Civics ch.2

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Answer the following Questions briefly.
Q.1.What is secularism?

Ans. Secularism means freedom to preach practice and propagate any religion.

Q.2.Who invented the term secularism?

Ans. It was invented by George Jacob Holyoake in 1851.

Q.3.Why should citizens be allowed to have a freedom of religion?

Ans. To allow citizens to live happily and in harmony with each other and to create an
atmosphere in which people don’t feel oppressed or dominated

Q.4.List positive ideals of a secular society.

Ans. The positive ideals of a secular society are as follows:

• Deep respect for individuals and the small groups of which they are a part.

• Equality of all people.

• Each person should be helped to realize their potential.

• Breaking down the barriers of class and caste.

Answer the following Questions in detail.

Q.1.Write down the features of Indian secularism.

Ans. Indian secularism adapts the following features:

• It implies equal respect to all religions.

• It also means that India does not have an official state religion.

• All citizens, irrespective of their religious beliefs, are equal in the eyes of law.

• The Indian state is not ruled by any religious group.

• In India government establishments are not supposed to promote any religion.

• People are preferring to preach, practice and propagate religion of one’s choice.

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