ESEG5013 Psychology of Learning and Instruction

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DATE 28TH October 2023

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Psychology of Learning and Instruction (ESEG5013) CONFIDENTIAL
Final Examination September 2023

Matric No: mc230522113


Bringing together the principles of the psychology of learning and instruction with the

psychology of education is crucial for designing effective educational strategies and curricula. This

integration helps educators understand how students learn and apply instructional methods that align with

these principles. Some of the key points and relevant examples to illustrate this integration can be list by

several ways.

Firstly, teachers can integrate these two points by understanding the Learning Theories. As a

teacher, we should have strong grasp of various learning theories such as behaviourism, cognitivism,

constructivism a socio-constructivism. All these theories help teachers to knowledge of instructional the

strategies and curriculum design. Mostly, the psychology of learning emphasizes the importance of

constructivism, which suggests that learners actively build their knowledge through experiences. In the

psychology of education, educators can use this principle by creating opportunities for students to

explore, experiment, and construct their own understanding. For example, in a science class, instead of

simply providing information about photosynthesis, teachers can design experiments where students

grow plants under different conditions. This hands-on experience allows students to construct their

understanding of photosynthesis.

Next is applying Feedback and Assessment in classroom. By utilizing the principles from

educational psychology to provide timely and constructive feedback. Formative assessment strategies can

help students understand their progress and make improvement. In the psychology of learning, we might

study the role of positive reinforcement in shaping behaviour. In the psychology of education, this

knowledge can be used to design a classroom environment where students receive timely and specific

feedback for their efforts, which can motivate them to engage more in the learning process. For examples,

in a mathematics class, instructors can give students regular quizzes or assignments with detailed

feedback, allowing students to identify and correct their mistakes as they progress through the course.

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Psychology of Learning and Instruction (ESEG5013) CONFIDENTIAL
Final Examination September 2023

Matric No: mc230522113

Motivation and engagement also be the main point. Teachers can apply principles of motivation

and self-determination theory to foster intrinsic motivation in students. Teachers can create a positive and

supportive classroom environment, setting a clear goal and provide an opportunity for student’s

autonomy and competence.

ZPD (Zone of Proximal Development), the concept rooted in Vygotsky's sociocultural theory,

highlights the importance of identifying a learner's current abilities and providing appropriate challenges

to promote growth. This is showing in the mixed-ability classroom, teachers can group students based on

their current skill levels, allowing them to work together on tasks that are just challenging enough to

facilitate learning.

Lastly, the reflection and adapting teaching skills in classroom management. Teachers should

regularly reflect on our own teaching method and their effectiveness. Willing to adapt and experiment

with the new strategies based on both psychology of learning and education research. In classroom

management, draw on psychological principles for effective classroom management, including strategies

to prevent and address disruptive behaviour while promoting a positive learning atmosphere.

In summary, integrating the psychology of learning and instruction with the psychology of

education is about applying evidence-based learning principles to teaching practices. It involves creating

learner-cantered environments, optimizing instructional methods, and considering individual differences

among students. By doing so, it is essential to keep in mind that the needs of student may vary so

flexibility and willingness to adapt are crucial for successful implementation. Then, a educators can

enhance the learning experiences of their students and promote better educational outcomes.

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Psychology of Learning and Instruction (ESEG5013) CONFIDENTIAL
Final Examination September 2023

Matric No: mc230522113


Effective teaching is a dynamic process that draws from deep understanding of learning theories

and motivation principles. The synergy of these two elements in a teacher’s approach can significantly

impact to the student engagement and achievement. By incorporating principles from both learning and

motivation theories, instructors can create a powerful learning environment. Here are ways to achieve this


Firstly, activate in the prior knowledge. Learning Theory helps in building on existing knowledge

enhances comprehension and Motivation Theory contribute into successful in recalling and using prior

knowledge boosts self-confidence and motivation. Instructors can start a lesson by asking students what

they already know about the topic. In a science class, for example, before teaching a new concept,

students might discuss their current understanding of the topic. This not only activates prior knowledge

but also empowers students by acknowledging their existing expertise.

Learning theories of Behaviourism posits that learning is a result of the responses to external

stimuli. As an instructor, we can apply behaviourist principles by using positive reinforcement to

encourage desired behaviours, thereby motivating students to engage in learning activities. For example,

in a primary school classroom, teacher usually using a sticker chart as a reward to students for completing

their homework. This extrinsic motivation encourages student to consistently complete assignments.

Then, setting a clear goal and achievement. Setting clear goals can motivate students by

providing a sense of purpose and direction. Teachers can be the guidance to students in setting both short-

term and long-terms goals. teachers can help students set specific, measurable, and realistic learning

goals. For example, in a mathematics course, students can set goals for mastering specific mathematical

concepts, and teachers can track progress toward those goals. Teachers also can work with students to set

individual math skill improvement goals for the semester and celebrating each milestone achieved.

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Psychology of Learning and Instruction (ESEG5013) CONFIDENTIAL
Final Examination September 2023

Matric No: mc230522113

Next is by creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment. Learning Theory helps to

positive and inclusive atmosphere enhances learning. A supportive environment boosts students' sense of

belonging and motivation. Instructors should establish classroom norms that encourage respect,

inclusivity, and active participation. In a diverse classroom, creating opportunities for students to share

their unique perspectives and experiences can enhance motivation and promote a sense of belonging.

Lastly, provide timely feedback. Feedback is essential for improving performance. Constructive

feedback fosters a sense of competence and enhances motivation. Teachers as instructor should offer

regular feedback on assignments and assessments. For example, in a writing class, teachers can provide

detailed feedback on drafts, highlighting areas for improvement while also acknowledging what the

student did well. This encourages students to take an active role in their learning and strive for


By combining these principles from learning and motivation theories, instructors can design

instruction that not only helps students acquire knowledge but also sustains and enhances their intrinsic

motivation to learn. Effective teaching requires adaptability and willingness to experiment with different

strategies to unlock the potential of each student. In this dynamic interplay of learning theories and

motivation strategies, teachers can create an environment where students are not only educated but also

inspired to become lifelong learners.

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Psychology of Learning and Instruction (ESEG5013) CONFIDENTIAL
Final Examination September 2023

Matric No: mc230522113


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