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Spiritual Response Association

Volume 22, Number 03 March, 2010

M.A.G.I.C. Congratulations
U.F.O.’s and Other Hovering Items On
By Rev. Pam Murray, Ph.D. Fitness is an important part of my life. For me, it means Certification
working out in the gym five to six morning a week. Every
New Consultant
January, the gym is so crowded that I often must choose Lori Drienka
equipment other than the ones I usually use. Colorado, U.S.A.
(303) 717-2753
By mid-February, the crowds have gone and I have my pick
of treadmills, bicycles, and weight equipment.
Caroline Mougiakou
Where did all the people go who were there in January go? I suspect they had gone with Athens, Greece
the UFO’s. (30) 69378 05105
No, they hadn’t been abducted by little gray space aliens. They had gone into the realm
Renewed Consultant
of Un-Finished Objects, or UFO’s. Annie Kaufmann
Missouri, U.S.A.
For one thing, I don’t make resolutions. Each year I set a project for myself, such as (636) 586-1880
giving thanks as often as possible or releasing impeding fears. This means I am simply
on a path, rather than trying to stick to some unrealistic goal.
Renewed SpR Teacher
Goals are great. They help us define in specific ways where we want to go. But, one of Eric J. Scott
the tricks is figuring out what our real goals and wants are. Many times in your job, you North Carolina, U.S.A.
are asked to participate in goals that further the company or agency. As long as you are (919) 620-8630
paid to do a job, that is appropriate.
Continued on page 2

Inside This Issue

SRA Extra News SRT Methodology SRA Classes
Congratulations on Stepping Out of the Fear SRA International
Certification.....................1 Box.................................3 Classes..........................7
Welcome Erika Laszlo to CORRECTION
By: Kathryn Hamilton-Cook
SRA USA & Canada
the SRA Board.................6
M.A.G.I.C. Classes...........................8 New Consultant
SRA Board, Advisory U.F.O.’s and Other Mukti-Olga Thoma
Committee, and Staff SRA Meetings
Hovering Items..............1 Athens, Greece
Spotlight..........................9 SRA Meetings..............10
By: Rev. Pam Murray (30) 6934 736800
M.A.G.I.C. continued from page 1
If it’s your goal and your passion, you will have difficulty not doing it. You will feel
exhilarated as you are carried along with the wave of delight. Your energy will grow, not

However, if it is merely a vague wish or even someone else’s goal for you, you may feel
your life force begin to drain from you whenever you think of it. And, often, if you have
a choice, you may not complete it. It then becomes a UFO.

An Un-Finished Object may not be an object at all. It may be an intangible goal, such as
working out at the gym every day or cleaning the house. Perhaps it’s an unresolved
relationship or negative energy held on something. Unless we finish whatever it is, either
by completing it, letting it go, or resolving it, it will continue to hover, depleting our
SRT Class, December 2009 energy and keeping us from living a life of freedom.
New Delhi, India
As our UFO’s pile up, we can find them draining our energy. I’m aware of this right
now, because this year’s project I set for myself is to vastly reduce my UFO’s. I use my
charts and ask SPIRIT for many of my answers.

1. When did I decide to do this?

2. Why did I want it?
3. Why did I stop?
4. Is it really my goal, or does it belong to someone else?
5. Is there a fear or reason blocking my completion of it?
6. Does it still serve my need?
Do I really intend to finish it?
SRT Class, October 2009
Veracruz, Mexico In addition, I can sort my UFO’s into categories, such as the following. You can ask
SPIRIT for the group into which to place each UFO.

1. Keep and finish

2. Let it go

If you postpone the completion of something, make sure you set a date for it. I remember
a jacket I started to sew many years ago. It was very attractive and stylish. I don’t now
remember why I stopped working on it, but I somehow lost the energy to finish it. I kept
it hanging in the closet in its unfinished state for many years, feeling disappointed in
myself each time I looked at it, but not finding the motivation to actually finish it.

Finally, about two years ago, I realized that it had been hanging in the closet for more
than fifteen years. It was no longer stylish and I had no use for it. Impulsively, I grabbed
it from the closet, along with the extra fabric and disposed of it. I can’t describe for you
the feeling of lightness and freedom that this was no longer weighing me down. It gave
SRA Center me the courage to dispense with other plans and projects that no longer suited me.
Olympia, WA
Here’s the sequence to help you eliminate all those pesky UFO’s that have been plaguing
Page 2
Continued on page 9
SRT Methodology SRA
Board of Directors
Stepping Out of the Fear Box
By Kathryn Hamilton-Cook President
Mary Ann Detzler
Washington, U.S.A.
“If you suffer, it is not because you believe things are
impermanent. It is because you believe things are permanent.” - Vice President
Thich Nhat Hanh, Cultivating the Mind of Love Pamela A. Murray
Washington, U.S.A.
“Fear has come about in forgetting who you are.” -P’taah
through Jani King Secretary
Paul Irish, Jr.
When I asked High Self what would be most useful for this month’s discussion, they Washington, U.S.A.

indicated Chart 4, Fear. Feeling a bit resistant to tackle such a large subject, I asked the Treasurer
High Self the same question three times (yes, it took me until the third time to Marianne Blaha
acknowledge my fear!). The answer was the same: if you want to help people through Albertshofen, Germany
trying times, then it is important to address what is blocking them the most, and that is Directors
fear. In sitting with this proposition, I was instantly reminded of the many people who Yamini Bhatt
have been calling me in such difficulty. Every single one had fear that if circumstances Texas, U.S.A.
didn’t change, then something negative would result. In addition, nearly everyone had Karla Marie
fear that the positive change would never happen. Does this sound familiar? Texas, U.S.A.

Linda Turner
Fear is the emotional result of a separation belief Kent, United Kingdom
If SPIRIT is RADIANT LOVE, and we are Spirit, then the very essence of our being is Erika Laszlo
Love. Yet how many of us really feel this to be true on every level? Is our response to Budapest, Hungary
every situation “That’s okay, I know that the Love that is me will create a better
outcome in the next moment”? While I can respond in this way sometimes, I usually SRA
have to work through an emotional response that includes dealing with fear of some International
kind—fear of failure, fear of not being enough, fear that the circumstance may happen
again. Because we are constantly growing and changing, we will always have to face
uncertainties. We do have choice in how we respond to these uncertainties, however.
Marianne Blaha - Chair
We have only to look at our daily SRT work to know that this challenge is common for Albertshofen, Germany
everyone. Much of our research centers around identifying and clearing energies in some Kathleen Butler
way related to Chart 6A, Discordant Energies. Chart 6A is a compendium of the many Arizona, U.S.A.
results of creating from fear (just as Chart 6B are the energies associated with love). Robert E. Detzler
While we identify many programs to clear, from preprogrammed Soul beliefs to past life Washington, U.S.A.
experiences, nearly all have some root of fear behind them. High Self tells me that at its
Irenka Herbert
most elemental, our fear is that we are separate from SPIRIT and our own divinity.
Newport, Wales
Through our many challenging circumstances past and present, we struggle with
knowing that we are the Creators of our lives and that we have the power to change for Erika Laszlo
Budapest, Hungary
the better. Just feeling fear blocks the awareness of our connection to SPIRIT. We often
let fear stop us in our tracks. Fear puts us in a box with no exit. Emily Matweow
Calgary, Canada
Begin with an SRT clearing Carmen Pluciennik
A complete SRT clearing goes a long way to rooting out many fear-based programs. Apeldoorn, The Netherlands
Always ask for a complete clearing in any situation that you feel challenged or Emily Russo
emotionally upset (and do not forget mop-up!). If your reactions are based around a Caracas, Venezuela
particular person, event, or circumstance, do a quick check on the percentage of positive
Shakti Wilson
and negative energies you are holding on the person or situation Continued on page 4 California, U.S.A.
Page 3
Books SRT Methodology continued from page 3
For Sale using any number chart. A negative percentage of more than 0% means that you are
holding a fear-based discordant energy. Less than 100% positive means that something,
most likely fear or resistance, is blocking the expression of love in the situation. Clearing
is an excellent start, but only the beginning. If we don’t look at the beliefs and judgments
behind our fear, then we will keep creating the same response. If you keep having a
recurring fear response, then it is most likely you are dealing with a stubborn belief.

Acknowledge and embrace your fear

The Freedom Path: Fear is an unpleasant emotion. It may make the heart race or give a bad feeling in the pit
Your Mind Net to Clear Your of the stomach. It may make you feel weak or ineffective. The usual response to fear is to
Soul Records resist, avoid, or deny it. “I will think of something else, and it will go away. I will avoid
$15.95 any situation that makes me feel fearful.” However, you can’t change what you won’t
acknowledge. The first step in dealing with your fear is acknowledging it.
Acknowledging fear also means allowing yourself to really feel it.

Here is an exercise I use for fears that come up just by thinking of a circumstance. This
kind of fear is caused by negative beliefs (and is different from the fear caused by an
immediate threat to my person).

Soul Re-Creation: 1. Center and ground by breathing in SPIRIT’s light through the crown of your head,
Developing Your Cosmic through your body and into the earth. Focus only on your breath, and feel your
Potential connection to High Self.
$19.95 2. Allow the fear thought to come into your mind. You may find your body responding
with anxiety. Allow this feeling to flow, but in your mind affirm “SPIRIT is with me
and I AM Spirit.” Remind yourself that you are not in any danger and have all the
time in the world to figure it out.
3. Become aware of the story behind the fear. This may come to you as a scenario
playing in your head. If you can’t get a clear picture, then ask High Self to help you
identify specific fear beliefs using the SRT charts. You may need to do additional
research. Here are some typical fears (most are on Chart 6A):
Spiritual Healing
$19.95 Conflict: fear of being wrong or causing others or self emotional discord
Separation: fear of being alone or isolated from the love of others or SPIRIT
Helplessness: fear of an inability to solve the problem ourselves
Unworthiness: fear of not being deserving
Doubt: lack of faith in a positive outcome
Ego: fear of being wrong, fear that others will not like us or respect us, or that we
will disappoint them
SRT Dictionary of Terms Negative motivation of anxiety (Chart 5) (this one has the double-edge effect of
$25.00 allowing us to avoid action by getting into anxiety).
Scarring (Chart 10A): belief that we were damaged when SPIRIT created us as
individual souls.

4. In addition to asking for clearing, do a release statement, such as “I release all belief,
perception, and judgment that I am unworthy or helpless. I release all need and desire
Page 4 Continued on page 5
SRT Methodology continued from page 4 Editorial Staff
to believe that I am unworthy or helpless. I now accept and believe and accept my Executive Editors
subconscious to accept and believe on every level of my being that I am competent Pamela Murray
and worthy of success, love, and support.” Kathryn Hamilton-Cook

5. Take the fearful part of yourself that may be left, and give it a big hug. Let your Spiritual Response
fearful self know that you are not alone. Founder
Robert E. Detzler
If you find yourself playing a negative scenario in your head, then imagine in detail a
Design and Layout
positive outcome instead. Every time you think of the negative scenario, deliberately play
Leigh Bacharach
the positive one instead.
Be willing to let go of your fear story and move forward
SRA Staff and Volunteers
The fear that a negative circumstance will not change is often caused by the attachment
to a particular “story” or belief. Often, the best thing is to move forward even though we
are still feeling fear; this challenges the notion that fear must stop us and gives us new SRA Staff
opportunities to build confidence. Ask yourself and High Self, am I letting fear stop me
from growing and experiencing? Executive Director
Leigh Bacharach
I recently had the opportunity to really examine one of my fears: falling down an icy
steep slope while skiing. On its face, this may seem like a prudent concern. When skiing Office Manager
with other ski instructors recently, however, I became aware that this fear was mostly an Diane Detzler
irrational response. I’m a fairly advanced skier, and rarely fall. In this instance, we were
skiing with an examiner who wanted to take us as a group on the most advanced run on a Consultant Manager
very icy day. While I had the choice to excuse myself, I knew that I would be missing out Beth Richardson
on a great opportunity to learn. Even though I could feel high anxiety in every bone, I got
on the lift anyway. Then I went through the process outlined above. After asking for Administrative Assistant
Amber Darkwood
clearing and allowing myself to feel the fear, I walked myself through the negative story
that was causing it: slipping at the top of the run in front of my peers and the examiner
Full Charge Bookkeeper
and sliding all the way to the bottom. Or worse, being so afraid that I had to take my skis
Carmen Coleman Saari
off and walk down.
Certification Coordinator
I decided neither of these stories was worth hanging onto, even though I was still feeling Kat Harmon
anxiety. I gave myself an inner hug, affirmed my faith in my guardian angels and my
own skills, and skied away. What I noticed immediately was that the conditions were not
as steep or icy as I had envisioned in my fear. I was even relaxed enough to stop and
admire the tremendous view we had from this highest peak. I had replaced the old story The Ascension is published
with a new one: enjoying a new adventure with people that supported me. monthly by Spiritual Response
You can find more detailed information in working through your fears this way in the
2909 Pacific Avenue SE
book Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers. Learning to take action in
Olympia, WA 98501
addition to clearing and emotional work is an effective way to build confidence and (360) 413-7881
reduce the influence fear has in your life. (360) 413-7882 Fax
Be kind to yourself and committed to your healing
Most fears are the result of some past trauma, either from this life or other lives. Past Contact Spiritual Response
physical traumas may need extra care and support because of the trauma imprints or Association for subscription
psychic wounds left on the body. Many of these can be cleared simply by asking. Others rates.
Page 5
Continued on page 6
SRA Recognized SRT Methodology continued from page 5
Ascension may need the support of another practitioner, even one of another healing modality.
Distributors Simply ask High Self what you need.

SRA authorized distributors of

Teach clients who they really are
translated editions of the
Ascension are listed below.
In addition to offering clearing work to clients, it is a blessing to also remind them who
Please contact the distributor for they really are—a divine spiritual being creating their own reality. This doesn’t have to
the language desired to confirm be scary to them if you offer support in helping them find out how they create. Help
that they will distribute outside them acknowledge and address their fears. After I’ve completed mop-up in a session, I
of their country. ask the question “Is there anything more to know?” When I ask this question, I am
asking High Self to indicate if there are any blocking conscious or emotional beliefs that
To subscribe to an English the client must change. This provides additional opportunity to help the client become
Ascension distributed worldwide aware of how their conscious mind may be blocking them.
contact the SRA for a
subscription form.
Give thanks for fear
For Czech translation
The only way to transform fear is to allow love to flow through it. Although it may not
distributed in Europe contact always feel that way, I know that I am always growing and changing in SPIRIT. Change
Lucie Novakova, means facing new situations and uncertainties. If I am feeling fear, then it is a clear sign
(42) 604 92 6414, that things are changing, and if they are changing, they have the possibility of changing for the better. If I thank SPIRIT for the fear, then I am allowing for the opportunity for
the fear to be transformed. I affirm that I have all of the support, knowledge, wisdom,
For German translation light, and understanding that I need. SPIRIT tells me this is the easiest way out of the
distributed in Europe contact fear box—dissolving it with the light of love.
Marianne Blaha,
0049 (0)9321 382369,
© 2010 Kathryn Hamilton-Cook. All Rights Reserved.

For Hungarian translation SRA Extra News

distributed in Europe e-mail or Welcome Erika Laszlo to the SRA Board of Directors.
Please join us in welcoming Erika Laszlo as the newest member of
For Spanish translation the SRA Board of Directors.
distributed in Venezuela contact
Graciela Lettau, Caracas, Erika lives in Budapest, Hungary and has been working with SRT for over 6 years. In
(58) 212 987 4469 or
addition to her SRT work Erika has worked as an Interpreter, PR and Marketing
Emily Russo,
Manager in different firms (communication, computer, and wine businesses), and a
Financial Director of a small private school in Budapest. Besides being a Certified SRT
For Greek translation Consultant and Teacher, Erika is a non-violent and effective communication teacher and
distributed in Greece contact coach.
Xenia Ioannidou at 30 6932 30
39 29 or 30 210 42 97 105, Erika feels very lucky to have learned SRT. Along with her friend, and SRT consultant Zsuzsanna Pákozdy, Erika proofreads the Ascension and translates it into Hungarian and
helps prepare SRT class materials for Hungarian Intensive Skills classes.

Erika states: “All helped to change my thinking and my life for the better and of course
my family’s life too. I really love the feeling when somebody calls back to tell me how
his/her life changed for the better after a clearing or after a class. It is still amazes me all
the time and what a fantastic feedback from the Universe!”
Page 6
Classes - International SRA Policies
Belgium or France Advanced SRT: 13 - 15 March, 2010, All services and classes are
Teacher: Nathalie Ekobo Kluang Johor offered on a non-
(602) 881-3040, Basic SRT: 9 - 11 April, 2010, Singapore discriminatory basis. Each
Basic SRT: 13 - 15 August, 2010 Basic SRT: 21 - 23 May, 2010, Selangor individual is honored as a
Sp. Restructuring: 17 - 22 August, 2010 Advanced SRT: 25 - 27, June., 2010, unique spiritual being.
Basic SRT: 24 - 26 August, 2010 Selangor
Advanced SRT: 27 - 29 August, 2010 Donations, offerings, tithes are
All classes in Brussels or Paris. gratefully accepted for
Teacher: Rev. Alma Gonzalez Robbins
China (323) 702-9081, furthering the Association’s
Teacher: Alice Wai Ling Foehn work. We wish to “thank all of
(852) 9099 9810, Sp. Restructuring: in Mexico, call for details. you” who have contributed.
Basic SRT: 26 - 28 February, 2010
Sweden © 2009 Spiritual Response
Advanced SRT: 5 - 6 March, 2010
Teacher: Irenka Danielewicz Herbert Association. All rights
Sp. Restructuring: 11 - 16 March, 2010
(44) 016-3366-9638, reserved.
All classes in Hong Kong.
Czech Republic Sp. Restructuring: 23 - 25 April plus
Teacher: Dr. Magdelena Lautnreová 30 April - 1 May, 2010 Melbystrand.
(42) 603 752 229,
Advanced SRT: 26 - 28 February, 2010,
United Kingdom Consulting
Teacher Amanda Roberts
(44) 020-7733-2659, Hours
Greece Pacific Time
Teacher: Xenia Ioannidou, (30) 6932 Basic SRT: 6 - 8 March, 2010 Monday - Thursday
303929, Advanced SRT: 20 - 22 March, 2010 5:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Michael Hill, (44) 01892 All classes in London. Friday
533977, 5:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Teacher: Marja Varets-Guliker
Basic SRT: 7 - 9 May, 2010
(44) 01342 823710,
Advanced SRT: 15 - 17 May, 2010
All classes in Pireaus.
Advanced SRT: 26 - 28 February, 2010, Contact
Forest Row, East Sussex.
Teacher: Tineke Visser-Klaver
Teacher: Irenka Danielewicz Herbert
(34) 928 514 002, Phone: (360) 413-7881
(44) 016 3366 9638,
Sp. Restructuring: 23 - 25 April plus Fax: (360) 413-7882
30 April - 2 May, 2010, Pireaus. E-mail:
Sp. Restructuring: 19 - 21 plus 27 - 29
Japan March, 2010 (in Polish).
Teacher: Alice Wai Ling Foehn Advanced SRT: 1 - 4 April, 2010 (in Polish). Web:
(852) 9099 9810, All classes in Dundee, Scotland.
Basic SRT: 29 April - 1 May, 2010
Teacher: Jaime Tanna
Advanced SRT: 3 - 5 May, 2010
(44) 020 8693 8514,
All classes in Tokyo.
Advanced SRT: 19 - 21 March, 2010, London.
Spiritual Response
Teacher: Teresa Leong Association
Teacher: Darreck Chen
(44) 02089 429948, 2909 Pacific Avenue SE
(60) 12 298 2965,
Advanced SRT: 27 February - 1 March, 2010 Olympia, WA 98501-2040
Advanced SRT: 26 - 28 February, 2010
Advanced SRT: 27 - 29 March, 2010
Sp. Restructuring: 9 - 14 March, 2010
All classes in New Malden Surrey.
All classes in Kuala Lumpur.
Teacher: Regine Ooi
Teacher: Mariela Perez Loreto
(60) 19 2626020,
(44) 07515 151957,
Advanced SRT: 5 - 7 March, 2010,
Advanced SRT: 26 - 28 February, 2010,
Continued on page 8
Page 7
Class and Classes - International continued from page 7

Website Info. West Indies SRA Sponsored Classes

Teacher: Lisa Koo (360) 413-7881,
Many of our teachers are (868) 645-1473, SRT Intensive Skills:
willing to travel or schedule a Advanced SRT: 5 - 7 March, 2010 Teacher: Marianne Blaha
class in your area if there is Sp. Restructuring: 19 - 25 April, 2010 April 16 - 18, 2010, Passau, Germany
enough interest. If you do not All classes in Trinidad. Teacher: Kathryn Hamilton-Cook
see a class listed in your area, June 5 - 7, 2010, Hong Kong, China
contact an individual teacher June 11 - 13, 2010, Hong Kong, China
to see if they have anything
scheduled. For a complete Classes - USA & Canada
listing of Certified Teachers
Arizona Basic SRT: June 12, 13, 19, 20, 2010
and Certified Consultants
Teacher: Kathleen Butler Advanced SRT: August 21, 22, 28, 29, 2010
contact the SRA directly.
(480) 961-8141, Basic SRT: September 18, 19, 25, 26, 2010
Contact the individual teachers Sp. Restructuring: April 9 - 11 plus All classes in Los Angeles.
for prices, starting times, and April 16 - 18, 2010
registration deadlines. All Advanced SRT: April 30 - May 3, 2010
Teacher: Patricia “Pat” Nolan
classes are subject to change. All classes in Chandler.
(303) 763-4783, Teacher: Nathalie Ekobo Basic SRT: April 2 - 4, 2010
(602) 881-3040, Basic SRT: July 9 - 11, 2010
Basic SRT: February 25 - 28, 2010 All classes in Lakewood.
Basic SRT: March 25 - 28, 2010
Teacher: Leni Onkka
Advanced SRT: April 9 - 11, 2010
(719) 547-7984,
Sp. Restructuring: May 7 - 9 & 14 - 16, 2010
Basic SRT: April 29 - May 2, 2010
SRA Mission Basic SRT: June 10 - 13, 2010
Advanced SRT: June 11 - 13, 2010
All classes in Scottsdale.
All classes in Pueblo.
Connecting with Spirit, we
Teacher: Bernadine Goldman
willingly work for healing Iowa
(520) 575-5092,
of self and serve others as a Teacher: Malabika Shaw (515) 720-9520,
Advanced SRT: January 28 - 31, 2010
support in their healing. Basic SRT: March 18 - 21, 2010
Basic SRT: March 23 - 26, 2010, Des Moines.
All classes in Tucson.
Teacher: Elvia “Cecilia” McGarry
Potluck & Teacher: Kathleen Cameron
(651) 739-6957,
(501) 833-3837,
Meeting Tapes Basic SRT: March 14 - 16, 2010
Basic SRT: May 6 - 9, 2010
Sp. Restructuring: April 1 - 6, 2010
Advanced SRT: June 10 - 13, 2010
Basic SRT: April 11 - 13, 2010
In 2010 all potluck and Basic SRT: September 23 - 26, 2010
Basic SRT: September 19 - 21, 2010
meeting recordings will be All classes in Sherwood.
All classes in Woodbury.
sold on an individual basis. California
The SRA will no longer be New Jersey
Teacher: Shakti Wilson
Teacher: Karen Kent (609) 716-8700
offering yearly subscriptions (831) 464-8125,
for the recordings. Basic SRT: February 25 - 28, 2010
Basic SRT: March 12 - 15, 2010
Advanced SRT: March 26 - 28, 2010
Advanced SRT: April 24 - 26, 2010
We will notify you when each All classes in Aptos.
Advanced SRT: June 6 - 8, 2010
recording is available and you Teacher: Rev. Alma Gonzalez Robbins All classes in Plainsboro.
will be able to purchase past (323) 702-9081,
Teacher Stephanie Klingler
recordings at any time.
(609) 426-1596,
Sp. Restructuring: in Mexico, call for details.
Advanced SRT: March 5 - 8, 2010
Teacher: Bernardo Uribe Basic SRT: April 23 - 25, 2010
(626) 251-5502, All classes in East Windsor.
Basic SRT: April 17, 18, 24, 25, 2010
Page 8 Continued on page 9
Classes - USA & Canada continued from page 8 SRA Board,
New York Washington Committee, and
Teacher: Karen Kent (609) 716-8700 Teacher: Kathryn Hamilton-Cook Staff Spotlight (425) 836-3658
Review SRT: April 30 and May 1, 2010 Advanced SRT: April 9 - 12, 2010, Redmond. Amber Amanita Darkwood
Basic SRT: May 14 - 17, 2010 SRA Administrative Assistant
Teacher: Rolf F-J
All classes in New Your City.
(360) 268-2525,
Teacher: Kathleen Butler Basic SRT: July 20 - 23, 2010, Westport or
(480) 961-8141, Olympia.
Basic SRT: March 25 - 28, 2010, Rochester/
SRA Sponsored Classes
(360) 413-7881,
Teacher: Robert Detzler
Teacher: Janet Harris
SRT Basic: April 23 - 26, 2010
(541) 345-9654,
SRT Advanced: April 29 - May 2, 2010 I am a 38-yr old single mother
Basic SRT: February 25 - 28, 2010
Sp. Restructuring: March 7 - 12, 2010 of 2 girls, 17 and 3, and a very
Basic SRT: April 15 - 18, 2010
Sp. Restructuring: August 8 - 13, 2010 large dog who looks just like
Advanced SRT: May 21 - 23, 2010
All classes in Olympia, Washington. Anubis. I am very eco-
Basic SRT: June 3 - 6, 2010
Teacher: Kathryn Hamilton-Cook, Yamini conscious. I sing in a project
All classes in Eugene.
Bhatt or Marianne Blaha called Elysium+Obscura,
Texas which can be found on
SRT Intensive Skills:
Teacher: Beth Vaughan MySpace. In my ‘spare’ time
February 13 - 15, 2010, Houston, Texas
(281) 703-5350, I enjoy the ‘old-fashioned’
March 27 - 29, 2010, Los Angeles, California
Advanced SRT: February 26 - 28, 2010 pass-times of sewing,
(English with Spanish Translation)
Sp. Restructuring: April 2 - 4, 16 - 18, 2010 gardening, home-brewing
April 16 - 18, 2010, Passau, Germany
Basic SRT: May 13 - 16, 2010 Meade and tonics, reading,
June 5 - 7, 2010, Hong Kong, China
Advanced SRT: June 11 - 13, 2010 cooking, mushroom hunting,
June 11 - 13, 2010, Hong Kong, China
All classes in Houston. hiking, camping and being
July 17 - 19, 2010, Olympia, Washington
Virginia outdoors in general. My past
Teacher: Rev. Pamela Murray lives leave me fascinated with
Teacher: Charlene Dortch
Self Mastery: Medieval history, folk music
(804) 839-3123,
March 13 & 14, 2010, Olympia, Washington and mythology of European/
Basic SRT: April 15 - 18, 2010
June 5 & 6, 2010, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Middle Eastern, Celtic and
Advanced SRT: June 24 - 27, 2010
Mastering Abundance: Native American descent. I
All classes in Richmond.
May 1 & 2, 2010, Houston, Texas am a Lord of the Rings nut and
consider myself to be a Hobbit
M.A.G.I.C. continued from page 2 and Elf-friend.

 Decide you will reduce or eliminate your UFO’s. Over the last decade I have
 Make a list of them. Be sure to include the intangible UFO’s as well as the material been making my way slowly
objects. Add to your list whenever another UFO comes to mind. North from CA to OR and was
drawn to Olympia, WA. I was
 For each item on your list, as the seven questions listed above. This will help you on
so very blessed to have been
the next step.
taken into ‘the fold’ of the
 Make a firm decision about what you will do with each UFO. Do it!! SRA. I have been with the
SRA for nearly a year and
Feel yourself becoming lighter and freer with each UFO completed or released. Who hope to be so for many more.
knows? One day you may look around and discover that you have eliminated all those It is beyond a doubt the best
Un-Finished Objects. At that point you are completely liberated to experience an company and staff I have ever
unbounded life, and the only UFO’s you’ll see are the ones in the sky. worked for. I love everyone I
work with – beautiful
Meditation: “I easily and freely let go of the old. I move with joy to the next, higher compassionate FUN
level of being.” individuals. Blessed Be!

Page 9
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Spiritual Response Association Olympia, WA 98501

2909 Pacific Ave SE, Olympia WA 98501-2040

Volume 22, Number 03 March, 2010


SRA Meetings
United States United Kingdom
AZ, Chandler - Kathleen Butler, (480) 961-8141 London - Linda Turner, (44) 01622 736814
AZ, Scottsdale - Nathalie Ekobo, (602) 881-3040
AZ, Tucson - Bernadine Goldman, (520) 575-5092
CA, Berkeley - 2nd Tue., Nina Brown-Miller, (510) 464-5975 Venezuela
CA, Capitola - Shakti Wilson, (831) 464-8125 Caracas - Emily Russo, 0412 7361894
CA, Glendora - Alma Gonzalez Robbins, (323) 702-9081
CA, Fountain Valley - Maria Rivera, (714) 293-2751
CA, Martinez - Shelley Thomas, (925) 688-2330 Caracas - Graciela Lettau, 0212 9874469 or
GA, Atlanta - bi-monthly, Leah Schweitzer, (770) 435-1586 0414 2725451
IL, Chicago - Thurs. bi-monthly, Shirlyn Wright, (773) 627-6455
MI, Troy - Donitza Smith, (248) 879-6834 West Indies
MN, Woodbury - bi-monthly, Cecilia McGarry, (651) 739-6957 Trinidad - Lisa Koo, (868) 645-1473
NJ, Chatham - last Thurs., Ray Delacruz, (973) 635-9677
NY, New York - 2ns Sun., Gary Torres, (212) 864-5653
OR, Eugene - bi-monthly, Jan Harris, (541) 345-9654
TX, Dallas - 2nd Wed., Karla Marie, (214) 521-8483
TX, Houston - Yamini Bhatt, (281) 684-9634
TX, Houston - Beth Vaughan, (281) 703-5350
TX, Houston - Cindy Wilson, (281) 647-9634
TX, Brownfield - Cindi James-Clayton, (806) 773-3413

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