Simple Life Style & Behavioural Changes For Better Health (Preventive - Cure) Highlights

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Simple Life Style &

Behavioural Changes
For Better Health
(Preventive - Cure)
Eating Food and Drinking Water in Systematic Manner for Better Digestion & Better Absorption of Nutrients, Gut Health;
Eat Fresh Vegetables, Fruits and freshly Made Juices, Discard Pre-Cut & Canned, Packed Processed Foods & Beverages
Breathing Techniques for better Oxygen supply & Maintaining Body Temperature, Staying in Sun; Staying in Open Areas,
Spending in Greenery for Improving Happy Hormones, Better Sleep, Improving Immunity; Walking for Overall Health
Discard usage of all Commercial Personal Care Products, Make Up Products, Deodorants, Hair Care Products, Sex toys Quit
Smoking & Chewing Tobacco, Quit Alcohol, Quit Consuming Colas, Cut Down Caffeine containing Products ; Simple Eye
Exercises to Improve Eye Sight , Doing Simple Exercises to Improve Lung Capacity; Simple Toung Exercises for Better Speech
& Swallowing ; Simple Home Exercises for Muscle Building & Strength; Simple Pelvic Floor Exercises for Better Control of
Bladder; Yoga & Surya Namaskars, Namaz for Better Flexibility of Body; Simple Mudras, Mediation & Relaxation for Body
& Mind Control ; Discarding Usage of Chemical Room Fresheners, Surface Cleaners, Floor Cleaners Judicious usage of
Chemical Detergents for Dish Washing and Clothe Washing; Daily Maintaining Personal Room, Home, Surroundings
Organised & Clean, Maintaining Hygiene For Better Menal & Physical Health; Following & Avoiding Certain Religious
Traditions, Customs, Rituals to Avoid Infections, Injuries; Practicing Religiousness with Rational Thinking & Respesible
Behaviour for Sound Mind and Body and Reduced need for any Medicines or Hospitalisation

PradeepKumar Kunche
Think Social Engineering Think Me

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This Work is dedicated to

Shri Chandrasekharendra Saraswati

The Sage of Kanchi

Sri Ramana Maharshi

The Sage of Tiruvannamalai

Abu'l-Rayhan Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Biruni

Father' of Arabic pharmacy

Mary Teresa Bojaxhiu MC

Missionaries of Charity

Vaidya Jeevaka
Buddhist Medicine

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Educating people on preventive health through simple lifestyle changes and habits
1) Educate people about drinking water systematically as preventive health care and
disease management
Drinking Cold Water – Health Issues
2) Why people should take water at room temperature not take cold water
Clean Safe Water

3) Measures ensuring Safe, Clean Water to prevent infections due to Water; Periodic
cleaning of underground water – UG tanks and overhead OH water tanks and plumbing
pipelines; all water bodies in all villages and religious places be cleaned periodically;
Cleaning of Water Storage and Piping system before the new occupation; Every Residential
Welfare Association possess RO with UV system to supply pure water for drinking to every
household, all municipalities and water boards have RO with UV system bulk water bottling
plants, supply RO water to slums, remote homes; Mandatory to use RO water for cooking
and serving in commercial places.

4) Govt. educates people on the health benefits of drinking glass/ half glass of hot water
two hours after dinner; Govt. educate people to sleep only after 2 hours after dinner.

5) Religious places use only copper vessels to store water for sacred religious rituals.;
Restrict only a few percentages of people attending religious rituals of dipping in rivers to
contain health issues, Govt. create a lottery system to select people, collect and send sacred
river water in 50 ml/ 20 ml bottles free of cost to all household to ensure religious believes
re carried forward without affecting the health of people
Water Stored in Copper Vessel
6) Advantages of drinking water in copper vessel (water stored for 8 hours only)

Alkaline Water

7) Alkaline Water who should take who should avoid

Ice Candy - Sticks health Issues

8) Ice candies, (water mixed with sugar and color frozen and sold as ice candy) health issues,
why people should discard eating them, especially by children.

9) Why eating Ice Cubs or drinking juices or water with Ice cubes causes health issues

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Ice Creams- Health Issues

10)Why people should not eat ice cremes regularly

Temperature of Beverages Food – Heath

11)Why people should take beverages at moderate temperature, not too hot.

12)Berthing techniques, How Breathing Better Can Improve Your Health; Useful breathing
techniques to try.
A) Breathing Techniques for Muscle Tension Relief
B) Breathing Techniques for Side Pain
C) Breathing Techniques for Increased Energy
D) Breathing Techniques for Relaxation
E) Useful breathing techniques
a) Pursed lip breathing
b) Diaphragmatic breathing
c) Mindful breathing
d) Deep breathing
e) Box breathing
f) Alternate nostril breathing
g) Lion’s breath
h) 4-7-8 breathing

Right Way of Eating Food, Drinking Water

13)Methods of taking food and water for better health: Most people do not follow the
standard food system that helps maintain

14)Changing the eating habits to ensure better health

15)Discard the habit of keeping cooked food in the refrigerator and using it for several days;
do not keep unsealed packs for extended periods.

Diet Planning

16) Food planning for each day quantity quality, what should be eaten daily, at what time,
sattvic ideal meal, breakfast lunch/ dinner.

17)Combinations of foods to eat every day/ per week to avoid the same type of vegetables/
fruits/ nutrients in breakfast, lunch, and dinner to avoid dangers of excess vitamins, minerals
or proteins

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18) Ensure diet contain necessary vitamins and minerals and regulate excess vitamins,
minerals, and regulate extra vitamins, minerals, metabolism/ hormonal balance.

My budget My meals

19)GOI creates my budget, my meals concept: a nutritious, balanced diet with choices of
foods for breakfast, lunch, and dinner to maintain health for all sections of people.

Regulation of Buffet system

20)GOI regulates the buffet food system in hotels and functions, controls the number of items
served, and imposes a tax on the waste of food in the buffet system, whether in restaurants
or private functions.

21)GOI educates people to eat what they want but not to waste food in plate, ban on
refrigeration of cooked food in commercial outlets or residential homes


22)Eat foods slowly by chewing foods (Raw and cooked) and quickly swallowing in one or two
bites; always eat fresh fruits over fruit juices, even homemade.

Bile Secretions

23)GOI educates people on the importance of Bile and how to improve Bile naturally.


24)Why people should not use Antacids for indigestion, way to correct indigestion

Importance of PH balance – Best way of Eating food

25) Importance of body PH balance and what foods should be eaten

Eating Food Warm – Avoid Refrigerated Cold Foods

Food Temperature – Health

26)Always eat warm or at room temperature, avoid eating food/ curd/ fruits stored in the
refrigerator directly, and not mixing hot and cold to protect the digestive system and
immune system.
Refrigerated Foods
27) Use of refrigerator, how to store cooked, raw food to stay healthy, how to warm
cooked/natural ready-to-eat foods like fruits, vegetables, curds, etc.

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28)How long can you safely keep leftovers in the refrigerator?

29)Mandatory that all commercial foods be sold only on pre-order (at least 90 minutes) and
pre-payment, ban storing in refrigerators any cooked food (ingredients to make a dish – ready
to serve ) in commercial foods
Reheating Cooked Food – Health Issues
30)Foods that turn harmful when reheated.

31)Govt ban precooking reheating in commercial foods in restaurants street foods and ban
the culture of cooking somewhere else and serving with reheating in outlets

32)Govt ban manufacture, sale usage of ready heat and eating pre-cooked packed foods
Rotten Vegetables- Fruits- Improper Storage
33)Risk of consuming Rotten Fruits and Vegetables

34)Ethylene, the gas that rots your fruits and vegetables

Food Poisoning- Causes- Prevention

35)Food poisoning causes- symptoms- prevention

Burnt – Charred foods

36) Why people should avoid to Eat Burnt, Charred Food

37) Why People should avoid Laxatives to correct their constipation issues permanently by
changing their staple diet from Rice and wheat to Millet
Constipation -Natural Laxatives over Chemical Laxatives
38)Why should people use food as a natural laxative and relieve constipation over the use of
chemical laxatives

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

39)Why people should avoid Monosodium glutamate- MSG (Ajinomoto) foods (most
processed food contain MSG)

40)Why people should avoid / discard fast foods especially Chinese fast foods, and market
brough potato chips and other chips, frozen ready to eat foods, sauces etc

A) Everyday Foods That Contain MSG

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Eating fresh Fruits Vegetables Advantages
Sodium Sulphate – Cut Pcked Fruits Vegetables -Pre cooked foods
41)Why should people always eat fresh vegetables and fruits and homemade foods

42)GOI must regulate the usage of sulfites like sodium sulfite in food processing

43)Need for regulation of the manufacture, sale, and usage of Sodium Bisulfite, Mandatory to
mention quantities used and QR code box warning information on products that use Sodium
Bisulfate regarding health side effects; GOI educate people on general side effects of
consumption of Sodium Bisulphate
A) Sodium bisulfite
B) Sodium Sulfite and Shrimp
C) Sodium Metabisulfite in Food

Prefer Vegetarian food over Non Vegetarian.

Plant-based proteins over Animal-based proteins

44)People should take plant-based proteins over animal-based proteins

Sprouts, Micro greens, Kitchen gardening leafy greens

45)People should eat sprouts and micro greens to ensure good proteins and phytonutrients

Anti Nutrients- Soaking

46) Soaking of Millets, Pulses, Lentils, Nuts, and Seeds is needed to reduce Anti Nutrients and
easy to Cook and, better digestion and better bioavailability of phytonutrients

Artificial Food Colour – Preservatives

47)Ban synthetic food color in any food preparation. Ban on manufacturing sale and use of
artificial food color.

48)Preservatives in processed foods and health issues

Packed Juices – Health Issues

49)Why Packaged Fruit Juice Is Harmful For health and Advantages of eat fresh fruits

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Refined oils – Health issues

Slow RPM Wood Pressed oils – Health Benefits

50) Why should people discard using refined oils and switch to homemade or RWA-made slow
RPM wood-pressed oils

Wood Pressed oils- Cold Pressed oils

51) Advantages of Wood pressed oils – Cold pressed oils over refined oils

Packaged Curd-Home made Curd

Plant-based milk curd – Plant-based milk panner

52) Why people should make curd at home than Packaged curd

53) Why plant-based milk curd and panner are better

Animal Milk – Plant Milk

54)Why plant-based milk, curd, and pannier are healthy

Home made – Residential Welfare Association made oils, powders, flours

55)People should be advised to make daily used cooking oils, essential powders, flours, Curd
Panner at home or RWA to prevent the effect of adulteration, chemicals, preservatives, and
low-quality ingredient used in commercial products
Preventive health care, health care through foods
Food Charts
56)Disease-specific food chart with weekly/ daily/ hourly schedules specific quantitates
based on age/ body weight etc
Importance of Fibre in Staple Food
57)How Fibre produces short-chain fatty acids – propionate- which helps reduce insulin
resistance, Cholesterol – reduces effects of diabetic’s obesity, heart failure reduction
Gut System – Fermented Foods - Fibre
58)A perfect gut system is essential for health, as well as how to ensure a healthy gut
system prevails and relieves constipation.
Probiotics – Health
59)Why people should use home made probiotics over commercial probiotics

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Commercial Probiotics Health Issues
60)Health issues with Commercial Probiotics, Why people should discard commercial
probiotics and use fresh home made plant based curd
Colas – Health Issues

61)GOI must ban manufacture sale and use of colas in India to save health of millions of
people these colas are silent killers and dangerous than alcohol consumption

Hormonal Balance
62) Hormonal balance through foods, low carbohydrate, high fiber foods, cruciferous
vegetable and plant-based milk (replacing animal-based milk and other products), replacing
cane sugar with palm jaggery

Smoking – Alcohol
63)Quit Smoking for health; Govt ban cultivation, import of tobacco and manufacture, sale,
and usage of tobacco in all forms – beedi, cigarette, pan masala.

64)Alcohol consumption regulation, ban sale of alcohol in stores, alcohol served only in
exclusive bars for healthy people in limited quantity based on e-health records

65)GOI educate people on natural ways to de addict from smoking, alcohol, caffeine through
plant based decoctions

Quality Sleep
66)Importance of quality sleep, and how it will help overall health.
Digital detox for health

67)Regulate digital gadgets usage time, especially at Night, for good sleep, cut down
exposure to blue light ; Govt must ensure no internet data after 10 pm to 6 am with service
providers deactivating internet except for emergency usage Apps

68)Govt ban airing of TV news or TV programs after 10 pm

69)Govt ensure Software employees work only for 8 hours on the internet, intranet, or
mobile with a maximum of 8 hours of usage of a laptop with or without an internet.

70)Govt should ensure all students till degree must be educated on paper books only, one
or two hours on digital devices access per day.

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Ear Health – Ear Phones – Wired - Wireless

71)Avoid the use of Earphones to protect hearing loss.

72)De Waxing the ear through self-care every month or through a professional doctor

Oral Health - Saliva

73) Importance of saliva and saliva as a medicine.

74)Importance of oral health, controlling bad breath, shiny white teeth naturally through
homemade fresh coconut oil pulling, the AYURVEDA way

Visceral Fat
75) Why visceral fats are bad for health – how to get rid of naturally
Holding Urine
76) Why holding urine is bad for health

77)Bodily functions you should let out – Sneezes- Urine- Stools – Gas not hold
A) Sneezes
B) Urine
C) Bowel Movements
D) Gas

Living Stress Free

78)Advantages of living stress-free, anger free - Health – Fertility

Happy hormones
79)Happy hormones for a healthy life, how to be happy, effects of anger on health, standard
exercises, and foods for anger management.
A) Get outside
B) Maximize your workout
C) Laugh with a friend
D) Cook (and enjoy) a favourite meal with a loved one
E) Listen to music (or make some)
F) Meditate
G) Plan a romantic evening
H) Pet your dog
I) Manage stress
J) Get a massage
K) Numerous advantages of being relaxed, calm, and composed at all times,
L) Reasons Why It’s Healthy to Stay Calm in Stressful Situations

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M) Benefits of mindfulness; health & happiness, mindfulness
N) Relaxation can benefit your health
O) Relaxation Techniques
P) Anger - how it affects people
Q) Dealing with arguments
R) Benefits of regular exercise in mood management

Silence – Health Benefits

80)Benefits of People adopt the habit of being silent and discarding all activities one day in a
week or fortnight or a month to get inward thinking and energy

Dopamine – Health

81)The importance of dopamine and how to increase naturally

82)Every family, employee (Govt. and private), and unorganised take their family out of
state for tourism, especially elderly parents of wife and husband.

83)Ways to Boost Dopamine and Serotonin Naturally, for all age group people, for women in
perimenopausal and menopausal to reduce the Vasomotor symptoms VSM
Body Massage – Physio Therapy
84) Health benefits oil body massage (Abhayangam) by self or by others.

85)Benefits of foot and leg massage and physio therapy for elderly people, people with
limited mobility
A) Other benefits of Oil Massage
B) Massage Oil For Big Breasts
C) Why GOI Regulate Commercial massage centres
D) Advantages of Massage and physiotherapy for elderly, people with limited mobility
E) Physiotherapy Advantages - Health benefits

86) Every family member, including elderly people, walks daily for a few miles/ few minutes
outdoors over thread mills indoors.; Govt provide a wearable device to record walking,
linking of daily walking for purchase of sweets/ bakery products
87) Health benefits of fasting (daily intermittent fasting, one day every week full day
fasting): who should eat twice or thrice a day in a maximum 8 hours window?

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Weight Management

88) Weight management through eating standard quantity and quality food and not starving
to stay slim or reduce weight.

89)Obesity management, root cause, simple home remedies

90)People should discard taking milkshakes, thick shakes etc

Salt - Sea Salt- Low Sodium Salt

91)GOI educate on salt in your diet ; Choose the Healthiest Salt for Your Kitchen, Sea salt
advantages and who should use low sodium salts, and natural salts

A) Table Salt (Refined Salt)

B) Sea Salt - Sea Salt Health Benefits
C) Himalayan Salt (Pink Salt)
D) Seasoned and Smoked Salt
E) Salt Substitutes
F) Choosing the Best Salt
G) Low Sodium Salt Vs. Regular Salt—Which Is Healthier?

92)GOI educates people on the harmful effects of taking high salt in foods, sprinkles salt on
food preparations in the end, takes little pickles for tasting, and reduces tamarind or sour to
cut salt intake.

93)Too Much Salt in food Side effects Signs You’re Overeating Salt

Pickles Side effects

94)GOI must educate people on the health benefits and side effects of eating pickles, when
to eat, how to eat, who should eat, which combinations to avoid etc

95)GOI advice people to eat chutneys more instead of pickles in breakfast or meals or in

Tamarind – Direct- Indirect Effects on Health

96)Health Benefits of taking tamarind in moderation Health disadvantages of taking tamarind

daily or in excess in food preparation

97)GOI educates people on restricting the quantity of usage or proper usage of tamarind in
cooking to avoid side effects of Excess salt and chili powder used to cut the sourness.

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Chilli Peppers – Mirchi

98)Chilli peppers, Green Chilli: Uses, Benefits, Side Effects, why people should eat in limit

Cane Sugars- Palm Jaggery

99)Why people should discard cane sugars; Why Cane Sugar – White Sugar is Bad for Health
and Environment; What Chemicals Does White Sugar Have?

100) Palm Jaggery ; Advantages palm jaggery over cane sugars

101) Natural vs. Added Sugar

102) Advantages of Getting Sugar Naturally through Fruits and Vegetables

103) Which is better Sugar, Jaggery (Cane) or Honey or Palm Jaggery

Honey- Adulteration – Health Issues
104) Why Honey should be used occasionally - only as a natural medicinal not for regular

Animal Milk- Plant Milk

105) People Should Discard taking Animal Milk; advantages of taking Plant-based Milk

Caffeine- Health issues

106) People Should Discard Caffeine Beverages like Colas, Coffee, Tea, Chocolates,

Artificial Sweeteners
107) Artificial sweeteners, Sugar Alcohol are bad for health; Govt must regulate
manufacture, sale and use of artificial sweeteners for commercial and personal use.

Labelling Zero Sugars

108) GOI must educate people on labelling like Zero sugars, no added sugars , low salt
etc no fat etc about nutritional facts in every food product sold commercially, packed or ready
to eat in restaurants/ street foods

109) GOI educate on units IU, mcg, Mg ,gm etc on labels

Soy products Health Issues

110) Why people should discard using soy products,

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Hormones – Testostrone- Estrogen

111) Hormonal balance for Healthy life

A) Testosterone in Men
B) Testosterone in Women.
C) Esterogen in Women
D) High estrogen in men Side effects
E) Estrogen Dominance in women
F) How Diet Impacts Estrogen
G) Foods for Hormone Balance- Testostrone- Estrogen

Xenoestrogens- Health effects

112) The Ways You Absorb Xenoestrogens, how to avoid


113) Why Makeup is Bad for Health, especially during day time

114) Facial Steaming and inhaling steam Health benefits

Endocrine Disrupters - Hormonal Imbalance

115) GOI educates people on Endocrine disruptors and how they affect hormonal

116) Impact of plastic phthalates and parabens in hormonal imbalance Why people
should avoid plastics

Early Puberty – How to prevent

117) Containing Under-age puberty through regulating foods that produce excess

Waxing Hair Removal Health Issues

118) Waxing hair (whole body) removal side effects; Public Hair Removal; Health Issues

Pesticides – Health issues

119) Why pesticides are dangerous to health; how to reduce pesticides' effect on health
(heavy metals and chemicals ) on farmers, farm labour, and people who use the foods

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Pesticides on Vegetables - Fruits

120) GOI educates people on how to get rid of pesticides and bacteria on fruits and
vegetables before consuming them with or without skin

Pesticides – Effect on health

121) Postnatal Pesticide Exposure and Health Outcomes in Adult Females

122) GOI ban the retail sale of chemical pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, and
fungicides to individuals, organizations (residential, commercial shops, godowns, farmers)

123) GOI create a separate Govt agency to assess the need for chemical pesticides,
insecticides, fungicides, and herbicides and provide trained manpower with safety equipment
for cultivation, and register-trained private agencies for residential and commercial (grocery
shops, godowns, restaurants etc at uniform rate.

124) Mandatory periodic cleaning of RWA, parks, homes, retail shops, godowns,
restaurants, food processing units to reduce use of insecticides and fungicides

Neem Based Pesticides

Cow Based Fertilizers - “Jeevamrutham”
Vegetable Fruit Waste Based Liquid Fertilizers

125) GOI ensures rise of neem crops in large acreage to make neem-based pesticides

126) GOI create a collection system of waste vegetable and fruits from wholesale market
yards retailers, make liquid fertilizers, and distribute free or cost-to-cost to farmers and RWA
for urban kitchen gardening

127) GOI collects cow dung and cow urine in villages and makes “Jeevamrutham” and
supplies free of cost to farmers in villages to replace chemical fertilizers

128) GOI ensures VACA System- Village Agriculture Cooperative Associations (Combining
10 to 30 small holdings to make large farm holding of 10 to 20 acres) several VACA for group
farming for numerous advantages.

Pest Control at Food Retail Stores – Home

129) Different types of pests and how to prevent, and remove them

130) Govt ensure insurance premium is linked to mandatory periodic cleaning and
hygiene of homes, retail establishments, godowns, restaurants, and to RWA and local
governments (for maintaining hygiene in their territory)

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131) Govt create a standard system for accountability of elected representatives’
cleanliness and hygiene in their territory to contest the next general elections.
A) Rodents
B) Flies
C) Cockroaches
D) Stored product insects
E) Birds
F) Ants

Cleanliness - AI-based Camera Assessment

132) GOI created an AI-based app for assessing the cleanliness of RWA, homes, and
commercial places (hygiene and cleanliness of the kitchen, bathroom, water tanks).

Empty Pouches-Containers- Return

133) Govt make it mandatory to return used empty cans, tins, packs of packed food,
groceries etc, to reduce

134) Mandatory to get permission from Govt, a designated App for any repair works
(brickwork, tiles, commodes, carpentry, plumbing, electrical etc) to get a unique code to buy
raw materials by submitting details of the contractor or skilled worker and code from the RWA
or municipal waste collection center

Open Drains Health Issues

135) Harmful Effects and Solutions of Open Drains, stagnated water

Delayed Puberty in Boys - LGBT

136) Delayed puberty in boys; Contain becoming LGBT through foods and By fixing
exposure to fluoride via water, toothpaste, etc; contain exposure to plastics products
releasing nano plastics in food, water, and air.
Love Jihad- Inter-Religious Marriages

137) Contain Happening of love Jihad through healthy food - habits maintaining
hormonal balance for the majority population.

Adultery- Polyandry - Multiple Marriages- Husbands for Woman

138) GOI should control adultery to reduce health disorders by making it mandatory to
declare in the GOI web/ app that he/she does not have extramarital affairs or live about
continue employment in Govt/ Private / Do business.

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139) GOI amended the law to confiscate the properties of a married man if found to have
a second marriage / live-in relation with another woman; confiscate of assets of a second
marriage /live-in relation woman for continuing relation with an already married man

140) GOI ensures default setting course correction measures prevail in food and lifestyle,
like ban colas, banning tobacco cultivation sale and usage, regulating cane sugar and
promoting palm jaggery, regulate the usage of salt, sugar, and fat in limits in commercial
foods, regulate ban public sale of alcohol, ban deep fries in commercial, regulate the sale of
tea/ coffee, ban polishing of rice, mandatory walking of 2 km per day, mandatory 8 hours
sleep by all employees – organized (working or self-employed)- unorganized, mandatory to
maintain Hb1Ac in limits to continue in employment.

141) GOI amended the constitution, allowing all Indian women (of all religions) to marry
up to five men in their lives, live with each husband separately, spend a few days a month
with each husband, get children from each husband if she wished, and 50% property from
each husband a true sign of Empowerment of Women- Nari Shakti.

Compassion – Issues - Physically Challenged- Transgenders

142) GOI educates on issues related to physically challenged people, transgender and
LGBT issues and also issues What support family/ society must extent to reduce stress in them

Cosmetic Surgery- Breast Implants- Liposuction

143) Why People should avoid unnecessary cosmetic surgical producers
A) Bariatric Surgery
B) Breast implants
C) Liposuction
Vitamin- D Natural Way- Exposure to Sun
Synthetic Supplements over dose Health Issues
144) Importance of vitamin D in health and natural way to get vitamin D, Health issues
of Excess supplementation of Vitamin D

Sun rays
145) Every Person should be exposed to sunlight every day for a minimum of 20
minutes, to get Vitamin D and watching Sunrise and sunset orange rays for hormonal

Sun Screen Lotions – Health Issues

146) GOI educates people on why chemical/ synthetic sunscreens and SFP are bad for
health, and how to use plant-based natural sunscreens in case needed

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Clothes washing drying health care

147) GOI advise people to use minimum detergents for washing clothes, rinse thoroughly
to reduce chemical effects on the body, always dry wet clothes in the sun and open areas,
discard keeping indoors, ban using tumble drying machines for household purpose, ban the
use of plastic/nylon ropes for outdoor clothes drying; every RWA provide covered space with
radiation heaters for drying clothes during rainy season/ winter

Naphthalene balls or MOTH BALLS

148) Why people should avoid using Naphthalene balls or MOTH BALLS in wardrobes,
especially where they store the clothes; Health Hazards of Naphthalene Ball exposure

Dry Cleaning

149) GOI must regulate the drycleaning of clothes in India, manufacture sale, and usage
of chemicals used in dry cleaning

Pressing Clothes

150) GOI must ban manufacture, sale and usage of traditional coal based cloth pressing
iron boxes, mandatory to use light weight solar operated steel soleplate iron boxes.

Ergonomic seating

151) Use standard basic furniture for study/work with ergonomic design

Seating Material

152) Cotton material in seating covers, Use Wood material Discard using syntenic or
plastic materials and metals in seating

Importance of Quality Sleeping

153) The importance of sleeping a minimum of 7 to 8 hours per day.

154) Go to bed only after two hours of eating Dinner (dinner should be completed by 6
pm or maximum by 8 pm evening to go to bed by 10 pm to get 8 to 10 hours of sleep)

Sleep- Mattress- Bed

155) Beds should be used only for sleeping, and make a habit of drinking or eating while
sitting in a chair at the designated dining table.

156) Sleeping in Bad Bed / mattress – Health issues

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A) How does a mattress affect your health?
B) Health issues with bad bed and mattress
C) How to choose a mattress that is good for your health?
D) Sleeping on Floor
E) Tips for better sleep

Sexual Health

157) Genital health for all age groups and gender

Oral Sex Health Issues

158) Why people should not indulge in oral sex if indulged, use a condom

Unnatural Sex

159) Why People should not indulge in un natural sex anal sex

Sex toys

160) Sex toys, health issues – Infertility

Erectile Dysfunction

161) Erectile Dysfunction causes, prevention and Cure

Sexual Stamina Pilla

162) Why people should avoid using aphrodisiac drugs/instant sex stimulant drugs
163) Synthetic Erectile dysfunction Medicines side effects, Why GOI must Ban them

Infertility- causes- cure

164) GOI must educate people about infertility and natural ways to get rid of infertility
through food and lifestyle changes
A) Main Causes of infertility
B) How to over come infertility


165) Govt must ban the culture of surrogacy

Termination of Pregnancy - Abortions

166) GOI must ban abortions totally all general pregnancy.

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167) GOI must regulate the manufacture, sale, and use of pregnancy termination
pills/abortion pills in India, only to be used by doctors under exceptional rare medical
conditions and not for general use by women at whims and fancies.

Mensuration Stop Pills

168) GOI regulates the manufacture and sale use of menstrual cycle delay/ periods stop
pills in India; only for exceptional cases of medical surgeries, doctors might suggest usage as
a medical treatment only, with a ban on sale use by women at will and wish.

169) GOI makes it mandatory for Govt/ private workplaces to provide paid leave for at
least 3 days during reproductive age.

Sanitary Napkins – Baby Diapers Adult Diapers

170) People should use natural cotton cloth sanitary napkins, reusable diapers for infants
and adults, and cloth sanitary napkins instead of plastic chemical-ridden commercial napkins
and stay home during ministration cycle days.

171) Why should people discard tampons and cups during the mensuration cycle instead
of using cotton pads

A) Why Cotton cloth pads are best over Plastic synthetic sanitary napkins
B) Why women should avoid menstrual perfume or scented creams, lotions, sprays
C) Women should discard usage of tampons, menstrual cups
D) Why diapers for babies and adults should be used judiciously

Birth Control Pills

172) Why women should discard usage of hormonal birth control pills: GOI must
regulate the manufacture, import, sale, and usage of hormonal birth control pills/injection
shots; be sold only on doctor’s prescription, in the interest of the health of women.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

173) Govt educate people to have legitimate sex (single partner) to avoid sexually
transmitted diseases, how to identify STD and visit doctor not to use self-medications, un
scientific road side medicines.

Menopause – Vaso Motor Symptoms - Hormonal Replacement Therapy

174) GOI educates women on Vasomotor symptoms (VMS), how to get rid VMS naturally,
the Health Effects of estrogen therapies, why Estrogen therapies should be avoided

175) Hormone Therapy for Menopause Health Risks

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Brain health - Traditional Rangoli- Zen tangle

176) Tradition of rangoli Health benefits

177) Mind concentration Focus on What We Do for Health benefits

178) Mudras for Health to be practiced by age group people.


179) Importance of daily bathing, head bath, when to take bath and when to avoid

180) Why people should not take Bathing immediately After Eating Food

181) Importance of Complete sanitization (wash clothes, take head baths coming from
outside, especially from hospitals or doctors, traveling in public transport)

Nails - Health Care

182) Nails health, what health disorders can come through nails, and health indications
through the appearance of nails, and what care people should take.

Cooking Vessels – Health Benefits of Earthen Pot

183) Need to use Mud Vessels and discard aluminum, and nonstick cook-wear; Need for
careful cooking and not to burn charred empty vessels or foods to prevent health issues.

184) Cooking vessel material – advantages of using earthen pot over others

Cooking Methods

Soaking Nuts, Seeds, Lentils, Pulses

185) Soaking of lentils before cooking, soaking of nuts and seeds before eating

186) Cooking methods to enhance the nutrition availability

Exercises for Lung, Eyes, Toung, Pelvic, Mobility

187) Simple exercises to improve lung capacity, especially for elderly people

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188) Eye Exercises to Improve Vision: Techniques and Tips; Benefits of Eye Exercises;
How to Improve Eyesight - Best Eye Exercises

189) Tong exercises

190) Pelvic floor Exercises - Kegel Exercises are essential, especially for women in
pregnancy elderly people

191) Simple exercises to improve mobility and reduce the orthites

Fitness zero cost

192) Non-equipment, zero-cost fitness exercises for all age groups and different types
of patients can be done at home with the plain body on the floor/bed

193) Sweating: what activity causes sweating, what type of sweat is considered
healthy, and what type of sweats are indications of health ailments?
Gym- Protein Supplements

194) Regulation of Gym operators; Registering Gym customers in the government-

created app/ web; Ban of suggesting the sale of supplements by Gym operators; Why proteins
should be taken in limit from natural foods, not supplements.

Plant based proteins over Animal proteins

195) Why Whey proteins and animal proteins bad for health


196) Good skin Naturally without the need for synthetic creams or lotions-
Using Turmeric- Indian Hog Palm - Aleo Vera- Fax Seed Gel

Steam inhalation – face stream

197) Steam Inhalation health benefits

198) Steam for face health benefits

Beauty Parlours – Cosmetics

199) People are advised to get natural beauty through foods, and not through cosmetics
and beauty Parlours, which temporary fixing without fixing the root cause of skin issues; Govt

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regulates the manufacture, sale, and usage of cosmetics products; Govt regulates beauty

200) Why should people use Natural homemade Sindhoor and Kumkum instead of
chemical Sticker Bindi with chemical gums

Shaving - Har cut – Health issues

201) Regulation of Haircut, Mandatory to use one-time use and discard kits for haircut
or shaving for individual use by people at home or commercial places; every RWA must
possess a hair-cut manicure facility; Mandatory that every Student, Employee (organised
unorganized) must have standard hair cut with exception to religious reasons

AI based Heath Assessment from photos of Nail Hair, Toung Face Eyes Skin

202) Mandatory photo in standard App to be operated by haircut shops/barbers to take

photo of hair, face toung and nails. The photos are directly by default stored in e-health
records for analysis by AI-based health system

Hair Styling- colouring

203) Avoid using chemical hair colors for gray hair styling gels as they contain parabens.


204) Why people should discard synthetic hair Shampoos, Gels for Hair care hair growth
and use natural products like soap nut, shikakai, fax seed gel, aloe vera etc for hair fall
prevention and growth of thick hair; also natural way to remove dandruff and lice in hair

Weights carrying – Health Issues

205) Reducing the unnecessary weights carried in day-to-day life

Reducing Exposure to chemical pollution

206) Limiting Exposure to pollution

A) Vehicular pollution – Ban personal vehicles Education, Employment

B) Periodic Maintenance of all Vehicles
C) Diesel, Kerosene Power Back-up Generators
D) Pesticides Spraying
E) Burning of garden waste, dry leaves
F) Under Ground and Over Head storage tanks, Kitchen Chimney

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Indoor Air Pollution

207) Indoor air pollution Health Issues – Deodorants, Room Sprays, Floor Cleaning
Chemicals, Kitchen Exhaust.

208) Measures to Ensure Kitchen utensils, Under the kitchen sink, and wash basins and
bathrooms are cleaned and sanitized daily to prevent bacterial and fungal growth.

Benzene exposure Health Risks

Benzene from Gas Stoves – Indoor Air Pollution

209) Indoor and outdoor benzene pollution – health risks

210) Benzene – Health Effects Gas Stove May Be Leaking Benzene Into Your Kitchen—
Even When It's Off

Occupational Health Risks - Safety

211) GOI create occupational safety information mandatory safety gear, and to minimize
occupational health hazard exposure measures and mandatory every employer check the
occupational hazards through periodic diagnosis and report to Govt.

212) GOI makes professional occupation disorders, foods, preventive health care, and
disease management.

213) GOI creates mandatory safety standards for all workers, agriculture laborers
using pesticides, cooks/helpers working in commercial food preparations in restaurants,
the food processing industry, etc

Safet gears- Injuries

214) GOI ensures all workers are provided with safety gears /apparatus, ensure workers
use them to work

215) Safety gear for all workers in all sectors, farm labor, construction-related workers,
servant maids; and advice people to use at home daily, mainly by homemakers

A) Maidservants
B) Construction-related activity Workers
C) Food preparation- Home-Commercial
D) Hair Cut Salons- Beauty parlour
E) Farm labor and Farmers
F) Useful Gifts instead of eateries or Gold

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216) GOI identify and make innovative tools to reduce health effects in every sector in
the process of ensuring health for all sections of people, people working in every sector

Dust Free Homes

217) Ensuring homes are dust-free for better lung health and overall health GOI create
AI powered App to take pictures and up load every week or every 15 days

218) Safeguard from dust, bacteria, and fungus with everyday cleaning

Indoor Air Quality

219) Ensure better air quality in commercial places – Air conditioners- Air Coolers –
Indoor temperature at commercial places – Especially road sides shops standardisation,
ensure made of wood or bamboo and reduce the heat inside the shops


220) Fixing the creepages, leaks in walls, kitchen skin, and bathroom drainage pipes and
water taps to reduce bacterial, fungal, and viral infections, which are the root cause of several
other health issues

Cleanliness Hygene living

Return - Used , Empty Packs

221) GOI make the RWA responsible for ensuring hygiene and cleanliness in the territory

222) GOI must create a system of mandatory returns to plastic rappers, covers, and
bottles purchased for food items or any other items.

Safe disposal of sanity napkins, diappers

223) Safe disposal of used sanitary napkins, used baby diapers, used adult diapers, used
under pads, and used condoms in the RWA.

Detergents – Washing, Cleaning - Clothe Drying

224) Natural detergents, Minimum use of detergents for cleaning utensils or clothes,
Keep the wet clothes in sundry or open areas or machine dry and dry wet clothes indoors

Indian Style Commode – Toilets – Releif - Constipation

225) Indian Toilets vs Western Toilets: Why people should use Indian style toilets, who
should use western commodes

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Healthy – Gifts

226) Gifts should be useful to people in safety and health, not displayed ornamental

227) GOI creates Gift voucher cards or gift digital coupons only helpful in buying fruits,
dry fruits, seeds, nuts, or plant pots with 100 % tax-free for the gift amount.

228) Ban giving sweets and bakery products as gifts, limit the quantity of sale of sweets
bakery products to individuals, and all sales through pre-order with pre-payment

Birthday Celebrations

229) Discarding caffeine, cane sugars, and gluten-containing products on Birthday and
other celebrations, it is ideal to celebrate with fresh fruits and Home-made foods fruits

Cotton Clothes

230) Cotton clothes advantages – why discard non-cotton undergarments, briefs, and

Tight Body Fitting Clothes – Leggings

231) Leggings and tight body fitting clothes, Health Issues – Infertility

Foot Wear
232) Wearing correct footwear, discard plastic and synthetic leather (rexine) footwear,
and wear 100% leather footwear with 100 % cotton socks
Indoor Temperatures

233) How to stay cool indoors rather than use a Ceiling or tabletop fan on high speeds
or air conditioners or water coolers discards of room heaters in winter

234) Avoid using electrical room heaters at home, especially radiation room heaters


235) Pet Grooming – Human Health

Reporting insect, reptile, and animal bites

236) Educate people on first aid in case bites of insects, snakes, scorpions, dogs, cats, or
any animals, and how to identify symptoms of poisonous insects. Mandatory visit to doctor
and report in the Govt App.

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Insect Repellents

237) Avoid mosquito repellent coil, liquid vapor machine creams or sprays, and use
natural oils and methods to safeguard from mosquitos to avoid Health Issues

Toxic Plants – not to Grow in Home RWA Gardens

Flowers health issues

238) Why people should avoid certain plants form going indoors or within the home
compound ; Toxic Plants You Should NEVER Have in Your House or Yard

239) People should be educated to use flowers occasionally at home or shops and discard
them the next day or overnight to ensure no fungus bacteria grow

Nursery Plants

240) GOI Create a standard system for growing plants and trees at home, RWA, office
establishment or local Municipality with permission from Govt.

241) Mandatory every RWA grow kitchen gardening for every house in RWA, employ a

Religious Ritual Materials

242) Quality standards for religious material

Religious Rituals Health

243) Following and avoiding certain religious rituals in all religions for containing
occurring of Infections and Injuries; advantages of daily practicing Surya Namaskar, Namaz
A) Benefits of Surya Namaskaras
B) Benefits of Prayer as a Physical Activity – Namaz

Religion Caste - Food Habits – Why Food should not be discarded

244) People are discarding certain foods in the name of religious dharmas

Religion Rituals – Health Issues

245) What religious rituals to be followed and what religious beliefs and rituals be
discarded or avoided for reducing infection injury and keeping in view health

A) Pradakshina - circumferential movement

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B) Fasting
C) Animal Sacrifice
D) Variety of foods of the festive day- Fasting the immediate next day after festivals to
balance sugars, fats
E) Deekshas
F) Pure Water
G) Cotton dress-Uniform
H) Self Injury
I) Chemicals
J) Smoke – Sound - Pollution
K) Restricting the number of visitors in religious places – visit on a lottery basis – not
on a first-come, first-serve
L) Thread that is being tied to the wrist
M) Rings (hand finger and toe finger) and health issues: It is mandatory to declare
details of the ring, like when they started wearing it, the material of the metal, stone,
and weight of the stone, an AI-based photo if the ring once every 30 days.
N) Wearing jewellery and health issues; mandatory to declare the jewellery wore by
every person daily; Govt create standards for imitation low-cost jewellery to reduce
usage of heavy metals like lead, cadmium, mercury etc in jewellery
O) Self-Styled God men and God Women
P) Pushkara – Dipping in Sacred River water
Q) Good time, Bad time, auspicious day, inauspicious day, maniac
R) Regulation of Religious Calendars
S) Priestliness – Social obligation
T) Ban using artificial Colors processed raw materials in PRASAD making.

Vastu –Palmistry – Horoscope - Mental Health

246) Education on Vastu science -Regulation

247) GOI create “Vastu – Health App” for obtaining details of home plan of patients to
get details of position of toilets / kitchen etc to ascertain reality / corelation of vastu defects
and health ailments by linking to e health records.

248) GOI create “Palmistry – Health” App for recording peoples palmistry details and
corelation with health ailments of existing patients with diagnostic reports.

249) GOI regulate horoscope telling if people to contain people becoming psychopaths,
striving to implant the mentions in horoscope remedies to get wealth, health etc

Life Style – Cancers

250) Lifestyle changes to reduce cancers by reducing the use of chemicals in day-to-day
life like room fresheners, anti-bacterial soaps, hand wash, etc

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Medicines made from Animal Extracts

251) Common Medications, supplements made With Animal Exacts

A) Animal ingredients in Allopathy Medications
B) Animal ingredients in supplements

Discard Taking Fortified Foods

Self medication and Supplements

252) Discard taking fortified foods, DISCARD immediately eating Iron Fortified Rice.

253) Discard taking synthetic vitamins, mineral supplements or self-medication, get

nutrients through foods

Wrong foods, incompatible foods

254) People are eating wrong foods, incompatible foods with ignorance

A) Carbohydrates
B) Fats – Refined oils Sloe RPM extracted wood pressed oils
C)Animal Milk – Plant based Milk
D) Animal Proteins – Egg- Meat
E) Panner – Tofu
F) Animal milk Curd – Pant Milk Curd
G)Cane Sugars
H)Caffeine- Colas Coffee- Tea- Chocolates- Cakes Ice Creams- Energy Drinks
I)Salt – Tamarind- Traditional Pickels
J) Pickles
K)Rasam Sambar Curry Grevy – Tamarind - Salt
K)Pulses – Powders- Salt
L) Deep frying of foods
M) Planned Cooking
1) Avoiding Same type foods
2) Avoid Excess cooking, Storing cooked food in regenerator and eating
N) Incompatible foods – Virudh Ahar like

Personal hygene

255) People should adopt certain personal hygene, care throughout their life naturally

Planning - Self care

256) Planning (life) in advance to adjust time for self-care and health

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257) Self-care day once every month on Saturday or Sunday to care their body.

258) Health via Healthy Habits - Zero cost Self-love Health care

I.Get up early in morning and Sleep Early in evening by 10 pm, at least 8 hours of
II.Take water systematically, limited quantity at a time, slow sipping with average
of at least 3 to 4 litres per day
III.Carry water bottle of at least 500 ml, preferably made of mud or copper when
going out of home by every person
IV.Do not take too hot or too cold foods and beverages
V.Do not watch TV or Surf Mobile or talking on mobile, or taking with others while
eating food
VI.Breath systematically
VII.Do walking daily twice /trice
VIII.Do mediation daily for few minutes
IX.Daily expose to sun rays for few minutes
X.Eat food every time with 90% full, always ensure some gap exists,
Eat food same time daily – breakfast, lunch, dinner
XI.Eat food in measured way, plan what food to eat, and eat only twice a day
XII.Brush teeth/ gargle every time you eat food
XIII.Go for toilet (urination), Stools immediately, as soon as possible, after urge,
release gas and sneezing and when it comes
XIV.Take bath daily with room temperature water – or luke warm
XV.Full day fasting once in week or 15 days
XVI.Do not spit saliva, swallow saliva
XVII.Discard using Deodorants, body sprays
XVIII.Discard using allopathy medicine pills for birth control, menstruation cycle delay
or ertictile dysfunction
XIX.Minimise use of sanitary napkins, baby diapers, adult diapers
XX.Wear Cotton clothes and correct fit not use tight fits and leggings
XXI.Wear corrects fit foot wear made of leather, clothes (for home use)
XXII.Have legitimate sex, discard using sex toys
XXIII.Discard using plastic tooth brush and pastes
XXIV.Discard using plastics in bath rooms or kitchen
XXV.Make a habit of self-cleaning and organising the environment
XXVI.Live happy, smiling with adopting anger management, stay silent for one day
XXVII.Spend as much as time possible with greenery /nature every day/ every week


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The majority of Health disorders can be avoided with just simple lifestyle changes,
beginning with eating food systematically, drinking water in a certain manner, breathing
techniques, walking, staying in the sun, staying in open areas, spending time in greenery,
and doing simple exercises to improve lung capacity, exercises for the eye to protect the
eyesight, young exercises to ensure better speech and swallowing, pelvic floor exercises to
ensure better control of bladder, yoga, and surya namaskars for better flexibility of body
and simple home exercises for muscle building, preventing arthritis, mediation and
relaxation for better mind function and keeping bedroom, home, organized and
surroundings clean and maintaining hygiene to improve health and reduces the need for
the use of any medications.

But most unfortunately people do not follow simple life style changes, instead depend up
on chemical synthetic medicines and hospitals and suffer, as medications give relief but
they bring some or other side effects, some may be temporary or some permeant, and
also when most of the private hospitals are only eagerly waiting for patients to make
maximum money out of each single patient either onetime or make the person with small
illness which can be cured with foods , but they deliberately complicate it with sabotaged
treatment and create a situation of surgery or dialysis etc the only option for patient, so
that they get maximum money, all this when every surgery (especially all surgeries
involving general anaesthetic) are risky, certain surgeries risky are with minimum risk, or
some surgeries are risky to maximum extent (fatality, or paralysis etc) and also most of the
surgeries bring some or other side effects, removing part of the body in most of the
surgeries causes specific health effects.

All these can be avoided by good foods coupled with lifestyle changes, as the human body
is designed for a certain way of lifestyle, and since people 100 years back used to follow
good lifestyle habits, they used to live happily for longer ages without any health issues.

Govt. must educate people on the simple lifestyle changes that every person must adopt in
their day-to-day life to reduce health disorders to a great extent, and even if they get some
health issues, they can recover fully and fast.


Through life style changes several health issues in entire population can be prevented and if
they are suffering with some health issues, or even if they some get some health issues they
can be cured in quicker time without much side effects, and most of the life style changes are
with the personal limit without investing any single rupee and no financial additional burden,
in fact by adopting and practicing life style changes people saves lot of un unnecessary
expenditure that was being done till date and this saves lot money for better eating, better
education, better health care and more comforts.

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As drinking water in systematic manner i.e taking at least 4 to 5 litters of water daily, with
taking one or two litters of water empty stomach, and not to take any beverages soon after
getting up from bed ( liked bed coffee or tea, especially on empty stomach), and take water
30 minutes before eating solid food like breakfast lunch dinner and not to take water while
eating food (if necessary may take one or two sips) and not to take water at least 2 hours after
eating any solid foods to get better digestion, as taking water dilute the stomach acids and
reduces / delays digestion of foods, that leads to malabsorption of nutrients leads to nutrient
deficiency and mal absorption, taking water in sitting position as far as possible, taking water
every 45 minutes to one hour 250 ml to 400 ml in the remaining periods to complete 4 to 5
litres of water per day, do not take cold water/ refrigerated water or cold drinks or ice-creams
before or after meals (may take ice creams occasionally in between meals – not regular).

Completing dinner by 6 pm ideally , maximum 8 pm and take 50 to 100 ml of boiled water

(luke warm) after dinner, and take at least 5 minutes’ walk after meals, especially after dinner,
ideal to take non cooked food as dinner like vegetable salads, fruits and soaked seeds and
nuts, if they are not sufficient (feel hungry) additionally take light foods like idly, dosa etc
made of millets (no white rice, no wheat), take food (breakfast, lunch dinner) in 8 hours’
time span in 24 hours giving the stomach- liver 16 hours to do repair and cleaning,, eat only
80% full leave some space in the stomach, every day taking low carbohydrate and high fibre
staple foods like millets, every day take at least 50% food as non-cooked fresh vegetables and
fresh fruits un refrigerated at room temperature, always cook fresh food every single meal,
discard the habit of keeping cooked food in refrigerator, do not take any food stored in
regenerator (fruits and vegetables) without bringing it to room temperature, do not reheat
any foods, do not place cut vegetables or cut fruits in regenerator, do not buy cut fruits or
vegetables sold in the super markets, always cut vegetables and fruits before cooking or
eating as salad after the refrigerated raw foods reach room temperature, prefer to eat home
foods and homemade over buying in stores, always ideal eat whole fruit over making juices
and discard habit of taking packed fruit juices, discard the habit of taking processed foods,
and store bought foods, take whole grain foods, and always soak for 4 to 12 hours whole
grains, lentils or pulses or nuts or seeds before cooking, ideal to make sprouts of lentils and
whole pulses and eat raw or steamed or boiled sprouts.

Doing intermittent fasting i.e not eating any foods or beverages except water at room
temperature for 16 hours every day (evening 6 pm to 10 am in morning), and do full day i.e
24 hours fasting once in 15 days or once in a month with water or honey lemon water in the
24 hours.

Stay in sun for 20 minutes every day, ideal to warch the sun rise and sunset organgesun every
day Go to sleep before 10 pm and sleep for at least 8 to 10 hours in dark to allow liver to
repair and clean the toxins and wastes, staying in sun for 20 minutes daily where ever
possible, also ideal to watch and spend timed during the sun rise and sun set orange rays,
keep open windows for ventilation and use maximum natural ventilation in day time over
LED lights, and staying more time in open areas over closed indoors, and staying in greenery
every day for some time and walking at least 2 km or 20 minutes daily , ideally in the morning,
and quit alcohol, quit smoking, quit colas and quit/ cut down caffeine containing foods, and

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quit / cut down cane sugars, if wished to use sugars use palm sugars or natural sugars like
dates, and replace rice, wheat , refined wheat flour with millets, or red rice and discard
refined oils, instead take wood pressed oils, take bath daily, and take head bath (room
temperature or maximum luke warm, not hot water head bath ) after visiting markets, travel,
or visiting hospitals, change clothes to home clothes after return home from outside, be free
from under garments when at home, use only cotton under garments, discard synthetic,
plastic, rubber foot wear, ideal to wear leather foot wear for outside use and clothe foot
wear for home use, discard chemical floor cleaners, replace with natural floor cleaners like
neem leaves in water or baking soda or vinegar and discard chemical room fresheners, instead
use mint, rose merry, thyme etc and boil them fir few mint leafs in the room, it will give better
fresh natural fragrance, discard chemical body deodorants instead take foods to get rid of
sweating or bad body order, or use natural fragrances like sandalwood or pepper mint oil in
private not to use any body deodorants in public travel or public places or in education or
employment places, discard plastics from life starting with tooth brush, and storage of water
or storing raw foods or cooked foods or serving cooked foods, discard using aluminium and
nonstick cook wear instead use mud cooking utensils and stainless steel, flush the toilets soon
after use and hand wash, and clean the bath rooms, toilets every time after use, and also
keep the toilet seat closed every time, periodic maintenance ensure no seepages in walls or
toilets or sinks or drainage system, and handwash before eating anything and clean the
mouth and gargle with Palin water mouth every time after eating food discard using the
mouth washes, clear the bed and make it near soon after getting from bed, organise the bed
room and home neat can clean clutter free and, ensue clean the utensils every time after
eating ensure kitchen is clean every time after cooking, and ensure clean surroundings, safe
disposal of used napkins ( sanitary, baby dippers and adult dippers), clear the garbage every
day, keep the garbage bin lid closed, discard sex toys, and always have legitimate sex in
married life or with live in partner, do not indulge in pre matrimonial sex or adultery or
prostitution, wash daily use clothes with hot water or less detergent, do not dry clothes /
hang wet clothes inside home or living places, always dry clothes in sun or outside shade, do
simple home exercises every day like body stretches, and simple eye exercises, simple lung
exercises, simple toung exercises which does not require any equipment or special training,
do meditation, do yoga, surya namaskars, namaz whichever is convenient and practice stay
calm without speaking to anyone for one day in one week or once in 15 days in a holy day
at home or take leave stay at home and do 24 hours self-restoration to get immense
connectivity to the higher powers and self-realisation, all these will help get better help
without need for any medicines or hospitals to the maximum extent, and discard animal
proteins take plant based milk or plant based proteins, and eat less carbohydrate fibre rich
staple diet millets and eat leaf decoctions of daily use laves like mint, coriander, curry leaves
or fenugreek leafes , kenaf leafes daily morning empty stomach one type of leaf decoction
for week days and change the leafes every week will help better immunity and help prevent
occurrence of diseases also cure all existing diseases and makes health and happiness and
guaranteed prosperity for all age group, all gender and all across world.

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The Full Document can be Read from the Link Below

Artificial Intelligence & Blockchain Technology in Health Care

Best Health (Preventive- Cure) from Farm not from Pharma

Simple Life Style & Behavioural Changes For Better Health (Preventive - Cure)

Note: This Work is for Education and Awareness purpose only not to denigrate and degrade any profession or individual or institution, only intended to bring the facts and provide
solutions to issues, ensure Equality, Justice Prevail I express my sincere Regrets and apologies if any of my work hurt any section of people or person or institution

Jai Hind

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