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1. What types of clothing do you usually prefer to buy?

a. casual
b. formal
c. athletic wear

2. What factors influence your decision when buying clothes?

a. price and quality
b. brand reputation and aesthetic appeal
c. all of the above

3. How important is the style or fashion trend when selecting clothes?

a. Extremely important: Style or fashion trend is a top priority when selecting clothes.
Staying up-to-date with the latest fashion trends is essential, and personal style is
influenced heavily by what is currently popular.
b. Moderately important: Style or fashion trend plays a significant role when selecting
clothes, but it is not the sole determining factor. While staying somewhat current with
trends is desirable, other factors such as personal comfort and individual preference
also influence clothing choices.
c. Not important: Style or fashion trend has little to no influence on clothing selection.
Personal comfort and practicality take precedence over following trends. Individual
style is based more on personal preference and functionality rather than current
fashion trends.
4. Do you prioritize comfort or aesthetics when choosing clothes?
a. Comfort is my top priority.
b. Aesthetics matter the most to me.
c. I value a balance between comfort and aesthetics.

5. How much is the estimated amount you typically spend on each purchase?
a. Less than 200
b. Between 200 to 300
c. More than 300

1. How much does the price of the clothing item affect your decision to purchase it?
a. Price is a significant factor, and I prioritize affordable options.
b. I am willing to splurge on higher-priced items if they meet my preferences.
c. The price doesn't play a significant role in my decision-making process.

2. Are there any specific features or details that you look for in clothes when making a
a. I prioritize comfortable and breathable fabrics, such as cotton or linen.
b. I pay attention to the fit and silhouette of the clothing item.
c. I look for unique designs, patterns, or embellishments that make the clothing
stand out.

3. What role does brand reputation play in your decision to buy clothes?
a. Brand reputation is extremely important and influences my buying decisions.
b. Brand reputation is somewhat important, but not a major factor in my buying
c. Brand reputation doesn't play a significant role in my buying decisions.

4. Do recommendations from friends, family, or influencers impact your clothing choices?

a. Yes, I heavily rely on recommendations from friends, family, or influencers.
b. Recommendations from friends, family, or influencers have some influence on
my clothing choices.
c. No, recommendations from others do not impact my clothing choices.

1. Where do you usually shop for clothes?

d. Physical store
e. Online platforms
f. Both

2. How frequently do you buy new clothes?

a. I buy new clothes regularly, at least once a month.
b. I make new clothing purchases every few months.
c. I only buy new clothes when necessary or during special occasions.

3. Do you prefer local or international brands when purchasing clothes?

a. I prefer local brands as it supports the local economy and showcases unique styles.
b. I have no preference and consider both local and international brands.
c. I prefer international brands for their quality and global appeal.

4. Are you more likely to buy clothes during sales or promotional events?
a. Yes, I always take advantage of sales or promotional events to buy clothes.
b. Sales or promotional events sometimes influence my decision to buy clothes.
c. No, I don't pay much attention to sales or promotional events when buying clothes.

5. What are your preferred methods of payment when buying clothes?

a. Cash
b. Credit card
c. Online payment

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