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January 2014  Volume 26 Number 1

The Monthly Newsletter of the Spiritual Response Association
METHODOLOGY: Prayer—What is it? & How to? Part I & Part II
By Mary Ann Detzler changes in my life. For example, my intui on's sudden
USA new idea or comments or help from others that brought a
solu on to a problem (at least in retrospect!). So the fol‐
Reprint from March/April 1997
lowing is based on what I have experienced, what I be‐
Part I lieve, and what I have read.
Recently a telephone client asked What is Prayer? It is a wish or desire imparted to SPIRIT in
me in frustra on, “What is prayer hopes (belief) of support for its manifesta on. Prayer is
anyway? My life is such a mess! I've envisioned or voiced inten on for your life. Prayer is talk‐
been praying, but I'm not sure I ing (by thought or word) to God/SPIRIT AND listening for
know how to pray.” Perhaps you have felt this way also. guidance. The energies of your thoughts and emo ons not
My first experien al knowledge about prayer was my own only spur you into ac on, but also are sent out by you into
sense of child's relief, peace, and assurance that came from your life. Quantum physicist Fred Alan Wolfe says that a
my “dumping my troubles” on God and asking for help. I thought is a par cle of energy and your emo ons are
believed God loved me enough to at least listen, strength‐ wave forms of energy that send that charged thought into
en, and guide me to the necessary solu ons. My mother the universe to become or create.
taught me that God was Love and like a friend. Life was a Therefore, prayer is not necessarily formal or down on
“God and I are partners” situa on. your knees ‘churchy stuff.’ Prayer is opening your heart
My other early knowledge about prayer was my emo onal and mind to a Higher Source for inspira on, strength, and
reac on to the old prayer for children, “Now I lay me down healing energy. Prayer is being willing to interact with a
to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep; should I die be‐ Higher Spirit in an in mate rela onship. EVERY HEARTFELT
fore I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.” Reci ng a THOUGHT IS A PRAYER!
prayer like that made me scared to close my eyes — I did Brother Lawrence, a 17th
not want to die! Even though the Sunday school made me century monk, prac ced a
memorize it, I only used it for a few nights. If God was my constant communica on with
friend, I could just say my own words. That felt much God whether he was worship‐
be er. ping or washing dishes. Today
Through prayerful faith I have experienced and seen nu‐ we call what he did Prac cing
merous common everyday “miracles” and several spectac‐ the Presence. God was his
ular uncommon ones. In my defini on, a miracle is not God ever‐present companion with
dropping a lo ery winning in someone's lap or SPIRIT sud‐ whom he carried constant
denly transforming my life for me. Miracles are rather SPIR‐ conversa on. Very much like
IT working through me and with me to bring about posi ve
(Continued on page 2)

Inside this Issue…

Bienvenidos! Celebra ng Twenty Years of SRT in South America Cer fica on News
Community Connec ons Did You Know Did You Know: SpR Gra tude & Apprecia on
M.A.G.I.C: My Mistake Methodology: Prayer – What is it? & How to? Part I & Part II
North American Classes Interna onal Classes Online Classes Spiritual Support Commi ee
Steps Virtual Mee ngs Skype / Teleconferencing 2014 SRA Sponsored Classes Ascension — January 2014 — Vol. 26.01
METHODOLOGY: Prayer—What is it? & How to? Part I & Part II
(Continued from page 1) my unbelief.” SRT students, have you cleared up all nega‐
ve programs and beliefs about God, SPIRIT, Creator, and
a child with an imaginary play‐ your personal rela onship with this Universal Energy
PRAY mate. What a beau ful prayer
Source? What were your childhood messages or life expe‐
riences with God, religion, and prayer?
...every morning, Some people say their whole If we are praying for prosperity, visioning, and even goal
every night... life is a prayer by recognizing
that SPIRIT has no hands or
se ng, our prayers can be sabotaged by an underlying
belief of lack in the Universe. Such as “somebody else al‐
...and OFTEN feet but theirs. They are dedi‐ ways gets there ahead of me and gets what I want;”
in BETWEEN cated to expressing SPIRIT's
Presence in all they do. I
which translates as “I'm not lucky or important in the Uni‐
verse” or “I'm on social security so I can't expect any good
would not call their life a pray‐ to come to me from another source.” These thoughts
er, but instead say they are commi ed to express their translate as a belief in a general lack for my whole life, or
spiritual light. Prayer is communica on with SPIRIT. “I can't really believe God/SPIRIT loves me.”
Webster's defini on includes “an earnest request or en‐ More important than our words is the energy and a tude
treaty, a humble and sincere request to God, and u er‐ behind the prayer. A posi ve a tude or belief is im‐
ance to God in praise, thanksgiving, confession.” The best portant. The book Prayer Can Change Your Life by William
Webster defini on is “any spiritual communion with Parker related an early experiment with prayer. Three
God.” groups of people with psychological and health problems
were to work on their difficul es in weekly counseling
Part II — How to Pray:
(Continued on page 3)
Every religion and culture has different styles and rituals
for prayer, but prayer can be as easy as talking to a friend
— God. Unfortunately, most people do not carry on an
in mate dialogue with SPIRIT as Brother Lawrence, a sev‐
enteenth century monk, did. The Prac ce of the Presence Living Your Values for
of God by Brother Lawrence records, “The me of busi‐
ness does not with me differ from the me of prayer, and Greater Potential
in the noise and cla er of my kitchen … I possess God in
as great tranquility as if I were upon my knees at the Olympia WA
Blessed Sacrament.” His secret to prayer was “applying 18-19 January 2014 ~ 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
my mind carefully the rest of the day, and even in the Teacher: Mary Ann Detzler
midst of my business, to the presence of God, whom I
considered as with me, o en as in me.” This is also a de‐ This class is an interactive and very personal
scrip on of the Buddhist spiritual prac ce of time for reviewing our daily values and actions,
‘mindfulness.’ visualization opportunities, and meditation
Obviously, we need to believe we will receive results from on improving each student’s life.
our prayers or it is a waste of me. We are told to pray
believing — but it is also okay to pray, “Lord, help Thou SRA Sponsored

Table of Contents
Methodology: Prayer – What is it? & How to? .......................... 1 Spiritual Support Commi ee.................................................... 10
M.A.G.I.C: My Mistake ............................................................... 4 Supporters ................................................................................ 11
Gra tude & Apprecia on ........................................................... 5 Steps ......................................................................................... 11
Celebra ng Twenty Years of SRT in South America ................... 6 Cer fica on News .................................................................... 11
Did You Know: SpR ..................................................................... 7 North American Classes ........................................................... 12
Community Connec ons ............................................................ 7 Interna onal Classes ................................................................ 13
Bienvenidos! .............................................................................. 7 Online Classes .......................................................................... 13
2014 SRA Sponsored Classes — North America ......................... 8 Virtual Mee ngs Skype / Teleconferencing ............................. 13
2014 SRA Sponsored Classes — Interna onal............................ 9 Did You Know ........................................................................... 13 2 Ascension — January 2014 — Vol. 26.01
METHODOLOGY: Prayer—What is it? & How to? Part I & Part II
(Continued from page 2) Love added to prayer increases its power. Empathy, com‐
passion, and love seem to form a literal bond between liv‐
therapy. In addi on, two groups were told to pray about ing things.
their healing. One group was given no instruc ons about
Prayer is outside of me. (A request for prayer is a prayer,
how to pray, only to pray according to their personal be‐
the inten on is most important. Robert's experiences of
liefs. The other praying group was taught posi ve prayer
working at Silent Unity prayer service report healings oc‐
a tudes and methods. The third control group was told
curred before the le er for prayers even reached prayer
not to pray. At the end of one year the group with the
most posi ve results and five resolu ons to their original
problems was the posi ve prayer group. The group with Prayer is a reminder that we are not alone. It is a reminder
the least healing was the group told to pray however they of our unbounded nature, of that part of us that is infinite
believed! in space and me. It is the universe's affirma on that we
are not alone. It reminds us we are one with SPIRIT and All
Working psychologically at a weekly group mee ng was
That Is!
also more effec ve than general prayer. Why? Because
most people do not have a good concept of God or SPIRIT. If you have taken classes on prayer, you may feel there is a
Too many people believe they are sinful and need to “beg” conflict between goal se ng and visualizing a specific out‐
God to be merciful or they try to bargain or please God come and trus ng and turning everything over for SPIRIT's
with humble words or manner. wiser guidance. Unity Magazine (September
1996), reported “Spindri organiza on in
Medical doctor Larry Dossey studied all
Lansdale, Michigan has inves gated which
previous research on prayer and healing. In
type of prayer works best: directed or non‐
his book Healing Words: The Power of Pray‐
directed prayer. Over a five year period oth‐
er and the Prac ce of Medicine he summa‐
er similar types of experiments were made
rized his findings to seven items:
to suggest that our thoughts and invoca ons
The power of prayer does not diminish with are most effec ve when they focus on the
distance and is not influenced by physical wellness of the whole being, rather than on
barriers. (There are instant and remote a specific ailment or healing of a part.”
possible effects!)
How do you pray? Talk to SPIRIT? God in
Prayer can be con nuous. An a tude of faith as if speaking with a friend or partner.
prayerfulness can exist even during sleep Ask SPIRIT for what you need, but do not
or con nue in the subconscious mind. beg or bargain which denotes lack of faith
and love. Keep your prayers posi ve — on the solu on not
There is no one right way to address God. There is no
the problem. Then rest in the assurance that all will be well.
difference between “Hail Mary,” “Shalom,” “Allah,” or the
Release the prayer request for “This or something be er
Lord's Prayer. But those who meditated on simple phrases
for the highest good for everyone involved.” And do not
instead of prayers with personal meaning to them eventu‐
forget to praise and give thanks for the good that is in your
ally gave up.
life already and for the increase to come!
Relinquishing prayers work best, research suggest that
I see you prac cing the presence of SPIRIT with you through
nonspecific prayer, the “Thy will be done” approach, works
as well as or be er than when we specify the outcome. (Or
ending “This or something be er Lord.”)

Did you miss the Peaceful Communication Teleseminar in mid-November?

No worries, you can order it for only $25 from Patty!
Lisa Gibbings-Koo discussed conducting successful peaceful communication on the
phone, email, or in person; and how peaceful communication can improve your
practice and business. 3 Ascension — January 2014 — Vol. 26.01
M.A.G.I.C: My Mistake
By Rev. Pam Murray, PhD Although, when I’m teaching, it’s important to make sure the
First Rights a endees understand the correct informa on, I hope that I
don’t embarrass people by poin ng out their errors in front
I had just finished a talk at the local Unity
of an audience. I plan to be more aware of this in the future.
church. As part of the speech, I had in‐
cluded a story about the founder of Unity, It is also important to be tolerant of others’ mistakes. I may
Myrtle Fillmore. say that because I make so many of them. I have a mo o
that says, “It’s not the mistake you make, it’s how you correct
The minister then went to the front and
it that is important.” This helps me keep a healthy perspec‐
proceeded to tell the congrega on at
ve when I’m dealing with hotels that misplace my reserva‐
some length that I had been completely wrong about the sto‐
ons or companies that don’t deliver what they promise. I do
ry. She then told it in the “correct” way.
make sure that the error is corrected, but do my best to stay
I was more than embarrassed and felt humiliated. I will admit centered. Most of the me it works. It also reminds me that
that I was also angry about her treatment of me. A er the everyone else is just as human as I am.
service, I checked my reference — wri en by Myrtle Fillmore
In fact, fear of reprisal over a mistake can cause cover‐ups,
herself — and found I had had related the story correctly. I
lies, and other dishonest behaviors. I would rather create a
was confused about the reason the minister would behave
safe atmosphere and listen to a person describe how they
like that. She was ordinarily a very nice person.
will correct the problem rather than be told a string of lies
This caused me to look at my own a tude toward mistakes. that never solves anything. How about you?
Like most people, I don’t like to make mistakes. For one thing, Striking a balance can be tricky. There are mes when perfec‐
I like to be right. Hopefully, in the last several years, I have on is required, such as when a life is at stake. Most of the
released most of my a achment to being right. I me, however, we can choose to be more peaceful and
have cul vated the habit of saying, “I’m willing to be It’s tolerant.
wrong about this.”
not Here are some sugges ons:
In the past, when I made a significant error, I would
spend days in self‐recrimina on, telling myself how the 1. Correct in private; praise in public.
2. If you make a mistake, admit it, fix it, and move on.
stupid I was. This probably stemmed from a mild mistake Don’t dwell on nega ve self‐talk about it.
learning disability and the teasing of other children
3. If others con nue to harass you about a mistake you
and humilia on by teachers. I don’t do that any you made in the past, simply respond that it was fixed,
more. There is no need for you to do it either. We
are all worthwhile and intelligent. We just happen make, it’s in the past, and you won’t discuss it further.
4. When others make a mistake that affects you, don’t
to be human. it’s dwell on what is wrong. Ask them to fix it, and move
I have seen and been the recipient of a person re‐ on.
fusing to yield un l the other person agrees with how 5. No ce your reac ons to mistakes, either by yourself
them. These people seem to become threatened if you or another. Ask, “How can I be more peaceful about
others do not agree with them. Some mes they this?”
even behave like bullies and in midate those who correct 6. Don’t blame. Just move toward a solu on.
are not in accord with them. When possible, I 7. Before you speak, think about how you want some‐
choose to leave these people to their own li le king‐ it one to treat you when you make a mistake.
doms. that At the first opportunity, ask SPIRIT to clear you of any
This does not mean that we should not stand up for residual nega ve energy.
our deeply held values. It does not mean we aban‐
If we all keep these in mind during the coming year, we
don that which is good in favor of what is easy. It important. will contribute in a great way toward the peace of our
does mean that we are open to other views and
other ways of communica ng. It also means that we
can “agree to disagree.” This allows each person to have his Now, if you will excuse me, I need to send out some post‐
or her opinion, but does not require others to join them. cards that correct an erroneous date I included in a news‐
le er.
I wondered if, like the minister I men oned earlier, I had a
habit of poin ng out other people’s errors in front of people.
Affirma on:
I stay centered in SPIRIT as I move through my day. I love and forgive everyone I encounter. 4 Ascension — January 2014 — Vol. 26.01
Gra tude & Apprecia on
I am writing to you to share my Danayde Abreu has been a cer fied
beautiful experience of visiting teacher since 2009 and before that
Marketa Mulackova in Prague for she was busy consul ng and
clearing myself. I am so deeply spreading the work of SPIRIT and
touched by her service, if I may call SRT in Venezuela. She is dedicated
it that, as I literally feel she is in to her spiritual, mental, and emo‐
service of Angels and Powers of
onal growth, as well as helping
Light — very powerful. She will be‐
others to learn the cra of SRT with
come a certified teacher this spring
infinite compassion.
and I will start studying with her. I am happy I could have
shared this with you because it is important for you to Danayde was introduced to SRT by Georgina Maestre in
receive feedback on people who represent the SRT in the 2000. Thanks to God and Georgina, Danayde was shown
world. All blessings to you and your family. this beau ful tool developed by Robert Detzler. Her life
Andrea Homolová was transformed. She learned SRT through compassion
and love. Every day for her is a new opportunity and ab‐
A very special thank you… solute miracle, she gives the best of her to others! She is
SRT students from Malaysia and Singapore held an able to help others in their healing process with infinite
SRA fundraiser to support their local communi es as mercy and uncondi onal love.
well as create more awareness of Spiritual Response
Therapy. An evening of sharing with the local communi‐ Learning is word easy to express but difficult to assimi‐
es and enlightening them on the benefits of SRT and late and to accept everything we have created or elected
SpR and all the beauty and advantages that come along for ourselves. On having entered the work of SRT, the
with it. It was a great success and an eye opener for the principal thing is your inten on, the rest is the basic
new comers. Many of them were thankful for introduc‐ thing, and it is a part of the learning that you decide to
ing them to SRT and SpR. These dedicated students, take it. Danayde takes her love and dedica on to SPIRIT
teacher, and consultants raised $500. Many in the com‐ and SRT and gives it to everyone she meets.
munity benefited from this session and we hope to have
many more in the future.

Thank you to everyone in Malaysia

and Singapore who contributed
me and effort to the fund raiser.
Blessings from the SRA.

Especially for our Spanish speaking community!

Especialmente para nuestra comunidad de habla española!
Mis preguntas a Yo Superior: Temas y modos/Un vistazo a la clase sobre el Grafico 19
Fecha: 21 de Enero y 28 de Enero de 2014
Hora: 7:00 PM EST
Solo $25 USD
Para Registrarse: Llamar o enviar correo electrónico a la
Oficina de SRA Telefono: 360.413.7881 o
Liderandola llamada: Maestra de TRE Deborah Ramos 5 Ascension — January 2014 — Vol. 26.01
Celebra ng Twenty Years of SRT in South America
By Mary Ann Detzler kisses from everyone. The SRA community in South Ameri‐
USA ca is very alive and growing despite their many economic
and government pressures. They all credited SRT and their
Congratula ons to the SRT Com-
spiritual awareness with keeping them safe and thriving.
munity in Venezuela! At least ten
of the forty students in the Caracas For the current class of “Living Your Values for Greatest
“Living Your Values for Greatest Poten al,” I used the SRA vision, mission, and values as a
Poten al” class were SRA students springboard for personal growth review and energy exer‐
from long ago. Did you know that cises in class. The small groups in Colombia, Chile, and Ar‐
Venezuela was the earliest and gen na were so pleased that the SRA would send some‐
fastest growing SRT community one to teach and to listen to their issues and concerns. At
beyond the USA for many early years? These SRT teachers separate Medita on and Healing Mee ngs during the
have been faithfully teaching SRT since 1993. While remi‐ week, we discussed posi ve prayer and the spiritual power
niscing with these old friends, we realized we were cele‐ of a group working and suppor ng each other. Two stu‐
bra ng 20 years of SRT in South America. Since that me dents totally new to medita on were amazed at the ener‐
many early SRT students have moved from Venezuela to gy and ease of the group experience.
other countries in South America, Spain, Italy, and the
USA. Today 250 students receive the Ascension and there
are 24 cer fied prac oners where once there were 50.
When the SRA Board of Directors asked if I would consider
visi ng and reconnec ng with some of the SRT groups
around the world, I said I wanted to go to South America
first. I travelled annually to Venezuela during the mid‐90s
to teach spiritual and transforma onal classes. Robert also
traveled and taught there twice a year o en staying for a
month. I assisted him during prac ce me and we made
Bogota—November 2013
many, many friends. Due to poli cal unrest Robert and I In Venezuela we had both an a ernoon group and an
had not been back to Caracas since 2002. We all were evening group for medita on and prayer. They discussed
blessed as Spirit protected my recent class there despite their needs for spiritual support in their difficult poli cal
poli cal marches nearby. and low economic condi ons. They decided to establish a
me for prayer and medita on twice a day for thirty
What a wonderful welcome South America gave me! As I
minutes each and join together in SPIRIT from their own
traveled from Bogota, Colombia to San ago, Chile and
homes at 6:30 a.m. and again at 9 p.m. This would allow
then on to Buenos Aires, Argen na and Caracas, Venezue‐
individuals to s ll meet family and work schedules.
la, SRT students greeted me with smiles and open arms.
The love of SRT, spiritual values, and community aware‐ For the upcoming USA and interna onal classes in 2014, I
ness made us instant friends. I was blessed with hugs and look forward to mee ng and gree ng new friends and old.
SRT students are indeed wonderful learning and growing
radiant spiritual beings. So see you soon!
Love and blessings, Mary Ann Detzler

Intensive Skills
24-26 January 2014
Trindad & Tobago
Venezuela Commi ee - November 2013 Teacher: Erika Lázlo
(le to right) Maribel Pereira , Rosemarie Stammberger, Call the office or visit the website today!
Emily Russo, Margareth de Manzur, Graciela de Le au,
and Marisol Fuentes 6 Ascension — January 2014 — Vol. 26.01
Spiritual Restructuring Teachers... SRA Board of Directors
Rev. Lisa Gibbings-Koo
Did you know? You have a teacher’s outline for the Spir‐ President (Trinidad)
itual Restructuring class in your welcome packet? When you
renew or receive an ini al cer fica on as an SpR teacher the Verónica Bau Valenzuela
outline is included your welcome packet. The outline was com‐ Vice President (Colombia)
piled by Robert Detzler. It is his suggested teaching route for a 6 to 7
day workshop.
Shirlyn Wright
Secretary (United States)
Living Your Values for Greater Potential shirlyn@secreto
Coming to the Southwest Rev. Mary Ann Detzler
Houston Phoenix Treasurer (United States)
February February
15 & 16 22 & 23 Wiljo Dirkx
(The Netherlands)
Teacher: Mary Ann Detzler wiljo@srt‐
This class is an interactive and very personal time for review- Jan Harris
ing our daily values and actions, visualization opportunities, (United States)
and meditation on improving each student’s life.

Visit the SRA website page,

“SRA Board and Commi ees”
for a list of all
Community Connections... SRA Commi ee members.

Do you hold SRT mee ngs in your area — or across the

globe — electronically or otherwise? If you don’t, you
can! Connect with your SRA community around the
globe — or begin one of your own, small or large, and grow … in SPIRIT, in
Dona ons, offerings, and
friends, in fun and learning. Send us your informa on and we will post it here.
thes are gratefully
Bienvenidos! to our newest Spanish phone consultant!
… to further the work of SRT,
Maria Zeiss is a cer fied SRT teacher and consultant. Original‐
our community, and for support
ly from Venezuela, she currently lives and works in Miami,
of the “Ascension.”
FL. When she first heard about SRT through a friend in 2005
she recounts, “I felt a calling, something resonated within me. Please make checks payable to
I didn’t even need to get any clearing before to know that I SPIRITUAL RESPONSE ASSOCIA‐
had found what I was looking for.” Shortly therea er, she TION or simply click here. We
a ended the Basic and Advanced classes with Maria O lia, wish to thank each and every
and took the Advanced class again with Robert in 2006. She one of you who have contribut‐
became bilingual consultant in English and Spanish in 2010. ed to this work.
Upon being chosen to become our newest phone consultant Maria states: “SRT is a
very compelling healing modality and I believe it has the perfect balance between the
main forces: the mind (through inves ga on), the heart (through compassion) and
the physical (the ac on of using the Pendulum) to achieve the connec on with SPIR‐
IT. It’s an honor have been found by SRT and to be in service helping to increase con‐
sciousness in the world one person at a me.”

Beginning 15 January, Maria will be working on the Spanish consul ng line on Satur‐
days from 8‐11 a.m. Pacific me (11a.m.‐2 p.m. Eastern). Please call our newest
phone consultant for be er clarity in life and in SPIRIT. 7 Ascension — January 2014 — Vol. 26.01
2014 SRA Sponsored Classes
To register for an SRA‐sponsored class; please contact/click the class registrar listed below or register online through
the SRA website at You may also register for a class by contac ng the SRA office at
360.413.7881 (English only) or by emailing (all languages). All classes listed below are
taught in English, with English class handouts, unless otherwise noted.

Intensive Skills Living Your Values Class Self-Mastery
April 11‐13, 2014 January 18‐19, 2014 March 15‐16, 2014
Ocean NJ, USA Olympia WA, USA Sedona AZ, USA
Rev. Lisa Gibbings-Koo Rev. Mary Ann Detzler Rev. Pam Murray, Ph.D.
Organizer: Bookie McDonough Spiritual Response Associa on Organizer: Susan Carollo
February 15‐16, 2014
April 25‐27, 2014 Houston TX, USA April 26‐27, 2014 
Toronto, Canada Rev. Mary Ann Detzler Miami FL USA
Linda Turner Organizer: Beth Vaughn Marisol Fuentes
Organizer: Judit Ronai Organizer: Carmen Orozco
February 22‐23, 2014
June 6‐8, 2014 Phoenix AZ, USA August 16‐17, 2014
Houston TX, USA Rev. Mary Ann Detzler Olympia WA, USA
Rev. Yamini Bha Organizer: Tara McCay Rev. Pam Murray, Ph.D.
Organizer: Beth Vaughn Spiritual Response Associa on
September 20‐21, 2014
August 23‐24, 2014
Ocean NJ, USA
July 11‐13, 2014 Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Rev. Mary Ann Detzler
Olympia WA, USA Rev. Yamini Bha
Organizer: Bookie McDonough
Linda Turner Organizer: Catherine Marshall
Spiritual Response Associa on

October 24‐26, 2014 October 18‐19, 2014

Honolulu HI, USA Mastering Abundance Princeton NJ, USA
Rev. Lisa Gibbings-Koo Rev. Yamini Bha
Organizer: Cole e Hirata June 7‐8, 2014 Organizer: Stephanie Klingler
cole Princeton NJ, USA
Rev. Pam Murray, Ph.D.
November 7‐9, 2014 Spiritual Response Associa on
Atlanta GA, USA
September 13‐14, 2014
Linda Turner
Olympia WA, USA
Spiritual Response Associa on
Rev. Pam Murray, Ph.D.
Spiritual Response Associa on
TBA  (Tenta ve)
Miami FL, USA October 4‐5, 2014
Emily Russo Houston TX, USA IS HERE! … make
Organizer: Carmen Orozco
Rev. Pam Murray, Ph.D. your class plans
Organizer: Beth Vaughn today!!!
October 11‐12, 2014
Miami FL, USA  in Spanish with Spanish materials
Rev. Pam Murray, Ph.D.  in Hungarian with Hungarian materials
Organizer: Deborah Ramos 8 Ascension — January 2014 — Vol. 26.01
2014 SRA-Sponsored Classes
To register for an SRA‐sponsored class; please contact/click the class registrar listed below or register online through
the SRA website at You may also register for a class by contac ng the SRA office at
360.413.7881 (English only) or by emailing (all languages). All classes listed below are
taught in English, with English class handouts, unless otherwise noted.

Intensive Skills Self-Mastery
July 4‐6, 2014 (Greek transla ons)
January 24‐26, 2014 Greece February 1‐2, 2014 
Trinidad & Tobago Erika Laszlo Caracas, Venezuela
Erika Laszlo Organizer: E ithia Vasillidou Marisol Fuentes
Organizer: Rev. Lisa Gibbings‐Koo e Organizer: Emily Russo
Sept. 26‐28, 2014 (Spanish transla on)
Feb 7‐9, 2014 Bogotá, Colombia February 12‐13, 2014 (midweek)
New Delhi, India Rev. Lisa Gibbings-Koo New Delhi, India
Rev. Yamini Bha Organizer: Verónica Bau Rev. Yamini Bha
Organizer: Sujata Malik Organizer: Sujata Malik
September or November 2014
(Tenta ve)
February 21‐23, 2014 (Chinese transla on) April 5‐6 2014 (Chinese transla on)
Catalupia, Spain
Hong Kong, China Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Erika Laszlo
Rev. Lisa Gibbings-Koo Erika Laszlo
Organizer: TBA
Organizer: Shirley Kuo Organizer: Regine Ooi October 10‐12, 2014 (German transla on)
TBA, Germany
March 14‐16, 2014 Linda Turner April 26‐27, 2014 
Dubai, UAE Organizer: Chris ane Hein Budapest, Hungary
Linda Turner chris anehein@t‐ Erika Laszlo
Organizer: Charu Mathur Organizer: Eva Czakó
Living Your Values Class
May 2‐4, 2014  May 3‐4, 2014
Buenos Aires, Argen na June 7‐8, 2014 London, England
Emily Russo London, England Erika Lászlo
Organizer: Alejandra Valeiro Rev. Mary Ann Detzler Organizer: Linda Turner Organizer: Amanda Roberts
May 16‐18, 2014 (Czech transla on/materials) May 24‐25, 2014 (Tenta ve)
Prague, Czech Republic June 14‐15, 2014 Mexico City, Mexico
Erika Láslzo Budapest, Hungary Marisol Fuentes
Organizer: Lukas Putz Rev. Mary Ann Detzler Organizer: Bertha Calvin Organizer: Erika László
June 6‐8, 2014 October 4‐5, 2014 (Czech Transla ons)
Elspeet, The Netherlands June 21‐22, 2014 Prague, Czech Republic
Linda Turner Prague, Czech Republic Erika Laszlo
Organizer: Beppy and Marja Rev. Mary Ann Detzler Organizer: Lukas Putz Organizer: Lukas Putz
June 20‐22, 2014 
Caracas ,Venezuela June 28‐29, 2014
Emily Russo Germany
Organizer: Marisol Fuentes Rev. Mary Ann Detzler
Organizer: TBD  in Spanish with Spanish materials
 in Hungarian with Hungarian materials 9 Ascension — January 2014 — Vol. 26.01
2014 SRA-Sponsored Classes Spiritual Support Commi ee
October 18‐19, 2014 
Happy New
San ago, Chile
Marisol Fuentes
Nora Diaz How many of us have wanted to just throw away all
the nega ve things in our life? Well if this is true for
November 2014 (Tenta ve) you there is no be er me than the present to let it
Shanghai, China go.
Alice Foehn
This is a me to embrace the wonderful energy of new possibili es and all
Organizer: TBA
that is ours by Divine Right. Let us begin the year by le ng go of old beliefs
November 8‐9, 2014 and nega ve energies. We can now breathe in all that new posi ve energy al‐
Limerick, Ireland lowing it to fill us and surround us completely. Knowing that we have the abil‐
Erika Laszlo ity to make changes in our life.
Organizer: Liz Grant
Affirma on:
I am ready to embrace all that is
right and perfect for me.
Spiritual Restructuring Class
June 16, 2014
One day review for SpR teachers only Spiritual Support Commi ee
Budapest, Hungary
Rev. Kathleen Butler REMINDER… gather in mind and SPIRIT with the
Organizer: Erika László SRA community, SSC, and Board of Directors...
The 2nd Tuesday of each month
June 23, 2014 to be in ONENESS with SPIRIT to
One day review for SpR teachers only ask for guidance and what to clear.
Prague, Czech Republic
Rev. Kathleen Butler January’s thought: Gra tude.
Organizer: Lukas Putz

SRA Meet & Greet New Delhi, India Classes in February!

Teacher: Yamini Bhatt
June 29, 2014 (NO FEE)
London, England
Rev. Kathleen Butler Intensive Skills Self Mastery
Organizer: Linda Turner
February 7-9 February 12-13

… refine your skills

… master the latest techniques
… learn tips on working with clients
And more!

 in Spanish with Spanish materials

 in Hungarian with Hungarian materials 10 Ascension — January 2014 — Vol. 26.01
Supporters ~ November 2013
A hear elt “Thank you!” to those of our community who sent dona‐
ons in November. Due to me constraints and an early publishing
December Contributors
date, we will include those names along with the December donors in Danayde Abreu
February’s Ascension. We appreciate your con nuous generous sup‐ Rev. Mary Ann Detzler
port whether financially, spiritually, volunteering, … just all of it and
Rev. Lisa Gibbings‐Koo
all the me. Thank you and thank you again!
Andrea Homolová
Rev. Pam Murray, PhD
Special Promotion!
Maria Zeiss
The Basic Class is available as an audio CD — all
Editorial Staff
three and a half days! This 15 CD set is an excel-
lent tool for those that might like to brush up on
Rev. Kathleen A. Butler
technique or just a simple review from the comfort of
your home — for teachers, consultants, and students Design and Layout
alike! Amy L Robertson

Contact the office or visit the website to order. Produc on

Mention this note and receive $5 off your purchase. Spiritual Response
Associa on

Steps… Spiritual Response
January starts a new year for most of us — whether or not this is your Therapy Founder
‘new year’ January is a great me for new beginnings. No big resolu‐ Rev. Robert E. Detzler
ons, no huge life changes, just simple steps, one at a me. Your
steps may wander, but it’s just the way to learn if you are going the 
right way or there’s a be er or simply different way. With each drop The Ascension newsle er is
of water the boulder is conquered, with each grain of dirt, mountains produced monthly by email in six
are made, with each step you have the ability to be er your life. different languages.

For informa on about the

Life is made up of li le steps. If you can change one thing, you can
Ascension translated into other
change your life — one step at a me. languages and how to subscribe,
AR please contact the SRA office
or visit the
SRA Ascension webpage.
Cer fica on News
SRT Consultant, Ini al: Cer fica on Correc on: Also,
please pardon our mistake! We
Beppy Guliker incorrectly listed the following The SRA is only a click away …
Netherlands SRT consultant in the wrong ar‐
31.341.356.653 ea! Her correct informa on is:
Berande e Luyten
SRT Teacher, Renewal: Belgium
32 472645760 All of Robert’s talks are available for
Patricia Simmons bernade digital purchase! Contact the SRA
Georgia, USA office for more informa on.
pksa 11 Ascension — January 2014 — Vol. 26.01
North American Classes
The Spiritual Response Associa on (SRA) does not manage scheduling, pricing, or registra on for Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) or Spiritual
Restructuring (SpR) classes taught by Cer fied Teachers. For addi onal informa on on classes listed below, please contact the individual teacher.
Keep in mind many of our teachers are willing to travel or schedule a class if there is enough interest in your area. So, if you do not see a class
listed in your area, contact an individual teacher to see if they have anything scheduled. All classes are subject to change.

USA Teacher: Elvia “Cecilia” McGarry

Arizona 651.739.6957,
Teacher: Susan Carollo Basic: 7 – 9 March 2014, Morganville
973.568.8252, Advanced: 25 – 27 July 2014, Morganville
Advanced: 10 – 12 January 2014, Sedona
Advanced: 7 – 9 February 2014, Sedona
New York
Teacher: Kathleen Butler
California 360.753.1878,
Teacher: Shelley Thomas Basic: 20 – 23 March 2014, Rochester
Basic: 18 – 20 January 2014, Mar nez Teacher: Karen Kent
Florida 609.44.0020, windsorholis
Teacher: Danayde Abreu Basic: 21 – 24 February 2014, New York City, Pennsylvania
Basic: 3 – 5 February 2014, Pompano Beach Teacher: Karen Kent
Advanced: 7 – 9 February 2014, Pompano Beach 609.44.0020, windsorholis
Basic: 23‐26 January 2014, Newtown Square
Teacher: Elvia “Cecilia” McGarry
651.739.6957, Virginia
Basic: 22 – 24 March 2014 (In Spanish), Miami Teacher: Charlene Dortch
Advanced: 27 – 29 June 2014 (In Spanish), Miami 804.839.3123,
Advanced: 20 – 22 March 2014, Richmond
Hawaii Basic: 8 – 10 May 2014, Richmond
Teacher: Kathleen Butler SRT Review: 13 – 14 June 2014, Richmond
360.753.1878, SpR: 21 – 26 July 2014, Richmond
Basic: 6 – 9 February 2014, Kamuela (Big Island) Basic: 23 – 25 October 2014, Richmond
Minnesota Washington
Teacher: Elvia “Cecilia” McGarry Teacher: Kathleen Butler
651.739.6957, 360.753.1878,
Basic: 21 – 23 February 2014, Woodbury Basic: 23 – 26 January 2014, Olympia
Advanced: 4 – 6 April 2014, Woodbury Advanced: 6 – 9 March 2014, Olympia
Basic: 12 – 14 September 2014, Woodbury
SpR: 18 – 24 October 2014, Woodbury
Advanced: 8 – 10 November 2014, Woodbury Canada
New Jersey Ontario
Teacher: Karen Kent Teacher: Judit Ronai
609.44.0020, windsorholis 416.333.9886,
Basic: 13 – 16 February 2014, Hightstown Basic: 31 January – 2 February 2014, Toronto
Advanced: 21 – 23 March 2014, Hightstown Advanced: 7 – 9 March 2014, Toronto
SpR: 25 – 31 March 2014, Hightstown
Basic: 25 – 28 April 2014, Hightstown
SpR: 1 – 7 June 2014, Hightstown

Spiritual Response Associa on Policies SRA Vision, Mission, and Values

All Spiritual Response Associa on (SRA) services and classes Vision: The Spiritual Response Associa on envisions a world
are offered on a non‐discriminatory basis. Each individual is where anyone can realize their full poten al.
honored as a unique spiritual being.
Mission: The Spiritual Response Associa on promotes em‐
powerment through spiritual support, educa on, and the
Dona ons, offerings, and thes are gratefully accepted for
cer fica on of its consultants and teachers.
furthering the Associa on’s work. The Spiritual Response
Associa on wishes to thank all of you who have contributed Values: The Spiritual Response Associa on accepts the spir‐
to the SRA. itual nature of everyone and is guided by its values of com‐
passion, support, respect, integrity, freedom, transforma on,
© 2013 Spiritual Response Associa on. All rights reserved. and well‐being at all levels. 12 Ascension — January 2014 — Vol. 26.01

Interna onal Classes Online Classes
The Spiritual Response Associa on (SRA) does not manage schedul‐ Teacher: Malabika Shaw
ing, pricing, or registra on for Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) or
Spiritual Restructuring (SpR) classes taught by Cer fied Teachers. For 515.720.9520 or 617.795.7060
addi onal informa on on classes listed below, please contact the Malabika@VisionWholis
individual teacher. Keep in mind many of our teachers are willing to Basic: 18‐26 January 2014
travel or schedule a class if there is enough interest in your area. So, if
Advanced: 8‐16 February 2014
you do not see a class listed in your area, contact an individual teach‐
er to see if they have anything scheduled. All classes are taught in the
country’s na ve language, unless otherwise noted. Classes are subject
to change. Virtual Mee ngs
Belgium Skype / Teleconferencing
Teacher: Wiljo Dirkx
31.6.3071.8891, wiljo@srt‐ Many teachers now offer ‘virtual’ classes via the internet and
Advanced: 17 – 19 January 2014, St. Jozef‐Olen video conferencing. Brush up on Basic or catch a review any‐
Basic: 31 January – 2 February 2014, St. Jozef‐Olen where in the world. As we enter a new phase at SRA, look for
China more virtual classes and workshops; and con nuing educa on,
Teacher: Kuo Hin Nam, Shirley too!
Basic: 9 – 12 January 2014, Hong Kong Teacher: Malabika Shaw
Advanced: 23 – 26 January 2014, Hong Kong Monthly SRT Teleconferences via Skype
Basic: 6 – 9 February 2014, Hong Kong First Wednesdays ‐ USA
First Thursdays ‐ Europe and India
Teacher: Shirlyn Wright
773.627.6455, shirlyn@secreto Teacher: Rev. Kathleen A. Butler
Basic: 2 – 5 January 2014, Hong Kong
SpR: 10 – 12, 24 – 26 January 2014, Hong Kong
Advanced: 13 – 16 February 2014, Hong Kong
Malaysia Bi-Monthly SRT Teleconferences
Teacher: Regine Ooi
60.19.2626020, Teacher: Xenia Ioannidou
Basic: 3 – 5 January 2014, Selangor or 30.6932.30.29.29
Advanced: 17 – 19 January 2014, Selangor
Basic: 7 – 9 March 2014, Selangor SRT Mee ng: 2nd Wednesday ea. month via Skype
Advanced: 21 – 23 March 2014, Selangor SRT Mee ng: last Wednesday ea. Month
Basic: 6 – 8 June 2014, Selangor
Teacher: Danayde Abreu
Advanced: 20 – 22 June 2014, Selangor, infograciainfini‐
United Kingdom
Teacher: Irenka Danielewicz Herbert
SRT Mee ng: 2nd Thursday each month via Skype
Advanced: 11 – 13 January 2014, Newport S. Wales

We want YOU to share your bliss.

Did You Know... Share your stories of how SRT
and SpR has enhanced your
Chart 2 can be used as a self improvement tool. Once life and the lives of the people
programs are cleared, you may wish to go to chart 2 and you serve. You don’t need to
ask which area of your life requires some fine tuning or be a “writer” either. Send
conscious mind work for improvement. In
addi on to this idea, SPIRIT reminds us our
your short story (even as sim‐
life meaning is required to be over 1000% ple as a paragraph) to Amy,
for best results. Play and recrea on come she will edit it and send it back for your approv‐
up for quite a few people! al. Your story may be featured in any one of our
newsle ers or on the website!
Happy dowsing and Happy New Year! 13 Ascension — January 2014 — Vol. 26.01

SRA Staff Contact the SRA
SRA Consul ng Line
Spiritual Response Associa on
Execu ve Director Consul ng Line Hours
Rev. Kathleen A. Butler 2909 Pacific Avenue SE
Pacific Time Zone Olympia WA 98501‐2040
Monday ‐ Friday
Administra ve Assistant Phone: 360.413.7881 5:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Pa y Nixon Fax: 360.413.7882 Call 360.413.7881, select Op on 3, and wait for
Cer fica on Coordinator further prompts.
RaShell Jenkins
cer fica
Learn more about the SRA Consul ng Line.
Transla on/Publica on Coordinator
Amy L Robertson

Office Volunteer
Reneé Robinson If you are a teacher
interested in crea ng an
Did you miss an edition of the SRT mee ng in your area,
Visit the SRA website to register for classes, view
Ascension?! please contact
lists of Cer fied SRT Consultants and Teachers,
You can order back issues - one at a Kathleen Butler
time or an entire year. purchase books, and more.
Several languages are available. at the SRA for
Contact Patty at the SRA Office helpful informa on
360.413.7881 or e-mail!

SRT Mee ngs

United States Hungary
CA, Berkeley ‐ 2nd Tue., Nina Brown‐Miller, 510.464.5975 Budapest ‐ Ildikό Garbacz, 36.20.426.4450
CA, Aptos ‐ Shak Wilson, 831.464.8125
CA, Glendora ‐ Alma Gonzalez Robbins, 323.702.9081 Budapest ‐ Erika László, 36.70.3656561
CA, Mar nez ‐ Shelley Thomas, 925.688.2330
FL, Miramar ‐ Debora Ramos, 305.401.0607
GA, Atlanta ‐ bi‐monthly, Leah Schweitzer, 678.293.6477 Malaysia
IL, Chicago ‐ Thurs. bi‐monthly, Shirlyn Wright, 773.627.6455 Kelana Jaya, Selangor ‐ Regine Ooi 60.19.2626020
MA, Newton ‐ Malabika Shaw, Teleconf., 1st Wed., 617.795.7060
MN, Woodbury ‐ bi‐monthly, Cecilia McGarry, 651.739.6957 México
NJ, Hightstown ‐ Monthly, Karen Kent, 609.443.0020 Ciudad de México ‐ Bertha Calvin 55.5683.5653
NY, Ithica ‐ Monthly, Nancy Prosper, 607.343.1172
OH, Kent ‐ Jane Bissler, 330.677.2000
OR, Eugene ‐ bi‐monthly, Jan Harris, 541.345.9654 Singapore
TX, Dallas ‐ Monthly, Karla Marie, 214.521.8483 Last Friday ‐ Anthony Wong 65.91881627
TX, Houston ‐ Beth Vaughan, 281.703.5350
VA, Richmond ‐ Charlene Dortch, 804.839.3123
WA, Olympia ‐ Rev. Kathleen A. Butler, 360.753.1878 United Kingdom
London ‐ Linda Turner, 44.01622.736814
Bogotá ‐ Verónica Bau Valenzuela, 57310.5604110 Venezuela
Caracas ‐ Emily Russo, 0412.7361894,
Greece Caracas ‐ Graciela Le au, 0212.9874469 or 0414.2725451
Athens ‐ Last Wednesday, Xenia Ioannidou, +30.6932.30.39.29 West Indies
Pireaus ‐ Skype ‐ 2nd Wednesday every month Trinidad ‐ Rev. Lisa Gibbings‐Koo, 868.645.1473
Pireaus ‐ Last Wednesday of every month 14 Ascension — January 2014 — Vol. 26.01

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