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General Instructions:
• All questions may be attempted. Time Allowed: 90 minutes
• Write using black or blue pen.
• Marks may be deducted for careless or
badly arranged work.
• All working and answers are to be written in
this test booklet.
• If you wish to rewrite an answer, draw a line
through your faulty answer and rewrite your
answer on the back page of this booklet.
Show the number and part of the answer
being rewritten.
• Leave your answers in the simplest exact
form, unless otherwise stated.
• NESA approved calculators may be used.
• Clearly indicate your class by placing an
next to your class.
Examiner: JM


Class Teacher Question Marks

8MaA Mr R Wang 1 / 15
8Ma1 Ms Ward 2 / 15
8MaP Ms Kilmore & Ms H Chan 3 / 15
8MaL Mr R Wang & Mr Gurjar 4 / 15
8MaU Mr James 5 / 15
8MaS Ms Ward 6 / 15
Total / 90
Question 1 (15 Marks)

(a) What is the sum of 15 and -38 ? 1

(b) Simplify:
2 1
(i) 4 -2 1
5 3

(ii) -26 ´ 1

(iii) 58.27 ´105 - 3.48 ´106 1

15.8 - 4.7
(iv) 1

(c) If S = 6 ´10000 + 5 ´1000 + 4 ´10 + 3 ´1 , what is the value of S ? 1

(d) Express p 172 + 64 ´ 53 correct to 3 decimal places. 2

(e) Three or more points that lie on the same line are called ________________ points. 1

(f) How many km2 are in 2 750 000 cm2. 2

(g) On a 24-hour digital clock, how many times in one day will it display all four digits 2
2, 0, 1 and 9 must be used in any order?
(Note: the time can also start with zero)

(h) Elsa had a 10:00 a.m. appointment 60 km from her home. She averaged 80 km/h for the 2
trip and arrived 20 minutes late for the appointment. At what time did she leave her home?

End of Question 1

Question 2 (15 Marks)

(a) Simplify:
(i) 72 1

(ii) 5 54 1

(b) Simplify 6 - -8 + 12 ÷ 3 1

(c) Find the lengths of the unknown sides, correct to 2 decimal places.
(i) 1

x cm
4 cm

7 cm

(ii) 2
x cm

14 cm
170 mm

(d) Solve the following equations showing all necessary working:
(i) 5 - 2 x = 17 1

(ii) 6 p -1 = 5 p + 7 2

2x x
(iii) + =7 2
3 2

(iv) 3(2 x + 1) = 4(3 - x) 2

(v) + 8 = 11 2

End of Question 2

Question 3 (15 Marks)

(a) Expand and simplify:

(i) 5 ( 3x + 7 )

(ii) ( 2x + 5)( 4 - 3x ) 2

( x - 2)
(iii) 3

(b) Calculate the area of:

(i) 1

5.6 cm

(ii) 2

10.8 m
12 m


(iii) A B 2

AC = 8 m
BE = 6.8 m

(iv) 13.3 mm 2

8.5 mm 6.9 mm

18.1 mm

(c) A larger cube has volume 64 cm3. A smaller cube has edges that are half the length 2
of the edges of the larger cube. What is the volume of the smaller cube?

End of Question 3

Question 4 (15 Marks)

(a) Completely factorise:

(i) 7 x + 56 1

(ii) 5 x - 25 + xy - 5 y 2

( 2x + 1) - (3x + 4)( 2x + 1)
(iii) 3

(b) In a right-angled triangle, the hypotenuse is 8 cm longer than the shortest side and 3
1 cm longer than the third side. Find the length of all the sides.

(c) In the diagram below, DPQR is right-angled at P and PR = 12. If point S is on PQ so that 2
SQ = 11 and SR = 13. Find the exact perimeter of DRQS .


P S 11 Q

(d) What is the exact area of the kite? 2

1 cm


(e) Some identical rectangles are drawn on the floor. A triangle of base 10 cm and height 2
6 cm is drawn over them, as shown, and the region inside the rectangles and outside the
triangle is shaded. What is the area of the shaded region?

End of Question 4

Question 5 (15 Marks)

(a) In the diagram, each line segment has length x or y. Also, each pair of adjacent sides is perpendicular.

If the area of the figure is 252 units squared and x = 2y, calculate the perimeter of the figure. 3

(b) In the diagram DABC is right-angled at C. The perpendicular from C meets AB at D. If

BC = a, AC = b, DB = x and AD = y.

y a

A b C

(i) Show that h ( x + y ) = ab . 2

(ii) Show that h = . 2
a +b
2 2

~ 10 ~
(c) If x - y = a and p - q = b , write down the following in terms of a and b.
(i) 1 + y - x 2

( x - y)

(ii) 3
p2 - q2

(d) Driving at a constant speed, Mulan usually takes 180 minutes to drive from her house 3
to her mother's house. One day Mulan begins the drive at her usual speed, but after
driving of the way, she hits a bad snowstorm and reduces her speed by 20 kilometres
per hour. This time the trip takes her a total of 276 minutes. How many kilometres is the
drive from Mulan’s house to her mother's house?

End of Question 5

~ 11 ~
Question 6 (15 Marks)

(a) ACDF is a square. Find the area of the BHEG. 3

cm cm

1 cm

cm E D

(b) In the quadrilateral PQRS, PQ ⊥ QR and SR ⊥ QR.

Prove that ( PR ) - ( QS ) = ( PQ ) - ( RS ) .
2 2 2 2
(i) 2


(ii) Hence, prove that ( PS ) - ( QR ) = ( PQ - RS ) .

2 2 2

~ 12 ~
(c) A train is made up of 18 carriages. There are 700 passengers travelling on the train. In 4
any block of five adjacent carriages, there are 199 passengers in total. How many
passengers in total are in the middle two carriages of the train?

(d) Three faces of a rectangular box meet at a corner of the box. The centres of these faces 4
form the vertices of a triangle having side lengths of 4 cm, 5 cm and 6 cm. Find the exact
volume of the box, in cm .

End of Exam

~ 13 ~
Extra Working Page 1

~ 14 ~
Extra Working Page 2

~ 15 ~
~ 16 ~

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