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A Group Work Report on “Study of Manufacturing Process of Nepatop Water Tanks”

Prepared by

Anupa Adhakari 078-BIE-005

Gaurab Mani Gautam 078-BIE-014

Samrat Bhattarai 078-BIE-023

Sabin Ghimire 078-BIE-032

Sony Tamang 078-BIE-041








NOVEMBER 22, 2023

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Head of Department
Department of Industrial Engineering
Thapathali Campus, Institute of Engineering
Thapathali, Kathmandu, Nepal


We want to express our sincere gratitude towards Er. Sushant Giri, the head of the Department
of Industrial Engineering, Thapathali Campus, and Er. Bishworam Parajuli of the Department
of Industrial Engineering, Thapathali Campus for their support and guidance. We are deeply
indebted to Er. Ankit Shrestha and Er. Pitambar Chaulagain of the Department of Industrial
Engineering, Thapathali Campus for their constant guidance, mentoring, insightful knowledge,
and constructive criticism.

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the sales and marketing manager of Nepatop
Organization, Mr. Binod Mahat for providing an opportunity to visit Nepatop organization. We
would like to acknowledge the industry supervisor of Brihaspati Moulding Industries Pvt.Ltd.
factory, of Er. Bikash Maharjan who patiently guided and assisted us during our field visit. He
explained every process of manufacturing and production in such a simple way that we
understood everything. Apart from these, he really inspired us with his insightful thought and
motivated us for our future. We are really grateful to him. Our gratitude extends to all the
workers of Brihaspati Moulding Industries Pvt. Ltd. factory, for their cooperation and for
sharing their knowledge, and experience with us.

At last, we want to thank all the writers whose work has been cited in this report and our friends
and seniors for their support, help, and encouragement.


This report delves into the manufacturing processes of plastic water tanks at Nepatop, a
prominent construction-oriented business house in Nepal. The study encompasses an
exploration of the background and objectives of the organization, focusing on its subsidiary,
Brihaspati Moulding Industries Pvt. Ltd., which specializes in plastic storage tank production.

The production processes are extrusion, pulverization, rock and roll, roto-moulding, and blow
moulding techniques. Each method contributes to the creation of diverse types of water tanks,
each with its unique advantages. Quality checks, including visual inspections, drop tests,
impact tests, and load tests, ensure the durability and mechanical properties of the water tanks.

Furthermore, the report explores on the storage and distribution systems employed by Nepatop.
The company maintains a storage capacity and proper distribution network through dealers
across Nepal. The research methodology involves a combination of primary methods, including
field visits, observations, and direct interviews, and secondary methods, utilizing online
resources for additional information.

The findings highlight Nepatop's commitment to quality, waste management, and

environmental sustainability. However, certain areas for improvement are identified, including
ventilation concerns, the provision of protective gear for workers, and the establishment of an
medical facility.

In conclusion, the report underscores the efficiency and quality control measures implemented
by Nepatop in the manufacturing of plastic water tanks. The study recommends enhancements
in workplace conditions and safety measures while recognizing the positive aspects, such as
minimal carbon emissions and zero wastage, contributing to the overall sustainability of the

Keywords: Nepatop, Water tanks, Industry, Plastic, Process, Manufacture, Mould, Cast,

Table of Content
Copyright .............................................................................................................................. ii

Acknowledgment ................................................................................................................. iii

Abstract ............................................................................................................................... iv

Table of content .................................................................................................................... v

Table of figures ................................................................................................................... vii

List of Acronyms and Abbreviations .................................................................................. viii

List of Symbols .................................................................................................................... ix

CHAPTER ONE: Introduction ............................................................................................. 1

1.1 Background of study ............................................................................................... 1

1.2 Statement of problem .............................................................................................. 2

1.3 Objectives ............................................................................................................... 3

1.4 Limitation of study.................................................................................................. 3

CHAPTER TWO Literature Review .................................................................................... 4

CHAPTER THREE Research Methodology .......................................................................... 6

3.1 Primary method ...................................................................................................... 6

3.2 Secondary method................................................................................................... 6

CHAPTER FOUR: ABOUT NEPATOP INDUSTRY .......................................................... 7

4.1 Background of Industry........................................................................................... 7

4.2 Raw materials used for production .......................................................................... 7

4.3 Production Process ................................................................................................ 10

4.4 Quality Check ....................................................................................................... 15

4.5 Storage .................................................................................................................. 16

4.6 Distribution ........................................................................................................... 16

CHAPTER FIVE RESULT AND DISCUSSION ................................................................ 17

5.1 Result ................................................................................................................... 17

5.2 Discussion ............................................................................................................ 17

CHAPTER SIX: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ........................................ 18

6.1 Conclusion ............................................................................................................ 18

6.2 Recommendation .................................................................................................. 18

References .......................................................................................................................... 20

Table of Figures

Figure 4. 1 Neptop Logo .................................................................................................... 7

Figure 4. 2.1 LLDPE ......................................................................................................... 7

Figure 4.2.2 HDPE ............................................................................................................ 8

Figure 4.2.3 Masterbatch ................................................................................................... 9

Figure 4.3.1 Extruder Machine ........................................................................................ 10

Figure 4.3.2 Pulverizing Machine .................................................................................... 11

Figure 4.3.3 Rock and Roll Machine ................................................................................ 12

Figure 4.3.4 Roto Moulding Machine .............................................................................. 13

Figure 4.3.5 Blow Moulding Machine ............................................................................. 10

List of Acronyms and Abbreviations
CPVC Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride

HDPE High-Density Polyethylene

LLDPE Linear Low Density Polyethylene

Ltd. Limited


Min Minutes



PVC Polyvinyl Chloride

Pvt. Private


UPVC Un-plasticized Polyvinyl Chloride

UV Ultra Violet

List of Symbols

°C Degree Celsius

m Meter

l Liter

1.1 Background of study
Nepatop is a renowned construction-oriented business house in Nepal established by a group
of young entrepreneur in the name of Nepal Hilltop Industries Pvt. Ltd. to manufacture plastic
storage tanks in Manamaiju-6, in 1999. Later on grew up as a leader of plastic manufacturing
and processing industries of Nepal with a brand name Nepatop®, possessing different
manufacturing units and wide range of products including Plastic Storage Tanks, Compost
Bins, Dust Bins, Road Dividers, Urban Bio Gas Plant, water pumps, PPR Pipes & Fittings,
uPVC Pipes & Fittings, HDPE Pipes, uPVC profiles, CPVC pipes & fittings and SS pipes.

Brihaspati Moulding Industries Pvt. Ltd., the plastic storage tank manufacturing unit of
Nepatop organization is situated at Satungal-5, Kathmandu. This department sells plastic
storage tanks of many sizes and qualities, dustbins, road dividers, and compost bins. Products
are produced using a cutting-edge automated Roto-Moulding process, blow molding process
from 100% food grade, and UV-stabilized raw materials. Founded in 1999, the company has
since expanded its product range to include other household and industrial plastic products.
The company's water tanks are made from different types of raw materials, including LLDPE
and HDPE, and are manufactured using different methods such as roto-molding and blow

The background study of plastic water tank manufacturing processes involves understanding
the evolution, materials, design considerations, production techniques, and quality control
measures that have contributed to the development of efficient and durable plastic water storage

Plastic water tanks have gained popularity due to their lightweight nature, corrosion resistance,
and versatility. The use of plastic for water storage began in the mid-20th century with the
introduction of high-density polyethylene (HDPE), a durable and chemically resistant plastic.
Over time, advancements in polymer science and manufacturing technology have led to the
creation of various plastic tank designs for different applications. Nepatop is one of the
companies in Nepal which is very popular for the production of durable, high-quality water
tanks of different sizes.

The primary material used in plastic water tank manufacturing is high-density polyethylene
(HDPE) and Linear Low-Density Polyethylene (LLDPE). HDPE is a thermoplastic polymer

known for its strong resistance to chemicals, impact, and UV radiation. It is FDA-approved for
food contact, making it suitable for potable water storage. Other plastics such as polypropylene
(PP) or polyvinyl chloride (PVC) might also be used in certain cases, but HDPE remains the
most common choice due to its excellent properties. Masterbatch is also used along with HDPE
or LLDPE. Masterbatch is a concentrated combination created by heating and, notably, using
a high-shear mixing extruder to distribute color and ingredients into a polymer carrier. Using
masterbatch, the processor may color raw polymer inexpensively while making plastics

Designing a plastic water tank involves several crucial considerations.

The tank's capacity should match the water storage needs, accounting for factors like water
demand, usage patterns, and potential emergencies.

Shape and Size: Tanks are available in various shapes (cylindrical, rectangular) and sizes to
accommodate different installation spaces.

Wall Thickness: The tank's wall thickness is determined by the material's properties and the
tank's structural requirements.

Structural Integrity: Designing the tank to withstand both the weight of the stored water and
any external forces it might encounter.

Fittings and Accessories: Designing proper fittings for water inlets, outlets, vents, and overflow
prevention to ensure efficient usage and maintenance.

1.2 Statement of problem

The statement of the problem in the context of Nepatop's plastic water tank manufacturing
industry revolves around different aspects such as environmental sustainability, worker safety
and health hazards, and quality control challenges. Firstly, the industry is explored with the
imperative of adopting sustainable practices and optimizing resource utilization. Secondly, the
well-being of workers is an important concern, requiring a examination of safety protocols,
potential health hazards, and the overall work environment. Finally, maintaining quality in the
production of plastic water tanks poses a challenge, necessitating a thorough evaluation of
quality control processes, including material properties, manufacturing methods, and
adherence to industry standards. These interconnected challenges involve the need for a holistic
approach that aligns the manufacturing process with environmental considerations, ensures the
safety and health of the workforce, and upholds stringent quality control measures for the
produced water tanks.

1.3 Objectives
1.3.1 General objectives
“To gain a comprehensive understanding of the production processes, materials, and quality
control measures involved in the manufacturing of plastic water tanks.”

1.3.2 Specific objectives

 To observe and understand the production process of water tank production.
 To know about raw materials and machines used in the production process
 To explore sustainability practices
 To observe safety procedures followed in the industry
 To know about distribution and supply chain of the industry

1.4 Limitation of study

Though we intended to gain a comprehensive understanding and knowledge of the water tank
production process, there were some limitations in our study. The limitations that we had to
encounter are listed below.

1. Lack of In-Depth Technical knowledge:

Since we are in the third semester of the Bachelor of Industrial Engineering (BIE), we lack
deep technical knowledge of the operation of many machines and different processes.

2. Restricted availability of comprehensive ingredient details:

Due to patents issue and corporate regulations, acquiring thorough information about all
constituents utilized in the production procedure, along with their ratios and precise
compositions, was not feasible.

3. Lack of financial specifics:

This research does not encompass financial data such as operational expenditures, earnings,
capital outlay, outlays, and other financial measures. These particulars were not accessible for
incorporation into the report due to constraints imposed by corporate policies.

Literature Review
The manufacturing industry has undergone significant transformations over the years due to
technological advancements, changing consumer preferences, and the demand for sustainable
practices. This literature review aims to provide insights into the manufacturing processes and
technologies observed during a recent factory visit, comparing them with existing literature to
highlight trends, innovations, and challenges in the industry.

Brihaspati Moulding Industries Pvt. Ltd., the plastic storage tank manufacturing unit of
Nepatop organization is situated at Satungal-5, Kathmandu. This unit offers Plastic Storage
Tanks of different sizes and quality, urban bio-gas plants, Compost Bins, Dust Bins & Road
Dividers. Products are manufactured from 100% food grade & UV stabilized raw materials
using modern computerized Roto-Molding Process. Tanks are available in black, blue & green
color. Manufacturer claims their plastic storage tanks to be best and safe for: storing potable
drinking water, rainwater harvesting, long term storage of water, chemical, petroleum products,
emergency backup in home water storage tanks, fire suppression & protection and home or
farm irrigation. (Nepal Construction Mart, n.d.)

The Screw and Barrel System is an essential component in the manufacturing process of plastic
water tanks. This system plays a crucial role in the melting, mixing, and extrusion of plastic
materials, ensuring uniformity and consistency in the tank's structure and properties. Rotational
molding is a plastic manufacturing process where a hollow mold is loaded with plastic resin,
heated, and rotated on multiple axes. The molten resin coats the mold's interior, solidifies while
cooling, and forms the desired shape. It is common in industries for making items such as tanks,
containers, and playground equipment etc. It's important to note that the pulverization process
must be conducted carefully to ensure that the resulting plastic particles are consistent in size
and quality. This ensures uniformity in the manufacturing process and the final product.

Understanding the properties and characteristics of different plastics used in water tank
manufacturing is essential. The Barrel and Screw Handbook provides valuable insights into the
selection of appropriate plastic materials and optimizing the barrel and screw design for
efficient processing (USA, 2015) (Gyawali, Gurung, Maharjan, Dahal, & Pandey, May 2023).
While the water tank manufacturing industry plays a pivotal role in ensuring water storage and
distribution for various applications, it is important to acknowledge the potential drawbacks
and limitations associated with this industry. These drawbacks not only can impact

environmental sustainability, resource utilization, and the overall quality of manufactured tanks
but also to the workers. To ensure a positive work environment and minimize negative effects,
water tank manufacturing factories should implement safety protocols to protect workers from
accidents and health hazards and create a healthy environment by providing proper ventilation
and effective break time.

Despite the industry's progress, challenges persist. The factory visit exposed the need for
continuous workforce upskilling to match the demands of evolving technologies. Challenges
and trends shape the trajectory of the tank manufacturing industry, steering it towards
innovations and adaptations to meet evolving market demands and technological

Hence, visiting the tank factory was eye-opening. It helped connect the dots between what we
learned in books and how things work in real life. Seeing how tanks are actually made, with all
the high-tech machinery and careful checks, was fascinating. It's like theory coming to life.

Research Methodology
3.1 Primary method
Primary method is a systematic collection and analysis of data, specified to a particular research
project. Data is obtained directly from first hand source through experiments, observations or
direct interviews. Here, in this report, we have relied majority upon the primary data collection
procedure to make our paper more efficient and accurate. Major procedures used under it are
as follows;

3.1.1 Field Visit

As the part of project, we, the group of five students visited Brihaspathi Mounding Industries,
the water tank manufacturing unit of Nepatop Organization, Satungal-5, and Kathmandu on
10th of August, 2023.

3.1.2 Observation Method:

On 10th August 2023, we observed the process of manufacturing, raw materials and the
technology used including workers safety for significant of text/body of paper. We had a
careful perception of the Plant for about 4.5 hours under the guidance factory manager, Er.
Bikash Maharjan.

3.1.3 Direct interview:

Another method we relied upon is direct interview method. After the session of 4 hours plant
visit, we spent five hours meeting directly in regards to inquiries we expected to find the
solution of, with the employees and factory manager, Er.Bikash Maharjan.

3.2 Secondary method

After getting the information from the primary data procedures, finishing the task required the
utilization of auxiliary sources like the websites and internet to get more information on
required topic, downloading some of pictures of machines.

4.1 Background of Industry
Nepatop is a renowned construction-oriented business
house in Nepal established by a group of young
entrepreneur in the name of Nepal Hilltop Industries
Pvt. Ltd. to manufacture plastic storage tanks in
Manamaiju-6, in 1999. Later on grew up as a leader of
plastic manufacturing and processing industries of
Nepal with a brand name Nepatop®, possessing Figure 4. 1 Neptop Logo
different manufacturing units and wide range of products (Nepatop, n.d.)

including Plastic Storage Tanks, Compost Bins, Dust Bins, Road Dividers, Urban Bio Gas
Plant, water pumps, PPR Pipes & Fittings, uPVC Pipes & Fittings, HDPE Pipes, uPVC profiles,
CPVC pipes & fittings and SS pipes. (Nepatop, n.d.)

Brihaspati Moulding Industries Pvt. Ltd., is the plastic storage tank manufacturing unit of
Nepatop organization situated at Satungal-5, Kathmandu. This department sells plastic storage
tanks of many sizes and qualities, dustbins, road dividers, and compost bins. Products are
produced using a cutting-edge automated Roto-Moulding process from 100% food grade and
UV-stabilized raw materials.

4.2 Raw materials used for production

4.2.1 LLDPE
LLDPE stands for linear low density polyethylene. It is chief raw
material to produce water tank. LLDPE is a type of polyethylene that is
produced by copolymerizing ethylene with one or more alpha-olefins.
This process results in a polymer with a high degree of linear chains,
which gives LLDPE its unique properties. LLDPE has a higher tensile
strength and impact resistance than low density polyethylene (LDPE),
but it is also more expensive. The first step in the production of LLDPE
is to purify the ethylene and alpha-olefins. This is done to remove any Figure 4. 2.1 LLDPE

impurities that could interfere with the polymerization process. The

purified ethylene and alpha-olefins are then mixed together and fed into the gas phase reactor.
The gas phase reactor is a large, cylindrical vessel that is filled with a catalyst. The catalyst is
typically a transition metal compound, such as titanium chloride or zirconium chloride. The

ethylene and alpha-olefins are heated to a temperature of about 100-300 degrees Celsius and
passed over the catalyst. The catalyst initiates the polymerization reaction, which causes the
ethylene and alpha-olefins combine to form LLDPE polymer chains. The polymer chains grow
until they reach a certain length, at which point they are terminated by the catalyst.

The LLDPE polymer is then cooled and collected from the gas phase reactor.

4.2.2 HDPE
High-density polyethylene (HDPE) is a type of polyethylene (PE) that
is produced from the monomer ethylene obtained from petroleum. It is
also sometimes called alkathene. HDPE has a high strength-to-density
ratio, which means it is strong but also lightweight. It is also resistant
to chemicals, moisture, and UV radiation.

The production of HDPE is almost similar to LLDPE. At present HDPE

are widely used to manufacture water tank, pipes etc. It is because Figure 4.2.2 HDPE
HDPE has many Advantageous properties such as:

Strength: HDPE is a very strong plastic that can withstand a lot of force. This makes it ideal
for applications where strength is important, such as food Packaging and industrial use.

Durability: HDPE is also very durable and can withstand a lot of wear and tear. This makes it
a good choice for applications where durability is important, such as toys and outdoor furniture.

Chemical resistance: HDPE is resistant to a wide variety of chemicals, making it a good choice
for applications where it will be exposed to chemicals.

Water resistance: HDPE is also water-resistant, making it a good choice for applications where
it will be exposed to water.

Recyclable: HDPE is recyclable, making it a good choice for environmentally conscious


Low cost: HDPE is relatively inexpensive to produce, making it a cost-effective material for
many applications.

4.2.3 Masterbatch
A masterbatch is a solid or liquid additive used for coloring or imparting
other properties to plastics. Master batches are concentrated solid mixtures
of pigments or additives that are manufactured by encapsulation during a
heat process or twin screw extrusion into a carrier matrix (e.g. resin or
wax), which is then cooled and processed into granules or left as a bulk
solid. Master batches can make the coloring of plastics more economical
Figure 4.2.3 Masterbatch
for secondary processors.

4.3 Production Process
For the production of Water Tank different machines and production process are used.

4.3.1 Extruder Machine

This machine is commonly known as ‘Dana Machine’ which is used for plastic extrusion.
Plastic extrusion is a manufacturing process in which raw material is melted and formed in
continuous profile.

Figure 4.3.1 Extruder Machine

In extruder machine, low density polyethylene (LLDP) is fed from a hopper (top mounted) into
the barrel, which is a part of extruder. Before the material arrives at the hopper, it can be mixed
with master batch (colorants. The further steps of the process of extrusions are as follows:
Through the hopper, the material enters and comes in contact with screw. The rotating screw,
which is generally turning at 120 rpm (max.) forces the plastic beads ahead in the barrel. At
this time, the barrel is heated to the required melt temperature of the molten plastic. This
temperature is maintained at 230°C. Additional heat is contributed from the intense friction
and pressure that takes place in the barrel. There are cooling fans for keeping the temperature
less than a set value, in case there is too much heat generation. In case the forced air cooling
seems to be incommensurate, then cast-in heater jackets are used. These commonly use a closed
loop of distilled water during the exchange of heat with the city water or tower.
In the barrels' front, molten plastic leaves the screw & moves through a screen pack for the
removal of contaminants present in the melt. After that, it enters the die which is not longer
than 7mm. The die provides a specific profile to the final product and it must be designed in
such a way that the flow of molten plastic is uniform from a cylindrical profile to the product's
profile shape. At this stage, the product is now cooled by pulling the extruder by way of water
bath. Fly cutter is positioned for cutting the solidified noodled like plastic. The electrical motor

of an extruder is called drive motor as it is used to support and drive the screw. Finally, the
chips are collected in a container. (Sagar Kumar1)

4.3.2 Pulverizing Machine

A Pulverizer is a machine whose purpose is to
shred or crush total material into lower pieces by
the repeated blows of number of plates. They are
accurate grinders for powder processing of hard,
medium, friable and impact-resistant plastic
materials. The advantages of this pulverizer
include high throughput, compact size, high
speed, low power consumption, high capacity,
and more. PE pulverizer is a disc-type plastic
pulverizer machine with a disc. The desired
material to be ground is introduced through the Figure 4.3.2 Pulverizing Machine
(Plas, n.d.)
center of an uprightly fixed milling disc which is
installed concentrically with a matching high-speed spinning disc. The ground material is
carried towards the whizzer classifier for classification and the oversize particles are rejected
by the classifier and returned to the crushing chamber for further grinding. The classified
material is then conveyed into the cyclone for collection and bagging. A dust collector is
provided in the system for ensuring dust less operation and for no loss of ground powder. The
ground material is carried towards the whizzer classifier for classification and the oversize
particles are rejected by the classifier and returned to the crushing chamber for further grinding.
The classified material is then conveyed into the cyclone for collection and bagging. A dust
collector is provided in the system for ensuring dust less operation and for no loss of ground
powder. The pulverization machine includes:

1. Feeding System: The feed hopper is the opening where raw materials are loaded into the
pulverizer. It provides a controlled entry point for the materials to be processed.

2. Pulverizer: Pulverizer is the main area where the actual pulverization takes place. It contains
the grinding elements such as hammers, blades, or rollers, which interact with the materials to
crush and grind them.

3. Cyclone Dust Collector: Pulverizing machines can generate dust during operation. A dust
collector is used to capture and remove airborne particles, ensuring a cleaner working

4. Control Panel: Modern pulverizing machines have a control panel that allows operators to
adjust the machine's settings, such as feed rate, grinding speed, and particle size.

4.3.3 Rock and Roll

Rock and Roll Machine is simple, one man
operated open flame type machine. Used for
making large volume containers. Rock and roll
is rotational moulding machine equipped with
heating and a range of internal and external
cooling systems. .It is a semi-automated
machine. Nepatop has been using this process of
moulding since 1999.

In this moulding process pulverized LLDPE is Figure 4.3.3 Rock and Roll Machine

casted into die. Then the die is heated by means (Directory, n.d.)

of open flame burners till the pulverized LLDPE is completely melted taking the shape of the
casting material, after cooling we get the desired shape of the material. The die is rotated own
transverse as well as radial axis with the help of electric motor. Heat is supplied by LPG gas.
5 LPG gas is consumed in a day to provide the essential energy required for making a water
tank. It takes 30-40 min to manufacture a water tank. Nepatop has capacity to produce tank
starting from 100 l to 10000 l. Considering the volume of the tank different casting die are

Nepatop manufactures four types of water tank with this process

 Nepatop premium plus

 Nepatop premium
 Nepatop plus
 Nepatop

Nepatop not only manufactures water tank but also dustbin road divider and compost bins. For
this different types of dies are used.

4.3.4 Roto Moulding
Roto moulding is a process used to produce
hollow plastic products with nearly stress free
objects with the help of a bi axial rotational
moulding machine which rotates the mould in
two axes with minimum speed of rotation. Plastic
granules pulverized into fine powders are used to
produce hollow parts such as water tanks, fuel
Figure 4.3.4 Roto Moulding Machine
tanks, kayak boats, refrigerated panel etc. roto
(Engineers, n.d.)
moulding machine has been fabricated. There are
two rotating frames – an inner and an outer frame – both rotating about two mutually
perpendicular axes. The driving torque is given by a motor. (Ss & Singaravelu, October 2019;
Ss & Singaravelu, October 2019)

It is also semi-automated machine. In this process Pulverized LLDP black in color is added
into the casting die then the die is subjected into the oven for heating. When all the LLDPE is
melted it acquires the shape of the die, blue colored pulverized LLDPE is added into the die to
form another layer. Layering is the process of adding a layer to material for different
mechanical properties such as strength, toughness etc.

Nepatop has capacity to produce water tank ranging from 100l to 1000l by roto moulding. Heat
is supplied to the oven by LPG gas. Generally 8 LPG gas is consumed in 2-3 gays for
manufacturing water tanks. It takes 30-40 min to manufacture a tank. The temperature inside
the oven is 240 °C. The machine is operated by an operator with 4 helpers.

4.3.5 Blow Moulding
Blow moulding is the process of
inflating a hot, hollow,
thermoplastic perform or
parison inside a closed mold so
that its shape conforms to that of
mold cavity.

Three types:
1. Extrusion Blow
Molding [used in
Nepatop] Figure 4.3.5 Blow Moulding Machine
(Technology, n.d.)
2. Stretch Blow Molding
3. Injection Blow Molding

In Brihaspati molding industry, extrusion blow molding is used to make several types of water
tank. The main material used for making the tank here is HDPE with some other materials like
sinner (outer layer), master batch, antibacterial & anti-fungal chemicals.

The blow molding machine runs on Hydropower electricity making it very ecofriendly and can
produce a tank from scratch to finish in about 7 minutes which is very fast. The machine works
for 8hours a day; 6 days a week. The machine in Nepatop has been producing tanks since
2072bs making it almost 8 years old.

There are four types of tanks produced here and the top of the line has three layers; inner middle
and outer layer and is double wall corrugated. These tanks are very strong, uniform and very
plumber friendly.

There are various parts of the blow mold machine some of the essentials are:

1. Auto loader / hopper

2. Mixer
3. Extruder barrel / parison
4. Chiller / water cooler
5. Air compressor
6. Mold cavity
7. Control Panel
8. Crusher
9. Robot
10. Hydraulic press
11. Hydraulic cylinder [ up and down motion]

Steps of blow molding process

1. First of all, the material is prepared for heating which is generally HDPE with other
2. The molten material is extruded into long hollow tubes called parisons. There are three
parisons for triple layers parallel to each other. Different layers are heated with different
power to obtain different property of material.
3. The preform is placed in the mold which is of two halves which is then held together
by hydraulic pressure
4. Then air pressure is supplied from air compressor which expand the preform to the
mold walls giving it the “tank” shape. The pressure is usually between 0.3 to 0.4 bar
5. When the tank is formed it is then chilled with water to make it retain its shape
6. Then the tank is removed from the mold by the robot where after the excess material is
cutoff and fed to crusher for recycling.

All of these steps are already scripted in the control panel and the machine works automatically.
It itself loads with the raw material, melts the material to scripted predetermined temperature
and the times all the extrusion, air pressure and cooling through the script.

The only place where human input is required is at making the raw materials ready and cutting
the residue materials and also its maintenance but all the other process are automatic.

4.4 Quality Check

1. Visual Test

Every Water tanks are visually inspected.

2. Drop Test

1-2 water tanks are dropped from the building of nepatop of a bacth.

3. Impact test

1-2 water tanks of a batch are impact tested.

4. Load Test

5-6 water tanks are toad tested by applying load over the tanks.

After passing all these quality check water tanks are passed on for storage.

Quality check is done to ensure the durability, strength, load bearing capacity of the tank and
other mechanical properties.

4.5 Storage
Nepatop has capacity to store more than 1000 pieces of water tanks at a time which includes
tanks ranging from 100L to 10000L. Storage of tanks is done on the basis of market demand,
if there is demand of 1000l water tank then 300-400 tanks are manufactured and stored. Water
tanks are stored in open space within the boundary of the industry by metal roof sheet. Nepatop
has storage capacity to store more than a ton of raw materials in their ware house.

4.6 Distribution
Nepatop supplies water tank as per the need of the market. Nepatop has their own distributors
as well as individual firms that distributes product of Nepatop all over Nepal. Water tanks are
supplied to the dealers and firms with the help of trucks from the factory to dealers all around
the country. One can buy Nepatop water tanks through the distributors of Nepatop. There are
more than 2400 dealers of Nepatop in our country.

5.1 Result
Our study on Nepatop revealed on the manufacture of plastic water tanks with various ways
namely roto moulding roto moulding and blow moulding .two types of raw materials were
used for the production of water tanks LLDPE and HDPE. HPDE is used in blow moulding
whereas LLDPE in roto and rock and roll. manufacture of tanks involves various steps raw
material selection, die selection, die casting, finishing, quality check, supply to the market
and perform these various steps different type of manpower were required.
Semi-skilled manpower to run various machines under the supervision of skilled
manpower. Machines used for manufacture of tanks are extruder machine pulverizer
machine roto mould rock and roll and blow machines. We learned in detail about the
manufacture process of water tanks.

To meet the quality of the product the water tanks were visually inspected weighed and
occasionally dropped and tested for impact collision.

Waste management has been top priority for Nepatop as Nepatop has been practicing zero
waste management system. Damaged and tanks that failed quality test were re cycled at
first and were re used again. Because of the use of electricity and LPG gas as energy source
there is relatively lower carbon emission than other plastic industries. Rain water
harvestment was the major source of water needed in the industry. Rain water fulfilled the
water demand in the industry for 6-7 months.

5.2 Discussion
This report examined the production process of Nepatop water tanks and found that they met
the required safety standards with minimal waste generation. These findings validated the
comprehensive understanding and information flow of the production methods used by the
industry. However, the study faced several limitations, such as the difficulty of obtaining data
and previous research reports, the time constraints, and other problems. These factors hindered
the thorough analysis of every type of machine involved in the production process. The
research was a success in our opinion but there is ample scope for further in-depth research and
improvement in this area.

6.1 Conclusion
In conclusion, the research on water tanks has provided valuable insights into the
manufacturing process; and how an industry works in general. The tanks are produced form
two different process, roto molding and blow molding both use different raw materials and
their production time is also very different.

The production process of roto molding is quite labor intensive, slow and noisy, while the blow
molding process is very fast, quiet and can be operated with just 2 or 3 people very easily. Both
processes use high quality of materials and their efficient process ensures the finished product
is up the standards and provide utmost customer satisfaction.

Saying this we found few issues in the factory like:

 Ventilation
Provision of ventilation seemed quite inadequate.
 Protective gears
Even though there are very less safety hazards in the factory, there is lack of protective
gears like aprons, helmets etc.
 Emergency Medical Facility
We could not identify adequate emergency health facility.

Positive aspect of industry

 Almost zero carbon emission.

 Zero wastage.
 Employment opportunity to unskilled, semi-skilled and skilled manpower.
 Nepatop allocated their share of different other factories to their workers to support
them financially.

6.2 Recommendation
The factory runs very smoothly as they have great engineers and management team to
recommend them ways to increase efficiency. Economically also same, they are fine to
recommend them ways to maximize profit. The only things we can recommend them is on the
above issues we found.

 They can make the factory more open and ventilated.

 They need to provide the workers and staff with proper safety and protective gears;
prevention is better than cure
 They need to have a trained healthcare provider at least a first aid kit and a certified
first aid provider.

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