TLE 7-8 Nail Care Week 8

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Week 8 Page 1
Micah Miah B. Cometa /Jenielyn Serapio /Analyn L. Magalso

Welcome to the Realm of Nail Care Services!

This Module was designed and written with you in mind. It is an exploratory course on
Nail Care Services. It is here to introduce you to Nail Care Services. The scope of this module
permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the
diverse vocabulary level of students.
The following lessons on entrepreneurship come after the three common competencies:

Learning Outcomes (LO) 1 Discuss principles and strategies on identifying business
Learning Outcomes (LO) 2 Explore business/career opportunities
Learning Outcomes (LO) 3 Analyze the market needs
Learning Outcomes (LO) 4 Determine the possible products and services that will meet
the need
Learning Outcomes (LO) 5 Select the best product or service that will meet the market

Part I: Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.
1. It refers to one who takes the risk of creating new enterprises.
A. Entrepreneurship B. Worker C. Customers D. Entrepreneur
2. It refers to what and how a new product can be modified to meet the market needs.
A. Research & Development C. Distribution
B. Idea Generation D. Identification
3. It is an entrepreneur’s basis for selecting the best product or service to offer.
A. Government Policies B. Peer Advise C. SWOT Analysis D. Market Need
4. It is a technique for evaluating the performance, competition, risk, and potential of a business.
A. Market Analysis B. SWOT Analysis C. Exploring Ideas D. Product Analysis
5. Market size refers to the estimated number of __________________.
A. Competitors B. Workers C. Customers D. Products

Part II: Directions: List five (5) things to be considered in selecting a product or service to
offer. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.


Week 8 Page 2
Congratulations! You have successfully completed all the nail care lessons. Before you
begin studying entrepreneurship, recall what you have learned during the previous lesson by
taking this test.
Directions: Read each statement about inspecting nail care tools and equipment
carefully and fill in the blank(s) with the correct answer. Choose from the words inside the
1. (Clean, Label, Check)_______________ and group tools after inspection.
2. Refer to the _______________ (internet, user manual, news) when maintaining equipment.
3. Inspect tools and equipment _______________ (after, before, before and after) use.
4. Tools beyond repair should be ______________ (discarded, stored, fixed).
5. The _____________ (manual, booklet, inventory) contains the list of tools and their condition.

Written by: Analyn L. Magalso
Jenielyn Serapio
Micah Miah B. Cometa

The word “entrepreneur” is derived from the French verb enterprendre, which means
‘to undertake’. Entrepreneurs are not afraid “to undertake” the risk of new enterprises.
Entrepreneurs have the skills and capabilities to see and evaluate business opportunities. The
process of creation of enterprises is called entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship involves
identifying opportunities for profit by finding solutions to problems. Entrepreneurs take the
necessary steps and combine resources to turn their ideas into reality.
Did you know? A lot of entrepreneurs start young. Here are two admirable Filipino
entrepreneurs who started young:
1. Carl Ocab, – Carlo was just thirteen (13) when he started exploring the
Internet. He made information websites and forums. His website is now a high caliber
internet marketing agency. (source:
2. Socorro Ramos, National Bookstore - Socorro started as a salesgirl at a bookstore. She
opened National Book Store in Escolta at the age of 19. She sold books and school
supplies to students. National Bookstore is the biggest bookstore in the country now.

Think about this: Why do you think they became successful? How can you be a
successful entrepreneur too?


Week 8 Page 3
Entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship are the catalysts for value creation. They identify
and create new markets, as well as bring change in existing ones. However, value creation first
requires an opportunity. Opportunity identification and selection are important in any business
❑ Idea Generation/Sources of Ideas
- The opportunity identification and selection process starts with the generation of
ideas. Ideas about some opportunities or products are generated in the first
instance. These may include:
watching emerging trends in Success stories of known Ideas given by the
Knowledge of potential
demands for certain entrepreneurs or friends or knowledgeable
customer needs,
products, relatives, persons,

Going through certain

professional magazines catering A new product Making visits to trade fairs One’s market
to specific interests like introduced by and exhibitions displaying insights through
electronics, computers, etc. the competitor, new products and services, observation.

❑ Consumers:
- Consumers demand products and services to satisfy their wants and needs.
Consumers’ wants in terms of preferences, tastes, and liking keep on changing. An
entrepreneur needs to know what the consumers want so that he/she can offer the
product or service accordingly.
❑ Existing Products and Services:
- Monitor the existing products and services already available in the market and make
a competitive analysis to identify their shortcomings. Decide what and how a better
product and service can be offered to the consumers based on the analysis.
❑ Distribution Channels:
- Distribution channels called market intermediaries also serve as a very effective
source for new ideas for entrepreneurs. The channel members such as wholesalers
and retailers can provide ideas for new product development and modification in the
existing product.
❑ Government:
- At times, the government can also be a source of new product ideas in various ways.
Regulations on product production and consumption issued by the government can
be a source of ideas for entrepreneurs.
❑ Research and Development:
- Research and Development (R&D) can be carried out in-house or outside the
organization. R&D activity suggests what and how a new or modified product can be
produced to meet the customers’ requirements.
❑ Opportunity/Product Identification:
- After going through the process above, you are now able to generate some ideas
that can be pursued as your business enterprise.


To be successful entrepreneurs, we need to be continually innovating and looking for
opportunities to grow our startups.
How do you find new opportunities to take your startup to new markets and growth levels? Here
are four ways to identify more business opportunities.
1. Listen to your potential clients and past leads
When you are targeting potential customers listen to their needs, wants, challenges, and
frustrations with your industry. Have they used similar products and services before? What did
they like and dislike? Why did they come to you? What are their objections to your products or
services? This will help you to find opportunities to develop more tailored products and
services, hone your target market, and identify and overcome common objections.
2. Listen to your customers


Week 8 Page 4
When you are talking to your customers listen to what they say about your industry,
products, and services. What are their frequently asked questions? Experiences?
Frustrations? Feedback and complaints?
3. Look at your competitors
Do a little competitive analysis (don’t let it lead to competitive paralysis though) to see
what other startups are doing, and more importantly, not doing? Where are they falling? What
are they doing right? What makes customers go to them over you?
Analyzing your competitors will help you identify key business opportunities to expand your
market reach and develop your products and services.
4. Look at industry trends and insights
Subscribe to industry publications, join relevant associations, set Google alerts for key
industry terms and news, and follow other industry experts on social media. Absorb yourself in
your industry and continually educate yourself on the latest techniques and trends.

The SWOT Analysis

SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis is a framework used
to evaluate a company's competitive position and to develop strategic planning. SWOT analysis
is a technique for assessing the performance, competition, risk, and potential of a business, as
well as part of a business such as a product line or division, an industry, or other entity.

According to Oxford Languages, market analysis is the activity of gathering information
about conditions that affect a marketplace. Analyzing the market needs help you determine
what decisions regarding your product and business will give you profit. You can use existing
sources in analyzing market needs, or you can go directly to the consumers. Direct research
can be done through surveys, questionnaires, focus groups, and in-depth interviews. Below is
your guide in analyzing the needs of your market.

Analyze Market and Determine Market Needs

1. GET TO KNOW YOUR POTENTIAL MARKET – Collect data to identify what products or
services answer the wants and needs of your market. It will also help you understand your
chances and limitations in getting clients.


Week 8 Page 5
2. EXAMINE EXISTING BUSINESSES – Get to know the existing businesses in your area.
Identify their strengths and weaknesses. Use these when
considering what products or services to offer. Observe markets
outside your community as well. Observe the products and
services you see outside that are not yet available in your locality.
Look out for those that will also be in demand in your area.

3. DETERMINE PRODUCTS AND SERVICES TO OFFER – Study and use the data you have
gathered to identify the products or services that answer the needs of
your target market. Create a list. For example, your market analysis
shows that your target market is composed mostly of students because
your location is near a school. Using this data, you can include school
supplies and snacks in your list of possible products.

Reminder: Although trends come and go, keeping up with the latest trends is necessary for
the success of your business. Acknowledging trends and using them to your advantage
results in innovation. Industries that adapt to the rapid changes in the business
environment by improving their products and service keep their businesses going and

Selecting Products or Services

Market needs dictate the success of a business. Carefully studying the result of your
market analysis gives you a clear understanding of the current market needs of your target
customers. Information from a market analysis is your basis in identifying the best product or
service compatible with the needs of your target market. From the list of products and services
you have in mind, choose one that is most likely to succeed. The questions below will help you
check the potential profitability (chance to earn) of the product or service you have in mind:


Week 8 Page 6
Reference Market Analysis: (Market Research And Competitive Analysis,

Activity 1 Make A Swot Analysis

Directions: Think of your own business related to nail care services and make a simple
SWOT analysis. You may use the sample diagram or create your own to write your answer.


Week 8 Page 7
Activity 2
Create A Vicinity Map
Directions: After studying the vicinity map below, draw one that reflects the potential
Nail Care Servicing market in your community in a separate sheet of paper or your notebook.
Provide a simple statement to describe your map.

Job well done! You have studied the lesson diligently. By now, you have already
identified your target market and the product or service you want to offer. You are now ready to
prepare a business plan. As the saying goes, failing to plan is planning to fail. As an
entrepreneur, you need to have a plan before starting your business.
Directions: Create a simple business plan by copying and accomplishing this form.

Name:______________________________________ Grade and Section: _________________


Business Idea
What is your business idea? What is your product or service?

What makes your product or service different? How will you stand out from your
Why will people want to buy?

Business Name
What does this name say about your business?

Is it unique, memorable, and easy to pronounce?

Target Market Or Demographics


Week 8 Page 8
Who will be your customers?

Where are they located?

How will you advertise your product or service?

Where will your business be located? Why?

How much is the estimated cost to produce the product or offer the service?

How much will your product or service be?

How much are your competitors charging? Why is your price higher or lower than your

How much will you make after on each sale after you subtract the expenses?

What will you do with your profit? Reinvest it in the business? Save it? Spend it?

Directions: Read each statement below carefully. Write T if you think a statement
it TRUE. Write F on the line if you think the statement is FALSE.
____1. Products or services are upgraded to increase sales and get more customers.
____2. It is not necessary to have the skills and capabilities to see and evaluate business
____3. Analyzing your competitors will help you identify key business opportunities to
expand your market reach and develop your products and services.
____4. SWOT analysis is a framework used to start a business.
____5. Entrepreneurs identify and create new markets and bring change in existing ones.
____6. Consider your skills and interests in selecting the product or service to offer.
____7. Trends are your personal preferences.
____8. Understand the market needs to identify the best product or service to offer.
____9. Collecting data like demographics allows you to identify the market needs.
____10. Age, gender, and ethnicity are examples of psychographic data.

Part I: Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.
1. It refers to one who takes the risk of creating new enterprises.
A. Entrepreneurship B. Worker C. Customers D. Entrepreneur


Week 8 Page 9
2. It refers to what and how a new product can be modified to meet the market needs.
A. Research & Development C. Distribution
B. Idea Generation D. Identification
3. It is an entrepreneur’s basis for selecting the best product or service to offer.
A. Government Policies B. Peer Advise C. SWOT Analysis D. Market Need
4. It is a technique for evaluating the performance, competition, risk, and potential of a business.
A. Market Analysis B. SWOT Analysis C. Exploring Ideas D. Product Analysis
5. Market size refers to the estimated number of __________________.
A. Competitors B. Workers C. Customers D. Products

Part II: Directions: List five (5) things to be considered in selecting a product or service
to offer. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

Part I: Directions: Based on what you have learned, write the different principles and
strategies on identifying business opportunities.

Principles and Strategies on Identifying

Business Opportunities

Part II: Directions: Complete the diagram below by writing down the steps in analyzing
a market and determining the market needs.

Validator: Vanessa Tabermio

Illustrator: Mark Gil T. Trinidad
Team Leader: Leizlee B. Daowag


Week 8 Page 10

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