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Perry Mens Volleyball off season work out: 2015

Maintain a healthy diet and drink plenty of water during the workouts. Complete the workout using the following week schedule:
Program is schedule is 7 days a week. Days 1, 3, 5 and days 2, 4 will have alternating workouts following the schedule below. Day 7 is for rest.
Perry volleyball Off season work outs
Week Days Tuck jumps Calf Raises Step ups Calf jumps Toe jumps Quick Drop jumps Bounds Planks Leg up
starts (seconds) push-ups
Sets Reps Sets Reps Sets Reps Sets Reps Sets Reps Sets Reps Sets Reps Sets Reps Sets Reps Sets Reps
1 1, 3, 5 2 25 2 10 2 10 2 15 1 100 1 20 2 10 2 10 2 40 2 10
2 2, 4 1 50 2 20 2 15 2 20 1 200 1 30 2 15 2 15 2 60 2 14
3 1, 3, 5 1 75 2 25 2 15 2 25 1 200 1 30 2 15 2 15 2 80 2 20
4 2, 4 1 75 2 30 2 20 2 30 1 225 1 40 2 20 2 20 2 100 2 22
5 1, 3, 5 2 50 2 35 2 20 2 35 2 150 1 40 2 20 2 20 2 110 2 28
6 2, 4 1 100 2 40 2 25 2 40 1 225 1 50 2 25 2 25 2 120 2 34
7 1, 3, 5 1 100 2 45 2 25 2 50 2 150 1 50 2 25 2 25 2 130 2 40

Week Days Jump out Triceps Jump out Planks Step close Step close Pushups Air squat Two step Three step
of squat pushups of lunge (seconds) Right-Left Left-Right block max block max
Sets Reps Sets Reps Sets Reps Sets Reps Sets Reps Sets Reps Sets Reps Sets Reps Sets Reps Sets Reps
1 2, 4 2 10 2 20 2 10 2 40 1 10 1 10 2 20 2 20 1 5 1 5
2 1, 3, 5 2 14 2 30 2 14 2 60 2 7 2 7 2 30 2 40 1 7 1 7
3 2, 4 2 20 2 40 2 20 2 80 2 10 2 10 2 40 2 50 1 10 1 10
4 1, 3, 5 2 25 2 40 2 28 2 80 2 14 2 14 2 50 2 70 2 7 2 7
5 2, 4 1 40 2 50 1 40 2 100 1 20 1 20 4 20 1 100 1 10 1 10
6 1, 3, 5 4 14 2 50 4 20 2 140 4 10 4 10 5 20 1 100 4 5 4 5
7 2, 4 4 20 2 70 4 28 2 140 7 7 7 7 5 25 1 140 7 4 7 4

Vertical jump progress chart

Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Perry Mens Volleyball off season work out: 2015
Tuck jumps - Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, and jump up looking straight ahead. Come down about 1/4 of the way and jump right back up. This completes
one leap up. And make sure you are not using your arms.

Calf raises - Stand on something so that your heels are not touching anything, stairs, a book etc. Go all the way up and come slowly down. Do one leg, then the other, this
completes one set.

Stepups - Get a sturdy chair or bench, put one leg on the chair,(that leg is parallel to the ground) and push
yourself off the chair with your one leg(vertical to the ground). While in the air, switch legs, put the leg that was on the ground on the bench, the leg that was on the bench
on the ground. Do the specified number of reps on each leg.

Cal jumps - stand with your feet shoulder width apart, and lock your knees. Then jump up just by using your calves, only bending at the ankles. As soon as your land, go
right back up. This completes one thrust ups. You can use your arms if you want.

Toe jumps - Stand in the same position as thrust ups, and go up as high as you can on your toes. Then jump up only using the sides of your thighs and your toes - you
must stay as high on your toes as possible throughout the exercise. Jump approx 1 inch off the ground, you can use your arms too.

Quick starts – Begin in a kneeling position with your right foot in front of you and your left foot behind you. The right thigh should be parallel to the ground and right
knee should make a 90 degree angle. Your left tight should be perpendicular to the ground and your left knee should make a 90 degree angle and about 1 inch from the
ground. To complete one rep quickly switch the position of your right and left foot without moving your waist and torso. You can pump your arms as if you were
running. Pause for 1 second between reps and maintain you balance.

Drop jumps – Complete these in front of a wall. Start with you back to the wall. To complete the first rep, quickly turn to the right while dropping into a full squat
position by bending your knees and keeping you back straight. (You should be able to touch the ground with your palms.) Explode up in the air, with a max jump, as
soon as you complete the full turn. When jumping extend your arm above your head and push against the wall with your finger tips (this is simulating proper blocking
form for volleyball players). After the jump is complete, rest 2 – 4 seconds and complete another rep, this time turning to your left (alternate the direction you turn with
each rep). Complete the turn, drop, jump, extend and push motions as quickly and smoothly as possible.

Bounds – Bounds are same as standing long jumps. Begins with feet shoulder width apart and bend your knees. Using your arms, jump as far forward as you can. When
you first take off your feet should trail behind you. While in the air whip your feet from behind you to in front of you. Wait as long as you can before whipping your feet
forward and when you do, complete the motion as quickly as possible. Land on two feet and you have completed one rep. Pause just long enough between reps to
maintain your balance. Be sure to always jump off of and land on two feet and make each jump a max jump.

Planks – Maintain a simple plank position with your forearms and toes on the ground and your back straight. Be sure to pull your abdominal muscles in and keep them

Leg up push-ups – To complete the first reps do a normal push-up and bring your right knee up to touch your right elbow during the downward portion of the push-up
and return you right foot its starting position on the ground during the upward motion of the push-up. To complete the second rep, repeat the motions of the first rep with
your left knee touching your left elbow. Alternate the leg you bring up with each rep.

Jump out of squat – Start is squat position, feet shoulder with apart and thighs parallel to the ground and complete a max jump. Reset and gain balance in squat position
and repeat.

Triceps pushups – Complete a pushup with hands under shoulders

Perry Mens Volleyball off season work out: 2015
Jump out of lunge – Start in a lunge position, right foot in front with right thigh parallel to the ground and left back in back, left thigh perpendicular to the ground.
Complete a max jump from the position and land in a lunge with the left foot in front. Complete the repetitions rapidly, gaining balance before each jump (always land
with the alternate foot in front starting the jump).

Warm up prior to completing the exercises. Jogging and complete 100 – 200 yards of light sprints plus stretching is a good warm up.

Cool down after the work out with lunges (20 -40 reps, not all in a row) and walking 100 – 200 yards plus stretching.

Step close – Max jump taking only two steps: right-left or left-right.

Air squat - stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart and knees and toes facing straight ahead. Squat down by pushing hips back, and bending your knees.
Go as low as you can without your heels coming off the floor or your back rounding, then push back up again.

Two and Three step block max – Complete a two or three step block move, max jumping each time. Goal is complete the move as quickly as possible.

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