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Science 7

Name: _____________________________________ Grade & Section: __________________________

Date: __________________ Parent Signature: _____________________ Score:

Quarter: 1 Week: 1 Day: 3

Title of the Activity: Scientific Investigation

Activity no: 3

Learning Competency:

 identify and write appropriate variables from a hypothesis;

 create hypothesis based on sample observations;
 demonstrate understanding of variables, and data collected based on testable
 use the paragraph to design a simple scientific investigation;
 reflect on the importance of dealing with a scientific study.

Activity 1. Variables Practice. Identify the variables in each observation

OBSERVATION 1: One time Mr. Alvarez went to the grocery store and he bought all the
types of microwave popcorn that the store had. With these types of popcorn, he
conducted an experiment.
PROBLEM: Does the amount of butter in a popcorn kernels affect the amount of
popcorns that pop?
HYPOTHESIS: If Mr. Alvarez put 1 tablespoon of butter, 2 tablespoon butter, and 3
tablespoon butter in each 20 grams popcorn kernel, then all the popcorn kernels will
pop in each sample.
Science 7
OBSERVATION 2: Aljune and Toby proposes the idea that the marble would travel at a
faster pace if it is rolled down the longer slide.
PROBLEM: What happens to the speed of a marble travels when the height of a ramp is
HYPOTHESIS: If the height of a ramp is doubled, then the marble will reach the same
speed even if the inclined is increased.



Activity 2. Create a hypothesis based on a sample observation. Use the “if, then” style or
format and include a measurable condition.

1. Temperature may cause leaves to change their color.


2. Bacterial growth may be affected by temperature.

3. Heat causes fruit to ripen quickly.

4. Salt in soil may affect plant growth.


5. Ultra violet light may cause skin cancer.

Science 7
Activity 3. Easy testable questions. Arrange and organize the following questions, and/or statement on
each testable questions in column. If you think that all the questions and statements are in their proper
column, do not change them anyway. Write your answers on the space provided for each column.

Testable What is Tested? What stays the Data Collected

Questions (Independent same? (can be
variable) (constant qualitative or
variable) quantitative)
Which conditions Number of insect Conditions (e.g. Time of day,
attract the most pests attracted to dark of light length of time
insect pests the product clothing, sweet observed
(mosquitos, flies) smelling or
fragrance free
plants, lactic
Rewrite your an
swers here

What medium is Amount of light, Growth of plant Medium for

best for seeds to water, plant type over time planting (e.g. soil,
sprout? cotton, rock wool,
peat plugs, sand
Rewrite your an
swers here

What conditions Time, age, skill Amount of work Conditions (e.g.

impact level of completed television, music,
productivity participants other noise
while doing producing
homework? elements, poor
internet access.

Rewrite your an
swers here

How does photo- Original picture Participants Photo-editing

editing affect perceptions of how techniques (e.g.
perception? a picture makes lighting change,
them feel cropping,
expanding a
Rewrite your an
swers here
Science 7
How do different
style pencils or
grips affect
Amount of time
writing before
Writing phrase,
age/skill of
Different style
pencils or grips

writing fatigue?
Rewrite your an
swers here

Activity 4. Read the selection carefully and design a simple investigation by assigning a
number (1-5) and a term that follows the pattern of scientific investigation in the blank
arrow. Then, answer the questions below following the paragraph.

Berto rejects his hypothesis, but decided to retest

using sugar amounts between 50 g and 100 g. Berto finds that 70 g of sugar produces
the largest loaf. His hypothesis is successful and accepted.

Berto researches the areas of baking and

fermentation and tries to come up with a way to test his question. He keeps all of his
information about this topic on his journal.

Berto watches his grandmother

bake bread since his mother works as a baker in Dimasalang, an old but famous bakery
in Pasig City. He asks his mother what makes the bread rise. She explains that yeast
release a gas as it feeds on sugar. Berto wander if the amount of sugar used in the
recipe will affect the size of the bread loaf.
Science 7
Berto is going to use different amounts of sugar
measured in grams such as; 25 g, 50g, 100g, and 150g. Berto is going to use the same
amount of sugar as what his grandmother have always used which is 50 grams. All other
factor stays the same like cooking time, oven temperature, measuring cups, rise time,
brand of ingredients, air temperature and humidity where the bread was rising.

Berto writes out his procedures for his experiment along with a materials listed in
his journal. He has both of these checked by his teacher, Mrs. Ramos where she checks
for any safety concerns. Berto is going to test each sugar variable three times. Berto
comes up with a table he can use to record his data. He gets all his materials together
and carries out his experiment. Berto analyzes his data and notices that his control
worked the best in his experiment, but not significantly better than 100 g of sugar.

After talking with his science

teacher, Mrs. Ramos, and conducting further research, Berto comes up with a
hypothesis, “If more sugar is added, then the bread will rise higher”.

Guide Questions:
1. What is the problem of Berto all about?
2. In which paragraph Berto stated his hypothesis?
3. In paragraph 4 the independent variable was mention, what are these
4. What about the dependent variable?
5. What paragraphs does Berto made his experimentation?
6. In the last paragraph, why did Berto decided to retest using sugar amounts
between 50g and 100g?

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