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Spiritual Response Association

Volume 22, Number 02 February, 2010

M.A.G.I.C. Congratulations
Through the Back Door On
By Rev. Pam Murray, Ph.D. A few days ago some friends and I attended a memorial Certification
service at a retirement complex. We finally found the
New Consultant
chapel, entered, and sat in one of the pews. As we looked Beppy Guliker
around, we realized we had come in through the back door. Putten, The Netherlands
(31) 341 356 653
“Isn’t life just like that sometimes?” I said. “We come in
through the back, but we still arrive where we wanted to go.”
Mukti-Olga Thoma
SPIRIT also sometimes works like this in our lives if we let it. Athens, Greece
(30) 470 473 6800
Have you ever had the experience of working and struggling to achieve something,
finally giving up in frustration? After you did so, the thing you wanted to do, be or have Renewed Consultant
seemed to unfold in ways you never expected. It’s happened to me on more than on Lina Petitta
occasion. It’s a lot like coming in the back door. When we get stuck on needing Connecticut, U.S.A.
something to be done in a certain way, it’s like always needing to come in the front door (203) 470-0298
when the back door or a side door will do just as well.

Renewed SRT Teacher

To clarify, coming in the back door in this sense does not mean that you go behind
Peter Davies
people’s back nor act in ways that do not reflect the highest and best. It means, rather,
Swansea, Wales, U.K.
that you do not get attached to how something has to manifest.
(44) 01792 369292
Continued on page 2
Mariela Pérez Loreto
Inside This Issue Salford, U.K.
SRA Extra News SRT Methodology SRA Classes (44) 0751 5151957
Congratulations on Transcending the Ego SRA International
Certification.....................1 (Part 2)...........................3 Classes..........................7
New Certification By: Kathryn Hamilton-Cook Bernardo Uribe
SRA USA & Canada California, U.S.A.
Application Deadline.......5
M.A.G.I.C. Classes...........................8 (626) 251-5502
SRA Board of Directors Through the Back
Committees......................6 SRA Meetings
SRA Board, Advisory SRA Meetings..............10
By: Rev. Pam Murray
Committee, and Staff
Spotlight..........................9 Affirmation...............….6
Continued on page 2
Congratulations M.A.G.I.C. continued from page 1
On One of my friends, a retired opera star, tells her students, “In this class, we will work, but
we will not struggle.” When her students stop struggling, their voices open up and
Certification beautiful sounds come out.
Continued from page 1
Becoming attached to the “How” of something is a lot like trying to push a strand of
Renewed SRT Teacher
overcooked spaghetti uphill. It can be done, but you put a lot of effort, and you probably
Shakti Wilson
don’t get the results you want. When we focus only on yanking open the front door we
California, U.S.A.
increase the negative vibrations in our lives. We dump toxins into our bloodstream. Often
(831) 464-8125
we overlook the very opportunity we are seeking because we’re so focused on “how it
has to be.”

Renewed SpR Teacher

An old saying is “What you fight to get you have to fight to keep.” What if we stop
Yamini Bhatt
fighting and start flowing? It’s amazing how many doors fly open, inviting you to run
Texas, U.S.A.
joyously through.
(281) 684-9634
Sometimes we get so focused on “how,” we might not notice that we’re staggering down
the wrong road. Author Robert Heinlein once said. “Never try to teach a pig to sing; it
wastes your time and it annoys the pig.” If we’re standing in front of a goal, jerking on a
locked door, we might not notice that we’ve gone to the wrong address. By allowing
Noted SPIRIT to guide more of our lives, we not only go after the goals that are the most
Happenings suitable for us, but we will not spend our time trying to teach a recalcitrant pig to sing the
Hallelujah Chorus.
SRA Public Meeting with
Kathryn Hamilton-Cook Try this experiment.

Art and Helga Marceau will 1. Select something in your life that just doesn’t seem to be working. It may be a
be hosting a potluck social goal you want to achieve, a relationship that is either not working or is non-
and information meeting at existent, a situation that you can’t seem to resolve, or a material object you
their home on: would like to manifest in your life.
January 24, 2010 2. Write what you want. Make it specific, but do NOT write how it must happen.
3. Burn it in a safe area, saying, “I turn this over to you, SPIRIT, for perfect
17206 12th Avenue NW outworking.” (If you cannot burn it safely, tear it into small pieces and throw it
Shoreline, Washington away.
(206) 546-2822 4. Do your best not to think about it. If you find yourself becoming distracted by a
desire to push it through, sit down and breathe through it.
5. Do nothing until you feel prompted by SPIRIT to take action. Then take action in
a peaceful, loving way.

See if your life changes. If your life doesn’t change much, see how you change.

If you feel like you are struggling in any action, back away. The hardest part of this is to
do nothing occasionally, when you really want to ram or tug. When SPIRIT is working
through you, you will feel a sense of peace. There is a large difference between the
SRA Center
Olympia, WA
energy of pushing and toiling, and that of walking through the doors unlocked by

Page 2 Continued on page 6

SRT Methodology SRA
Board of Directors
Transcending the Ego ( Part 2)
By Kathryn Hamilton-Cook President
Mary Ann Detzler
Washington, U.S.A.
“My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.”
–Dalai Lama Vice President
“Compassion is the keen awareness of the interdependence of Pamela A. Murray
Washington, U.S.A.
all things.” –Thomas Merton
In the last Ascension, we discussed ways to transcend ego in our Paul Irish, Jr.
SRT/SpR practice. Having an ego level of even 5% or greater can cause us to block our Washington, U.S.A.

highest guidance, and can attract lower vibrational interference, such as discarnates. If Treasurer
being in ego in our work means we are operating mainly from our own thoughts and Marianne Blaha
feelings, then transcending ego means working from SPIRIT, and a sense of unity with Albertshofen, Germany
others. While the ego thrives on beliefs of separation (such as “I am better than you” or Directors
“I am right”), working from a connection to SPIRIT and others is grounded in the Yamini Bhatt
knowing that we are all ONE. Texas, U.S.A.
Karla Marie
In addition to conscious connection with SPIRIT during prep to work, and setting up a Texas, U.S.A.
shielded space, there are many other “practices” that will help keep you in alignment Linda Turner
with SPIRIT and your oneness with others rather than ego. This month, we’ll look at Kent, United Kingdom
how compassion, gratitude, and reverence can help us know a space of ONE-ness. Erika Laszlo
Budapest, Hungary
Practicing Compassion
Why do people come to us for help in their healing? Whether or not they can articulate SRA
it, everyone at a minimum wants to alleviate their suffering. I’ll bet none of them come Advisory &
to us to be told - or treated as if - they are wrong, damaged, unspiritual, or unwise. If we
work from a space of ego, we may find ourselves triggered by others’ “stuff” in a way
that puts us in a defensive posture - in SRT language, this means we are at risk of having
our own negative programming or beliefs activated in our healing sessions. Marianne Blaha - Chair
Albertshofen, Germany
One defensive posture of the ego is judgment. In working with others in SRT/SpR, this Kathleen Butler
means judging the client for where they are, even as you may move to help them. Have Arizona, U.S.A.
you ever found yourself thinking in response to a client’s story or circumstance, “What Robert E. Detzler
was the person thinking? Why didn’t they know better?” (I have). High Self suggests a Washington, U.S.A.
response of compassion to every “story” the client may bring to you, even if you know it
Irenka Herbert
to be based on their own ego focus. Try to remember that even if based on a
Newport, Wales
misperception, the pain of separation caused by the ego is very real.
Erika Laszlo
Budapest, Hungary
A complete compassionate response may take practice, as most of us must overcome
lifetimes of a conditioned response of judgment. The Dalai Lama tells us that “To be Emily Matweow
genuine, compassion must be based on respect for the other and the realization that Calgary, Canada
others have the right to be happy and overcome suffering just as you.” Compassion is Carmen Pluciennik
not about pity. “Just as you” is an important part of our understanding of compassion - it Apeldoorn, The Netherlands
reminds us that we should be looking at what is the same between us, rather than what is Emily Russo
Caracas, Venezuela
Shakti Wilson
Continued on page 4 California, U.S.A.
Page 3
Books SRT Methodology continued from page 3
For Sale different. Compassion is unbiased. If you see a human before you (or talk to them on the
phone), know that they are essentially the same as you in their emotional makeup.

As you work for people, become the “observer” of your own internal response to them.
If you have a judgmental thought, say to yourself “That’s just judgment, and it’s not real.
What’s real is my connection to this person.”

If you find yourself in a constant state of judgment rather than compassion, your own
The Freedom Path: negative beliefs and pain are probably being triggered. This means you must also do
Your Mind Net to Clear Your work on yourself. Often we are blocked in compassion for others because either we do
Soul Records not have compassion for ourselves or we don’t think we deserve compassion.
Ask High Self, “Am I blocked to expressing or receiving compassion?” If yes, ask
that all programs and blocks be cleared.
Do you feel unworthy of compassion? Do you feel incapable of compassion? If so,
ask High Self why this is so. You may need to do additional research.

Even after programs are cleared, you may have beliefs at a Soul/Spirit level or conscious
mind beliefs that are blocking. Releasing statements like the following are often effective
Soul Re-Creation: here (High Self indicates that the forgiveness statement inserted in the middle of the
Developing Your Cosmic standard release statement may be necessary):
$19.95 “I release all belief, perception, and judgment that I am undeserving or incapable of
compassion. I release all need and desire to believe that I am undeserving or incapable of
compassion. In addition, I forgive myself and affirm that others have forgiven me for any
perceived harm I may have done to them in any lifetime. I now accept and believe and
instruct my subconscious to accept and believe on every level of my being that I am
compassionate, loving, and deserving of compassion and love from SPIRIT and

Spiritual Healing If you simply have a habit of being judgmental about the people you would like to help,
$19.95 try substituting one or more of the following thoughts found in the “commonalities
practice” summarized by Zen Habits author Leo Babauta:

“Just like me, this person is seeking happiness in his/her life.”

“Just like me, this person is trying to avoid suffering in his/her life.”
“Just like me, this person has known sadness, loneliness and despair.”
“Just like me, this person is seeking to fill his/her needs.”
“Just like me, this person is learning about life.”

SRT Dictionary of Terms Once you can begin to feel a stronger commonality with others, it is much easier to move
$25.00 into the more challenging work of helping to alleviate their suffering. That discussion
pretty much includes the entire work of SRT/SpR!

Gratitude and Reverence

High Self assures me that everyone - yes, everyone - in my life is a teacher to me.
Page 4
Continued on page 5
SRT Methodology continued from page 4 Editorial Staff
Anyone and everyone who contacts me for work has something to offer me in return Executive Editors
(although sometimes these gifts come disguised as a sharp rap to the ego). Pamela Murray
Kathryn Hamilton-Cook
If ever I find myself in the unconscious space that I am The Healer (this should be read
with a loud, booming voice in your head) and the flow of energy is through me to the Spiritual Response
client, I know that High Self and the people that are brought to me will remind me in Founder
some way that every session is an energy exchange. I am receiving as much or more Robert E. Detzler
from SPIRIT and the client as I am giving out. Working out of ego is rarely a long-term
Design and Layout
arrangement because if you are serious about your spiritual growth and connection, you
Leigh Bacharach
will be gently steered (okay, maybe greatly challenged) by SPIRIT and your clients and
students to be in unity.
SRA Staff and Volunteers
I find this exchange to be deserving of both gratitude and reverence. If I find myself
getting impatient with someone’s story or attitude, I take a moment to envision the client
as the wisest, most enlightened version of themselves. Remember that the personality SRA Staff
expressing before you is the smallest part of who they really are; regardless of the outer
expression, everyone is a divine spiritual being with access to spiritual guidance and Executive Director
ascension. It is a privilege and a blessing to help the conscious being to remember who Leigh Bacharach
they are. I try to remember that, in all likelihood, they are here to teach me. Before each
session (especially if you find the circumstances difficult), take a moment to thank Office Manager
SPIRIT and the Soul/Spirit you are helping for the opportunity to be with them and work Diane Detzler
with them. Appreciate how much challenge they have endured to get to the place they are
in. Revere them for the work they do and who they are on a spiritual level. Consultant Manager
Beth Richardson
After working with SRT for twenty years, one thing is certain and that is my learning and
growth owe everything to SPIRIT and all expressions of SPIRIT including my clients Administrative Assistant
Amber Darkwood
and students. What is the point of ego when I can be in a space of sharing and ONE-ness
instead? Thank you SPIRIT, thank you SRA and Robert and Mary Ann, and thank you
Full Charge Bookkeeper
SRT friends, clients, students, and family. May the blessings of the New Year be
Carmen Coleman Saari
abundant and swift in their arrival!
Certification Coordinator
© 2010 Kathryn Hamilton-Cook. All Rights Reserved. Kat Harmon

SRA Extra News

New certification application deadline.
In order to properly review applications for certification and certification renewals a
deadline of the 5th of each month has been set for those who wish their application go
before the SRA Board of Directors for that month.

All paperwork must be submitted by the 5th of the month. This includes all
recommendations, forms, fees, and required classes are completed. Any application
missing items will be held until the following month and submitted to the SRA Board at
that time, assuming the missing items have been received by the 5th of the following
month. The Board of Directors wants to ensure that all applicants are properly reviewed
and would like to thank you for your understanding.
Page 5
Continued on page 6
SRA Recognized M.A.G.I.C. continued from page 2
Ascension This doesn’t mean that you get to sit back and live a lazy life. But, it does mean that you
Distributors move with more ease through life. You do what needs to be done by you and allow
SPIRIT do what needs to be done by SPIRIT. Who knows, by letting SPIRIT open the
SRA authorized distributors of
doors, you might just hear that pig singing Handel.
translated editions of the
Ascension are listed below.
Please contact the distributor for
the language desired to confirm
that they will distribute outside Affirmations
of their country.

To subscribe to an English “I allow SPIRIT to guide my thoughts and actions. All is in Divine Order.”
Ascension distributed worldwide “Doors open before me and miracle follows miracle.”
contact the SRA for a
subscription form.

For Czech translation

distributed in Europe contact
Lucie Novakova,
SRA Extra News continued from page 5
(42) 604 92 6414, SRA Board of Directors Committees
The SRA Board of Directors have created the following committees to better serve the
For German translation
SRT/SpR community:
distributed in Europe contact
Marianne Blaha,
0049 (0)9321 382369, Ethics Committee Mary Ann Detzler – SRA Board Director - Chair
Helen Kelly
For Hungarian translation Paul Irish, Jr. – SRA Board Director
distributed in Europe e-mail or Curriculum Committee Yamini Bhatt – SRA Board Director - Chair
Pamela Murray – SRA Board Director
For Spanish translation Kathryn Hamilton-Cook
distributed in Venezuela contact
Graciela Lettau, Caracas, International Advisory Committee
(58) 212 987 4469 or Marianne Blaha (Germany) – SRA Board Director – Chair
Emily Russo, Erika Laszlo (Hungary) – SRA Board Director Kathleen Butler (USA)
Irenka Herbert (UK/Poland/Sweden)
For Greek translation Emily Russo (Venezuela)
distributed in Greece contact Carmen Pluciennik (Netherlands)
Xenia Ioannidou at 30 6932 30
Shakti Wilson (USA)
39 29 or 30 210 42 97 105,
Emily Matweow (Canada)
Spiritual Support Committee
Paul Irish, Jr. – SRA Board Director – Chair
Yamini Bhatt – SRA Board Director
Jaime Tanna
Nina Brown-Miller
Page 6 All SRA Board Members
Continued on page 7
SRA Extra News continued from page 6 SRA Policies
Certification Committee All services and classes are
Pamela Murray – SRA Board Director – Chair offered on a non-
Mary Ann Detzler – SRA Board Director discriminatory basis. Each
Robert Detzler individual is honored as a
Lisa Koo unique spiritual being.

Information and Communication Standards Committee Donations, offerings, tithes are

Karla Marie – SRA Board Director – Chair gratefully accepted for
Yamini Bhatt – SRA Board Director furthering the Association’s
Kathryn Hamilton-Cook work. We wish to “thank all of
you” who have contributed.
Beth Richardson – Staff

Communication Committee © 2009 Spiritual Response

Linda Turner – SRA Board Director - Chair Association. All rights
Erika Laszlo reserved.
Xenia Ioannidou
Darreck Chen
Alice Foehn
Look for committee highlights in future Ascension’s to learn the scope of each Hours
committee and how they are working for you and the preservation and betterment of
SRA. Pacific Time
Monday - Thursday
5:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Classes - International Friday
China Japan 5:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Teacher: Alice Wai Ling Foehn Teacher: Alice Wai Ling Foehn
(852) 9099 9810, (852) 9099 9810,
Basic SRT: 26 - 28 February, 2010 Basic SRT: 29 April - 1 May, 2010
Advanced SRT: 5 - 6 March, 2010 Advanced SRT: 3 - 5 May, 2010 Information
Sp. Restructuring: 11 - 16 March, 2010 All classes in Tokyo.
Phone: (360) 413-7881
All classes in Hong Kong.
Malaysia Fax: (360) 413-7882
Czech Republic Teacher: Darreck Chen E-mail:
Teacher: Dr. Magdelena Lautnreová (60) 12 298 2965,
(42) 603 752 229, Basic SRT: 29 - 31 January, 2010 Web:
Basic SRT: 5 - 7 February, 2010 Advanced SRT: 26 - 28 February, 2010
Advanced SRT: 26 - 28 February, 2010 Sp. Restructuring: 9 - 14 March, 2010
All classes in Prague. All classes in Kuala Lumpur.
Greece Spain
Teacher: Xenia Ioannidou, (30) 6932 Teacher: Dóra Czuczor, Spiritual Response
303929, Association and Michael Hill, (44) 01892 Basic SRT: 18 - 21 February, 2010 Málaga 2909 Pacific Avenue SE
533977, Capital, taught in English. Olympia, WA 98501-2040
Basic SRT: 7 - 9 May, 2010
Advanced SRT: 14 - 16 May, 2010
Teacher: Irenka Danielewicz Herbert
All classes in Pireaus.
(44) 016-3366-9638,
Teacher: Tineke Visser-Klaver
(34) 928 514 002, Sp. Restructuring: 23 - 25 April plus
Sp. Restructuring: 23 - 25 April plus 30 April - 1 May, 2010 Melbystrand.
30 April - 2 May, 2010, Pireaus. Page 7
Continued on page 8
Class and Classes - International continued from page 7

Website Info. Taiwan Teacher: Jaime Tanna

Teacher: Alice Wai Ling Foehn (44) 020 8693 8514,
Many of our teachers are (852) 9099 9810, Basic SRT: 12 - 14 February, 2010
willing to travel or schedule a Advanced SRT: 5 - 7 February, 2010 Advanced SRT: 19 - 21 March, 2010
class in your area if there is Sp. Restructuring: 16 - 21 February, 2010 All classes in London.
enough interest. If you do not All classes in Taipei.
Teacher: Teresa Leong
see a class listed in your area,
United Kingdom (44) 02089 429948,
contact an individual teacher
Teacher Amanda Roberts Advanced SRT: 27 February - 1 March, 2010
to see if they have anything
(44) 020-7733-2659, Advanced SRT: 27 - 29 March, 2010
scheduled. For a complete All classes in New Malden Surrey.
listing of Certified Teachers
Advanced SRT: 13 - 15 February, 2010
and Certified Consultants West Indies
Basic SRT: 6 - 8 March, 2010
contact the SRA directly. Teacher: Lisa Koo
Advanced SRT: 20 - 22 March, 2010
(868) 645-1473,
Contact the individual teachers All classes in London.
Advanced SRT: 5 - 7 March, 2010
for prices, starting times, and Teacher: Marja Varets-Guliker Sp. Restructuring: 19 - 25 April, 2010
registration deadlines. All (44) 01342 823710, All classes in Trinidad.
classes are subject to change. Advanced SRT: 26 - 28 February, 2010, Forest
SRA Sponsored Classes Row, East Sussex.
(360) 413-7881,
Teacher: Irenka Danielewicz Herbert Teacher: Marianne Blaha
(44) 016 3366 9638, SRT Intensive Skills: April 16 - 18, 2010, Passau, Germany
Advanced SRT: 28 - 31 January, 2010, Teacher: Rev. Pamela Murray
Newport, South Wales. Self Mastery:
SRA Mission Sp. Restructuring: 19 - 21 plus 27 - 29 February 20 & 21, 2010, Trinidad, West Indies
March, 2010, Dundee, Scotland, (in Polish).
Connecting with Spirit, we
Advanced SRT: 1 - 4 April, 2010, Dundee,
willingly work for healing
Scotland, (in Polish).
of self and serve others as a
support in their healing. Classes - USA & Canada
Arizona Arkansas
Teacher: Kathleen Butler Teacher: Kathleen Cameron
Potluck & (480) 961-8141, (501) 833-3837,
Advanced SRT: January 28 - 31, 2010 Basic SRT: January 28 - 31, 2010
Meeting Tapes Sp. Restructuring: April 9 - 11 plus Advanced SRT: February 18 - 21, 2010
April 16 - 18, 2010 Basic SRT: May 6 - 9, 2010
In 2010 all potluck and Advanced SRT: April 30 - May 3, 2010 All classes in Sherwood.
meeting recordings will be All classes in Chandler.
sold on an individual basis.
Teacher: Nathalie Ekobo Teacher: Shakti Wilson
The SRA will no longer be (602) 881-3040, (831) 464-8125,
offering yearly subscriptions Basic SRT: February 25 - 28, 2010 Basic SRT: February 25 - 28, 2010
for the recordings. Basic SRT: March 25 - 28, 2010 Advanced SRT: March 26 - 28, 2010
Advanced SRT: April 9 - 11, 2010 All classes in Aptos.
We will notify you when each Sp. Restructuring: May 7 - 9 & 14 - 16, 2010
Teacher: Kathleen Butler
recording is available and you All classes in Scottsdale.
(480) 961-8141,
will be able to purchase past Teacher: Bernadine Goldman Basic SRT: February 18 - 21, 2010, Anaheim.
recordings at any time. (520) 575-5092,
Teacher: Shelley Thomas
Advanced SRT: January 28 - 31, 2010
(925) 688-2330,
Basic SRT: March 18 - 21, 2010
Basic SRT: February 19 - 21, 2010, Martinez.
All classes in Tucson.
Page 8
Continued on page 9
Classes - USA & Canada continued from page 8 SRA Board,
California Committee, and
Teacher: Rev. Alma Gonzalez Robbins
Teacher: Janet Harris Staff Spotlight
(323) 702-9081,
(541) 345-9654, Marianne Blaha
Basic SRT: February 25 - 28, 2010
Sp. Restructuring: in Mexico, call for details. SRA Board of Directors
Basic SRT: April 15 - 18, 2010
Teacher: Bernardo Uribe Advanced SRT: May 21 - 23, 2010
(626) 251-5502, All classes in Eugene.
Advanced SRT: February 20, 21, 27, 28, 2010
Basic SRT: April 17, 18, 24, 25, 2010
Teacher: Karla Marie
All classes in Los Angeles.
(214) 521-8483
Colorado Advanced SRT: January 28 - 31, 2010, Dallas
Teacher: Patricia “Pat” Nolan
Teacher: Beth Vaughan
(303) 763-4783, I came in contact with SRT in
(281) 703-5350,
Basic SRT: April 2 - 4, 2010, Lakewood. 2001 at the lowest point in my
Advanced SRT: February 26 - 28, 2010
life, I had a very serious health
Teacher: Leni Onkka Sp. Restructuring: April 2 - 4, 16 - 18, 2010
problem. I started to work with
(719) 547-7984, Basic SRT: May 13 - 16, 2010
SRT and I could feel a change
Basic SRT: April 29 - May 2, 2010, Pueblo. All classes in Houston.
very quickly. So I wanted to
Iowa Virginia become a teacher of SpR and
Teacher: Malabika Shaw (515) 720-9520, Teacher: Charlene Dortch SRT because from the bottom (804) 839-3123, of my heart I knew, what SRT
Advanced SRT: Feb. 5 - 7, 2010, Des Moines. Basic SRT: April 15 - 18, 2010 and SpR can do for you. I
All classes in Richmond. started a life in trusting.
SPIRIT and his love was/is
Teacher: Elvia “Cecilia” McGarry Washington
always around me and this
(651) 739-6957, Teacher: Kathryn Hamilton-Cook
gives me strength, when there
Basic SRT: March 14 - 16, 2010 (425) 836-3658
will be new challenges in my
Sp. Restructuring: April 1 - 6, 2010 Advanced SRT: April 9 - 12, 2010, Redmond.
Basic SRT: April 11 - 13, 2010
Teacher: Rolf F-J
All classes in Woodbury.
(360) 268-2525, I had such great results for me
New Jersey Sp. Restructuring: February 1 - 6, 2010 and my life, living with SRT, I
Teacher: Karen Kent (609) 716-8700 All classes in Westport or Olympia. wanted to give something back to the SRT community: I
SRA Sponsored Classes
Basic SRT: February 18 - 21, 2010 started to translate the class
(360) 413-7881,
Basic SRT: March 12 - 15, 2010 materials, the Ascension and
Advanced SRT: April 22 - 24, 2010 Teacher: Robert Detzler
other papers into German. I
All classes in Plainsboro. SRT Basic: April 23 - 26, 2010
also see my role on the Board
SRT Advanced: April 29 - May 2, 2010
Teacher Stephanie Klingler as a representative of all non-
Sp. Restructuring: March 7 - 12, 2010
(609) 426-1596, English speaking practioners,
All classes in Olympia, Washington.
Review SRT: February 20 - 21, 2010 so before something new is
Advanced SRT: March 5 - 8, 2010 Teacher: Kathryn Hamilton-Cook or coming, all the “old” things
Basic SRT: April 23 - 25, 2010 Yamini Bhatt have to be translated into the
All classes in East Windsor. SRT Intensive Skills: different languages.
February 13 - 15, 2010, Houston, Texas
New York
March 27 - 29, 2010, Los Angeles, California So, now I am 53 years old, I
Teacher: Karen Kent (609) 716-8700
(English with Spanish Translation) found a new place in life under
the guidiance of SPIRIT and
Review SRT: April 30 and May 1, 2010 Teacher: Rev. Pamela Murray
have released in the last one
Basic SRT: May 14 - 17, 2010 Self Mastery:
and a half years around 40 kg
All classes in New Your City. February 20 & 21, 2010, Trinidad, West Indies
of weight. Thank you SPIRIT!
March 13 & 14, 2010, Olympia, Washington
Teacher: Kathleen Butler What comes next?
Mastering Abundance:
(480) 961-8141,
May 1 & 2, 2010, Houston, Texas
Basic SRT: March 25 - 28, 2010, Rochester/ Page 9
May 29 & 30, 2010, Newark New Jersey
Ascension NON PROFIT
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Spiritual Response Association Olympia, WA 98501

2909 Pacific Ave SE, Olympia WA 98501-2040

Volume 22, Number 02 February, 2010


SRA Meetings
United States United Kingdom
AZ, Chandler - Kathleen Butler, (480) 961-8141 London - Linda Turner, (44) 01622 736814
AZ, Scottsdale - Nathalie Ekobo, (602) 881-3040
AZ, Tucson - Bernadine Goldman, (520) 575-5092
CA, Berkeley - 2nd Tue., Nina Brown-Miller, (510) 464-5975 Venezuela
CA, Capitola - Shakti Wilson, (831) 464-8125 Caracas - Emily Russo, 0412 7361894
CA, Glendora - Alma Gonzalez Robbins, (323) 702-9081
CA, Fountain Valley - Maria Rivera, (714) 293-2751
CA, Martinez - Shelley Thomas, (925) 688-2330 Caracas - Graciela Lettau, 0212 9874469 or
GA, Atlanta - bi-monthly, Leah Schweitzer, (770) 435-1586 0414 2725451
IL, Chicago - Thurs. bi-monthly, Shirlyn Wright, (773) 627-6455
MI, Troy - Donitza Smith, (248) 879-6834 West Indies
MN, Woodbury - bi-monthly, Cecilia McGarry, (651) 739-6957 Trinidad - Lisa Koo, (868) 645-1473
NJ, Chatham - last Thurs., Ray Delacruz, (973) 635-9677
NY, New York - 2ns Sun., Gary Torres, (212) 864-5653
OR, Eugene - bi-monthly, Jan Harris, (541) 345-9654
TX, Dallas - 2nd Wed., Karla Marie, (214) 521-8483
TX, Houston - Yamini Bhatt, (281) 684-9634
TX, Houston - Beth Vaughan, (281) 703-5350
TX, Houston - Cindy Wilson, (281) 647-9634
TX, Brownfield - Cindi James-Clayton, (806) 773-3413

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