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University of Bremen

Department of Communications Engineering

Prof. Dr.-Ing. A. Dekorsy

Written Exam for

Wireless Communications

Time: 17.02.2020, 14:00 - 15:30

Duration: 1 1/2h
Place: NW1, Room H1

Content: 3 Problems


• Students must achieve 20 out of 50 points, except Space Engineer-

ing/Space Sciences and Technologies must achieve 16 out of 50 points,
to pass this exam.

• Points are only granted if the way how the result was obtained has been
shown on the solution papers.

• Please write your name and matriculation number on every sheet of paper
that you hand in.

• Solutions must be written with indelible ink, except red.

• The following resources are allowed: Calculator, Notes, Books

• Devices, that may serve communication purposes (i.e. mobile phones, PDAs,
notebook computers, etc.) must be switched off during the examination.

• If you do not feel well, please resign before the examination starts. In this
case a medical certificate has to be presented to the examination office on
the same day.
Problem 1 (14 Points) - Mobile Radio Channel
Consider the depicted two path scenario. The distance between transmitter and receiver is
ℓ = 1.2 km. A radio transmission is conducted with carrier frequency f0 = 750 MHz. The
path loss of the direct path is ρ0 = 1 and for the reflected path ρ1 = √12 .


Tx Rx
ℓ/2 ℓ/2

a) Determine the Doppler shifts, if the receiver moves away from the transmitter with a
speed of 120 km/h.
Hints: Assume free-space propagation. Speed of light c0 = 3 · 108 m/s

b) Determine the parameters of the two path channel in the equivalent baseband (t:=path
delay and Θ:=channel phase).

c) Determine the channel transfer function HLP (jω) in the equivalent baseband. De-
termine the minimal and the maximal value of its magnitude and the corresponding
frequencies. Sketch the magnitude of the transfer function.
Solution for Problem 1

a) Doppler shift: fD = vf0 cos(α)/c0 , v = 120km/h

direct path: fD0 = 120km/h · 750MHz · cos(−π)/(3 · 108 m/s) = −83, 33 Hz
The reflected path impings under the angle π/4 on the receiver:
fD1 = 120km/h · 750MHz · cos(−3π/4)/(3 · 108 m/s) = −58, 93 Hz

b) Delay of direct path, LOS

1.2 · 103 m
t0 = ℓ0 /c0 = = 4 µs (1)
3 · 108 m/s

Delay of reflected path

ℓ1 = ℓ 2 = 1.2 · 1, 414 km (2)
1.2 · 1, 414 km
t1 = = 5.66 µs (3)
3 · 108 m/s
Differential time
τ1 = t1 − t0 = 1.66 µs (4)
Channel phase

Θ0 = −ω0 t0 = −2π · 750 × 106 Hz · 4 · 10−6 s = −2π · 3 × 103 (5)

⇒ mod (Θ0 , 2π) = 0 (6)

Θ1 = −2π · 4242.6407 (7)
⇒ mod (Θ1 , 2π) = −2π · 0, 6407 = −4.026 (8)

c) Transfer function
H(jω) =1 · ej0 e−jω0 t0 + √ ejΘ1 e−jωt1
−jω0 τ0 1 jΘ1 −jω(t1 −t0 )
=e 1+ √ e e

|H(jω)| = 1 + √ ejΘ1 e−jωτ1 (10)
Maximum, if exponent multiple of 2π
Θ1 − ωmax τ1 = n2π ⇒ fmax = Θ12πτ−n2π
fmax = −2, 56 GHz + n · 603, 56 kHz, n = 0, ±1, ±2, ±3·
Minimum, if exponent odd multiple of π
Θ1 − ωminτ1 = nπ ⇒ fmin = Θ2πτ1 −nπ

fmin = −2, 56 GHz + n · 301, 78 kHz, n = ±1, ±3, . . .

Problem 2 (20 Points) - Diversity
We assume a transmission of 4-QAM symbols with a single antenna. To enhance the signal
quality, the receiver has three antennas and combines all three received signals by using a
combining network. Figure 1 shows the symbol clock system model.

n0 [i]

combining network
n1 [i]
d[i] h1 y[i]
n2 [i]

Figure 1: Symbol clock model

The values n0 [i], n1 [i], n2 [i] are samples of independent and identically distributed (iid)
complex Gaussian random variables with zero mean and variance

σn20 = σn21 = σn22 = 0.2 . (11)

The realizations of the complex valued channel components are

h0 = 0.5, h1 = 0.7 · ejπ/4 , h2 = 0.1 · j . (12)

a) Determine the degree of diversity of this transmission. Justify your answer!

b) We assume that the receiver performs linear combining on symbol basis. Sketch the
combining rule and determine the combining coefficients that maximizes the SNR of
the output of the network. Name the combining approach.

c) Give an expression of y[i] using the combining principle of b) and calculate the
corresponding SNR of the output. Assume that the power of the transmitted symbols
is σD = 1.

d) Now, we assume that the receiver selects the antenna with the best SNR (antenna-
selection) instead of combining. Calculate the SNR of the best antenna and determine
an analytic expression of the resulting bit error rate.
Solution for Problem 2

a) L = 3, since all three paths are statistically independent of each other.

b) The combining-network results in a linear combination of the received paths
y[i] = cℓ rℓ [i] . (1)

Application of Cauchy-Schwarz inequality shows that the S/N -ratio is maximized

cℓ = h∗ℓ (2)
holds. The resulting MRC-coefficients are

c0 = h∗0 = 0.5; c1 = h∗1 = 0.7e−jπ/4 ; c2 = h∗2 = −0.1j . (3)

c) The output signal of the combining-network is given by

y[i] = (|h0 |2 + |h1 |2 + |h2 |2 )d[i] + h∗0 n0 [i] + h∗1 n1 [i] + h∗2 n2 [i] . (4)
| {z } | {z }
useful signal-part d[i] ˜ only noise part ñ[i]
The power of the useful signal-part is given by

˜ 2 } = |h0 |2 + |h1 |2 + |h2 |2 2 σ 2
S = E{|d[i]| (5)

and the power of the noise-part is

N = E{|ñ[i]|2 } = |h0 |2 + |h1 |2 + |h2 |2 σN . (6)

The resulting S/N -ratio after MRC is

S  σD
= |h0 |2 + |h1 |2 + |h2 |2 2
= 3.75 =
ˆ 5.74 . (7)

d) The strongest path is determined by the squared magnitude of the channel

coefficient. ⇒ Path 1 with channel coefficient h1 is the strongest path.
The MRC output signal is given by

y[i] = |h1 |2 d[i] + h∗1 n1 [i] , (8)

with the resulting S/N -ratio (ES = 1)

S |h1 |2 .
= 2
= 2.45 = 3.98dB . (9)
N h1 σN

The bit error probability can be calculated as (for 4-QAM κ2 = 1, K = 21 )

! s 
1 Eb 1 2
|h1 | Es 
Pb,4-QAM = · erfc |h1 |2 = · erfc  ≈ 5.876 · 10−2 . (10)
2 N0 2 2N0
Problem 3 (16 Points) - OFDM

For an OFDM transmission the following parameters are given:

Bitrate: 7.2 Mbit/s

Modulation: 64-QAM
Number of subcarriers: N=8
Bandwidth efficiency: β = 0.75
The impulse response of the channel after baseband conversion is given as

hLP (t) = δ0 (t) + δ0 (t − τ ); τ = 0.25 µs (11)

a) Determine the channel’s transfer function HLP (jω) and sketch its magnitude |HLP (jω)|
in the intervall 0 ≤ f ≤ 2.5 MHz.

b) Calculate the subcarrier spacing ∆f regarding the given OFDM parameters and add it
to the plot from (a).

c) Calculate the guard time TG for the given bandwidth efficiency β and determine the
magnitude and phase of the zero forcing equalization coefficient e(jω) at the subcarrier
frequency f = 4 · ∆f .

d) Determine an analytic expressen of the SNR of subcarrier n = 4 after zero forcing

equalization. What are possible drawbacks of the zero forcing equalizer?
Solution for Problem 3

HLP (jω) = 1 + e−jωτ (1)




|H LP(j )|





0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4
f in MHz

N log2 (M)β 1
Ts = = 5µs ⇒ ∆f = = 200KHz (2)
(1 − β)
Tg = Ts = 1.667µs (3)
e(j2π4∆f ) = = 0.5 + j0.363 ⇒ |e4 | = 0.618 arg(e4 ) = 0.6283 = 36◦
H(j2π4∆f )
|H(j2π4∆f )|2
d) SNR4 = σ42
⇒ noise amplification!.

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