cultural significance.

Certainly! Here are 10 multiple-choice questions related to Greek drama and lyric poetry:

1. Who is known for writing the tragic play "Oedipus Rex"?

a) Aristophanes
b) Euripides
c) Aeschylus
d) Sophocles

2. Which of the following is a primary theme in Greek tragedy?

a) Satire
b) Humor
c) Personal reflection
d) The downfall of a heroic character

3. Which playwright is famous for works like "Lysistrata" and "The Clouds"?
a) Aeschylus
b) Euripides
c) Aristophanes
d) Sophocles

4. What musical instrument is associated with the term "lyric poetry"?

a) Flute
b) Harp
c) Lyre
d) Drum

5. Which Greek poet wrote poems that celebrate the victories of athletes in the ancient Olympic
a) Sappho
b) Pindar
c) Theognis
d) Alcaeus

6. What is the main focus of elegiac poetry in ancient Greece?

a) Personal reflection
b) Love and desire
c) Humorous storytelling
d) Celebration of beauty
7. Who is known for her poems expressing love and desire in Greek lyric poetry?
a) Pindar
b) Sappho
c) Solon
d) Theognis

8. Which type of Greek drama typically dealt with serious and somber themes, often involving
the downfall of a heroic character?
a) Satyr play
b) Tragedy
c) Comedy
d) Melodrama

9. What is the specific form of verse commonly used in elegiac poetry?

a) Sonnet
b) Haiku
c) Elegiac couplet
d) Villanelle

10. Greek drama and lyric poetry were integral parts of which ancient culture?
a) Roman
b) Egyptian
c) Persian
d) Greek

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