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The sensitive waters of the Gulf of Finland

The Gulf of Finland and the Archipelago Sea are particularly sensitive to pollution. The concentrations of hazardous
substances are persistently high in the Gulf and in the Baltic Sea as a whole for the following reasons:

 the low volumes of water

 the slow rate of exchange of water with the open seas
 low temperatures and winter ice slow the evaporation or decomposition of pollutants
 stratification of the water into layers with different temperatures and salinities restricts the dispersal of pollutants
through the sea

Oil pollution prevention is further hampered by the intricate shape of the coastline with its many islands and narrow
channels, as well as by darkness and cold and icy conditions in the winter.

The consequences of an accident vary greatly according to the season. Oil spills in the winter or spring are the most
destructive. Spills in the spring particularly affect the functioning of entire ecosystems and natural habitats by
disrupting the breeding season.

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