2020 Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome (PRES) Presentation Diagnosis and Treatment

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Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES):

presentation, diagnosis and treatment
Anant Parasher , Rajat Jhamb

Medicine, Guru Teg Bahadur ABSTRACT PRES can be considered to be the basis of the
Hospital, New Delhi, India Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) is neurological manifestations of preeclampsia/
a neurological disorder which is characterised by variable eclampsia.8 Cases can present in very early preg-
Correspondence to
Dr Anant Parasher, Medicine,
symptoms, which include visual disturbances, headache, nancy (before the 20th week of gestation), as well
Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital, vomiting, seizures and altered consciousness. The exact as rarely in the late stages of pregnancy with intrau-
New Delhi 110095, India; pathophysiology of PRES has not been completely terine death.9 Severe pre-eclampsia (defined as

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anant02jan@gmail.com explained, but hypertension and endothelial injury seem arterial blood pressure >170/110 mm Hg) is com-
to be almost always present. Vasoconstriction resulting in mon in most women, but rare cases of PRES in
Received 12 March 2020 vasogenic and cytotoxic edema is suspected to be pregnant women with normal blood pressure and
Revised 9 April 2020 responsible for the clinical symptoms as well as the neuro- without pre-eclampsia have also been described.10
Accepted 10 May 2020
radiological presentation. On imaging studies, The major clinical conditions associated with PRES
Symmetrical white matter abnormalities suggestive of are represented in box 1.
edema are seen in the computer tomography (CT) and
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, commonly but Pathophysiology
not exclusively in the posterior parieto-occipital regions of The exact pathophysiology of PRES has not been
the cerebral hemispheres. The management is chiefly completely explained, but hypertension and
concerned with stabilization of the patient, adequate and endothelial injury seem to be almost always present.
prompt control of blood pressure, prevention of seizures Vasoconstriction resulting in vasogenic and cyto-
and timely caesarean section in obstetric cases with pre- toxic oedema is suspected to be responsible for the
eclampsia/eclampsia. In conclusion, persistently elevated clinical symptoms and the neuroradiological
blood pressures remain the chief culprit for the clinical presentation.11 Barring cerebral ischaemia or hae-
symptoms as well as the neurological deficits. Early morrhage which can result in permanent damage,
diagnosis by diffusion weighted MRI scans, and PRES is usually reversible.1 Hypertension is the
differentiation from other causes of altered sensorium i.e. most common precipitating factor, with endothelial
seizures, meningitis and psychosis, is extremely important dysfunction playing an important role.12 The var-
to initiate treatment and prevent further complications. ious mechanisms explaining the pathophysiology of
Although most cases resolve successfully and carry PRES include (i) failure of cerebral autoregulation
a favorable prognosis, patients with inadequate causing vasogenic oedema, (ii) cerebral vasocon-
therapeutic support or delay in treatment may not project striction and (iii) disruption of the blood brain bar-
a positive outcome. rier due to endothelial disruption.5 Among the
various theories that have been proposed for
PRES, failure of brain autoregulation causing vaso-
genic oedema is presently the most accepted one.
INTRODUCTION Once the cerebral autoregulation, which main-
Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome tains a constant blood flow to the brain despite
(PRES) is a neurological disorder which is charac- alterations in the systemic pressures gets disrupted,
terised by variable symptoms, which include visual increased, perfusion pressure causes extravasation
disturbances, headache, vomiting, seizures and of fluid by overcoming the blood brain barrier.13–15
altered consciousness.1 Its association is seen with This can be briefly explained as follows. Cerebral
a number of conditions including hypertension, pre- blood flow is usually regulated by dilatation and
eclampsia and eclampsia, renal failure, systemic constriction of vessels to maintain adequate tissue
lupus erythematosus (SLE) and the use of some perfusion15 which also avoids excessive increase in
immunosuppressive agents.2 3 PRES was first the intracerebral pressure. Sustained mean arterial
described in 1996 by Hinchey et al and shortly pressure more than 150–160 mm Hg results in the
after the description, two other case series were breakdown of autoregulation mechanisms leading
published.2 4 This condition has been known by to hyperperfusion and cerebral vessel damage,
various names previously (reversible posterior leu- resulting in interstitial extravasation of proteins
© Author(s) (or their koencephalopathy syndrome, reversible posterior and fluid, causing vasogenic oedema. Above 200
employer(s)) 2020. No cerebral oedema syndrome and reversible occipital mm Hg mean arterial pressure (MAP), the changes
commercial re-use. See parietal encephalopathy), but PRES is now the start to become irreversible.15 Chronic hyperten-
rights and permissions. widely accepted term.5 6 It is commonly, but not sion and atherosclerosis, which usually accompany
Published by BMJ.
always associated with acute hypertension and is PRES, are known to reduce the effectiveness of
To cite: Parasher A, Jhamb now increasingly being diagnosed, because of autoregulation.16
R. Postgrad Med J increased availability and improvement of brain Although this theory explains why control of
2020;96:623–628. imaging techniques.7 hypertension benefits these patients, it does not
Parasher A, Jhamb R. Postgrad Med J 2020;96:623–628. doi:10.1136/postgradmedj-2020-137706 623
explain few things such as the occurrence of PRES in
Box 1 Conditions associated with PRES45 the absence of hypertension and the correlation of extent
of the oedema and the severity of hypertension. Also, some
► Immunosuppressive/cytotoxic drugs.
positron-emission tomography based studies have actually
► Hypertensive encephalopathy.
demonstrated cerebral hypoperfusion instead of
► Pre-eclampsia/eclampsia/HELLP syndrome.
hyperperfusion.7 14–17
► Autoimmune disorders, for example, SLE.
Another theory has implicated a systemic inflammatory state
► Acute or chronic renal diseases.
causing endothelial dysfunction as the cause of PRES.15 Systemic
inflammatory process such as sepsis, eclampsia, transplantation
► High dose steroids.
and autoimmune disease are usually associated with PRES, which
► Liver failure/transplantation.
can lead to reversible focal and diffuse abnormalities seen on
► Endocrine dysfunction.
angiographic studies. Vasoconstriction that occurs during cere-
► Hypercalcemia/hyperparathyroidism.
bral autoregulation has a propensity to worsen pre-existing
► Bone marrow transplant.
inflammatory endothelial dysfunction. This leads to further
► Massive blood transfusion.
hypoxia and subsequent vasogenic oedema.15 Although this the-

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► Porphyrias.
ory explains well the role of endothelial dysfunction due to
PRES, posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome; SLE, systemic
inflammation, it still does not explain the occurrence of PRES
lupus erythematosus; HELLP, Hemolysis, Elevated Liver Enzymes and
in the absence of inflammation.16 17
Low Platelet count; HUS/TTP, Hemolytic Uraemic Syndrome/
A simplified flowchart describing the pathogenesis of PRES has
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura.
been shown in figure 1.

Figure 1 The pathogenesis of PRES.6 18 19 PRES, posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome.

624 Parasher A, Jhamb R. Postgrad Med J 2020;96:623–628. doi:10.1136/postgradmedj-2020-137706

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Figure 2 A representational diagram showing the pathophysiology of PRES. PRES, posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome.

Breakdown of the blood brain barrier and endothelial dysfunc- hemianopsia and cortical blindness, to altered consciousness
tion occurs in PRES with fluid and macromolecule extravasation presenting as mild confusion, agitation or coma. Other symp-
into the interstitium. Increased concentrations of circulating cyto- toms may include nausea, vomiting and seizures. Status epilep-
kines (eg, tumour necrosis factor α, interleukin 1 and endothelin 1) ticus is common, which may be generalised. Non-convulsive
activate endothelial cells and allow interaction and adhesion of status can be prolonged and last for days in PRES and should
circulating leucocytes(figure 2). The tight junctions are disrupted be carefully observed. Drug intoxication and psychosis should
and vascular endothelial growth factor expression is increased, be ruled out in these cases, so that treatment can initiated as
leading to increased vascular permeability and vasogenic oedema. early as possible.5
To complicate the matter further, not all the patients with The most common symptoms seen in obstetric patients are
PRES have hypertension, and cytotoxicity is thought to be seizures (45%), visual disturbances (34%), alteration of con-
the mechanism underlying cerebral oedema in these patients. sciousness (19%)1 and focal deficits (4%).21 The degree of hyper-
The associated conditions include cytotoxic therapies (eg, tension is not associated with the extent of cerebral lesions and
ciclosporin, tacrolimus), infection/sepsis/shock, autoimmune oedema can also occur at lower levels of arterial blood pressure.
disease and exposure to toxic agents.6 18 19 The mechanism This is chiefly due to ongoing endothelium damage, as indicated
might be direct toxicity to vascular endothelium leading to by the high lactic acid dehydrogenase (LDH) levels in laboratory
capillary leakage and breakdown of the blood brain barrier, tests.22 23
which triggers vasogenic oedema.2 The damage may also be
seen with non-toxic levels of these drugs. Imaging studies
Severe anaemia can be a predisposing factor for PRES due to the The most common location of the lesions in PRES is the parietal-
endothelial dysfunction caused by insufficient oxygen supply. This occipital lobe or ‘posterior’ area of the brain. Lesions may also be
can further damage and disrupt the blood brain barrier.20 Rapid observed in the anterior regions, basal ganglia, brainstem and the
blood transfusion in these patients may cause a rapid increase in cerebellum.1 24 25 The characteristic imaging patterns in PRES are
total blood volume, with resultant cerebral blood flow overload. represented in box 2.26 Symmetrical white matter abnormalities
This acute cerebral hyperperfusion disrupts cerebral autoregulation suggestive of oedema may be seen in the CT and MRI scans, but
and might result in the vasogenic oedema found in PRES.5 not exclusively in the posterior parieto-occipital regions of the
cerebral hemispheres.1 27 28
Clinical presentation Diffusion-weighted imaging is essential to distinguish
The symptoms of PRES are variable, ranging from visual dis- between vasogenic and cytotoxic oedema.1 29 Diffusion-
turbances which may present as blurred vision, homonymous weighted MRI is the modality of choice for confirming the
diagnosis of PRES(figure 3) and to differentiate between
reversible vasogenic and irreversible cytotoxic oedema, as
compared with a CT scan, which can be normal in some
cases of PRES. Radiologically detectable cerebral lesions may
persist in some cases in spite of intensive monitoring and
prompt aggressive therapy.1

Box 2 Imaging patterns in PRES5

► Holo-hemispheric watershed.
► Superior frontal sulcus.
Figure 3 MRI with T2-flair-weighted images showing the typically
► Dominant parietal/occipital.
hyperintense bilateral lesions indicating vasogenic oedema in the par-
► Partial and/or asymmetric PRES.
ieto-occipital regions as well as less common lesions in the frontal
regions and brain stem (arrows).27 28 PRES, posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome.

Parasher A, Jhamb R. Postgrad Med J 2020;96:623–628. doi:10.1136/postgradmedj-2020-137706 625


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Figure 4 Management of PRES. PRES, posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome.

Management ► Prevention and management of seizures in pregnant women

The key thing to remember in the management of PRES is by magnesium sulfate. For seizures in non-pregnant patients
early diagnosis and initiation of therapy. Many patients may presenting with PRES, first-line drugs used are diazepam,
require intensive care unit (ICU) care for aggressive manage- phenobarbital and fosphenytoin. Refractory cases can be
ment of their symptoms such as seizures, encephalopathy started on propofol or midazolam.
and status epilepticus.30 The important points of therapy ► Dialysis for patients presenting with renal failure.
include:31 ► Airway management and intubation in altered patients with
► Prompt induction of labour in cases of pre-eclampsia/eclamp- a poor Glasgow Coma Score, as per the standard protocol.
sia and HELLP.
► Immediate removal of the offending cytotoxic drugs/ PRES in non-obstetric cases
immunosuppressants. In cases of PRES caused by factors other than pre-eclampsia and
► Stabilisation of the patient with adequate hydration, eclampsia, the most effective therapy includes withdrawal of the
along with correction of acidosis and electrolyte abnorm- offending agent, immediate control of blood pressure, anticon-
alities, if any. vulsive therapy and temporary renal replacement therapy (hae-
► Gradual reduction of blood pressure in patients with modialysis/peritoneal dialysis) if required. Aggressive treatment
hypertension to avoid sudden hypoperfusion of vital with corticosteroids and cyclophosphamide is effective in cases of
organs. SLE-related PRES.5

626 Parasher A, Jhamb R. Postgrad Med J 2020;96:623–628. doi:10.1136/postgradmedj-2020-137706

Specific cerebral antioedema therapy with steroids or mannitol has
Main messages not been found to be superior to magnesium sulfate in achieving
neurological recovery.35
► Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome is increasingly
A concise overview of the management of PRES has been
being recognised now due to better imaging techniques.
described in figure 4.
► Pathophysiology not completely elucidated, but hypertension,
vasoconstriction and endothelial dysfunction seen to be important
inciting factors. Prognosis and outcomes
► Management protocols need to be specific and well defined, PRES usually has a favourable prognosis among pregnant
especially in obstetric cases. women, with resolution being rapid and complete after adequate
therapy.36 Permanent damage can persist in a few cases (6%) and
death due to haemorrhage has been described in a couple of
patients.37–39 ICU care is advisable for postcaesarean patients to
Current research questions allow monitoring and sufficient recovery.1 Recurrence of PRES is
not uncommon in patients presenting with repeated episodes/
► Can posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES) be

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flares of hypertensive crisis, renal failure, autoimmune conditions
predicted from early signs and symptoms in high-risk cases? and multiorgan failure.31
► What is the pathophysiology of PRES?
Although prognosis is good for most patients, delayed diagno-
► Do early intervention, treatment and intensive care unit care have
sis and treatment may lead to mortality or irreversible neurolo-
any effect on the prognosis of patients with PRES? gical deficits. Poor prognosis is associated with factors such as
severe encephalopathy, chronic hypertension, neoplastic aetiol-
ogy, delayed diagnosis of causative factor, multiple comorbidities,
Key references elevated C-reactive protein (CRP) and coagulopathy.40 41
Involvement of the corpus callosum, extensive cerebral oedema
► Poma S, Delmonte MP, Gigliuto C et al. Management of posterior or haemorrhage, restrictive diffusion and subarachnoid haemor-
reversible syndrome in preeclamptic women. Case Rep Obstet rhage are the MRI features which predict a worse prognosis.42–44
Gynecol 2014;2014:928079. https://doi.org/10.1155/2014/
928079. (Ref. 1)
► Sudulagunta SR, Sodalagunta MB, Kumbhat M, Nataraju AS. CONCLUSION
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(Ref. 5) pre-eclamptic and eclamptic cases. In majority of patients, persis-
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pathophysiology, and outstanding questions. Lancet Neurol vent further complications. Reduction of blood pressure and
2015;14:914–25. (Ref. 19) seizure control remain the mainstays of therapy after prompt
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► Hinduja A. Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome: clinical Contributors AP did the research and final submission. RJ reviewed and edited the
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fneur.2020.00071. (Ref. 32) Funding The authors have not declared a specific grant for this research from any
funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.
Competing interests None declared.
PRES in pre-eclampsia/eclampsia Patient consent for publication Not required.
The majority of obstetric cases with pre-eclampsia and eclampsia are
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
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