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Spalling is a breakaway of concrete surfaces that often extends to the top layers
of reinforcing steel. Concrete Spalling is greatly influenced by material limits such
as permeability of concrete, porosity, moisture content, properties of aggregate,
reinforcement, and presence of cracks. Spalls may be 150 mm or more in
diameter and 25mm or more in-depth, and the occurrence of smaller spalls is also
possible. Through time, the first floor of Casa Maria has been affected by spalling,
flaking, and peeling including columns, beams, and visually around 35% of the
concrete ceiling is continuously exposed to carbonation. Evidence of these has
left the concrete surface patchy and pitted, leaving some areas with exposed
carbonation (rust) on the aggregate and occurring falling apart underneath. These
should be properly repaired otherwise it compromises concrete and reinforcing
steel where continued carbonation happens to continually challenge the concrete
integrity and is a source of danger for people underneath. Likewise, the terrace
overhang where plants have been placed and underlying concrete subjected to
constant watering caused water to penetrate where the surface integrity of the
overlying concrete and the iron is most exposed thereby forcing carbonation
along with expansion. The pictures will reveal how much damage there is and a
closer inspection will certainly expose more damage than is visible.
Immediate repair is recommended to stop and restore aggregate integrity to
avoid continued destruction of the building.
To do repairs to these areas the ff. steps have to be put into effect:
Clean the area to be repaired from any dirt to eliminate bond breaker agents
Where heavy stains and dirt build up, a pressure washer may be needed to clean
the surface properly.
Remove Loose Concrete
Remove loose and broken concrete from the area using a hammer and chisel. It is
recommended to remove about 3.81cm deep of concrete to conduct a successful
After strongly tapping the surrounding area with a hammer to check for possible
deterioration. A hollow sound is a sign of deteriorated concrete and should
eliminate. This prevents the need for future repair of concrete.
Finally, eliminate dust and debris using a vacuum.
Clean the rebar from corrosion or other dirt using a wire brush and then, apply a
protective coating to avoid rusting
Apply Repair Material Mixture
There are a variety of products to use depending on the size of the repair and its
depth. Cement Grip Acrylic Based Bonding Agent Adhesive recommended for the
spalling repair on this project
If the spalling depth is less than 1/3 of the concrete thickness, the concrete
usually can receive a surface repair.
However, for damages greater than 1/3 of the concrete depth, steel bars may
need to be installed and a full depth restoration may be required.
Roughen the affected surface and apply a suitable adhesion agent to improve
After that, patch the area using suitable admixture
The best-recommended patching material is Portland-cement-based or epoxy.
Damage on driveways, walkways, and other horizontal surfaces may be repaired
with a cementitious overlay.
Using a margin trowel, scrape off the excess product and apply the finishing
touches to the surface to level it
Curing shall be observed so the material adequately cures to make sure that it
gains the required strength.
Apply Paint or Coat on Repaired Surface
After the material is set completely, then we will apply paint or waterproofing
membrane to avoid the re-occurrence of spalling.
The first ten (10) pictures are spalling damages caused to the main house. It will
be primary to do tapping on the most surrounding areas, tapping will reveal more
damage along with increased sizes and characteristic spalling particularly will be
exposed caused by oxidation or rusting.
Spalling underneath the house has reached an estimated depth of 10 – 25 mm in
badly damaged places whereby steel reinforcement is exposed and visible
carbonation is in progress. To deal with this it is necessary for carbonation testing
at least to be done every 2 meters or so. Testing will need club hammering of
weakened plaster under the exposed concrete which is usually more than can be
expected. When tapped lightly with a club hammer, areas that sound hollow will
reveal actual damage. These unstable portions will need to be chiseled to expose
the true extent of the damage caused by spalling. As a result, sectional repairs will
have to be done to prevent further carbonization that will weaken the affected
areas of the structure.
The set-up of sturdy scaffolding will be required to begin work, we go up to reach
and inspect spalling conditions on the concrete ceilings, columns, and beams.
Likewise, the columns on both sides of the main entrance gate leading to the
carpark of the rear garden have been severely damaged by bouganvilla plants
penetrating between the wall and columns. Please check the pictures to best
describe the status. The suggested repairs will be to build two (2) new columns to
replace old, reclined, and damaged ones. This will destroy the overhead beam
that has suffered several breaks, making it a threatening structure once the
columns are taken down. The construction of a new overhanging beam will be
required to retain the old design yet be stronger. It will be necessary to remove
the roots of the old bougainvillea plant as it remains a threat to prevent the
recurrence of the same predicament.
More spalling will be discovered if tapping is done and can easily be observed in
the fissure on the concrete wall. Already the column has slanted, causing a long
fissure from the bottom to the top of the joint where the column and wall meet. If
not subjected to repair and building of new columns the damage will progress
until the structure collapses.

Materials 248,000
Labor 8 carpenter/masons @ 48 days 201,600
Technical/Consultation and Equipment 70,000
TOTAL 519,600
Forty (40) bags of Portland cement
One load (1) of sand
One load (1) of gravel
Forty-three (43) pcs Rebar Iron steel 12mm
Twelve (12) gallons of concrete bonding compound
Primer paint (8) gallons
Six (6) gallons of Epoxy Mortar to make concrete bond to steel
Ten (10) GI steel tie wire gauge #16
Six (6) kg. Concrete nails 3 inches long
Four (4) kgs of ordinary nails
Nine (9) pcs. Plywood 4’x8’
Sixteen (16) pcs. 2”x 2”12’ lumber
Five (5) gallons of Latex paint white
Six (6) pcs Four-inch wide paintbrush
Six (4) pcs three-inch wide paintbrush
Four (4) pcs paint rollers
Three (3) masking tape 2” wide
Hauling of debris to be removed
MITIGATION being the identification of the basic problems that can help prevent
further problems in the future. Such as Spalling, the condition that make
concrete and brickwork flake, crack, crumble or chip where water or moisture
makes a penetration through heat and some mechanical process.
For the project, the long exposure in time became the dominant factor for all the
extensive spalling that has occurred in the plastered walls and ceilings.
Included too are identification of iron surfaces that build up damages caused by
exposure to oxygen that causes formation of rust that builds up and later on falls
off. These are noted in the iron gates and the exposed rebars to damaged
concrete surfaces.

RESTORATION the process of cleaning, removing of old unusable portions then

integrating old surfaces, clean
1. The main entrance walls and ceilings to include the drivers room and some
portions of Ador’s quarters.

1. First Floor Guest Room Repairs:
Clothes cabinet damaged by infestation of termites. Strip down of entire
old clothes cabinet; cleaning; concrete ceiling of floor with sealing
compound; reconstruction of cabinets old design; plastering, sanding and
repainting; installation of new electrical wirings, lighting and switches.
2. The tearing down of the old stinky main drain of the house. The
construction of a deeper, wider and waterproofed watercourse made with
cleanouts every meters. The whole canal is slanted all the way from the
downspout from the beginning near the kitchen to the exit outside the
fence. Slope is 50 cm. from beginning to end. (COMPLETED)
3. The tearing down of the back gate. To include two nature damaged
columns slanting and causing weakening of the old beam supporting the
wooden roof likewise damaged by nature. Building of two new columns
with steel reinforcement from the foundations to the steel reinforced
beams. Installation of long span roofing. Electrical installation for lighting
and switch. (C0MPLETED)
4. Master’s bedroom water leaks. Roof treated with water sealants. Leaky
walls reviewed and leaking areas treating with water proofing compound.
End of window where a nature caused wood degeneration found and
sealed. (COMPLETED)
5. Kitchen ceiling damage. Damaged ceiling board removed, replaced and
plastered and painted.
6. Installation of roll up rattan curtains in dining room windows. Application of
sanding sealer for curtain. (COMPLETED)
7. Replacement of water sink from clay pot to ceramic made at bridge patio
coming from dining room to main bedroom. Installing new plumbing for the
sink. (COMPLETED) Php 10,000.00
8. Painting of ceiling in Living room in last few days.

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