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MATRIC NO MC230522113
COURSE TITLE Curriculum ,Instructions and Assessment in Education
DATE 20 August 2023

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Curriculum ,Instructions and Assessment in Education (ESEG5024) CONFIDENTIAL
Final Examination May 2023

Matric No: MC230522113


Answer 1:

Education is vital for any country’s development and success. As for Malaysia, for the

purpose of progress the ability of the country dealing with the challenge for globalization, the

main aim of the Ministry of Education is to ensure the education system transform accordingly

to the needs of national development. To modify current teaching practices in the Malaysian

context to better meet the needs of 21st-century learners, one can apply the principles of

curriculum design. Here's how I would approach this task:

As a teacher, I need to change my mindset from old method to 21 st century teaching

method such as using technology, student- centred approach, research based, student assessment

and differentiated learning. In 21st century classroom, there is I need to change my mindset from

the ‘old method to 21st century teaching methods’ such as using technology, student-centred

approach, research-based, student assessment and differentiated learning.

In 21st century classroom, there is a digital gap between teachers and students. Students

are considered as ‘digital natives’ while teachers are ‘digital immigrants’ because they are not

keeping up with the drastic changes in ICT. This involves having a clear vision on what needs to

be changed in the progress towards quality education. It also involves grooming the students to

excel not only at national level but at international level.

Then, I need to equip my selves with holistic pedagogical skills, explore the use of

various learning models that utilise technology to inculcate higher-order thinking skills, and

enhance students’ learning. To achieve this, teachers must be able to think creatively and

critically. I need to have innovative ideas that can be transferred to the students in the

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Curriculum ,Instructions and Assessment in Education (ESEG5024) CONFIDENTIAL
Final Examination May 2023

Matric No: MC230522113

classrooms. The MOE is taking every effort to provide training to help teachers master these

skills, in line with the objectives of the blueprint.

Next is teachers need to setting the assessment strategies. Teachers need to develop a

variety of assessment methods that measure both content knowledge and 21st-century skills.

Consider performance tasks, portfolios, presentations, and self-assessments to capture a holistic

view of student progress. Then try to make continuous reflection and adaptation. Regularly

reflect on the effectiveness of the curriculum design and teaching strategies. Seek feedback from

students, colleagues, and parents, and be open to making necessary adjustments to enhance

learning outcomes.

In conclusion, teachers play an important role in the implementation of a curriculum

change. Without the involvement of committed teachers, planned curriculum goals are not

achievable. Hence, among the challenges faced is in providing knowledgeable and quality

teaching personnels who are willing and receptive to changes in the education system. Teaching

and learning practices are also contributing factors for effective implementation of the

curriculum in the classroom. Therefore, teachers must plan their teaching and learning activities

and employ a variety of student-centred approaches as well as practising ongoing assessment.

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Curriculum ,Instructions and Assessment in Education (ESEG5024) CONFIDENTIAL
Final Examination May 2023

Matric No: MC230522113

Answer 2:

Evaluation determines the value of programs and acts as blueprints for judgment and

improvement. Worthen and Sanders (1987) defined curriculum evaluation as the formal

determination of the quality, effectiveness, or value of a programme, product, project, process,

objectives or curriculum. Formative evaluation is one of the methods and tools that the panel

could use to evaluate a curriculum.

Formative evaluation is generally any evaluation that takes place before or during a

project’s implementation with the aim of improving the project’s design and performance. It is

an ongoing classroom process that keeps students and educators informed of student’s progress

toward program learning objectives. The main purpose of formative evaluation is to improve

instruction and student learning. Formative evaluation does require time and money and this may

be a barrier to undertaking it, but it should be viewed as a valuable investment that improves the

likelihood achieving a successful outcome through better program design.

First type of evaluation tools involves judgmental data. In that expert, teachers,

supervisors, as well as students have made use of the curriculum materials and method need to

provide opinions, judgment and reaction of the curriculum materials. This type of evidence is

gathered by rating, questionnaire and interviews. The second type of evidence involves

observational data, which trained or untrained observers systematically gather during teaching-

learning situations in the classroom or elsewhere. This type of evidence is obtained by direct

observations in a free manner. Then we have a student learning, this type of evaluation

approaches the central problems of curriculum development. What kind of student learning take

place when the curriculum materials and method are used properly and be the main evidence has

to do with student learning takes place in relation to curriculum. Also, we can have a feedback

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Curriculum ,Instructions and Assessment in Education (ESEG5024) CONFIDENTIAL
Final Examination May 2023

Matric No: MC230522113

channel which is to stablish clear and accessible channels for stakeholders to provide feedback

on various curriculum components, such as lesson plans, instructional materials, assessments,

and technology integration.

There are some benefits we can get from formative evaluation is it identifies problems in

teaching and learning and helps to correct it. By being formative, it helps diagnostic weaknesses

at an early stage for purpose of remediation or individual teaching, for instance, the teacher is

failing to read the teacher can quickly find remedy. Thus, keeps pupils on toes and even in the

track of progress gives immediate feedback which is motivating. Formative also ideal for future

planning in terms of changing teaching methods and pupils’ activities, through resetting

objectives, use of effective media, regrouping and assessment methods as it helps to plan and

also extension work for the excelling students.

Furthermore, formative assessment is something that teachers ask or do to gather

information about a student. For example, asking your students to raise their hands if they have

any doubts is also a type of formative assessment. Without even knowing, you conduct various

formative assessments in your classroom. Here are a few common formative assessment

examples, asking students to mention subjects or topics that they find hard to understand.

Providing a specific worksheet or journal to students for expressing their thoughts. Requesting

class monitors to evaluate the performance of their in-mates and asking students to self-evaluate

their growth and performance.

As a conclusion, formative evaluation methods and tools are dynamic and should be used

continuously to inform ongoing curriculum adjustments. By using these methods, me and others

panel can ensure that the curriculum remains responsive to the evolving needs of teachers and


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Curriculum ,Instructions and Assessment in Education (ESEG5024) CONFIDENTIAL
Final Examination May 2023

Matric No: MC230522113

Answer 3:

All curriculums share one goal which is to help students learn. No matter what country or

district your school is in, student outcomes start with a solid plan. Curriculum plays a pivotal

role in shaping classroom practice, as it outlines the content, objectives, and methods of

instruction that guide teachers in their interactions with students. The impact of curriculum on

classroom practice is multi-faceted and can be discussed in several ways.

For a good shape in classroom practice, teacher role is very importance. Hence, teacher

self-rule is a must. The degree of flexibility allowed by the curriculum affects the teacher's self-

rule in designing classroom activities. Some curricula are more rigid, while others provide more

freedom for teachers to adapt and innovate.

Then, development of personality. The curriculum is also important and significant from

personality development of the student. The curriculum is planned which helps in development

in good qualities in students. It helps in developing physical, social and moral qualities of


Next is progress of knowledge, skill and attitude. The nature of curriculum provides the

basis for the developing knowledge, skills, attitude and creative ability. It also helps in

developing leadership qualities. Integration of 21st Century skills. Modern curricula often

emphasize the integration of 21st-century skills such as critical thinking, communication,

collaboration, and creativity. These skills influence the teaching methods and activities

employed in the classroom.

Also, we can refer to resource variety. Curriculum influences the selection of teaching

resources, including textbooks, supplementary materials, and technology tools. The chosen

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Curriculum ,Instructions and Assessment in Education (ESEG5024) CONFIDENTIAL
Final Examination May 2023

Matric No: MC230522113

resources align with the curriculum's goals and content, impacting the teaching methods and

student engagement.

Then, content emphasis. Curriculum describes what topics and subjects are to be taught

in the classroom. The content covered shapes the teaching materials, resources, and activities

used in the classroom. The curriculum's content emphasis inspirations the teacher's focus and the

students' learning experiences. Also, as time sharing which is need curriculum outlines the time

allocated to various topics or subjects. This influences how much time teachers spend on each

concept and the depth at which they can explore the material. Time sharing touches the pacing

and depth of instruction.

In summary, curriculum serves as a guiding framework that significantly influences

classroom practice. It determines what is taught, how it's taught, how learning is assessed, and

how students' diverse needs are addressed. Effective classroom practice involves a dynamic

interplay between curriculum design and the teacher's pedagogical expertise, resulting in

engaging and impactful learning experiences for students.

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Curriculum ,Instructions and Assessment in Education (ESEG5024) CONFIDENTIAL
Final Examination May 2023

Matric No: MC230522113


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