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Pablo Borbon Campus

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

A Case Study Analysis of

Honda Motors

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the
MGT 406 Strategic Management


Untalan Aizel Vea

Vidal Ronaldo
Tunog Rheinhard
Wagan Eunice Anne M.
Yangao Angel B.

OMGT 4101

Rizal Avenue Extension, Batangas City, Philippines +63 43 980-0385 loc. 1124
Pablo Borbon Campus

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

Honda Motors is a Japanese Multinational Corporation. Honda manufactures the
automobiles and motorcycles. Honda was found on 14th September 1948 by Mr. Soichiro
Honda and Mr. Tekeo Fujisawa. Mr Soichiro designed his first drafts of piston design and
sold to Toyota but it was rejected. After that he is established the Honda technical research
institution in Japan of a small engine for two bicycles and his first motorcycle was Honda
cub, first automobile was T360 Mini pick-up truck. Honda Motor Company, Ltd is Japanese
motoring company which is famous for making automobiles and motorcycle.
Honda is largest motorcycle manufacturer. Apart from development of automobiles,
its domain also ranges from garden equipment. marine engines, robots, solar cell and
personal watercraft to power generators. It also develops luxury cars naming Acura. Thus
main motive of Honda is to manufacture products of transportation sector, it focuses on
customer satisfaction and also to build environment friendly product. These plants are
located in various South Asian countries like China, Pakistan, Japan, Indonesia, India,
Thailand, Turkey, also European countries like Belgium, Peru and American countries like
Canada, England New Zealand, Brazil. As it can be seen that the Honda manufacture and
supplies product to countries which are diverse in environment condition language, lifestyle,
business and market condition etc, so while designing cars all these conditions must be kept
in mind. While considering the design cars for American and South-Asian countries various
factors should be kept to mind. For instance, designing cars in South- Asian market
conditions to given focus are consumption of fuel, fuel economy, car structure, design
vehicle utility and the temperature factor.
Honda integrate itself into many parts of the world in many different forms of
Management to adopt the real environment, and it is the world's leading engine maker with
annual production of more than 20 million in internal combustion motor.
This case study will examine Honda Motors' history, business operations, and
strategies for success. We will explore the company's competitive advantages, including its
focus on research and development, its unique corporate culture, and its commitment to
sustainability. We will also investigate Honda's challenges, such as the impact of global
economic downturns and increased competition in the automotive industry. Ultimately, this
case study aims to provide insight into Honda's success and offer lessons that can be
applied to other businesses. By analyzing Honda's history, business practices, and future
plans, we can gain a better understanding of what it takes to build a successful global
enterprise in today's rapidly changing business environment.

Honda Motorcycle Company faces a pressing challenge centered on the imperative
to enhance the environmental sustainability of its operations. In the wake of growing
concerns about climate change and environmental impact, the company recognizes the
necessity to reduce the carbon footprint associated with the manufacturing processes of its
motorcycles. This challenge extends across the entire supply chain, including raw material
extraction, production, transportation, and end-of-life considerations.
The complexity lies in devising comprehensive strategies that not only minimize
environmental impact but also align with the company's commitment to maintaining high-
quality standards and meeting the increasing demand for its motorcycles. Balancing these

Rizal Avenue Extension, Batangas City, Philippines +63 43 980-0385 loc. 1124
Pablo Borbon Campus

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

objectives requires a thorough examination of current manufacturing practices, sourcing of
materials, energy consumption, and waste management protocols.
SWOT Analysis:
A Honda SWOT analysis helps the company to analyze and assess all the internal
and external factors that affects company’s operations. With the help of SWOT analysis
make informed decisions and enhance its competitive position in the automotive industry.

Strong brand reputation
Honda is known for its quality and reliability, which has contributed to its strong brand
image globally.
Diversified product portfolio
Honda offers many products to consumers including engines, cars, motorcycles, jets,
robots, generators, lawnmowers, water pumps, as well as many other power equipment
products. While the cars generate the most revenue for Honda, its overall product portfolio is
fairly diversified, when compared to Volkswagen, Toyota, General Motors, or Briggs and
Stratton (in an engine industry).
Technological innovation
Honda has a history of technological advancements in areas such as fuel efficiency,
hybrid technology, and safety features.
Strong R&D Departments
Honda has strong research and development groups. It has an R&D department on
every important location it has been operating its businesses. Additionally, for R&D purpose
it collaborated with other different institutions.
Strong position in Asia’s motorcycle markets
Asia Pacific region, which includes such countries as China, India, Vietnam,
Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia and Japan, is the largest motorcycle
region in the world and Honda’s strong position in it is a powerful competitive advantage.
Environmental sustainability
Honda is committed to reducing its environmental impact by developing eco-friendly
products and manufacturing processes. The company has set ambitious targets for reducing
CO2 emissions and increasing the use of renewable energy in its operations.

Heavy reliance on the automobile segment
While Honda has a diverse product portfolio, a significant portion of its revenue is
generated from the automobile segment. This reliance makes the company susceptible to
fluctuations in the automotive industry, including changes in consumer preferences,
regulations, and economic conditions.
Dependence on key markets
Honda heavily relies on the North American and Asian markets for its sales and
revenue, which exposes it to market-specific risks.

Rizal Avenue Extension, Batangas City, Philippines +63 43 980-0385 loc. 1124
Pablo Borbon Campus

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

Recall issues
Honda, like other automakers, has faced product recall issues due to defects and
safety concerns. These recalls can negatively impact the company’s brand image, customer
trust, and financial performance.
Slow adoption of electric vehicles (EVs):
Although Honda has tried to develop hybrid and electric vehicles, the company has
been relatively slow in fully embracing the EV market compared to some competitors. This
slower adoption may limit Honda’s growth potential in this rapidly expanding market
High costs and prizes
As the Honda company makes large investments in the research and development
sector and the latest technology, the product pricing goes through the roof. So naturally, the
products are a bit on the pricey side. Even though it is a weakness, it is necessary. Because
if it tries to lower the price, the brand equity will also fall. And this is something the Honda
company simply cannot afford.

Increasing demand for electric vehicles
As the demand for electric vehicles grows, Honda can capitalize on this trend by
further investing in and expanding its electric vehicle offerings.
Expansion of electric vehicle (EV) offerings
As global demand for electric vehicles continues to grow, Honda has the opportunity
to expand its EV portfolio and establish itself as a leader in this market segment. This would
help the company stay competitive and capitalize on the shift toward sustainable
Growing emerging markets
Honda can continue to expand its presence in emerging markets such as India and
China, where there is a rising middle class with increased purchasing power.
Technological advancements
Honda can leverage technological advancements such as autonomous driving,
connectivity features, and alternative fuels to stay competitive in the market.

Intense competition
The automotive industry is highly competitive, with major players like Toyota,
Volkswagen, General Motors, and Ford vying for market share. Increased competition can
pressure Honda’s sales, pricing strategies, and profit margins.
Economic factors
Economic fluctuations and downturns can impact consumer purchasing power and
demand for automobiles, affecting Honda's sales.
Changes in regulations
Changes in government regulations related to emissions, fuel efficiency, and safety
requirements can pose challenges for Honda in terms of compliance and adapting its

Rizal Avenue Extension, Batangas City, Philippines +63 43 980-0385 loc. 1124
Pablo Borbon Campus

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

Fluctuating raw material prices
The automotive industry relies on various raw materials, such as steel, aluminum,
and rubber. Volatility in the prices of these materials can increase production costs and
negatively impact Honda’s profitability.
Electric vehicle adoption
Competitors like Tesla have gained a significant advantage in the electric vehicle
market. Honda’s slower adoption of EV technology may result in the company losing market
share to competitors who are quicker to embrace this shift in consumer preferences.
Government Regulation
The rules and regulations that the government imposes may be a major threat to
Honda, especially if it does not abide by its profit-based agenda. Environmental pollution is
one of the many reasons the government is keeping an eye on it. This is giving Honda a
hard time in its business and production


The automotive industry is a low-profit industry. Due to various factors, the return on
capital for automotive manufacturers is low, which was only slightly above the estimated cost
of capital of 10% and enjoyed a small positive return (PWC, 2017). Below is Porter’s Five
Bargaining power of suppliers (Rating: 6/10)
The bargaining power of suppliers is moderate. Through globalization, it increases
the number of suppliers in the automotive market for automakers to choose from, showing
that suppliers might in the weaker power. However, more auto manufacturers develop long-
term partnerships with suppliers. Because their competitive positions rely heavily on the
suppliers’ performance in terms of quality and costs according to Brandes and it can help
developing mutual benefits of higher efficiency information exchange. Therefore, it can
strengthen suppliers’ power.
Competitive Rivalry (Rating: 8/10)
The competition in the automotive industry is strong with the evidence shown in next
figure, which indicates a tight market share among the existing brands. Companies have
diverse product portfolios, with different vehicles models offers to customers. Exit barriers
are high as they have invested heavily into the business, these keep companies in the
industry even they may have low profitability. Besides, the diversities of product portfolios
are moderately low, most auto companies still focus on the automobile industry especially
the trend of electric and self-driving vehicles development.

Rizal Avenue Extension, Batangas City, Philippines +63 43 980-0385 loc. 1124
Pablo Borbon Campus

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

The threat of Entry (Rating: 3/10)
It is difficult to enter the automobile industry. One reason is the high entry barrier, it
requires high capital requirement and investment. Apart from those, strong distribution
network and high skilled man power are also fundamental factors to operate business in the
automotive industry. Existing brands already benefit from economies of scales, it increases
the difficulty for new entrants to obtain a competitive strategy. Besides, brand image is
another important element for car manufacturers. It takes a long time for new entrants to
build up its reputation and develop relationship with its customers. As a result, these factors
hinder new entrants getting into the industry.
The threat of substitutes (Rating: 7/10)
The threat of substitutes is moderate. Due to the development of technology, the
alternatives are no longer just the means of public transport including buses, trains, taxis and
bicycles. The growth rate of the automotive industry forecasts to be drop from 6.2% in 2017
to around 2% by 2022 (Marketline, 2018), this is partly driven by the rise of shared mobility
services. In 2017, it is estimated that 338 million worldwide users are using these services
and it is expected to continue to grow in popularity (PWC, 2018). Thus, sharing mobility
services might result in a decline in vehicle sales.
Bargaining power of buyers (Rating: 5/10)
Buyers have more power because they have a wide range of brands and models to
choose from, automobile companies need to invest in product differentiation with various
features in order to attract and retain customers. Besides, due to the development of the
internet, company transparency is higher, customers can quickly access more information
and compare with other companies before making a purchasing decision.
Honda has been the world's leading motorcycle manufacturer since 1959, with 400
million units produced by the end of 2019. It is also the world's largest maker of internal
combustion engines by volume, producing more than 14 million engines every year. Honda
was the world's seventh-largest automotive manufacturer in 2015.
Honda was the first Japanese automaker to introduce a dedicated luxury brand, Acura,
in 1986. Honda manufactures garden equipment, marine engines, personal watercraft, power
generators, and other products in addition to its core vehicle and motorcycle industries. Honda
has been working on artificial intelligence and robotics research since 1986, and its ASIMO
robot was released in 2000. They have also moved into aerospace, establishing GE Honda
Aero Engines in 2004 and the Honda HA-420 Honda Jet, which entered production in 2012.
Honda has two joint ventures in China, Dongfeng Honda and GAC Honda.
Honda is a diverse automotive company that produces a wide range of vehicles,
including motorcycles, automobiles, and power equipment. As such, their target market can
vary depending on the specific product line. In addition, Honda targets a broad consumer
base, aiming to appeal to different demographics and preferences. Honda's primary target
market is the middle-income group, as they choose two-wheelers because they are less
expensive and provide good value for money. In the past, Honda mostly targeted the age
bracket of 30 to 51, but in recent years, it has carved out a new market segment for younger
drivers and young families, which has a strong market base and will eventually contribute to
larger corporate sales. In summary, Honda's target market is quite diverse, encompassing
individuals and businesses with different needs and preferences. Their reputation for

Rizal Avenue Extension, Batangas City, Philippines +63 43 980-0385 loc. 1124
Pablo Borbon Campus

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

reliability, fuel efficiency, and innovation has contributed to a broad appeal across various
demographic groups.
Honda produces a wide range of vehicles, including cars, motorcycles, and power
products like generators and lawn mowers. They are recognized for their innovation, reliability,
and fuel efficiency. Honda has a global presence and is one of the largest manufacturers of
internal combustion engines. Honda faces competition from several automotive companies in
the global market. Some of its main competitors include Toyota, Ford, and Tesla.
Toyota, as one of the world's largest and most successful automakers, uses a number
of marketing methods to retain and expand its market dominance. It has a significant global
footprint, with activities in a variety of nations. This enables them to tap into a wide range of
markets and customer preferences. They tailor their products and marketing tactics to local
tastes and requirements. Toyota has a reputation for manufacturing high-quality, dependable
vehicles. They frequently focus their marketing on these features, highlighting how their
vehicles are constructed to last, which helps consumers create trust. Has also been on the
cutting edge of automobile innovation, particularly in hybrid and electric technology. They
position themselves as leaders in green technology, promoting hybrid models such as the
Prius. Safety is an important part of their marketing strategy. In their marketing brochures,
they highlight their automobiles' superior safety features and high safety ratings.
Ford is a major American automaker that competes with Honda in the United States
and other markets. They offer a wide range of vehicles, including trucks, SUVs, and electric
vehicles. Ford has employed a range of marketing strategies to promote its brand and
products. Some key elements of Ford's marketing strategy include digital marketing and social
media. Just like many companies, Ford has invested significantly in digital marketing and
maintains a strong presence on social media platforms. This includes advertising campaigns,
engaging content, and customer interaction on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, and YouTube. With a consumer-centric approach, Ford focuses on understanding
customer needs and preferences and shaping its marketing strategies based on market
research. This approach helps tailor products and marketing messages to specific consumer
segments. In addition, Ford has a marketing strategy like employee advocacy. Ford
encourages employee advocacy as part of its marketing strategy. Engaged and proud
employees can contribute positively to the brand's image.
Tesla has implemented a unique and innovative marketing strategy that sets it apart
in the automotive industry. Some of it is word-of-mouth and buzz marketing. Tesla relies
heavily on word-of-mouth marketing. The company's innovative products and features, such
as Autopilot and Ludicrous Mode, generate significant buzz and discussions within both
traditional and social media. Also, they have autonomous driving technology. Tesla markets
its autopilot and full self-driving (FSD) capabilities, positioning itself as a leader in autonomous
driving technology. This feature appeals to tech enthusiasts and those interested in the future
of transportation. And marketing strategies like customer testimonials and reviews and
positive customer experiences are highlighted in Tesla's marketing materials. Customer
testimonials, reviews, and social media posts contribute to building trust and credibility.

Rizal Avenue Extension, Batangas City, Philippines +63 43 980-0385 loc. 1124
Pablo Borbon Campus

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

The advantages and disadvantages of Honda compared to other companies include:
Advantages of Honda
1. Reliability: Honda vehicles are often praised for their reliability and longevity. Many
consumers appreciate the brand for producing cars and motorcycles that require
minimal maintenance.
2. Fuel Efficiency: Honda is known for manufacturing fuel-efficient vehicles, which can
be appealing to environmentally conscious consumers and those looking to save on
fuel costs.
3. Diverse Product Range: Honda produces a wide range of vehicles, from compact
cars to SUVs and motorcycles. This diversity allows them to cater to a broad customer
base with different preferences and needs.
4. Innovation: Honda has a history of innovation in engineering and design. They were
one of the first companies to introduce hybrid vehicles to the mass market with models
like the Honda Insight.
5. Global Presence: Honda has a strong global presence, operating in many countries
and consistently being a significant player in the automotive market worldwide.
Disadvantages of Honda
1. Styling: Some critics argue that Honda vehicles may lack the bold styling found in
competitors' models. Design preferences are subjective, so this can vary from person
to person.
2. Performance: While Honda vehicles are generally reliable and efficient, some
enthusiasts argue that certain models may not offer the same level of performance or
driving excitement as competitors.
3. Interior Quality: In some cases, competitors may offer more luxurious or higher-
quality interior materials compared to certain Honda models.
4. Limited All-Wheel Drive Options: In the SUV segment, Honda's all-wheel-drive
(AWD) options might be seen as more limited compared to some competitors.
5. Price: Depending on the market segment, some may argue that certain Honda models
are priced slightly higher than equivalent models from other manufacturers

Rizal Avenue Extension, Batangas City, Philippines +63 43 980-0385 loc. 1124
Pablo Borbon Campus

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

Marketing Mix Analysis

Product Price

• Honda's focus on innovation • Honda's mid-range pricing

and fuel efficiency aligns well strategy has been effective in
with the changing preferences attracting a broad customer
of environmentally conscious base.
consumers. • It aligns with the value-for-
• The diverse product range money proposition that the
caters to different market brand aims to offer.
segments. • Honda sets the prices, and
• Honda offers automobile, dealers engage in contracts
motorcycle, financial services with them.
and Power.
ANALYSIS Promotion

• Honda's global distribution • Honda's advertising and

network ensures that its promotional activities have
products are widely available. effectively communicated the
• The company's presence in brand's values and product
key markets aligns with its features.
goal of being a global player. • Sponsorships have helped
create positive associations
and enhance brand visibility.
• Brand also engages with its
users on social media
websites like Facebook,
Instagram etc.

Rizal Avenue Extension, Batangas City, Philippines +63 43 980-0385 loc. 1124
Pablo Borbon Campus

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

Honda Motors faces the contemporary challenge of optimizing its digital marketing
strategies to effectively reach and engage with a diverse and digitally savvy consumer base.
In an era where online presence and brand visibility are paramount, Honda aims to enhance
its digital marketing initiatives to not only increase brand awareness but also drive customer
engagement and loyalty.
The company recognizes the importance of leveraging various digital channels,
including social media, search engine optimization (SEO), online advertising, and content
marketing, to create a cohesive and impactful digital presence. Moreover, with the evolving
landscape of e-commerce and online retail, Honda seeks to integrate seamless digital
experiences for potential customers, from initial product discovery to the final purchase
The challenge extends to navigating the dynamic nature of digital platforms and
staying abreast of emerging trends and technologies. Honda Motors aims to explore
innovative digital marketing approaches that resonate with its target audience, enhance
customer experience, and provide a competitive edge in the rapidly evolving automotive
industry. In addressing this challenge, Honda is committed to staying agile and adaptive in
its digital marketing strategies, ensuring a harmonious blend of creativity, analytics, and
customer-centricity to forge stronger connections with its audience in the digital realm.
Honda Motorcycle Company understands the urgent need to improve the
environmental sustainability of its operations in response to growing concerns about climate
change and environmental impact. The company faces the issue of decreasing the carbon
footprint connected with its motorcycle manufacturing operations while maintaining high
quality standards and meeting rising demand for its products.
To address this challenge, Honda has identified several potential strategies that can
be implemented across the entire supply chain, from raw material extraction to end-of-life
considerations. These alternatives offer a range of approaches to minimizing environmental
impact, improving brand reputation, and enhancing cost savings. However, each alternative
presents its own set of advantages, disadvantages, feasibility considerations, and potential
The following sections will evaluate each alternative in detail, providing a
comprehensive assessment of their potential impact on Honda Motorcycle Company's
environmental sustainability efforts.
Implement Sustainable Manufacturing Practices- Honda may apply sustainable
manufacturing practices to lower its carbon footprint and environmental impact throughout
the manufacturing process. This includes using energy-efficient technologies, reducing trash
generation, and reusing resources. While this may necessitate a substantial investment, it
can result in long-term cost savings and improved brand perception.
Adopt Sustainable Sourcing Strategies- Honda may reduce its upstream environmental
effect by using sustainable procurement practices. This involves obtaining supplies from
ethical vendors who place a high value on sustainable business methods. While there may

Rizal Avenue Extension, Batangas City, Philippines +63 43 980-0385 loc. 1124
Pablo Borbon Campus

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

be an initial rise in sourcing prices, this can improve brand perception and develop supplier
Enhance End-of-Life Management- By optimizing end-of-life management, Honda can cut
waste and encourage resource recovery. Establishing recycling programs and working with
neighborhood organizations are necessary for this. Although infrastructure investment is
needed, this can reduce environmental impact and improve brand reputation.
Embrace Eco-friendly Technologies- Honda motorcycles can lead the way in
environmentally friendly transportation by utilizing cutting-edge technologies. This involves
creating motorcycles with reduced fuel consumption and investigating different powertrain
options, such as hybrid or electric vehicles. Although a large investment is required, this can
position Honda as a pioneer in environmentally friendly innovation.
To address this challenge effectively, Honda Motorcycle Company is actively seeking
innovative solutions and sustainable technologies that can be integrated into its
manufacturing processes. The goal is to establish a robust framework that not only complies
with stringent environmental regulations but also positions the company as a leader in
sustainable and responsible manufacturing within the motorcycle industry. This multifaceted
problem statement underscores the need for a strategic approach to sustainability,
emphasizing the integration of eco-friendly practices throughout the entire lifecycle of Honda
motorcycles, thereby aligning the company with global environmental goals and meeting the
expectations of increasingly conscientious consumers.

Collaborate with suppliers to develop and implement sustainable raw material
sourcing procedures, emphasizing environmentally favorable options. Implement a
transparent tracking system to trace the origins and environmental impact of goods sourced.
In manufacturing facilities, invest in energy-efficient technologies and procedures. When
possible, use renewable energy sources to power production. Use smart technologies to
reduce energy usage throughout the manufacturing process. Reduce emissions by
optimizing transportation routes. Introduce hybrid or electric vehicles to the distribution fleet.
Implement a waste reduction program that focuses on recycling and reusing goods in
collaboration with logistical partners. Investigate the viability of implementing a circular
economy model, in which end-of-life products are recycled into new components. Create a
dedicated environmental sustainability team to continuously analyze success and find
chances for improvement. Encourage staff participation through training sessions and public
awareness initiatives.
Regularly audit suppliers to ensure compliance with sustainability standards. Monitor
the ecological impact of sourced materials and adjust strategies based on environmental
assessments. Conduct periodic energy audits to measure the effectiveness of implemented
technologies. Compare energy consumption data over time to assess the impact of energy
efficiency measures. Monitor transportation-related emissions regularly. Analyze the
efficiency of distribution strategies in minimizing the overall carbon footprint associated with

Rizal Avenue Extension, Batangas City, Philippines +63 43 980-0385 loc. 1124
Pablo Borbon Campus

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

the delivery of motorcycles. Track and report on the volume of waste reduced through
recycling initiatives. Evaluate the success of circular economy practices by assessing the
percentage of recycled materials incorporated into new production. Conduct regular reviews
of sustainability metrics and KPIs. Solicit feedback from employees and stakeholders to
ensure that the environmental sustainability initiatives align with corporate values and
stakeholder expectations. In evaluating the success of the recommendations, Honda
Motorcycle Company should employ key performance indicators (KPIs) related to
environmental impact, resource efficiency, and stakeholder satisfaction. Regular audits and
assessments should be conducted to measure progress and identify areas for further
refinement. By integrating these recommendations, Honda can navigate the delicate balance
between environmental responsibility and maintaining a competitive edge in the motorcycle

Honda Motors, a Japanese multinational corporation with a long history of innovation,
has established itself as a global automotive industry pioneer. The company's unwavering
dedication to quality, technological advancement, and environmental sustainability has
earned it a reputation for excellence and consumer trust. However, as the industry changes
rapidly, Honda faces the challenge of adapting its strategies in order to maintain its
competitive edge.
There are several obstacles for the company because of its reliance on the auto
industry, recall problems, and a delayed uptake of electric vehicles. Honda needs to expand
the variety of products it offers, give electric vehicle technology innovation top priority, and
put strict quality control procedures in place if it wants to overcome these obstacles.
Furthermore, the business ought to take advantage of its worldwide reach in order to
penetrate new markets and profit from the rising need for environmentally friendly
transportation options.
Honda still has a number of advantages that can be used to its advantage in order to
succeed despite these difficulties. An excellent basis for expansion is provided by its broad
range of products, reputable brand, and dedication to environmental sustainability. Honda
can successfully negotiate the changing automotive landscape and maintain its position as a
market pioneer by building on these advantages and minimizing its disadvantages.
Honda has always been committed to providing excellent customer service and has
never stopped seeking out new ideas. The business needs to keep embracing change,
adjusting to new technologies, and putting sustainability first as it starts the next phase of its
growth. Honda can guarantee its future prosperity and firmly establish itself as the world's
foremost automotive company by doing this.

Rizal Avenue Extension, Batangas City, Philippines +63 43 980-0385 loc. 1124
Pablo Borbon Campus

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

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Rizal Avenue Extension, Batangas City, Philippines +63 43 980-0385 loc. 1124
Pablo Borbon Campus

College of Accountancy, Business, Economics and International Hospitality Management

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Rizal Avenue Extension, Batangas City, Philippines +63 43 980-0385 loc. 1124

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