GNED 10 Activity 1

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GNED 10: Gender and Society

Name: Dale B. Ajon

Program/ Year/ Section:BSBA - HRM 2B

Individual and Society

1. Please watch the video\

2. Answer the following questions upon watching the video:

How does our society shape the way we define ourselves and others?
 Individual can shape by society in many aspect through culture, socialize with other people
and etc. Socialization is the process of how you acquire a individual norms, belief customs
of their society and culture. Also it begins the young age through the adult stage throughout
a person's life.

What dilemmas arise if a person does not conform to the norms of our society?

 I think the dilemma arise if a person does not conform to the norms of society is for failure
what people or individual do in everyday lives. And I think it can be individuals lack a basis
for the common good to communicating with other people. And additonal to that, it can be
affecting what you do in your daily lives

Should your gender determine how to live your life? Explain your answer.
 No Sir because gender doesn’t have to determine how to live your life. Also gender should
never command your life to what you do or something else, you can do whatever you like in
this world regardless of your gender. Sharing my thoughts or motto in my life YOUR LIFE,

3. All students are expected to be honest at all times. Plagiarism is not tolerated. Violation
of such will result to a grade of 0.0 in the assessment.

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