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HS says we even need to clear SPIRIT itself.

At mop-up HS indicated other things to clear by giving circles over Chart 1. Ten
circles, each representing levels to be cleared at the HEART of SPIRIT and at the
highest levels of RADIANT LOVE.

HEART of SPIRIT is like the master computer, containing every possibility of

positive and negative.

1 – mop up
2 – miscellaneous programmes
3 – return programmes
4 – psychological reversal
5 – more to clear
6 – highest state of SPIRIT
7 – set of programmes at a level above the worlds “levels of soul consciousness”
8 – review and clearing of all charts
9 – fire of purification coming down from SPIRIT through Holy Spirit all the way
to the conscious mind level
10 – clearing of all discordant energies throughout all ONE Universes

Ask that all souls working as High Self or Guardian Angels be raised to the HEART
OF SPIRIT and all programmes cleared.

Blocks & interference: ensure you are properly prepped to work, then recheck
and ensure your committees are clear.

Sometimes if a soul is lying, you will get that it will take zero time to clear.
Check level of soul consciousness. If less than RADIANT LOVE, ask for a spiritual
kick/rap on the head which should do the trick!

Clearing often involves clearing challenges for those with physical illness.

A challenge is an energetic issue that a soul chooses for this lifetime that sets up
the conditions for experiencing illness.

After clearing ask if the soul will be free of the challenge. If no, return to Chart 1
– there may be other programmes to research and clear.

Also ask:
• does the soul want to exit the body? Ask if the soul can be given a
spiritual kick or rap on the head? Can there be a soul exchange with a
soul that will work to heal the body? If the soul wants to exit that is still a
for of healing, so do not see yourself as a failure!
• Is the soul or HS blocking a complete healing? (if so, do appropriate
clearing work).
• Are there hidden or unknown programmes (if so, ask for clearing).

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