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Se BASIC INSTRUMENTATION Vibration Measurement 1. What is ‘vibra Vibration is defined 28 the motion ofthe equipment or its part tg and from is res tic) Tig hieks, Muaedl | 2. Pepa heir sensitivity (output) and the measuring wai 1 Radial b) Velocity €) Acceleration auliak: A vib asurement_across the radius ating shafl, It is measured in terms of Micron, The sensitivity of a radial vibration Pickup (eddy probe) is 200 mv DChill (Refer 10 the manufacturer “drawings for the exaet parameters). Velocity 1 is defined as_the we of distance travelled _by_the equipment. Velocity measurement is generally used for measuring the equipment body vibration. The sensitivity ofa velocity pickup is 500 aw DClincWsec (Refer to the manfacurer drawings for the exact parameters). Acceleration: It is defined _as_the rato of change y. Acceleration _——— measurement is generally used aig the equipment body vibration. The sensitivity of a Ps 100 my DC/inch/sce: j (Refer to the manufacturer drawings for the exact parameters). Vbat isthe resistance of an "Eddy Probe'? Aan eddy probe resistance should be between 5-8 obms. Poge 112 Se ee ‘4. Drawn sketch of un Eddy probe calibration graph? Exidy Probe Calibration Graph ‘Gap Volage n-02 ver ap inmits ' A pial eddy probe calibration graph. (Refer to the manufacturer manual for the exact calibration grape) i ‘ : é ¢ ! 5, What is a'gap voltage? Why and how is it set? 7 : ()) Gap Voltages the feed back voltage derived by etng the standard a erween the ed probe tip and the rotating shaft 4 ‘The gap voltage is the base DC voltage set to get the AC pulses peak to peak per the radi : vibration meaured on the shat. The gap voltage is set at -8.00 V DC i.e. équal to a gap 40 mills (between the probe tip and the measuring surface), 6. Why an Eddy probe aad its probe driver is a matched pair? i Eddy probe output is always measured after the probe driver. The characteristic of th : ews probe slightly differs from one to another. Always an eddy probe is installed on the shaft after measuring and plotting an eddy probe calibration graph with its driver. The calibratio is done by adjusting the sensitivity potentiometer on the eddy probe driver assigned for the particular eddy probe DPU-A, Training & Dovolopment, AOD Rov.t Page 113 BASIC INSTRUMENTATION. What do the AC and DC sipnats 4 i p imposed on DC’? ‘tuals represent in radial vibration, where ‘AC is super DDC signal isthe gap voltage set for -g : Seki Saitteriebag or apps +00 V DC. DC signa is always present whether the AC signal peak to peak represents the vibration me jing shaft. The AC sigalls present only when theunitisfunaing. ey on OMB & Hay meh isthe radial vibration, i the sigoal measured on a DVM is 135.00 mv Tie DVM measures the AC voltage in RMS (r00t mea ' foot mean square value). AC peak to peak =135,00*2/2 381.837 nv Ey probe sensitivity = 200 mvfnitfor 200 m/2.4 Micros Hence, the Vibration in Micron. = (381,837+25.4)/200 = 48.49 Micron compressor? %. Why is vibration measurement very important on a gas turbine a Gas turbines and compressors are high speed rotating equipment. On equipment when “bration exceeds the manufacturers limits can cause sever damage to both itsclf and to its sssociated components/parts, Hence it is important to measure and monitor vibration on the running equipment. Generally a high vibration pre-alarm and shutdown limits are set as + Per the manufacturers recommendations © Mbit ype of vibration measuring instrument is.used on a gas turbine? Where are (hevibrations measuring points? Since a gas turbine is 2 hot engine, its bearing vibration measurement cannot be done ‘an eddy probe system. Generally a velocity or an acceleration pick-up is used for ing and monitoring the vibration on the body of the gas turbine, The vibration pick- |, generally installed on the turbine's CT/GP aud PT points Payot =e aa “\ Tieining & Development, AOD 11. What is the type of " na Oe installed om a gas tu IEE (ontgether mou coorat tyra) caaanaly On gas turbine vibration micasuy inent, the ‘contact type’ pick-up such as a velocity o: leration pick-up is used ee gece tyes! 12, What type of vibration m Hensuring instrun he vibrato =~" measuring points? On a gas compressor displacement system, On each Bas compressor, on both f i p sar both forward and af radial bearings (journal bearing) to sldy probes are installed in they’ an 'Y positions. i E is used on the compressors? Where are Shallearing, measurement is earied out using a eddy probe 13, What is the type of vibration picky (Contact type or non-contact type) commonly installed on a gas compressor? '? (eamtaet OP oo ‘A*ton-coniact type’ eddy probe is instaled on gas compressor, 14. What is n 7 X OF ¥ function’ and, and Y function’ selection on a radial vibration Xor¥ funi ‘on: In this mode, the unit shutsdown when cither'' or 'y probe de-« 2 high vibration exceeding the setpoint. Nand'¥ function: In this mode, the unit shutsdown gnly when ‘x’ and '' probes detects a high vibration exceeding the setpoint. * What is a ‘probe driver’? What does it do? What is the other name for a probe driver? Probe driver isan amplifier installed inthe field closer to the sensor. I transmits the feld vibration signal to the remote contro panel..The other name for the probe driver is ‘oximeter Radia, velocity nd accelerometer probe divers are of different types The tree wires terminated on the probe diver ate: -24.00 V DC (power supply), Common i ad output signal 2PU-A, Training & Development, AOD Rov. Pagetts BASIC INSTRUMENTATION. "Be mpltin’? Whedeis ie useu? Charge Ampli “5 probe diver installed for the accelerometer pick-up. 18. Wist 5 an ‘axial sptacentent? Tov iitam sasured? Axial displacement isthe movement Wf wil pace peat OF the rotary shaft inthe axial direction to and fro. inact tals pom to have a eee al designed by the nani ANS t0 allow the compressor ta lake te Kad on les that cole ‘vial displacement is measured ao Nil dip Fe iSite an eddy probe system. It is measured using. the Proms cxnre paige DC volage (un elena) cured bys mane atthe From ts centre postion to either site (be) : 219, What is the uni A “sstrenient of axial displacement? “cisplacement is measured in terms of *Microns" 20, What is the term “floatend i at' in a compressor? Ais the fice axial movement of te compressor shaft. End float is the maximum possible carmenires he sha. It is a small amount approximately 250 Microns (Re ‘naimfacturer drawings forthe exact porameters) What are the follo © they corrected? "8 ASsessmients/recommendations of vibration analysis? How #) Misalignment —b) Unbalance _c) Overhauling Misalignment: Misalignment may cause two time RPM vibration. This i eorected by revaligning the compressor shaft one to another. Unialance'in the compressor shaft may cause one time RPM vibration This is corrected by balancing the compressor shaft on a balancing whiel Orerlotings Multiple RPM vibration is a symptom of damaged bearings. This is correcied by a total overkaul of the canpressor or replacement of parts, Unbalane (The abore are only a sinple clue and nota stendard confirmed judgment) 11 & Development, AOD OPU-A, Training & Dovelspnnent, AOD eS BASIC INSTRUMEHTATION in measuring instrument? ceauarent such as a Eddy Probe, Velocity and Acceleration Pick-ups {charge Amplifiers are sensitive instruments ‘The following care has vo 1 in the fed Fin sa the instruments, this may esl in the loss of their characteristic. rat a ightering to Ve doneas per he maniactaens recommended ore = Broper care ofthe signal cable insulation ~ Prevent any loose connections, = ete Hddy Probe drivers, be taken while install 23. What are the reasons for a vibrati ‘The following may cause a spike signat Loss of signal cable insulation, ~ Signal cable passing next to high volage lines ~ Improper earthing facility | ~ Grounding ofthe wires, Loose mounting of the instrument field components | 24. List the ‘manufacturers names of vibration measuring instruments ‘The common vibration measuring instrument manufterurers are 1. Bently Nevada 2. Dymae 3. Bell and Howell” Which of the above manufaeturer's product is more reliable and why? 1 2 vibration measuring system is With past experieace, it is observed that the ‘Bently Nevada’ vibration measuring syst ‘more reliable due (0 its component layout on the control panel, accuracy and high gauge ignal cable system in the field Page 17 wee

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