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Marketing Management

Ans 1.


The environment is a collection of forces that affect a company's ability deliver services and
products to customers. The company's surroundings can affect its customers in a variety of ways.
Even if a company might have the most advanced technology, the most skilled employees, and
the most reliable suppliers, it might fail miserably due to factors such as the exchange rate, the
policies of the host country or changing customer demands, or any other external influences. You
will start to oppose it. A mediocre business can still succeed if external influences begin to favor
its policies and strategies. Companies must be aware of the environmental elements that may
affect them, and be prepared to face the challenges.

This is M/s Herbal Life's urban market selling of FMCG products. The company sells shampoo
toothpaste, shampoo ayurvedic tablets, and chia seeds. The company must be able to present
several pricing options and price adjustment strategies. Pricing is vital when you sell any


Product Mix Pricing Strategies

Price-line for Products- This technique determines the cost of products within the same product
line by analyzing price differences, features for customers as well as prices from competitors. A
soap manufacturer can make two kinds of soap. Second soap requires more effort but has less
material in each cake. The overhead for second soap is more expensive.

Captive-product pricing- Certain companies manufacture products that require ancillary

products such as razors and inkjet printers. Gillette manufactures various types of razors and
blades that be used with each type. While the price of the razor isn't too expensive, there is a
large cost for blades. Inkjet and laser printer manufacturers sell printers at low initial prices, but
their toner cartridges and ink costs are more expensive.

Additional Features Pricing -This pricing concentrates on other product prices like air
conditioners and automobiles. These additional features can be added to a core product. The
basic product is cheap, but accessories are more costly. For instance, computer and automobile
companies might charge more for LCD monitors with greater RAM, power windows and power

Pricing by-product- It is the act of establishing the price for a product to be sold alongside the
main product. This is where the producer searches for a market for its products and typically will
pay any price higher than the cost to store and transport the products. By-products are made from
processed meat to be consumed by humans. Meat producers may search markets for byproducts
and pay costs that cover the cost of storage and delivery.

Price for product bundles -In this pricing bundle, multiple items is offered at a reduced price.
This type of pricing is typical in theatres and sports, in which season tickets are sold at less than
single tickets.

Two-part pricing - This method is popular among service offering firms. A fixed price is
offered for basic service, and a variable rate of use. Telephone service providers are charged the
same monthly fee but with variable per-call charges for calls exceeding a certain number.

Strategies for price adjustment

Psychological pricing -The idea behind psychological pricing asserts that certain prices are
more appealing than others. Another alternative to basic economics is the psychology behind
prices. Prices are used to convey information about the product. The reference pricing is a
different case. It is the prices a buyer has in their minds and is used when buying a product. It
also serves to measure the quality.

Discounts and allowances- For rewarding customer responses e.g. payment in advance or
promoting products, the allowance and discount pricing have the effect of cutting costs. The
most recent issue with pricing is the everyday low price. This means that the retailer charges an
affordable, fixed price for the entire time, with no price cuts. Wal-Mart is the leading retailer in
the everyday low price trend.

Geographic pricing -The cost at which the company price customers who are located far away
is determined by their geographical area of residence. The pricing choices are referred to as
geographic pricing.

 All orders are included in the cost

 Pricing is delivered uniformly
 Theveraging method
 Zone pricing
 Basing-point pricing
 Freight-absorption pricing

Predatory Pricing-The illegal practice to remove competitors from the market by setting
excessively cheap prices, is also known as predatory price. In the U.S.A the Sherman Act covers
predatory pricing. The Federal Trade Commission Act covers price discrimination to decrease
competition. To offset cost disparities and to match prices of rivals without restricting
competition, and to reflect changing market conditions, marketers are able to charge different


Pricing can be more complicated in the event that a product is included in a wider mix. Since
every product and its prices differ, pricing becomes much more difficult. We are definitely on
the right track with all of these maker mix pricing techniques. Pricing structure for a service can
have a significant impact on its longevity and growth, success, and reputation. Because it has an
impact on other processes within the company it is important to consider the valuation. Our
pricing strategy drives revenue-sharing. Our prices must change as our business grows. Pricing is
vital as it determines the product's value and energy for customers. The price informs the
customer that the product is worth their time and money.
The discussion above shows that pricing is important for selling products in the market. The
strategies discussed above can be utilized to determine the appropriate pricing.

Ans 2.


Ayurvedic products made with all-natural ingredients are proving to be a huge success. If you are
planning to have your Ayurvedic merchandise to stand apart online, you should have the same
Natural organic method of advertising. It is important to use numerous digital distribution
channels. Internet marketing is a popular method of advertising to market Ayurvedic products.
There are numerous standard organic medical businesses that sell on the internet. Internet has
proven to be an important tool in marketing Ayurvedic products and services. According to
experts from the international market, Western markets also carry out the most effective methods
to market natural products. Ayurveda originates from India. On the other hand instead of being a
medical treatment, it's more of a way of life. After it gained popularity within Western markets,
Ayurveda developed strategies that can affect emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing.


Marketing strategy and planning

Plans and strategies for marketing are designed to increase profitability for companies.
Marketing success is dependent upon a company's marketing strategy and plan. Marketing
planning is another important element of a strategy for marketing. It's a method that is designed
to create a marketing blueprint for the coming years. The marketing plan of an organization
defines its strategic objectives for the company.

Promotion is a set of activities designed to communicate the features of a product and make them
buy it. Comparatively to manufacturing costs, promotions can be significant. An analysis of
break-even should be included in the promotional selections. This will tell you whether it's
economically worthwhile to acquire additional customers. Promoting products is expensive. Ads
catch people's attention and offer product information.

There are various kinds of mix-ups that Herbal Life products must use:

Create an online site

To get the most Ayurvedic web exposure, you need a site. Websites are also your "face" for what
you do online. It is possible to use a website to promote your products or products on social
media websites.

Social media

The social media on the Internet is now a major factor in marketing as increasing numbers of
users are signing up to social websites such as Facebook and Twitter. Social networks have been
exploding in popularity over the last few years, attracting millions of users who tend to stay on
for hours. These sites are vital for marketing via e-mail, as a lot of tech-savvy customers can
access updates from Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Social media is an excellent way to share health-related videos with a broad viewers. Social
media can be used to obtain feedback from clients on their preferences, preferences, and views.
The platform lets the business to market its goods, offers, and programs.

Advertising- Advertising is the oldest method used to market any brand. Advertising is the
process of giving a public audience an openly sponsored, unpersonal or oral message about a
brand or service, or even an idea. Advertising is a method to convince customers. Advertising
helps to make the items which are pleasing to the buyers. Advertising is the art of convincing
people to buy your product. Advertising boosts the product's sale volume.
Advertisers may choose to advertise on multiple websites. The ads will be an ongoing benefit to
the business. These ads could be used to promote content marketing, SEO online PR, as well as
various other uses. Because the company sells multiple items, it is necessary to utilize both
offline and internet advertisements. Offline advertising can be carried out via TV, radio and
print. Online advertising refers to digital marketing. It can be done online via blog posts or
campaigns, and so on.


Publicity boosts the business, service or product unit demand in a non-personal way. You can get
it through publishing news that is commercially significant about a product or service or by
giving a favorable radio, TV or stage presentation that is not sponsored by the sponsors. The
image of a company is damaged and sales suffer when it is exposed to negative publicity.

Direct mail

Direct mail is a low-cost marketing method. Direct mailing is selective and personal. Only target
audience is contacted. Because mail is sent with a name or other number, it's considered to be
personal. Direct mail costs include each envelope, the letter, and postage. Cost-per-response can
be used to ensure that not all letters are replied to.

Fairs, trade exhibitions and exhibitions

Exhibitions and fairs use bright and vibrant colors to attract people's attention and spark their
interest in the products and services. They are able to reach those who aren't reached by other
channels or who may be unaware of them. The best method to display industrial goods is through
fairs. The India Trade Promotion Organisation encourages Indian participation at over 40
international fairs.

Network advertisement

Internet marketing is the best strategy for advertising Ayurveda companies. One of our clients is
trying to create the brand "Bestveda" by using the use of content marketing. We also use web-
based advertising platforms, like Google Ads. This has negatively affected the sales of
Ayurveda. Profited me.

Advertising and marketing are crucial in establishing and growing businesses successfully. They
help in increasing the market's demand and sales. A person's marketing strategy must be
designed to demonstrate to your target market the benefits function, value, and benefits of your
offerings of goods or services. You must be different from your competitors and enhance your
profits. Find the right mix of unsettled and paid ads. Organic is the best option, especially for
paid initiatives. Advertising is part of the marketing and advertising mix. It comprises large-scale
audiences by using a variety of mediums, improving brand recognition as well as promoting
deals and increasing consumer loyalty.

The herbal products can evaluate different communication tools to help communicate and pick
the best. After choosing the right communication tool, the company is able to design the plan of
communication. This includes how and when people can access it and how effective it is.

Ans 3a.


Mr. Raj plans to purchase his next phone, which has the most recent features. There are a variety
of phones available across a variety of brands and with various price points, each aimed at
various groups of people. Raj is guided through a comprehensive procedure by the research team
to reduce his options and make it easier to select.


The factors that affect the purchasing behavior of a person:

 Job -The occupation of the buyer influences purchases. Security guards and peons are dressed
in informal attire, whereas CEOs and managers purchase business suits. A business can
specialize in one or more occupation products. Software companies make a range of products for
accountants, brand manager engineers, lawyers and doctors.

 Life Style- Understanding these forces requires measuring the main AIO dimensions of the
consumer, i.e. activities (Work, hobbies, shopping, support etc.) activities (such as shopping,
support, etc.) (Food fashion, family activities shopping, support, etc.) and opinions (about them,
business products).

 Life Cycle Stage-Over their lives, people change the items and services they purchase. Age is
often a element in how food, clothing, furniture as well as recreation are viewed. The stage in the
family's life cycle also influences buying decisions.

 Personality and Self Concept - Each person's individual personality affects his or her buying
habits. Personality is the unique personality traits that lead to fairly consistent and consistent
responses to the world around us.

 Reference Groups- These groups can include two or more members who collaborate to
accomplish mutual or individual goals. They can exert influence on the way one behaves.

The steps that are involved in the decision making process for the mobile phone:

1. Need recognition- Recognition is important It is the very first step in the buyer process. They
are able to decide that they need something, and they then have to conduct their own research to
locate the item.

Here are some suggestions to think about

 Pricing
 Speed
 Storage
 Camera
 Software
2. Information search -Once the necessity is realized, the purchaser begins to search for all
details on the product, both from internal and external sources.

The following points to be considered at this point:

Internal- Memory and Experience

Friends and Family,

External -Magazines and Media

Respective Company sites

YouTube channels

E-commerce Websites

3. Evaluation- After reviewing the various options, we weigh every option before making our
final decision about purchasing an iPhone.

Take note of these points

Based on different parameters, some mobiles evaluated are:

 Samsung
 Apple
 OnePlus

4. Purchase decision-We make the decision to buy the smartphone that will best suit our budget,
needs and other needs after analyzing all choices.

It is important to know what points to look at at this stage (After we purchase a mobile using the
evaluated alternatives)

 Security and safety features

 High Performance
 A good camera with a smooth interface.
 Service centers.

5. After purchase behaviors -Should we be aware of certain post purchase actions.

Check these points

Check regularly on the performance and services.


Apple's iPhone 13 collection is the best, as the iPhone 13 Pro features three twelve-megapixel
sensors. The iPhone's image quality and sharpness is superior to Pixel 6 phones that have a
50MP main transmitter.

Ans 3b.


Global Stock allows you to buy portfolio allowances on global markets. Online advertising is
possible in many ways. There are currently over 35 million apps on the App Store, while more
than 2.9 Million apps in the Google Play Store. These numbers are amazing and are increasing
every day. Users of our app are more likely to move to our app from other apps. The competition
is intense.


Facebook pages and ads- Facebook is the most used social media platform. We find almost all
the individuals on Facebook which is why it is the primary advantage of advertising your brand
on it. Facebook allows companies to advertise their services. A corporation may also utilise
Facebook to promote a catchy advertising campaign. Facebook can be used to promote
businesses, businesses, products and even movies and TV shows. Facebook is the ideal platform
for globalizing and socializing.

Blog- A blog is the most popular method of engaging with consumers who are interested and to
get feedback from your business. If your company is on the stock market, it should build a blog
where it could post articles about investing, the stock market, and also the company's offerings.
A regular update of pertinent articles can help individuals relate to the company.

WhatsApp -WhatsApp is an immensely popular messaging app that has swiftly replaced SMS
culture. It's accessible on almost all mobile phones. If you believe that WhatsApp is just a text
messaging app but you're not. WhatsApp is the fastest way to inform users about news about
deals, products, or offers.

YouTube- YouTube is the best platform to stream videos from around the world. A company
can establish an account and upload their product videos. Millions of customers will connect
with you. Many businesses have a vision of Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. Social media
marketing. YouTube is the second-largest site as well as a social media platform. This offers
huge opportunities for increasing exposure of your business, traffic and engagement and leads.
Videos are available to demonstrate how to buy international stocks.


App Store Optimization (ASO) is a form of search engine optimization that is designed
specifically for the mobile internet browsing world. This is crucial to being discovered when it
comes to purchasing goods and services. Your program's name, keywords and a summary are
essential if you want to be successful in ASO.

Search Ads

Apple introduced search ads as well as ads in the App store. You can however use specific key
words to ensure that your app appears first in search results when users type specific keywords.

Recognizing our competitors is a substantial advantage of using mobile apps for marketing. It is
a crucial aspect for any company. It helps us boost our the visibility of our company, to keep in
touch to build two-way communication with customers and provide a to questions, as well to
boost our reputation and track record. Marketing and advertising via apps also can inform us
about our competition and help us create effective retention plans.

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