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Certificate Of Participation

This is to certify that the following candidates from MALNAD COLLEGE OF

ENGINEERING, HASSAN from the branch of the Computer Science Department
have conducted their AICTE activity for 80hrs from 24/08/2022 to 04/09/2022
with the topic "Prepare and Improve a plan to improve health parameters of
villagers" in a different manner by conducting various experiments related to
Nutrition, Hygiene, Vaccination, etc. which were beneficial to the villagers to
improve themselves also can help to improve the health of villagers and reduce
the burden of diseases.

Students List:-
Shreyank B K - 4MC20CS146
Shreya J - 4MC20CS145
Shashank M P - 4MC20CS142
Shivaprasad J - 4MC20CS143
Shreyas A T - 4MC20CS147
Siddharth BP - 4MC20CS149
Sanjay D N - 4MC20CS135
Sohan H - 4MC20CS159
Swati S Shetty - 4MC20CS171
Ranjan H T - 4MC20CS121
Mayur A B - 4MC20CS084
Madhusudhanam M R - 4MC20CS077
Likith U S - 4MC20CS074
Ajay Sarangam - 4MC16CS002

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