SEGD 2.1 File Format Rev. 1.2

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Z System SEGD 2.1 Output


Proprietary Information
3-Feb-12 Version 1.2

Rev Date Author Description
1.0 4-Oct-10 MEM,SKB Initial. Started from FF1.5-1 document.
1.1 10-Dec-2010 SKB Modified data type for Acquisition Drift Window in Trace
Header Extension #4 to enhance precision. This required
moving stop method, drift within spec and oscillator type
flags to TH Ext #5.
1.2 29-Nov-2011 SKB Added External Shot ID to External Header Block #3

ii Proprietary Information
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1 PURPOSE .............................................................................................................................................. 1

2 GLOSSARY ........................................................................................................................................... 1

3 CONSTRAINTS .................................................................................................................................... 1

4 RECORD FORMAT ............................................................................................................................. 1

5 STORAGE UNIT LABEL .................................................................................................................... 3

6 SHOT RECORD HEADER DEFINITIONS ...................................................................................... 4

6.1 GENERAL HEADER ........................................................................................................................... 4
6.1.1 General Header Block #1......................................................................................................... 4
6.1.2 General Header – Block #2...................................................................................................... 5
6.1.3 General Header – Block #3...................................................................................................... 5
6.2 CHANNEL SET DESCRIPTOR.............................................................................................................. 6
6.3 EXTENDED HEADER ......................................................................................................................... 7
6.3.1 32-byte Extended Header #1 (Shot Block) .............................................................................. 7
6.3.2 32-byte Extended Header #2 (Instrument Test Configuration) (as required) .......................... 9
6.3.3 32-byte Extended Header #3 (Instrument Test Configuration) (as required) .......................... 9
6.3.4 32-byte Extended Header #4 (Instrument Test Configuration) (as required) ........................ 10
6.3.5 32-Byte Extended Header #5 through N (Decimation Filter Coefficients) (as required) ...... 11
6.4 EXTERNAL HEADER ....................................................................................................................... 11
6.4.1 32-byte External Header Block #1 (Content Block) .............................................................. 11
6.4.2 32-byte External Header #2-N (shot blocks) ......................................................................... 11
6.5 TRACE HEADER .............................................................................................................................. 13
6.5.1 20-byte Trace Header ............................................................................................................ 13
6.5.2 32-byte Trace Header Extension #1 (SEG Std Receiver Block)............................................ 13
6.5.3 32-byte Trace Header Extension #2 (Receiver Location) ...................................................... 14
6.5.4 32-byte Trace Header Extension #3 (Remote Unit Information)........................................... 15
6.5.5 32-byte Trace Header Extension #4 (Timing Block) ............................................................. 15
6.5.6 32-byte Trace Header Extension #5 (Acquisition Data Block) ............................................. 15
6.5.7 32-byte Trace Header Extension #6 (Periodic Data Block - Orientation) (as required) ........ 16
6.5.8 32-byte Trace Header Extension #7 (Periodic Data Block - Orientation) (as required) ........ 17
7 RECORD ORGANIZATION FOR TAPE MEDIA ......................................................................... 18

8 FILE SYSTEM FORMAT CONVENTIONS ................................................................................... 19

8.1 DIRECTORY AND FILE ORGANIZATION ........................................................................................... 19
8.1.1 Shot Point File Naming ......................................................................................................... 19
8.1.2 Shot Point File Format ........................................................................................................... 19
8.2 AUXILIARY FILES ........................................................................................................................... 19
8.2.1 Storage Label File Naming .................................................................................................... 19
8.2.2 Storage Label File Format ..................................................................................................... 19
9 APPENDIX I ........................................................................................................................................ 20
9.1 SENSOR TYPE DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................ 20

Proprietary Information iii

Version 1.2 3-Feb-12


The purpose of this document is to describe a custom shot gather file format for Fairfield Industries.

Fairfield Industries retains the right to change this document at any time and does not guarantee it to be
100% accurate, however every effort will be made to insure that it is both accurate and complete.

List all terms and abbreviations.
SEG Society of Exploration Geophysicists

Epoch Refers to Unix Epoch Time in micro-seconds (i.e. 00:00:00.000000 UTC on 1 January 1970)

RU Autonomous Remote Unit


Below is a list of constraints when dealing with these files.

1. A file will never span tapes.
2. Channel sets will be grouped by RU channel number. If more than 9999 output traces
are required for a given RU channel number the first 9999 will be written in one channel
set and the remainder in the subsequent channel sets in groups of 9999. This will result in
all data traces with a given channel number being adjacent in the output file.


A shot record header is written before each shot record and will consist of a number of General Header
blocks, Channel Set Descriptor blocks, Extended Header blocks and External Header blocks. A shot record
will contain data associated with a single shot epoch time. The following diagram depicts the structure of
the Shot Gather Record. It is intended to show the order of the headers and data fields within the record.
The definitions of each field can be found in subsequent sections. Shaded fields in the subsequent sections
are as documented in the SEG-D Rev 2.1 Tape Format Standard published in January 2006 All other fields are defined by the

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2 Proprietary Information FA I R F I E L D
Version 1.2 3-Feb-12


The first 128 bytes of data on a tape consists of ASCII characters and constitutes a storage unit label.

Byte Size (bytes) Data Type Description

1-4 4 ASCII Storage unit sequence number (“ xx”)

5-9 5 ASCII SEGD revision (“2.1”)

10-15 6 ASCII Storage unit structure (“RECORD”)

16-19 4 ASCII Binding edition (“B2 “)

20-29 10 ASCII Maximum block size (“ 0”)

30-39 10 ASCII API producer code (set to blanks)

40-50 11 ASCII Creation date (dd-MMM-yyyy)

51-62 12 ASCII Serial number (“ xxx”)

63-68 6 ASCII Reserved (set to blanks)

69-80 12 ASCII External label name (“ xxx”)

81-104 24 ASCII Recording entity name (<crew#>,<recID>,<job>)

105-118 14 ASCII Max file size in MBytes (“ xxxx”)

119-128 10 ASCII Max shot records per field record (“ xxx”)

The following notes are included to clarify the use of some of the above fields.

 The Storage unit sequence number (bytes 1-4) is a unique integer that indicated
the order in which the current storage unit was written from the source data set.
 The Serial number field (bytes 51-62) contains what is commonly referred to as
the reel number.
 Bytes 69-128 collectively make up the Storage set identifier.
 The External label name (bytes 69-80) contains the user specified area string.
 The Recording entity name (bytes 81-104) is made up of three fields; crew
number, recording system ID, and job name (i.e. “108,0,DeepWaterJob”).

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6.1 General Header

There are three general header blocks that describe the data that is contained in each receiver record file.

6.1.1 General Header Block #1

Byte Size (bytes) Data Type Description

1-2 2 BCD File number (0-9999). Set to FFFF when the file number is
greater than 9999. The expanded file number is contained in
bytes 1-3 of General Header Block #2.

3-4 2 BCD Data sample format code (8058)

5-10 6 BCD General constants

11 1 BCD Last two digits of year (0-99)

12 ½ Binary Number of additional General Header blocks (2)

12-13 1-1/2 BCD Shot point Julian day in year (001-366)

14-16 3 BCD Shot point UTC time (HHMMSS)

17 1 BCD Manufacturer’s code (20)

18-19 2 BCD Manufacturer’s serial number

20 1 Binary Traces are written in super blocks (0=No, 1=Yes)

21-22 2 Binary No used (0)

23 1 Binary Base scan interval

24 ½ Binary Polarity code (0)

24-25 1-1/2 Binary Not used (0)

26 ½ Binary Record type in high order 4 bits of the byte.

1000 – Normal Seismic data record.
0010 – Test data record

26-27 1-1/2 BCD Record length in increments of 0.512 seconds (always set to
FFF). Use value in General Header Block #2 bytes 15-17.

28 1 BCD Scan types per record (01)

29 1 BCD Channel sets per scan type

30 1 BCD Number of 32-byte skew blocks (0)

4 Proprietary Information FA I R F I E L D
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Byte Size (bytes) Data Type Description

31 1 BCD Number of 32-byte Extended Header Blocks (00-99 or

FF…use value in General Header Block #2)

32 1 BCD Number of 32-byte External Header Blocks (00-99 or FF…use

value in General Header Block #2)

6.1.2 General Header – Block #2

Byte Size (bytes) Data Type Description

1-3 3 Binary Extended file number

4-5 2 Binary Extended channel sets per scan type

6-7 2 Binary Extended header blocks

8-9 2 Binary External header blocks

10 1 Binary Undefined (0)

11-12 2 Binary SEG_D revision number. (One byte unsigned binary and one
byte fraction. This version = x0201)

13-14 2 Binary Number of 32-byte general trailer blocks (0)

15-17 3 Binary Extended record length in milliseconds

18 1 - Undefined (0)

19 1 Binary General header block number (2)

20 1 Binary Undefined (0)

21-22 2 Binary Sequence number, e.g. the lines unique sequence number. Set
to 0 if not valid.

23-26 4 Binary Super-block size in bytes. Maximum block size allowed is 2

Megabytes (2097152).

27-30 4 - Undefined (0)

31-32 2 Binary ZSystem revision number. (One byte unsigned binary and one
byte fraction. This version = x0101)

6.1.3 General Header – Block #3

For simultaneous shots, this header contains only the shot information for a single shot. This will be the
shot that has the lowest shot line number, shot point and shot point index. See External Headers for shot

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information for the other shots with this shot epoch time. All binary data contained in this block is

Byte Size (bytes) Data Type Description

1-3 3 Binary Extended file number

4-6 3 Binary Source Line Number (Integer)

7-8 2 Binary Source Line Number (Fraction)

9-11 3 Binary Source Point Number (Integer)

12-13 2 Binary Source Point Number (Fraction)

14 1 Binary Source Point Index

15 1 Binary Phase Control

16 1 Binary Vibrator Type

17-18 2 Binary Phase Angle

19 1 Binary General Header Block Number (3)

20 1 Binary Source Set Number

21-32 12 - Unused

6.2 Channel Set Descriptor

The channel set descriptor block follows the SEG-D Rev 2.1 convention. There may be multiple channel
set descriptor blocks.

Byte Size (bytes) Data Type Description

1 1 BCD Scan type number (1)

2 1 BCD Channel set number

3-4 2 Binary Channel set start time in milliseconds / 2

5-6 2 Binary Channel set end time in milliseconds / 2

7 1 Binary Optional MP factor extension byte (0)

8 1 Binary MP factor descaler multiplier (0…Fairfield data is already

descaled to millivolts)

6 Proprietary Information FA I R F I E L D
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Byte Size (bytes) Data Type Description

9-10 2 BCD Number of channels in channel set

11 ½ Binary Channel type code (1…seismic) (high order 4-bits)

11 ½ Binary Unused

12 ½ BCD Number of sub-scans (high order 4-bits)

12 ½ Binary Gain control type (3…low order 4-bits)

13-14 2 BCD Alias filter frequency in Hertz

15-16 2 BCD Alias filter slope in dB per octave

17-18 2 BCD Low cut filter frequency in Hertz

19-20 2 BCD Low cut filter slope in dB per octave

21-22 2 BCD Notch filter frequency in Hertz x 10

23-24 2 BCD 2nd notch filter frequency in Hertz x 10

25-26 2 BCD 3rd notch filter frequency in Hertz x 10

27-28 2 Binary Extended channel set number

29 ½ Binary Extended header flag

29 ½ Binary Number of 32-byte trace header extensions

30 1 Binary Vertical stack size (1)

31 1 Binary RU Channel Number

32 1 Binary Array forming (0)

6.3 Extended Header

The extended header blocks will provide general information.

6.3.1 32-byte Extended Header #1 (Shot Block)

This block contains information relative to the shot point contained in this file.

Byte Size (bytes) Data Type Description

1-8 8 Binary Shot Epoch Time

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Byte Size (bytes) Data Type Description

9-12 4 Binary Shot skew time from sample boundary (us)

13-14 2 Binary Total number of files for this shot point (default 1)

15-16 2 Binary File index, i.e. file is file n of the total number of files.

17 1 Binary Unused (Set to 0)

18 1 Binary Data Decimation Flag

19-20 2 Binary Number of decimation filter coefficients

21 1 Binary Original base scan interval.

22-25 4 Binary Pre Shot Guard Band (ms)

26-29 4 Binary Post Shot Guard Band (ms)

30-31 2 Binary Number of simultaneous shots. Default (1)

Information for each simultaneous shot will be stored in the
External Headers.

32 1 - Unused (Set to 0)

8 Proprietary Information FA I R F I E L D
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6.3.2 32-byte Extended Header #2 (Instrument Test Configuration) (as required)

This block contains instrument test configuration parameters. This block is only included if record type in
highest order 4 bits of General Header Block # 1, byte 26, is set to 0x2.

Byte Size (bytes) Data Type Description

1-4 4 Binary Fairfield Test Analysis code.

5-8 4 Binary First Test Oscillator Attenuation

9-12 4 Binary Second Test Oscillator Attenuation

13-16 4 Binary Start Delay (in uSec)

17-20 4 Binary DC Filter Flag

00 – No Filter
01 – Apply Filter

21-24 4 IEEE DC Filter frequency

25-28 4 Binary Preamp Path

00 – external input selected (default)
01 – simulated data selected
02 – pre-amp input shorted to ground
03 – test oscillator with sensors
04 – test oscillator without sensors
05 – common mode test oscillator with sensors
06 – common mode test oscillator without sensors
07 – test oscillator on positive sensors with neg sensor
08 – test oscillator on negative sensors with pos sensor
09 – test oscillator on positive PA input, with neg PA input
10 – test oscillator on negative PA input, with pos PA input
11 – test oscillator on positive PA input, with neg PA input
ground, no sensors
12 – test oscillator on negative PA input, with pos PA input
ground, no sensors

29-32 4 Binary Test Oscillator Signal Type

00 – test oscillator path open
01 – test signal selected
02 – DC reference selected
03 – test oscillator path grounded
04 – DC reference toggle selected

6.3.3 32-byte Extended Header #3 (Instrument Test Configuration) (as required)

This block contains instrument test configuration parameters. This block is only included if record type in
highest order 4 bits of General Header Block # 1, byte 26, is set to 0x2.

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Byte Size (bytes) Data Type Description

1-4 4 Binary Test Signal Generator Signal Type

00 – pattern is address ramp
01 – pattern is RU address ramp
02 – pattern is built from provided values
03 – pattern is random numbers
04 – pattern is a walking 1s
05 – pattern is a walking 0s
06 – test signal is a specified DC value
07 – test signal is a pulse train with specified duty cycle
08 – test signal is a sine wave
09 – test signal is a dual tone sine
10 – test signal is an impulse
11 – test signal is a step function

5-8 4 Binary Test Signal Generator Frequency 1 (in mili-hertz)

9-12 4 Binary Test Signal Generator Frequency 2 (in mili-hertz)

13-16 4 Binary Test Signal Generator Amplitude 1 (in dB down from full
scale, -120 to +120, where the sign is used to indicate the

17-20 4 Binary Test Signal Generator Amplitude 2 (in dB down from full
scale, -120 to +120, where the sign is used to indicate the

21-24 4 IEEE Test Signal Generator Duty Cycle in %

25-28 4 Binary Test Signal Generator Active Duration (in uSec)

29-32 4 Binary Test Signal Generator Activation Time (in uSec)

6.3.4 32-byte Extended Header #4 (Instrument Test Configuration) (as required)

This block contains instrument test configuration parameters. This block is only included if record type in
highest order 4 bits of General Header Block # 1, byte 26, is set to 0x2.

Byte Size (bytes) Data Type Description

1-4 4 IEEE Test Signal Generator Idle Level (% full scale)

5-8 4 IEEE Test Signal Generator Active Level (%full scale)

9-12 4 Binary Test Signal Generator Pattern 1 (lower level 24 bits_

13-16 4 Binary Test Signal Generator Pattern 2 (lower level 24 bits)

16-19 4 Binary Test Oscillator channel mask

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Byte Size (bytes) Data Type Description

17-32 11 Binary Reserved (set to 0)

6.3.5 32-Byte Extended Header #5 through N (Decimation Filter Coefficients) (as required)

This block contains decimation filter coefficients. The number of these blocks depends on the total number
of filter coefficients required as stated in the Extended Header Block #1 (bytes 19-20) above.

Byte Size (bytes) Data Type Description

1-4 4 IEEE Data decimation filter coefficient

5-8 4 IEEE Data decimation filter coefficient

9-12 4 IEEE Data decimation filter coefficient

13-16 4 IEEE Data decimation filter coefficient

17-20 4 IEEE Data decimation filter coefficient

21-24 4 IEEE Data decimation filter coefficient

25-28 4 IEEE Data decimation filter coefficient

29-32 4 IEEE Data decimation filter coefficient

6.4 External Header

The external header blocks contain the shot epoch time, shot station information, navigation and/or energy
source information for each shot point. The number of simultaneous shots is described in Extended Header
#1, Bytes 30-31.

6.4.1 32-byte External Header Block #1 (Content Block)

Byte Size (bytes) Data Type Description

1-4 4 Binary Size (number of 32-byte blocks that contain information

associated with each shot).

5-32 28 - Undefined (0)

6.4.2 32-byte External Header #2-N (shot blocks)

The following two blocks define shot location and raw header information. For each simultaneous shot
these two headers, the first describing the shot location, source type and status and the second with timing
and header type information, will be followed by a number of blocks of raw headers for each shot.

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Byte Size (bytes) Data Type Description

1-4 4 Binary Shot line number

5-8 4 Binary Shot point

9 1 Binary Shot point index

10-13 4 Binary Shot point pre-plan X coordinate x 10

14-17 4 Binary Shot point pre-plan Y coordinate x 10

18-21 4 Binary Shot point final X coordinate x 10

22-25 4 Binary Shot point final Y coordinate x 10

26-29 4 Binary Shot point final depth x 10

30 1 Binary Source of final shot information

00 – Undefined
01 – preplan
02 – as shot
03 – post processed

31 1 Binary Energy source type

00 – Undefined
01 – Vibroseis
02 – Dynamite
03 – Air gun

32 1 Binary Shot status flag

00 – normal
01 – Bad – Operator specified
02 – Bad – Flagged by system

Byte Size (bytes) Data Type Description

1-8 8 Binary Shot epoch time

9-10 2 Binary Raw header type

11-12 2 Binary Number of actual bytes per raw header

13-16 4 Binary External Shot ID

13-32 20 - Undefined (set to 0)

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The remaining blocks for each shot will contain the external header data written in a raw manner as it was
received by the recording system from the external equipment. This information is stored exactly as
received from the external systems except that the data is padded with zero byte values to be a multiple of
32-bytes. The number of 32-byte blocks for each shot is the size (External header block 1, bytes 1-4).

6.5 Trace Header

A 20-byte trace header and a number of 32-byte trace header extension blocks are attached to the beginning
of each trace record.

6.5.1 20-byte Trace Header

This block adheres to the SEG-D rev 2 standard.

Byte Size (bytes) Data Type Description

1-2 2 BCD Tape file number (two byte, four digit, BCD). These bytes
must be set to FFFF when the Extended File Number (bytes 18,
19 and 20) is used.

3-4 2 BCD Scan type and channel set number

5-6 2 BCD Trace number (1 – 9999)

7-9 3 BCD First timing word

10 1 Binary Number of 32-byte trace extension blocks

11 1 Binary SEG-D sample skew value (0)

12 1 Binary Trace edit codes

00 – No edit
01 – Dead channel. Trace zeroed intentionally.
02 – Trace zeroed intentionally.
03 – Trace has been edited. Acquisition system has modified
one or more of the samples on this trace
04 – No RU was deployed at this ground station. Trace zeroed.
05 – RU was deployed at this ground station but shot time is
outside of this RU’s acquisition time window. Trace zeroed.
06 – RU was deployed at this ground station but has not yet
been collected. Trace zeroed.

13-15 3 Binary Time break window (0)

16-17 2 Binary Extended channel set number (0)

18-20 3 Binary Extended file number

6.5.2 32-byte Trace Header Extension #1 (SEG Std Receiver Block)

All the extension blocks are 32-bytes in length. All values in block #1 are as described in the SEG-D
Rev2.1 documentation from the SEG.

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Byte Size (bytes) Data Type Description

1-3 3 Binary Receiver Line Number (signed).

4-6 3 Binary Receiver Point (Station) number (signed).

7 1 Binary Receiver Point Index (signed). Allows several locations for the
receiver in the grid. The original value is 1, and that value is
incremented by 1 every time the receiver is moved.

8-10 3 Binary Number of samples per trace.

11-15 5 Binary Extended Receiver Line Number. Allows fractional Receiver

Line Numbers. Only valid if bytes 1-3 in this trace header
extension are set to FFFFFF. Signed binary, 3 bytes integer, two
bytes fractional.

16-20 5 Binary Extended Receiver Point Number. Allows fractional receiver

point numbers. Only valid if bytes 4-6 in this extension are set
to FFFFFF. Signed binary, 3 bytes integer, two bytes fractional.

21 1 Binary Sensor type on this trace – See Appendix I

22-32 11 - Undefined (0)

6.5.3 32-byte Trace Header Extension #2 (Receiver Location)

This block contains information describing the receiver point location.

Byte Size (bytes) Data Type Description

1-4 4 Binary Receiver line number

5-8 4 Binary Receiver point

9 1 Binary Receiver point index

10-13 4 Binary Receiver point pre-plan X coordinate x 10

14-17 4 Binary Receiver point pre-plan Y coordinate x 10

18-21 4 Binary Receiver point final X coordinate x 10

22-25 4 Binary Receiver point final Y coordinate x 10

26-29 4 Binary Receiver point final depth x 10

30 1 Binary Source of final receiver information

01 – preplan
02 – as laid (no navigation sensor)
03 – as laid (HiPAP only)

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Byte Size (bytes) Data Type Description

04 – as laid (HiPAP and INS)
05 – as laid (HiPAP and DVL)
06 – as laid (HiPAP, DVL and INS)
07 – post processed (HiPAP only)
08 – post processed (HiPAP and INS)
09 – post processed (HiPAP and DVL)
10 – post processed (HiPAP, DVL and INS)
11 – first break analysis

31-32 2 - Reserved (set to 0)

6.5.4 32-byte Trace Header Extension #3 (Remote Unit Information)

This block defines receiver time parameters. All binary data contained in this block is unsigned.

Byte Size (bytes) Data Type Description

1-8 8 Binary ID number of remote unit

9-16 8 Binary Epoch deployment time

17-24 8 Binary Epoch pickup time

25-32 8 Binary Remote unit Epoch start time

6.5.5 32-byte Trace Header Extension #4 (Timing Block)

This block defines timing information associated with this shot/time slice. All binary data contained in this
block is 32-bit unsigned.

Byte Size (bytes) Data Type Description

1-8 8 Binary Acquisition drift window (us) (only valid if clock stopped
normally. Set to 0 if it died on its own accord)

9-16 8 Binary Clock drift (ns) for this acquisition.

17-24 8 Binary +/- Applied clock correction time shift

25-32 8 Binary +/- Remaining (not applied) clock correction time shift

6.5.6 32-byte Trace Header Extension #5 (Acquisition Data Block)

This block defines additional information associated with the data contained in this trace. All binary data
contained in this block is 32-bit unsigned.

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Byte Size (bytes) Data Type Description

1 1 Binary Preamp gain in dB

2 1 Binary Trace clipped flag

00 – not clipped
01 – digital clip detected
02 – analog clip detected

3 1 Binary Record type code

0x8 – normal seismic data record
0x2 – test data record

4 1 Binary Shot status flag (set to 0 for continuous)

00 – normal
01 – Bad, Operator specified
02 – Bad, Failed T0 QC test

5 1 Binary Periodic Data Type

00 – None
01 – Orientation
02 - GPS

6 1 Binary Acquisition stop method

00 – normal
01 – storage full (ran out of memory)
02 –power loss (ran out of battery life)
03 – reboot (by command)

7 1 Binary Frequency drift within specification flag

00 – not within specification
01 – within specification

8 1 Binary Oscillator type

00 – control board
01 – atomic
02 – ovenized
03 – double ovenized
04 – disciplined

9-24 16 - Reserved (set to 0)

25-28 4 IEEE Post Processed First Break Pick Time

29-32 4 IEEE Post Processed RMS Noise

6.5.7 32-byte Trace Header Extension #6 (Periodic Data Block - Orientation) (as required)

This block defines remote unit orientation parameters. This block is only included if periodic data flag in
Trace Header Block # 5, byte 5, is set to 1.

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Byte Size (bytes) Data Type Description

1-4 4 IEEE Matrix element 0 (H1X)

5-8 4 IEEE Matrix element 1 (H2X)

9-12 4 IEEE Matrix element 2 (VX)

13-16 4 IEEE Matrix element 3 (H1Y)

17-20 4 IEEE Matrix element 4 (H2Y)

21-24 4 IEEE Matrix element 5 (VY)

25-28 4 IEEE Matrix element 6 (H1Z)

29-32 4 IEEE Matrix element 7 (H2Z)

6.5.8 32-byte Trace Header Extension #7 (Periodic Data Block - Orientation) (as required)

This block continues to define remote unit orientation parameters. This block is only included if periodic
data flag in Trace Header Block # 5, byte 5, is set to 1.

Byte Size (bytes) Data Type Description

1-4 4 IEEE Matrix element 8 (VZ)

5-8 4 IEEE Azimuth in degrees

9-12 4 IEEE Pitch in degrees

13-16 4 IEEE Roll in degrees

17-20 4 IEEE Remote Unit Temperature

21-24 4 IEEE Remote Unit Humidity

25-28 4 Binary Orientation matrix version number

29 1 Binary Gimbal corrections have been applied to this trace using the
above orientation matrix (TH6 bytes 1-32 and TH7 bytes 1-4).
0 – Not applied, 1 - Applied

30-32 3 - Reserved (set to 0)

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The following diagram depicts the organization of the Storage Unit Label and Receiver Gather Records on
Tape media.






18 Proprietary Information FA I R F I E L D
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This section defines the directory structures and file naming conventions used when the destination media
contains a file system.

8.1 Directory and File Organization

The following depicts what is written to the destination file system.

File System Root

|- StorageLabel_xxx.0 aux file
|- ShotLineName directory
|- ShotPoint data file
Each shot line name will be a directory on the file system (i.e. S1080, S1240, etc.). Each shot point will be
from 1 to N files written under its respective receiver line name directory.

8.1.1 Shot Point File Naming

Shot point files will use the naming convention SLLL_XXX.Y.N.Z where LLL is the shotline, XXX is the
shotpoint Y is the shot index, N is the file index (see Extended Header #1, bytes 15-16) and Z is the copy
number. As an example, for shot line 1001, shotpoint 1120, shot index 1, file index 1, copy 0 the file name
would be S1001_1120.1.1.0.

8.1.2 Shot Point File Format

Each shot point file will be organized as defined in the FORMAT DEFINITION section of this document.

8.2 Auxiliary Files

8.2.1 Storage Label File Naming

A storage label file will be created for each tape that is written to the file system. The name of these files
will be “StorageLabel_<serial#>.<index>” where the <serial#> is the Serial number field as defined in the
Storage Unit Label section and <index> is an incrementing number starting at 0 that increments for each
repeated instance of the same file name should one occur.

For example, if the Serial Number field of the Storage Label is 163, the first file for this serial number
would be “StorageUnit_163.0”, the second would be “StorageUnit_163.1”, and so on.

8.2.2 Storage Label File Format

The data in this file will be formatted as described in the Storage Unit Label section of this document.

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9.1 Sensor Type Definitions

0 ‐ Unknown
1 ‐ Hydrophone
2 ‐ Geophone ‐ Vertical
3 ‐ Geophone ‐ Horizontal, Inline
4 ‐ Geophone ‐ Horizontal, Cross‐line
5 ‐ Geophone ‐ Horizontal, Other
6 ‐ Accelerometer ‐ Vertical
7 ‐ Accelerometer ‐ Horizontal, Inline
8 ‐ Accelerometer ‐ Horizontal, Cross‐line
9 ‐ Accelerometer ‐ Horizontal, Other
10 ‐ Geophone ‐ X
11 ‐ Geophone ‐ Y
12 ‐ Geophone ‐ Z
13 ‐ Geophone ‐ Horizontal, North
14 ‐ Geophone ‐ Horizontal, East
21 ‐ Electric Dipole
22 ‐ Magnetic Coil

20 Proprietary Information FA I R F I E L D

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