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1 The Indian Constitution

A. Answer the following questions very briefly.

1.What is a Constitution?
Ans. Constitution is a set of rules and regulations according to which a country is governed.

2. Why did we adopt our Constitution on 26 January 1950?

Ans. In the year 1929, Congress at its Lahore session, had adopted the attainment of 'Purna
Swaraj' as its goal. At this session it was decided to observe Independence Day on 26 January
1930 which did not happen. Independence was finally achieved on 15 August 1947. To maintain
the historic significance of the day, it was decided to postpone the adoption of the constitution
by two months and thus was adopted on the same historic day of 26 January. Therefore, we
celebrate 26 January as Republic Day every year,

3. Why is India called a ‘Republic’ ?

Ans. : India is called a ‘Republic’ because In India, there is no hereditary ruler and the head of
the State is elected by the people for a fixed term. He is called the President.

4. What is Universal Adult Franchise?

Ans. All citizens of India who are above 18 years of age have a right to vote
irrespective of their caste, creed,religion, gender, educational level, etc. right to vote.

5. List the fundamental rights given to the citizens of India.

Ans. Right to Equality:
- All persons are equal before law
- No discrimination on the basis of religion,race, caste, or gender
- All citizens have access to all public places
-All citizens have equal access to Employment

Right to Freedom: It is a cluster of various

rights or freedoms.
- Freedom of speech and expression
- Freedom to assemble peacefully and without arms
- Freedom to form association and unions
- Freedom to move freely
- Freedom to reside in any part of the country
-Freedom to practise any profession or occupation
Right against Exploitation:
-Prohibits all forms of forced labour (begar) Prevents child labour (children working under 14
years of age)
-Prevents trafficking in human beings.
Right to Freedom of Religion: People have the right to follow, practise and preach
the religion of their choice.
Cultural and Educational Rights: All minorities have the right to conserve and
develop their own cultures.
Right to Constitutional Remedies: Under this right, citizens have the right to go

6. What is federalism?
Ans. It means the existence of more than one level of government in the country i.e. one at the
centre and other at the state.

7. Write down the importance of right to constitutional remedies.

Ans. With help of constitutional remedies citizens have the right to go to court, if they feel that
any of their fundamental rights has been violated by the State.

8. Why are fundamental duties important?

Ans. Importance of fundamental duties of citizens are :
-To abide by the constitution and respect its ideals and institutions, the National Flag and
the National Anthem.
-To cherish and follow the noble ideals which inspired our national struggle for freedom.
-To uphold and protect the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India.
-To defend the country and render national service when called upon to do so.
-To promote harmony.
-To value and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture.
-To protect and improve the natural environment.
-To develop scientific temper, humanism and spirit of inquiry and reform.
-To safeguard public property.
-To strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity.

9. Why are directive principles an important part of the constitution?

Ans. According to directive principles, state shall direct its policy in such a
manner as to provide opportunity to all men and women for adequate means of livelihood
and the economic system should not result in concentration of wealth in a few hands.

10. Which fundamental right prohibits forced labour and traffic in human beings?
Ans. Right against Exploitation.

B. Answer the following questions in detail.

1.Write down the importance of Constitution.

Ans. Following are the importance of Constitution:
-Constitution protects the rights of the citizens, irrespective of the caste, gender, religion, creed
to which they belong. So, it generates trust among the people.
-It limits the powers of the three organs of the government i.e. legislature, executive
and judiciary. It also restricts the abuse of power by those who conduct governmental
-It specifies how the government will be formed and who will have the power to take
different kinds of decisions.
-Constitution makes special provisions to protect the interests of the minority community in the
-It guarantees certain fundamental rights to the citizens so that citizens can protect themselves
against any misuse or abuse of power by the government.

2. Explain the key features of the Preamble.

Ans. Following are the key features of the Preamble.
Sovereign: It means that India, as a nation,is independent and not subject to control by
an external authority. It is independent to take decisions on internal and external matters.
Socialist: It means free from all forms of exploitation. It means to eliminate inequality in
income and standard of living.
Secular: It means all religions are treated equally. State does not have a religion of its own.
People have the freedom to follow, practise and preach their religion.
Democratic: India is a democratic nation. Government is run by the representatives of the
Republic: In India, there is no hereditary ruler and the head of the State is elected by the
people for a fixed term. He is called the President.
Justice: In the eyes of law, everyone is equal.People are not discriminated on the basis of
caste, creed, gender, religion, etc.
Liberty and Equality: People have the freedom to express their views and all citizens are equal
before the law.
Fraternity: It means a sense of brotherhood of all Indians. It gives unity and strength to the

3. What is federalism? How does it work in India?

Ans. It means the existence of more than one level of government in the country i.e. one at the
centre and other at the state. In India, we have central government which makes laws on the
subjects concerning the entire nation like relations with foreign countries, telecommunications,
defence matters, budget, etc.
In India federation, states derive their authority from the Constitution. Indian Constitution also
specifies that in case of conflict or emergency, affairs of states can be controlled by the Centre
keeping in mind the national interest.

4. Explain the principle of separation of powers in India.

Ans. According to the Constitution of India, Government of India has three organs-
Legislature, Executive and Judiciary.
Legislature: The elected representatives of people form the legislature. This organ of the
government is responsible for making of laws.
Executive: It implements the laws.
Judiciary: It ensures that laws and rules of the country are followed properly and rights of the
people are protected.

5. “Right to freedom is a cluster of various rights”. Explain.

Ans. Right to Freedom is a cluster of various rights or freedoms.
-Freedom of speech and expression
-Freedom to assemble peacefully and without arms
-Freedom to form association and unions
-Freedom to move freely
-Freedom to reside in any part of the country
-Freedom to practise any profession or occupation.

6. Write a short note on Right to Equality.

Ans. Right to Equality:
-All persons are equal before law
-discrimination on the basis of religion,race, caste, or gender
-All citizens have access to all public places
-All citizens have equal access to employment

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